01x14 - Smurphony in 'C

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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New adventures of the Smurfs in the Smurf village.
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01x14 - Smurphony in 'C

Post by bunniefuu »


don't you want a surprise


in that case

i just can't bear to see your good

surprise go to waste yeah

at last we will hear papa smurfs new

smurfini and see i hear it's a beautiful

piece in that case i have two pieces

it's music greedy not food ah but music

is food for the soul

and my soul will have two pieces too



a one and a two

this will not do didn't you like my

playing well uh uh it's just that we

can't have a smurfety and see with a

single musician we need other players

we'd like to help papa smurf but we

don't have any instruments then go smurf



ah nothing nothing at all i've been

searching the forest for years and i

still can't find the village of those

disgusting little smurfs

but i won't give up right asriel as real

as real come down from there we have

work to do



why aren't you making an instrument too

i am papa smurf a kettle drum

but first i have to empty the kettle

all right smurfs are we ready


they've started without me


what's wrong i believe you played an

incorrect note i did

no problem smurfs let's just begin again

a one two

now what harmony perhaps it's your

trumpet yeah let me try it

it's fine

of course it is

he might do better with another

instrument here try this a snap



i have the solution a triangle


it's hopeless papa smurf harvard he

plays out of tune

maybe we could make him the conductor

how papa smirn good idea smurfette

and a one and a two end up


it's unfair they're all just jealous

that's all

well who needs them i'll just smurf all

by myself slow there


what is that horrible noise it could it

be thunder it sounds like the howl of a

wounded dragon or the angry roar of a



a nerve of those smurfs telling me i'm

out of tune they'll be sorry they

smurfed me out of the orchestra so

that's it

that gives me a brilliant idea but i

must act

fast have everything i need here and

soon i'll have those smurfs too

i've made up my mind i'm going back to

the village and they can beg me to play

in their old smurfini but i'll just say

you'll say yes

who are you

i'll have no fear i am aurora a good oh

i hate that word fairy

so tell me your fondest wish and it

shall be granted i'll help you don't you

wish to become a mew

huh oh come now

a muse

huh a musician

oh that it's no use the other smurfs

don't like my playing but they will now

with this magic shazalika zoo

you will make beautiful music

oh thank you good fairy man now hurry go

show your little friends



now he'll lead me right to the smurf



oh no him again

i hate again

it's called a shazama kazoo and you love

it listen

what are you smurfing

is this a joke what happened

oh come on you can get up now papa smurf

wake up papa smurf hey

this is terrible i've got to find that

good fairy




revenge is mine what have you done to

all the smurfs

nothing nothing at all you have

destroyed them with your magical


now i have only to dispose of

not a single smurf will be left on earth


surprise you little river rat i can swim



run all you want i'll catch you

you can't escape me

i've got all your little blue friends

and you are next


ow ow oops oh there's a rock in my shoe

oh i have a pain in my side



oh neck cramp

oh you go a stiff


that was a close smurf now i better get

back to the village


the horrible little monster has run like

a coward

no matter he's probably gone back to his

village and now i know exactly where it


i go straight ahead then i turn right

where is it left

then right again and and again oh no oh

no i've lost the trail no i hate smurfs

i hate smurfs i hate

please smurfette snap out of it come on


wake up greedy look at this yummy cake

with whipped cream and cherries and and

ah it's no use nothing works and it's

all the fall of a smurfety smurf

wait a minute since this spell came from

gargamel i'll bet he has the cure for it

too don't go away smurfs i'll be back

snares cages next poison i have set so

many traps that disgusting little smurf

will never escape


wait a minute stop


now to find the book with the cure

you smurf i've got you this time not yet

you don't


i can't hear you but i can see you

i'll crush you i'll smash you


sooner or later you're going to run out

of breath and then you're all my

blazes it sure is a long drop and then

and i'm losing my balance

oh phew

how about a pretty little tune to cheer

you up mr gargamel no no please please

don't no i beg you ready a one and a two

no please please have mercy i'll never

be wicked again i swear please

well couple smurf says you shouldn't

smurf a man when he's down so





magical musical instruments


here it is the shazamika zoo

oh no

there is no known cure

you rotten shazalikazoo


you poor smurfs there you lie forever

and ever i tried my best and now there's

only one thing left to do

i'm going to play a final salute in your


oh stop you you're awake and how your

rocket is enough to smurf the dead

but but then i found the cure


what happened

it's a long story papa smurf and it all

started when

and gargamel pretended he was a good

fairy yep oh harmony we owe you a lot

so all this murphy that ends murphy now

we can resume our performance of the

spartan enc

great my horns all warmed up

you will let me play won't you well um

in a matter of speaking well that is

weird we certainly can't refuse him

after all he's done can we

papa smurf why don't we

andy that's a fine idea



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