04x01 - The Three Villains from the Maximum Security Prison

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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04x01 - The Three Villains from the Maximum Security Prison

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey boys, listen up!

Humans aren't such a big deal

Who needs tomorrow anyway,

so don't hide your fists

You're not old enough

to sell your dreams away to uncertainty

Hey boys, you're the only ones

who can pull the trigger in your heart

All the kids said

We're living in this senseless, ridiculous,

awesome world right at this moment,

All the kids said

Don't forget every truth or lie

All the kids said

We're way too young to die

ln this empty town lined with empty faces

All the kids took off

into this windless night

Because they want to change something

The Three Villains from
the Maximum Security Prison

All right!

I can start my training!

Right now, this is all I can do.
I can't allow myself to fail!

What's up?

Going to all the trouble of coming
to pick me up like this...

You're on your way to Kurenai Sensei's
after this anyway, right... ?

Taking the time to converse
once in a while...

that's also part of teamwork.

Let me hear about your mission.

It was pretty incredible...

But you wouldn't understand
even if I explained it to you.

I don't want Akamaru to experience
that kind of thing ever again.

And for that reason, I must polish
my Jutsu all the more...

I want to hear about it in detail.

Because that's what teamwork
is about.

Are you sulking

'cause you were the only one
who was passed up?

You are sulking, aren't you?

There have to be more further up...

Until I can see it...

I can't believe you're doing
that from the morning...

Neji, let's take a break.


- Let's go, Hinata!
- Okay!

Father, see you later.

Barbecued meat ?
This early in the morning, huh ?

Just when he was looking good
after losing some weight

when he was released
from the hospital.

He made an amazing rebound,
didn't he?

With that good an appetite,

there aren't any more worries
about his health, are there?

When I'm done eating,
help me with my training, okay?

Asuma Sensei!

Hey, are you an idiot
or something

You're recuperating, you know!

L Lee... Come on,
let's take a short break...

What's the matter, Guy Sensei?

The prime of one's youth waits
for no one, you know.

Maintaining the prime of one's youth
is starting to get tough...

Thank you very much!

Do your best, guys...

I'll master the Shuriken Jutsu by
the next time you're here!

M Me too...

I want to become a Kunoichi
just like you, Temari...

I'm honored.

I apologize for asking you
to teach at the Academy...

since we're so short staffed right now.

You probably would've preferred
to go sightseeing or something.

No problem.
I'm doing this because I enjoy it.

Yeah... And we were also able to survey

the future potential of
the Leaf's military power...

Well, be careful going home.


If something happens again,
I'll come to your rescue again.

Just let me know, crybaby.

You always say too much.
That's why girls are...

Let's kick butt again today, Akamaru!

All right, everybody's here right?

You don't need to be so tense, Hinata...

Y Yeah...

All right! Everybody stand ready!

I can't...lose to Naruto...!

All right! I'm ready!

I just have to wait
for Pervy Sage to come!

There he is!

But my training...

Don't get so pouty, Naruto.

Some work came in all of a sudden.
It can't be helped.

It's just gonna be doing
an interview

for some obscene magazine
anyway, right?

That kind of thing isn't called work.

It's a mission to gather information
about the Akatsuki Organization.

But if I tell this guy that,

he might ask me to
let him come.


I'll make it up to you by...

Huh ?

W What's this?

It's so that you don't get bored
while you're staying at home,

it's a special training menu
I put together!


Wait, wait!

My own prized secret training
methods are inscribed here.

Don't read this where
other people might see it!


Well, do your best!

I'm gonna use this
to train vigorously!

Thank you, Pervy Sage!

The walls have ears...
paper doors have eyes...

Pervy Sage's secret training methods...



Pervy Sage!

Since I have been entrusted

with the great Village Hidden
in the Leaves that you built,

no matter what danger might strike,
it is my duty to protect it.

The Hokage sure has it tough, huh.

Yes, you really do.

Is that you, Shizune?

All of these reports regarding
the village's internal affairs accumulated

because so many things
were happening in the Leaf Village.

I guess the only thing to do
is start at the top.

Leaf Maximum Security Facility.

Did its name changet ?

Yes, in the past
it was called

Prison Specializing in
Capital Offenses Ninja.

Fortunately, because there
is a downward trend

in felonies committed by Shinobi,

along with the downsizing of the facility,
the name was changed as well.

Incarcerated are murderers,

those who were involved in
leaking classified secrets, and so on.

They are all criminal Ninja...

There haven't been any noticeable
disruptions in the past few years

and the facility has been
relatively stable.

- Food!

It's finally time to eat,
isn't it, Elder Brother!

Yeah! I'm so excited!

Hey! Fujin! Raijin!

If you don't shut up,
you're gonna go without dinner!

Gimme a break! Those guys...

You may pass!

Hey! Wait!

You're hurt, aren't you?

Go to the dispensary later
and have that looked at.


All right, next!

H-Hey, Elder Brother...

Huh ?

Why is the little finger
short and weak?

That's easy, Raijin.

If the little finger was thick and strong,

then your thumb would
have no leg to stand on.

I I see!

Elder Brother...Elder Brother...!

- Huh?
- A lizard!

Raijin, you've always been
a dandy one from way back.

W We haven't had enough to eat,
have we, Elder Brother?


Not asking permission again...

What's the matter?

What's up this time?

I'm starving...

G Give us something to eat!

Oh no... lf these guys find out[/i]
I don't have anything...!

Um... right now...

Don't tell me that
you don't have even one offering...

to these Fujin and
Raijin brothers ?!


What do you think? Tastes good, huh?

I'll bring you something else later!

Right now make do with that!

- Okay!
- Okay!

Are you okay?

Those guys are quiet
when they have food.

But if they gethangry
they're out of control.

Yeah...They annihilated all their comrades
over food during a mission

and the people around just barely
managed to hold them down.

Something smells good?!


This way!

- Food! Food! Food!
-Food! Food! Food!

I just can't get to liking clerical work.

There's still a whole lot more to do,
Lady Tsunade.

I wonder what this is?

It looks like a formula
for some kind of medicine...

A formula...

Send an available Jonin here

Yes, ma'am?


Y Yes, ma'am!

How about it...
Does it taste good ?

I see... I see...
There's still a whole lot more.

Just as I thought,

that good smell was coming
from your place, Elder Brother!

Uh yeah...'Cause Elder Brother
always has delicious food!

It was worth sneaking, wasn't it?

'Cause I'd feel so sorry
if you guys had to go hungry.

Elder Brother...

- A lizard!
- A lizard!

I see, I see... Happy?

How about it, you guys?

Don't you want to eat things
that are even more delicious?

W Where are they at?!

If we go to the place where
an old friend of mine is...

you can pig out on food
that's even more delicious than here.

Is that the guy you told us
about long time ago, Elder Brother?

Yeah, Lord Orochimaru...

Gimme a break...
that guy's gotta be kidding!

That Pervy Sage...

just leaving me and
my training up in the air!

Come on, don't say that, Naruto.

Master Jiraiya had a mission too.


It's probably that
Lady Tsunade decided

that only Master Jiraiya
could do the job...

It can't be helped.

Damn! So it was Old Lady Tsunade's
doing, after all, huh!

Well, I guess all I can do is treat you
to some ramen noodles like this.

So cheer up.

I'm gonna go complain
to Old Lady Tsunade!

Thanks for the meal, Iruka Sensei!

N -Naruto!

Damn... another annoying situation.

Huh? The Maximum Security Facility?!

This is about a year ago,

a Chunin Academy staff member
used Naruto

to sneak out
the Scroll of Sealing.

According to the report, it was
a crime committed by Mizuki acting alone.

The crime was solved, but... ?

Yeah, if it really was him acting alone.

The possibility has arisen that
a bigger mastermind is behind this crime.

This is a clue...

This is something that Mizuki
was concealing

when he was incarcerated
in the Maximum Security Facility.

At the time, nobody thought of it
as anything more than a doodle.

Lady Tsunade, what is that anyway ?

I don't know, however...

The handwriting resembles
the document confiscated from the facility

where Orochimaru was conducting
human experiments...

Which means that...
Orochimaru is connected to this crime?!

The possibility of that is not zero.

It's not like a Chunin alone could do
anything with the Scroll of Sealing.

It would only make sense if Orochimaru
were pulling strings from behind.

Asuma! Kurenai!

Go immediately to the Maximum
Security Facility and interrogate Mizuki!


Be careful! Something's strange bere!

Yeah... It's too quiet.

Let's go!

Oh, how touching.
A welome party for us...

Yeah... we're giving you a big welcome.
Right, Elder Brother?


Asuma, don't tell me that
those guys are...

Uh huh...The legendary idiot brothers...

Fujin and Raijin!


Hey, you guys are whooping it up
too much for a welcome party!

Hey, calm down...
the welcome party's just started.

His character has changed completely...

All you jerks...

You will... be our offering!

Do it!


Asuma Sensei... Kurenai Sensei!

Crappy news pass us by

And you become speechless

My voice is way too soft

So you don't answer

You're crying Crying alone

What can I do? I'm crying too

"Let my lonely scream ring out
through the night"

I'll thrash this confused era
with my speed Yeah

And I'll thrash this confused night
with my speed Yeah

I'll thrash them with my piercing guitar
and my speed Yeah

This sinking world and its evil bastards,
I'll kick their butt Yeah

What's the matter, Ton Ton?

What in the world happened?

Say, weren't you together
with Shizune?

Don't tell me something's
happened to her?

I don't know what happened,
but take me there, Ton Ton!

I'm getting a bad feeling about this!

Next episode,
"Ton Ton! I'm Counting on You!"
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