01x23 - The Magnifying Mixture/Foul Weather Smurf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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01x23 - The Magnifying Mixture/Foul Weather Smurf

Post by bunniefuu »

long long ago deep in the forest there

was a hidden village where tiny

creatures lived they call themselves

smurfs they were good

then there was gargamel the evil wizard

he was bad oh i hate smurfs

i'll get you i'll get all of you if it's

the last thing i ever do


oh i'll get you i'll find your village

someday you will be so well the forest

is still there and if you listen you may

hear gargamel's rage

and if you are good you may just catch a


of the smurfs


uh i reckon this be the worst brought in

a smurfy long time

the heat belt in my brain as well as my



ah yeah and it's even too hot to sleep

worst of all it's too hot to eat


i know how to beat this heat

i'll make a big picture of smurfberry

juice and i won't share it with anybody

oh no

no smurf berries

i know smurf berries means no smurf

berry juice if this formula works it

will enlarge little clouds into big

bounce then we'll have three at last


easy enough

down boy

wait hold it stop

if i can just reach the elephant roof


well i enlarging

certainly worse

how to use it on the clouds wow i'll bet

that mixture would spark up some big fat

smurf berries real fast


i'll just fix up a teeny tiny bit

oh hefty you sure are nice to carry all

these heavy rocks out of my garden

especially in this




juice will soon be a reality and it will

all be mine oh


now i'll have to go and mix up some more

hey what happened now maybe it's the

heat and i'm just dreaming


it's no dream


now how did i do this but that's of

dandelion dust uh touch of tree tote



bubbles move the bombers move oh

somebody's coming

it's me hefty please open up

hefty there is no need to make such a



big big


quick brainy where's papa smurf he's

gotta help me

i was just resting at the bottom of

smurfberry hill and

earthberry hill yeah and all of a sudden

this stuff fell on me and stuff like

a powder yeah


and i have to tell papa smurf so he can

swing me back to normal

wait there's no need to tell for a papa

papa smurf oh

i mean uh around you

now you can do things the rest of us can

only dream up right smurfs


you're the strongest smurf in the world


that's true

oh but i can clean all the rocks out of

smurfette's garden in a flash

no happy way

oh don't worry smurfhead it's no big

thing when you're a big smurf

how did all this get started

pose a mystery doesn't it

there's smurfette how's that


i guess i don't know my own strengths

oh we better go get papa smurf wait

um papa smurfs off on important business

and we shouldn't bother him with our

little problems

little problems and now

i'm gonna do something i always wanted

to do

i'm gonna capture gargamel

oh no

hefty wait

oh please don't do this lefty father now

is dangerous not anymore he's about to

meet his match



so don't you first worry about a thing i

know exactly what i'm doing

i'm going to get papa smurf yeah

i've created a monster

oh i hate this kind of weather sunny

bright cheerful

the kind of day when those rotten smurfs

have lots of fun

if i could get my hands on just one of

those fire despicable little creatures

i'd wipe the grin off his little blue


don't let go for brain i've told you not

to interrupt me when i'm feeling sorry

for myself

watch this

i must be dreaming


end of the line gargamel

smith you may be big but i'm still


so what i got


why you impudent little crying won't

help so save your breath i'm taking you

back to the village as my prisoner

that's what you

your village you heard me now


oh you've got me oh please please don't

hurt me

oh i hope i can free myself before he

grabs that even bigger net on the wall


oh i got your ball oh you certainly do


play along this is our free ticket into

the smurf village


the catapults ready papa smurf all right

now let's see if we can enlarge these

clouds enough to bring some free

papa smurf i'm a smurf oh papa smurf got

quick perfect what's wrong

he's grown into a giant a child yes and

now he's going to capture gargamel it

sounds like someone's been smurfing with

my enlarging formula quickly to the


oh smurf is me

this is terrible and it's all my fault

your fault


i shouldn't know

papa smurf finds out hey

your problems are over look what i got


there's nothing to fear i've

single-handedly captured them once and

for all that's what you think oh gonna

be difficult huh well i'm gonna smurf

you a lesson you'll never hey no fair

put me down


now to get the rest of them as real

papa smurf what are we gonna do

this mixture caused our problems but

maybe it can also solve them my little

smurfs will have to work fast here's

what i want you to do


at last mind all of you yeah

oh azrael




can't you catch those puny little pea


as well here we are


ready smurfs

you let them outsmart you you're a

miserable fur brain failure


such clumsy incompetence will not go

unpolished as well therefore i have

decided to keep all of these smurfs for



now azrael i was only joking

i let you have a few of this math

lots of the smurfs

all of these





but i may start crying


being big was okay for a while but it

can get lonely at the top

as for ezreal in time the mixture will

be off but not before he's chased

gargamel too far away to ever find the

village again and now it's time to clean

up this mess


yes sir papa smurf right here papa smurf

um uh uh papa smurf being cleverly

brilliant couldn't you just sort of whip

up a cleaning potion that i could use

instead another potion oh no no potions

how dare you brainy smurf

just kidding oh papa smurf

i think the first thing brainy has to

clean up is his act

i think you're absolutely right



long long ago deep in the forest there

was a hidden village where tiny

creatures lived they call themselves

smurfs they were good

then there was gargamel the evil wizard

he was bad oh i hate smurfs

i'll get you i'll get all of you if it's

the last thing i ever do


oh i'll get you i'll find your village

someday you will be so well the forest

is still there and if you listen you may

hear gargamel's rage

and if you are good you may just catch a


of the smurfs





wow i almost overslept

today's the big day

the annual smurf picnic

oh smurf it's raining i hate rain every

time i wash my wagon it rains oh and all

my laundry is getting wet

uh don't worry smurfette i'll help

a lot for you help clumsy how did you

see that

isn't that the smurfiest thing you ever

oh my gosh it's coming down to buckets

now it's always the same every smurf

complains about the weather that there's

nothing we can do to change it

wait what about a a weather smurfing



this'll be my greatest invention yet at

last smurf will control the weather

hey handy where are you going to the old

mill to stop the rain sure handy sure


there it's all ready


oh hi papa smurf well another new

machine handy what's this one for

i'll show you right now it's too rainy

for our picnic so i'll just order up

some sunshine


presto perfect picnic weather

andy your machine is absolutely amazing

but i wonder if it's wise to fool with

nature like this don't worry papa smurf

from now on changing the weather is a


all right smurf your machine just fine

and we'll all go on our picnic

you got it

goodbye farewell my friend parting is

such sweet smurfness uh aren't you

coming to the picnic for smurf no no i'm

going to stay behind and compose and oh

to the sun suit yourself


if only there'd be a simpler way to

water them

wait a minute


and just think of it i reckon there do

be a simpler way


here's a good spot for our picnic

it's beautiful

first we'll go for a swim then we'll


then we'll eat

then we'll rest

rainy you won't be needing that umbrella

andy i always say it's better to be safe

than sorry and furthermore the weather

might change and not with my weather

smurfing machine it won't i guarantee it

i'll be soon taking care of my dusty

little lettuces

i reckon first i smurfed this lever

and oh to the sun

oh glorious sun so warm and bright

that machine be a great step forward for

agriculture this rain is spoiling my


the weather smurfing machine must be out

of order i'll just smurf the controls to

strong sun

there see papa smurf it was only a

passing shower i told you you could

count on my machine i hate counting oh


their lovely rain have already stopped

i be going to set that machine to

downpour ivy

a take two

glorious sun so


i suppose i'll just have to order up a

heat wave

either way little plants just you keep

on growing

who is turning on the heat i'll just

recite my old right here so that i won't

be interrupted anymore

oh glorious son so warm and bright well

i'll be smurfed

but have you been interfering with the

bear machine

indeed i have sunshine has an

illuminating effect on my poetry well i

be needing an irrigation effect on the


oh no you don't

i was here first


keep your portrait hands off

oh of all the luck my umbrella's jammed

it stop

oh oh now it's jammed again

andy i think there may be one or two

little details you overlooked on your

weather smurfing machine

i want rain

and i want sun i say rain sun rain


all of a sudden it's boiling hot uh a

perfect weather for a dip in the lake

come on last



my tail

oh well uh look at the bright side uh we

can skate on the ice




this is starting to get out of hand


andy i am afraid your weather smurfing

machine has gone haywire oh don't worry

papa smurf

uh i'll just go back to the village and

fix it we'll all go back it's not safe

out for smurf or beast

the machine's out of control

the controls be stuck

reckon we got to do something before it

gets any worse we best help papa smurf

great sperm i've never seen the river so

full look here comes tammy and the

others thanks worthless candy come

quickly it's your machine

what's wrong well we was having a wee

little argument and

we sort of kind of moved the controls a


uh well


might a tiny bit broken

they kind a

i knew it well don't just stand there

let's go fix it

look out for that walk get off the

bridge run for your smurfs



we will have to find another place to

cross the river it's going to be a long

hard trip so stick together the weather

is constantly changing precisely why i

brought this umbrella you can never be

too careful i always say better safe

than sorry or to phrase it in more

common terms

wait for me


this rain is ruining my hair hey who

turned out the lights relax everyone

it's only fog oh my goodness it sure is

thick uh yeah

a real piece super


i like

pea soup

listen what's that strange noise

i i i don't know



i hate mud

correction it's frozen mud i double hate

frozen mud uh well look at it this way

papa smurf at least now my machine can't

make things any worse hey hey

you were saying handy


this is all because of you and your

weather stuffing machine

me what about fort and farmer i'd be


hey the true culprit is farther smurf oh

yeah yeah

hold it

we have enough problems without all this

now behave your smurfs and let's get

moving oh i'm so


oh i'm so

cold now i'm so


my poor machine it's even worse than i

feared quickly we must reach it before

the weather changes again


hang on

we're nearly there

turn it off


i can use this

hey my umbrella what are you doing do it

a smurfy idea handy

stand back everyone back


machine i know how hard it was for you

to destroy your greatest invention handy

but from now on we must never tamper

with nature without first considering

the consequences


happy days are here again

yeah sun sure feels good oh yeah

how am i supposed to finish my new



well at least it's ecologically sound



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