03x23 - The Leaf's Handsome Devil!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x23 - The Leaf's Handsome Devil!

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away

The Leaf's Handsome Devil!


No matter how many times you try...

it's the same!

I'll acknowledge you.

You're not only sharp...

You're also very determined...

In addition, I'm nice, too...

Striking a helpless woman
is against my policy...

But however I look at it,

you don't have the feel of
a helpless woman...

in your case!

Don't be getting full of yourself

just because you released
the Genjutsu, you little clod...!

She's still not completely bound.

Damn it...

I can't lose!

A little more...

What Chakra does she have?!

Even if I bind her
at point blank range,

she still pushes back...

But, I'll get hammered
for sure if I let go now.

After all, I just have to put this
to rest with this Jutsu.

Hang in there, Akamaru!

Damn it... What's going on?!

Damn it!

One more... to go...

This guy's crazy strong...

Not a single hit with that
many shadow clones...

It's about time...

I've been eagerly waiting.

Lord Orochimaru's ambition...
The first step...


Sasuke! What're you doing
with these guys?!

Come on! We're going home now!



Should we go home?


We've both made it to the top!

I want to fight you too.

Hey... We're going home.

Everyone's worried about you.



Please. Bring back Sasuke...!

You can hear my voice, can't you?!

Wait, Sasuke!

It's futile...


Who're you?

The rejuvenated...

Leaf Village's Handsome Devil...

Rock Lee!

B-Bushy Brow?

Bushy Brow, you!
What about your body...?

More importantly, Naruto.
Go get Sasuke.

But... you...

Please leave this person to me!

This guy's...good...

Bushy Brow! Be careful!
He uses his own bones to attack.

Bones... you say?

He's crazy strong...

What're you doing?!
Please go, quickly!


You also promised Sakura
with a "nice guy pose," right?!

I'll bring back Sasuke, no matter what!

It's a promise of a lifetime!

This person... I'll beat him!

I promise!


I won't let you!


Please don't ignore me!


Bushy Brow...

You don't have the time
to be inattentive!

Good response!


If Sasuke is inside that coffin...

It'd be totally impossible to take them
on with a Genin team...

We Jonin are in this plight...

We should organize a special team
and send them out for backup.

We can't do that...

Ever since Orochimaru's attack,

the Leaf is currently losing strength
as a great land.

You understand that the Jonin
and Chunin are being totally mobilized

in order to take out possible domestic
and international dangers.

Even if the Sharingan were to fall
into Orochimaru's hands...

We should now prioritize
avoiding w*r with other lands.

But... I'm sure the Orochimaru situation
isn't a problem that can be deferred forever.

If he regains power...
He'll promptly attack again...

I know...

I'm not such a fool.

I was sure to think about it and
measures have already been taken.

In here!

What's wrong, Guy?
You're on the brink of exhaustion.

Did something happen
on your mission?

No... I took care of the mission
and ran back with all of my might...

More importantly...

Lee! What happened with
Lee's surgeny?!

It was a success.

He can start training starting tomorrow
if it's just for Jutsu.

Well, bed rest for a while
would be best though.

Th-There's trouble, Lady Fifth Hokage.

Rock Lee is gone!


Next will be the end.

Damn it... Last night while
I treated Genma and Raido?


That fool... He went after them.

And... he must've been really flustered...

He took my bottle of sake for
a bottle of medicine by mistake...



Uh...Uh oh...

What's wrong, Guy?

Actually, when Lee drinks even
a little bit of alcohol...

Things get... so messy...

Get so messy?

Severe Leaf Hurricane!

He's agile... My kicks don't hit.

You're flexible to
a surprising extent...

And you make unique movements, eh?

You're too... straight forward.

It's over...

Please wait!

I'm sorry.
It's about time for my medicine!

I have to be sure to drink it, so...

Excuse me a moment.

I've always disliked medicine.

It... happened before when
I took him to a restaurant

to celebrate his acquisition
of the "Hidden Lotus"

Lee mistook my sake for water...

As soon as he drank just
a small cup...

of the sake, things got ugly...

Got ugly...?

After a silence that was like
right before a storm...

The moment I realized it,

the restaurant...

had gotten all messed up...

Medicine always tastes stran...

What...? What did this guy drink?

Messed up?
What do you mean?

He's terribly...!

Lady Tsunade... Lee goes into

an incredible drunken frenzy!


Who the heck are you?! Hey!

Geez, who are you anyway?

Acting cool... So irritating...

Hence, he's a natural user of...

Drunken Fist!


For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

Would you think it was
a bother if I approached you?

Despite my doubts,
I worked up my courage

My clumsy attempts with words

You listened without turning away

No wonder I get carried away by you

But you don't feel anything for me, do you?

I feel so sad


For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

You fell for it, didn't you?!

How about my strategy?

This is the Shinobi Secret
of reading the double bluff!

Guy Sensei! I did it once again!

But, what's this?!
The world is oddly...

and I've no inclination of losing!
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