01x12 - Romeo and Smurfette

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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New adventures of the Smurfs in the Smurf village.
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01x12 - Romeo and Smurfette

Post by bunniefuu »

behold asriel the first day of spring

spring with its flowers its birds its

sunshine it's it's disgusting

an entire winter has passed and i

haven't captured a single smurf

but wait

all this sickening sweetness has given

me a brilliant idea

it may be spring but those rotten little

smurfs will never see summer

ah spring is in the air


it's probably just spring fever a

harmless phenomenon

hi papa

hmm so much for the harmless theory


no marry me

smurfs you want to be ashamed pestering

poor smurfette like that now run along

i apologize for their behavior smurfette

uh but if you do decide to marry uh

you might consider an older more mature

smurf of the world

well i just think you'd be known as

if only i were 450 years younger

there's nothing like a lovely spring

surprise to snare a smurfette

and once i have that little blue double

crosser in my clutches i will use her to

do what i created her to do destroy the


i don't blame you for getting all choked

up asriel it's my most brilliant plan


you're fat

you sure are strong

um hefty

might i borrow your uh exercise machines

oh sure

thank you

hmm that's funny i wonder if

nah he's too old

she loves me she loves me now she loves


she loves me

this is getting serious i better talk

about the smurf

she loves me

yes she loves me not

she loves me

yes she loves me not



oh smurfette papa smurf i think it's

time i made a choice and picked which

smurf i'll marry

yes and and and so i'm going to go for a

long walk and think oh

when i return i'll announce my decision

just remember my dear youth isn't the

only thing to consider

oh you styled me what a pretty flower

yes oh great wizard darkmail i am coming

come in smurfette we've been expecting


now here's what you're going to do

you might as well all go home

smurfette's gonna pick me you're off

your smurf

she's gonna pick me you mean me

don't realize that

this time they're outclassed

have you decided which smurf you're

going to uh


i sure have

i've chosen handy because of his brain


couldn't you narrow your decision down

to to just one smurf oh i'm sure they

can work this out between them and may

the best smurf win

she means me handy oh no i was her first

choice oh yeah yeah she picked candy no

she picked history



a one and a two and a three and a half

smash that our choice is a smurf harvey

argerines is here forget about hefty and

a one and a two and a three and uh

the choice is clear a smurf here our

dreams is here

a smurf party our dreams is here forget

about hefty and all the rest

yours truly handy

the only spark for you

the only spur for you

is one who is true

our choice is clear a smurf of your

dreams is here the only choice for you

is one who is true blue

and all the rest and he is still the

best absurd speed my name is happy let's

say i go wait a minute


stop that

what's the matter with you smurfs now go

home and get some sleep smurfette this

fighting has got to stop oh

but isn't it romantic papa smurf


will be smurf

ah i sense great evil in this flower

what are you doing papa smurfs orders

i'm smurfing a line through the center

of the village to keep hefty's group and

handy's group from fighting over you

oh brainy i just love the way you came

it's so so smurfy really

yes may i help well uh sure

a little more to the right baby thanks

for that

before my little smurfs destroy the

village and each other

what do you think you're doing papa's

orders you and your rowdy friends are

gonna stay on this side of the line


i'm gonna tell papa smurf on you

and when papa smurf hears about this

my my if it's not fear sweet handy and

hefty letting a little old line stand in

your way um

it's not my way

but i dare you to smurf over this line

handy well handy


oh yeah

nerves will be smurfs

eureka i've smurfed it smurfette my dear

little smurfette look i found a cure for


stop stop

it's gone and they won't even listen to

me anymore

there's only one thing left to do

smurfette should have those rotten

little smurfs at each other's throats by


we'll boil a pot of water and be ready

to make smurf soup

papa smurf


your days of smurfing are over papa


just a moment

let's discuss this calmly oh

very well but you won't leave here alive

well gargamel

i'm having serious problems with my

smurfs yes i know

and i need you to look into my eyes

that's perfect tit-for-tat make this

like that

what what what happened we have

exchanged physical appearances gargamel


but that's dishonest

that's what it is dishonest you swindle

are you cheat you phony


i see yeah you probably

i want to be you again i mean me again

gargamel again i don't want to stay like

this don't worry neither do i when i've

restored peace to the smurf village

we'll change back how by looking into

each other's eyes again and reciting the

magic spell well then look into my eyes


changed me back no no no that's not it

did you hurt yourself don't touch me you

disgusting smurf

it's working they've stopped fighting

one another

oh they've got me

that rotten papa smurf he's ruining my

bad name but i'll bet the spell to

change me back is somewhere than papa

smurf's lab

i must save him

well done little smurfs now you know

that united we smurf if i did we fall

and now you can untie me because i'm not

really gargamel i'm your own dear papa


sure and i'm smurfat

but but i'm serious now untie me

nothing smurfing gargamel

oh stop them papa smurf you're so strong

and brave and fair and i'll get lost you

little worm

i'm gargamel and i don't need you


got the mail

see this i found your secret spell

gargamel now look into my eye never

no wait

get protect make this like that

oh i feel so guilty run my dear little

smurfs i've got you and i'll get the

rest of you too

go ahead run you can't escape me get

ready here he comes

oh brat where did they go

ah ready-made smurf kebab

smurf kebab smurf for your lives

this is not logical papa smurf is

gargamel or is gargamel papa smurf

because of gargamel isn't papa smurf

than gargamel is


run for your smurfs this way

we're smurfed for sure

i don't get it

if you want to eat a smurf eat him and

leave me alone

never mind that smurfs let's get back to

the village fast

you fur brain feline look what you've

done you've let all this much escape no

no matter

now i know where the village is

it's this way i remember it distinctly

then i turned right at this tree

oh or is it left

then right again and again uh funny i i

don't remember this

ah there it is ahead

my own hovel

oh no

all those rotten miserable little blue

beggars have done it again

someday i'll get them someday

how nice to see my good little smurfs

happy once more hi papa smirn

smurfy day huh hello smurfette yes

hey smurfette

uh so uh who are you going to marry

smurfette it's me

you'll marry me well um i uh how about

someone short blue and handsome

smurfette well are you

no she's gonna marry me aren't you


you're all smurf in the head it's me she


me stop cease hold it there will be no

more of this

smurfette you must make a final decision

once and for all

i've already thought it over papa smurf

and i've decided yes then i'm too young

to get married

besides i could never pick just one of


because i love you all

as a why smurf once said

there's always next spring
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