01x22 - The Fountain of Smurf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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01x22 - The Fountain of Smurf

Post by bunniefuu »


all right smurfs make sure you pick just

the right ones well there's only one way

to be really sure happy

that's good but not perfect

a few more weeks maybe


more picking and less tasting see clumsy

and grouchy have the right idea i hate

going up and going down


no at this rate we'll never get out of


oh right here


now we're surfing this is our last bush

hey we missed these two

better see if they're right




miserable cat


boy is asriel gonna be surprised

i'll turn you into fur lined earmuffs

keep going they're still after us

faster austrian faster



if i were 10 years younger

i could catch those little blue wretches


what happened oh

gargamel and azrael chases papa smurf

but we escaped

lucky for them too i would have

flattened them

but unlucky for us we lost all our smurf

berries serves you right carelessness

causes accidents to the victor belongs

to smurf berries

i was only trying to cheer you up i have

just the thing to cheer you all up


is more fun

besides i don't really need

thank you

enjoy yourselves i have errands to run

bye bye

hmm that papa smurf sure is nice

yes he does so much for us i wish we

could smurf something nice for him yeah

i wonder what he'd like

i know i've seen a list of his favorite

things oh yeah

where in one of papa smurf's book come

on i'll show you i hate lists but i love

papa smurf

this is it no no wait uh

it's this one no maybe it's that one oh

i knew this was a waste of time

uh yeah a waste of time

i'm not so smurfly positive isn't it

my favorite thing

it's papa smurf's handwriting all right

good work clumsy you found the list well

i was just getting to it

let's see simple song poetry pretty

pictures fragrant flowers and fresh for

salad with tea mushrooms oh i'll pick

some flour and i'll make a salad we'll

help pretty and i'll supervise because

papa smurf always says a troop without a

leader is like a ship without a rudder

and leaders are

hey wait for me


well we have everything but cave

mushrooms and we've smurfed every cave

there must be another cave around here

no no papa smurf always says that fools

rush in with smurf's fear to tread and

you can fool some of the smurfs some of

the time but not all of them


no came around here huh brainy

well i

i guess papa smurf was

wow look at all these mushrooms and look

over here oh what a smurfy b*mb and

that's pretty flowers


did you see that he drank that water and

made him young again

oh what a wonderful present for papa

smurf the gift of you

oh this should be enough hey


this is my pond and you are trespassers

it's a troll


put me down


how is that


no one takes water from my pond without

leaving a nice present

well that's perfectly understandable so

we'll just be moving along and uh

this is a good present

no that's papa smurf it is mine now

give it back you you now take your


right the water but not too much

hurry it up hefty

happy way

what do you want

i wanted to give you a





that's right

pass it on


what are you trying to do wake up papa

smurf now get this stuff put away here

let me smurf you a hand empty oh thanks

papa smurf

papa smurf isn't it late to be working

so hard my little smurfs

will take those papa smurf

no no no every smurf must pull his old


by the way

what's in these sacks

it's a surprise

he means supplies papa smurf


i'm a bit thirsty uh here pops

oh never mind this oh stop papa smurf

we'll get you some fresh water no no

this is fine


i'm going back to bed i'm not as young

as i used to be

you soon will be

oh goodness the water didn't work that

troll cheated us and now he has papa

smurf's book too why is papa smurf going

to be mad when he finds out well let's

give him all his surprises then he can't

be mad

no i wouldn't bet on that


everybody ready


here he comes one





oh my the water did work but he drank

too much oh dear what have we done

we're in big trouble without papa smurf

to lead us


wow what a great way to place nerf ball

oh boy


we have a big problem papa smurf

okay stand on one foot and go like this

come on smurfs it's fun

let's humor them until we can think of

what to do


papa smurf back to normal

i could find a formula in papa smurf's

lab well anything's worth a

i try you i'd find it youth reversing

formula c volume 29

hey it's gone uh oh that's the one that

your troll took then we'll just have to

get it back go

can i come too

can i can i sorry papa smurf you're too

young exactly my feelings young papa

smurf here needs to be watched and i'm

just the smurf for the job

oh i don't know what's worse brainy

leaving you here or taking you with us

but taking me with you is much worse

does this mean i can stay

yeah but clumsy's gonna keep an eye on

you keeping an eye on papa smurf


looking after young papa smurf can't be

as dangerous as facing that terrible



when i grow up i'm really gonna learn to

smurf magic


you should stay outside papa smurf

because young smurf shouldn't okay okay

let's smurf hide and seek instead you're

it now close your eyes and talk to a

thousand a thousand

why can't you count to a thousand um uh

of course no you can't yes


one two three four five six seven


now to find the other smurfs

58 59 60. uh brainy a little pop of

smurfs running off into no fair helping

me clumsy

61 62.

brainy uh what if papa smurf gets lost

he's supposed to get lost and i'm

supposed to find him we're playing hide

and seek and now you've made me lose my

account oh gee sorry

one two three four five six seven




there he is

he's asleep

ah he doesn't scare me

oh dear it must be around you somewhere

is this what you're looking for

that book belongs to me now and soon you

will belong to me


you can't escape

oh my that's right

oh please let us go mr troll

no one leaves unless i get a gift but we

didn't bring anything

i did


you can't pull a troll twice would i

fool you look yeah


and it's such a smurfy surprise too but

if you don't watch it

you've made a present

i love surprises




oh no

don't look at me it's going to take real

magic to outsmurf that troll again pop

is the only one who smurfs magic or dead

we don't know any other magicians

but we do know a wizard

not god

how good to be on the briny surf away

from forest and stinking smurf i hope i

catch a big fat fish for it will make a

tasty dish


any smurfs pass by here hmm maybe i

won't go hungry after all

smurfs did you say yes

hey are you a troll

a troll oh no no no no i'm a nice

friendly wizard really

boy you're sure ugly enough to be a


why you austria get him


don't let him escape

go hey

you're not a nice wizard stop you

miserable smurf

i gotcha

come back here

don't let him get away

stop him there he goes

oh i hope i never see another smurf




oh gargamel


oh more smurfs go away

i'm getting too old to chase you vile

little pests anymore

but gargamel we've found just what you


and what might that be

we know where there's a pond of water

that makes you young


you you found the fountain of youth

yes and we'll show you where it is

if you promise to get our book back from

the troll who lives there

but how do i know that there's a

fountain of youth

where's your proof

proof well uh

hi guys one time no smurf


hey that's the amino wizard who chased

me let's get him easy papa smurf we need

his help papa smurf

this is papa smurf and your story is


hey what do you think you're looking at

put me down

next time smurf on someone your own side

all right i'll get your precious book

back just lead me to that fountain of


pawns right through bear and so is the

troll well he's no match for my wizardry

wait here i'll get your book back

but he didn't even ask where the book

was hidden you can't trust him any smurf

can see that you're right papa smurf but

he might help us in spite of himself

come on


no sign of the file troll this is going

to be easy


no one takes my water without giving me

a gift

about a gift oh yeah of course of course


you will be a harmless toad



something went wrong

i'll turn you into a gentle butterfly


boy what a dumb wizard he is that's why

we ask for his help come on let's get



okay you asked for it



that showed him


oh dear we're still not tall enough

maybe a puppet smurf stands on your

shoulder smurfette







he's gaining


one as well one


quickly quickly one one


so you see papa smurf we only wanted to

make you a little younger yeah

it was your surprise

but now you're so young that you can't

lead us anymore you mean when i get

older i'll be later up the smurfs the

one and only up a smurf well then what

are we waiting for


he's sure been in there a long time i

just hope he knows what he's doing

oh dear papa smurf are you all right

papa smurf

hello my my little smurfs

oh papa smurf it's so good to have you

old again



i'm not battle


999 1000 ready or not here i come uh

brainy uh papa smurfs right over

i told you not to give me any hints

where he's hiding

might as well give up papa smurf

no smurf outsmarts brainy
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