03x10 - Formation! The Sasuke Retrieval Squad

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x10 - Formation! The Sasuke Retrieval Squad

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away

Don't forget your objective...

Don't go!

Thank you...


The Sasuke Retrieval Squad!

It's already four o'clock
in the morning...

That Fifth Hokage is
a real sl*ve driver.

She ought to retrieve
the documents she forgot herself...

Huh... What's the matter?

Hey! Wake up!

You'll catch cold if you sleep
in a place like this.

Thank you...



Good work...

Fifth Hokage! You were asleep
just now, weren't you?

When you made us
go to fetch the documents!

And only you got to sleep!

More importantly, Lady Hokage,

there's something
I want to report to you.

What is it?

What did you just say?!

Is that true?!


According to Sakura Haruno,
it appears that there's no mistake...

That they should already be on the move...

In addition to getting what I want...

This time, I will completely
destroy Leaf Village.

So what that pervert wants...

is the Uchiha's powers, huh...

Izumo! Kotetsu!

There's somebody
I want you to bring here!

Hurry up and eat, Shikamaru!
Your Dad's mission starts today, too!

There's not that much time
for morning training!


One OK is enough!

Nag, nag, nag from early
in the morning...

I wonder who it could be
so early in the morning?

Hey... Dad...

What is it?

Why did you marry
a hard edged woman like Mom?

Let's see now...

Even though Mom's like that,
she smiles gently sometimes...

Maybe that's why...

Is that the only reason?


A messenger of the Fifth Hokage
is here.

Sasuke Uchiha apparently slipped out
of the village late last night.

And... there is almost no mistake

that he is headed for
the Village Hidden in the Sound!

Slipped out?! Why...

Because he was enticed by
that Orochimaru!

W-W-Wait a minute!

Why does Sasuke have to be enticed
by a risky guy like that?!

The reason doesn't matter.
In any case, there's no time.

You will perform your first mission
as a Chunin...

So all I have to do
is bring Sasuke back?

As long as there aren't
any enemies around,

that shouldn't be
too much of a hassle...

Yes... However, not only is time
of the essence on this mission,

but it may turn into something
quite difficult.


There is a strong possibility that

those under the control of Orochimaru
are guiding Sasuke.

This is turning into a real pain
in the neck.

That guy... I held him in high respect
in so many different ways...

In that case, please give me
a four man team

composed only of Jonin and Chunin.

I'm afraid I can't do that...

Huh! Why?!

You already know
the answer to that...

Right now, only the barest minimum
number of Jonin have been left behind

and the others have all
left the village on missions.

Within the next 30 minutes,

I want you to gather all the Genin you
consider the best, and leave this village!

It's a drag but...

I know the guy,
so I just can't just let the matter go.

What shall be, shall be...

There's one guy
I want to recommend.

What! You've gotta be kidding!

You are such a drag starting
so early in the morning...

But why this guy?

That jerk!

Hey, just wait here!

I'll change my clothes immediately!

So, do you have your eye...

on any other guys besides me
who are excellent?


Wake up! Hey!

You said excellent guys, right...

Can't be helped...

Potato chips?

They're barbecued meat flavor...
you help out too!


Here he comes!

Even if it is just potato chips,

I won't let anybody else have
the last piece, no matter who you are.

Choji and I have worked as
a team for many years,

so coordinating with him
is easiest for me.

I understand that,

but in this kind of situation,
one would normally solicit Shino first!

Oh, shut up.

Fat chance!

Shino is on a special mission
with his father.

Hey... don't tell me...

Right. He's in.

No way!

I see... Sounds interesting...

It looks like it was worth getting up early
and going for a walk, doesn't it?

Shikamaru, what about the other guys?

I'd like to take my time to look for some,
but we're pressed for time.

If we don't find anybody else
by the time we leave the village,

it will be just us!

It appears that your operation
was a success.


Is it okay for you
to be released already?

I was told that I would be able
to undertake light training soon.

I see...

I see...

It's a hassle,
but the more people the better...

Damn... At a time like this, I...

Lee! Do what you need to do.

I'll climb these steps alone
starting tomorrow!


I'll be fine! You go!

We're at our time limit!

Well, I've assembled five people...

All right! Everybody, follow me!


Hey, Naruto...

I'm supposed to be the squad leader.
Though it sure is a drag...

You really think everything will be okay
if things are left in your hands?

You don't seem very reliable...

What's up with you acting
like the boss, Naruto?

Although being ordered about by
some unmotivated guy like Shikamaru

doesn't sit right with me either...

But Shikamaru is already a Chunin!

We have to follow his orders.

What that means is that
the elders of the village recognized him

as capable of being a leader.

Since that's the case,
come up with some strategy and plan.

From what I heard,
there are enemies

and there's a strong possibility
that they're gonna ambush us.

For a start,
as this is a rescue operation,

we will be in the position
of pursuit.

In other words,
the enemy can easily gain the initiative.

Therefore, I will decide
on a deployment formation

that will respond quickly
to any as*ault by the enemy.

If you ignore me and
move of your own accord,

we will all die.

We will go in a single file formation.

First of all,
the all-important spearhead will be...

Kiba, that's you!

You and Akamaru go on
walks year round

and are therefore well versed in the terrain
and geography of the Land of Fire.

And since your nose is
very sensitive,

you can track Sasuke
with your sense of smell and,

you can distinguish booby traps
that carry the enemy's scent

which makes them
easy to find...

And moreover, you and Akamaru as
a pair will be extremely efficient

in compensating for the weakness
of a single file formation to as*ault.

And... second in line will be me,
the squad leader.

I can give orders
as required in any situation

from my position
directly behind Kiba

and can give orders to those behind me
using only hand signals.

And in the middle...
in the number three position is Naruto.

The middle position is
the best for you,

since you're capable
of executing quick moves

and are able to respond immediately
to anything in front or behind.

You're the cornerstone...
And you have Shadow Clone, too.

And fourth in line is Choji.

You. You don't have speed,

but your ability to strike is the best
among the squad members.

Line leader Kiba, I, and Naruto
will launch a surprise attack

and I'll use you to launch
the deciding blow.

In other words, your role is
to attack the routed enemy.

And then, on the tail end
will be you, Neji...

You are assigned to
the most difficult position of rear lookout.

You will use your Byakugan
to constantly check

that there are no loopholes
in the ranks.

Got it? Take a careful look at this.

Use this diagram to verify
the radius of your assigned watch.

Kiba watches the front,

I'm responsible for
a wide forward view,

Naruto watches left, Choji right,
and Neji...

Using your Byakugan,
you cover the entire area to the rear.

I want to familiarize myself
with our current military potential.

Let me check all the Ninja equipment
each of you currently has...

I will commit that
to memory straight away.

Any questions?

Even though he just assembled
his men a short while ago,

he's already created
the best possible formation...

If not, I want to tell you
the most important thing last.

Sasuke and I aren't close friends.

In fact, I don't particularly like him.

However, he is also a Shinobi belonging
to the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

He is a comrade!

Therefore, I will put my life
on the line to help him!

That's the way
of the Leaf Village.

In this case, even I can't just sit back
and be a sluggard.

Because I am responsible
for your lives.

Wow... You're acting kind of
like a Chunin, aren't you?!

Okay then, as soon as he's checked
our Ninja tools, we'll depart.

Everybody, take out your Ninja tools.

Sasuke wouldn't fall victim
to that kind of guy's enticement...

He's already
a really powerful guy,

so he wouldn't need to do
that kind of thing! I guarantee it!

Damn... Why, Sasuke...?!

All right! Let's go!



I heard the whole story
from Lady Hokage.

I'm sorry, but I can't take you along
on this mission.

Even you weren't able
to convince Sasuke, right?

All that can be done now is for us
to use force to convince him...

Sakura, your role in this has ended.

Which means, Sakura,
that you and Sasuke?!


Naruto... This is a...
once in a lifetime request...

Please bring...
please bring Sasuke back.

I couldn't do it!
I wasn't able to stop Sasuke!

At this point, the only person
who would be able to stop Sasuke...

who would be able to save him...

is you... Naruto...

You like Sasuke so much,
don't you, Sakura?

I understand to my very core

how painful it must be
for you right now, Sakura.

Sakura, there's one thing
I want to ask you.


How do you feel about...Naruto?

Thwarting someone's love seems
to have become natural to him.

He actually seems to be enjoying
my suffering.

Naruto doesn't understand
the least thing about me.

He's just annoying.

Naruto... thank you...

I'll bring Sasuke back without fail!
I promise that on my life!

You always understood me...

You always helped me...


Hey, hey, Naruto!

You really think you're gonna be okay
saying that kind of thing?!

Sure! I will not go back on my word.

That's my Way of the Ninja!

All right! Let's hurry up and go!

We've lost a little time...
Let's hurry!


Naruto struck the pose of
a nice guy as he said that...

It'll all be all right now.

I'm positive...
I'm positive that it will all go well!

Master Sasuke... Around here will do,
don't you think?

We've already exited
the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

What is that?

To tell you the truth,

Orochimaru has given us
one important task...

So... what is it?

It will be necessary for you
to die once...

Once in a long while, once in a while

The remnants of a person
broken by dreams

Look like a mountain

Clinging to the Divine,
clinging to Buddha

The remnants of a person crying

Look like a mountain

Rendezvous with a happy dance circle

This is my victory pose, round and around
(round around)

Shake shake shake
Let's look

With a bye bye rhythm that never ends

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

From here on up, there's more danger
of traps and ambushes.

- Stay alert and use all your senses.
- Roger that!

- Find the enemy before he gets you.
- You can count on me!

- And any signs of the enemy
- Right!

Say, are you listening?!

Not to worry.
No matter who the enemy may be,

I'll thrash him with
my new technique!

I'm a fool to
even attempt to explain.
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