03x29 - Brothers: Distance Among the Uchiha

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x29 - Brothers: Distance Among the Uchiha

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey boys, listen up!

Humans aren't such a big deal

Who needs tomorrow anyway,

so don't hide your fists

You're not old enough

to sell your dreams away to uncertainty

Hey boys, you're the only ones

who can pull the trigger in your heart

All the kids said

We're living in this senseless, ridiculous,

awesome world right at this moment,

All the kids said

Don't forget every truth or lie

All the kids said

We're way too young to die

In this empty town lined with empty faces

All the kids took off

into this windless night

Because they want to change something


You punk!

What's with... this guy?


Damn it...

Is this the best you've got?

If this is all you've got,
I still don't need to use that...


You haven't realized it?
I... haven't used my Sharingan.

Don't mock me!

You don't have enough strength
or desire...

You are weak.

Why you are weak?
Because you don't have enough... hatred.

If I kept playing comrade with you guys...

I wouldn't have... been able to get...

...this much power!

That's right... I need...

Both power... and hatred...
in order to catch up with him.

Distance Among the Uchiha

Big Brother... I'll get off.

Don't push it...



What's up?

This is the place...
where Father works, right?

Yeah... The headquarters
of the Leaf Police Force.

I was curious about it from before,

but why's the Uchiha Clan crest
on the Police Force mark?

Oh... so you noticed, huh?

Of course...

Yeah... Let me see...
To put it simply...

it seems the previous generations
of the Uchiha Clan

set up and established the Police Force.

So they used their own crest for
the symbol mark of this organization.

From olden times,
the Uchiha Clan has always been

in charge of protecting
the public and the peace of this village.

The Uchiha crest is
a testament to the proud clan.

The Uchiha Clan has gotten small now.

But even now, nearly all members
belong to this first force here.

And contribute to maintaining
peace in the village.

Only even more exceptional Shinobi
can crack down on the crimes

committed by Shinobi, so...

Sure enough, father's awesome!

Leaf Police Force
Are you going to enter
the Police Force, too?

Well... I'm not sure...

Why not?!

When I grow up, I'm also going
to enter the Police Force, so!

Father's also coming to
tomorrow's entrance ceremony.

It's the first step to my dream.

That's right.

You're late... What were you doing?


I have something to talk to you about.
Come quickly.

That's my boy.

You've come this far just half a year
after being promoted to Chunin.

About tomorrow's special mission...

I've decided to go with you, too.


If you complete this mission, Itachi...

your entrance into
the Anbu Black Ops is almost assured!

You understand, right?

You don't have to be so worried.
More importantly...

Umm... Father...

Tomorrow's my...

Tomorrow's mission will be
a very important mission not just for you,

but for the Uchiha Clan!

I'm quitting tomorrow's mission, after all.

What're you doing talking insanity?!

You should know how important
a day tomorrow is!

I'm going to Sasuke's Academy
entrance ceremony tomorrow...

The general rule is for relatives
to attend the Academy entrance ceremony.

There was the notice, right... Father?

I get it already.

I'll go to the Academy...

Your left leg...

Be sure to ice it.


Big Brother... He's so distant...

Entrance Ceremony

Everyone! Congratulations
on your entrance!

From here on, please work very hard
towards striving for the Shinobi path.

And I'd like you to bring further prosperity
to the Hidden Village in the Leaf.

Gee... I remember
the time when Itachi entered.

Just what I'd expect from his brother.

Thank you for your help with both boys.

Oh, it's nothing like that.

The first prodigy since the beginning
of the Academy...

There were no students
as exceptional as that boy.

That's a bit too much praise.

Not at all...

I'm hopeful for you, too.

Become a fine Shinobi
like your big brother.


Hey... That's Uchiha, right?


I wonder... if he's awesome, too.

Hmm... Must be.

Recess at last! What a drag.
I'm still not used to this place...

You want some too, Shikamaru?

I mean, all of your recesses
have become meal times.

That's my boy...

I've great confidence
you'll make it great in Anbu.

This won't do!

Won't do!

I've got a long way... to go...


You should rest your body
on your days off at least.

You don't have to push it.

I heard... that Big Brother graduated
from the Academy in just one year.

The times are different, then and now.

Besides, that kid is a bit special, so...

That's my boy...

Now, I'm going to hand out
the report cards for the first half.

Taijutsu: 1st in class and academy
Ninjutsu: 1st in class and academy
Individual rank: 1st in class and academy
Team rank: 1st in class and academy

Do a fine job in this vein like
your big brother.

Father... I wanted you to say,
"That's my boy," to me...

What did you say?

What do you mean you can't participate
in the assembly tomorrow?!

You don't understand your own position!

I'm setting out on a mission tomorrow.

What're they doing this late
at night with the lights off?

What mission?!

I can't say...
It's a top secret mission.

Itachi... You also have the role
of the pipe which connects the clan

with the keystone of the village.

You know that, don't you?


Keep that well in mind!
And come to tomorrow's assembly!


Get to bed after
you've gone to the bathroom.


What're you doing hanging around
this late at night?

Get to bed!


Report Card

Father only thinks about you, Big Brother...

Am I loathsome to you?

It's okay.

It's logical for Shinobi to be
ill thought of by people, so...

That's not how I feel...

Brother's right.
I really do... think ill of him...

Excellence is not easy at all.

If you have power,
you become alienated and also arrogant.

Even if you're coveted
and sought after at first.

But, we only have each other
for siblings.

I will continue to exist with you
as a wall you must get over...

Even if I'm ill-thought of...
That's what a big brother is.

Is Itachi home?!

I have something to
talk to you about. Come out!

Why's everyone gathered here?

There are two people who didn't come
to yesterday's assembly.

Why didn't you come?!

He didn't go to the assembly Father
was talking about last night, after all.

I understand that when you enter Anbu,

you get roped into various
troublesome things.

Your father also said something
like that in your defense.

But for us, we don't intend
to treat you special.

Understood. I shall be careful next time.

Now I'm going to have
to ask you to leave.

Right... But before that,
there's a little more I want to ask you...

It's about Shisui Uchiha who threw himself
into the Nakano River to k*ll himself.

Threw himself?!

The other person who didn't come
to the assembly is that Shisui.

As I recall, you adored him
like a real older brother.

I see... I hadn't seen him at all recently.

That's too bad.

And we the Police Force have decided
to launch an all-out investigation.


This is the will Shisui wrote.

The analysis of the handwriting
has been completed.

No mistake, he did indeed write it.

If there are no m*rder leads,
then what's the investigation?

It'd be easy for a person who can use
Sharingan to copy handwriting, you see...

The most adept Uchiha.

The man feared as Shisui,
"the Instantaneous Man."

He was a man who would take
the lead no matter what the mission

if it was for the sake of the clan.

It's tough to think that

such a man would leave something
like this and k*ll himself.

You shouldn't judge people...
only on looks and speculation.

For the time being,
I leave the will with you.

Take that and you request cooperation
in the investigation from Anbu Black Ops.


I hope we get a lead.

Also, we have a different route
to Anbu Black Ops.

We'll know right away if you do something
like crushing the investigation request.

Why don't you just come right out
and say it?

You suspect me, right?

Yeah. That's right, you little punk...

Listen up, Itachi.

Just try doing something
like betraying the clan and...

it'll cost you!

I told you before.

You shouldn't judge people...
only on looks and speculation.

It's because you take the liberty to
judge me as patient and take me lightly.

Clan... Clan...

You measure incorrectly
the size of your own vessels

and don't know the depth of mine,
so you grovel there...

I've never seen him like this...

Shisui... was monitoring you recently...

Half a year after entering Anbu...

the strangeness of your behavior
couldn't be overlooked.

What the hell are you thinking?

Fixated on the organization,

fixated on the clan,
fixated on the name.

It's a dreadful thing that constrains oneself
and labels one's own vessel.

And it's a foolish thing...

that fear and hate...
what one has never seen or known...

Stop, Itachi!

What the hell's the matter
with you?!

You've been a little strange lately.

I'm not strange at all.

I'm carrying out my own role...
That's it.

Then why didn't you come last night?

In order to elevate myself higher...

What're you talking about?

My vessel is dismayed
at this foolish clan!

From olden times,
the Uchiha Clan has all along

been in charge protecting
the peace of this village.

The Uchiha crest is a testament
to the proud clan.

That's my boy...

I've great confidence
you'll do great in Anbu Black Ops.

Because you're fixated
on insignificant things like clans...

you lose sight of what's truly important.

True change cannot be made if stuck
within the restrictions of regulations,

and constrained predictions
and imagination...

Saying such arrogant things!

Enough! You'll be imprisoned
if you say any more foolish nonsense.

Excellence is not easy at all.

If you have power,
you become alienated and also arrogant...

even if you're coveted
and sought after at first...

Why... Big Brother?

What do you say?!

I can't tolerate it anymore...
Captain, order imprisonment!

Big Brother! Stop it already!

I'm not the one who k*lled Shisui.

But I apologize for
my numerous slips of the tongue.

I'm very sorry...

Recently, it seems he's been up
to his ears in Anbu Black Ops missions

and was a little tired...


The Anbu Black Ops is a force
under the direct control of Lord Hokage...

Even we the Police Force can't arrest him,
if we don't have an arrest warrant.

And as for Itachi...

I will take the responsibility
and monitor him.



With this, you've woken up, right?

We had a hindrance back at that time...

But it won't be like that this time.

I'll show you...
the true power of Sharingan.

When I recalled the parts one by one,

I felt as though
I had understood everything

Faded words which I kept so close to me

Speechless nights, a hint of warmth,

and this distant yearning for you

I live, simply repeating this cycle

Held in my two hands
A droplet of time

Softly clutching forgotten memories
Lost words

I'll keep these thoughts...

Give me all you've got,

Or is this all you've got?

You were talking impudently
about your Way of Ninja

and this is all you've got?

You've gotta be kidding! Right now,
you're not even worth beating!
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