01x31 - The Clockwork Smurf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Smurfs". Aired: April 18, 2021 - present.*
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01x31 - The Clockwork Smurf

Post by bunniefuu »




hi farmer smurf no handy

say i just finished my chore so how

about a game of smurf ball huh i've

throw these weeds


and they be driving me smurfy

hey jokey join me for a swim

swim yeah i have to cut all this


and that's no joke

greedy smurf how would you like to sorry

handy i'm too busy

uh what smartphone handy forget it

only there was a faster way for a smurf

to get our work done

i know i'll invent away


all the excitement's perfect oh andy's

fixing a surprise for us i hate


attention smurfs

you see before you an invention to take

all the work out of work

a clockwork smurf

just that clockwork smurfs button for

whatever kind of work you have to do and

clockwork smurf will do it for you


that contraption be as strong as a

hundred smash and the old pal can i use

him next


hold it i want papa smurf to have the

honor of using him first

why thank you handy i do have a little

kink in my back perhaps a gentle massage

a little to the right

a little to the left

ah right there


i feel like a new smurf

next time

uh just a pinch less sugar in the next

batch clockwork smurf i have to watch



i hate doing things that the

i wonder what makes this thing tick

i'll just sneak a peek



oh there you are


what's all the fuss out




i don't understand where did i go wrong

i don't know but you must put things

right again before the whole village is




i'm afraid we'll have to use force to

stop him

poor clockwork when i give the word

we'll pout



sorry smurf

this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts


my most brilliant creation of failure

what could have gone wrong

it wasn't your fault andy you smurfed

your best






oh isn't it exciting the lady i can

hardly wait

tomorrow is prince gerard's 12th

birthday the day he officially becomes

our new king it excites me to new end

this is sour very a pity the poor little

fellow has been so ill for so long oh

yes but he will be well enough to attend

his coronation well hey mrs sowerberry

we can only pray

oh i'll

he's still much too sick for visitors

but i shall see that he eats every drop

oh thank you milady oh little talk he's

been sick for so long

everything is going according to plan

by this time tomorrow i imperia shall be





you rang me lady

here's something for your dog

now take this pot of disgusting gruel to

the precious little prince as usual

yes milady and at midnight when

everyone's asleep we will sneak right to

the secret dungeon under the moat

tomorrow we will announce that his three

years of illness have come to a final

tragic end

then as the law decrees i shall be

crowned queen


good evening your royal lowness

i bring you glad tidings at midnight

we're moving you to chambers more

befitting a young king

really yes a place without such drafty

windows in fact with no windows at all


go ahead and laugh rick i shall have my

day oh you'll have many many days all

spent in the dungeon

enjoy your coronation feast

what am i to do

what have they done put a snake in my



what a clever little doll

i don't know how you got here but you're

stuck with me now

hey the rats


huh what are you trying to tell me

you're not only clever you're a genius

we must find someone we can trust

and tell them the truth about lady


dear mrs sowerberry oh am i glad to see

you after all these years who are you

child and how did you get into this

castle design prince gerard remember

sure and i suppose those red you're

wearing another lightness royal fashion

but let me explain here young man

take these cookies and be gone but but i

can you'd best trust your cell phone

before the guards swap to and don't

sneak in here again


oh it's no use

who in the world would believe a

ragamuffin like me could be a prince if

only i could find some friends


midnight time to escort prince gerard to

his new royal chamber

all right you little lag on time to

eat he's gone


this is sour berry

a terrible catastrophe has befallen us

the poor sick prince is gone gone yes

escaped i i i i mean wandered off the

fever must have affected his mind oh no

you haven't been chanting any trace of

the brat uh my lovely nephew oh no me

lady the only soul i've seen all night

was a poor little peasant boy doubling

some nonsense about being a

prince huh that was he

oh the poor deer is so ill he sometimes

thinks he's a peasant and

dresses accordingly where did he

go i i saw him in the forest with a

strange little toy doll a doll

i told you he was to have no toys

ah well we'd better go and find my dear

nephew and see that he's properly taken

care of

when we catch that frat we'll lock him

in a prison from which he'll never

escape and then we'll throw his little

doll to the fire


it's the prince thanks picked up the


excellent that little brat girard will

soon be locked up again

here get up there


they're after us

they'll never outrun them

perhaps we should face them like men

if only we were men

you want to cross that river you must be


hang on good friend

and try to keep your nose dry



i'm afraid fang has lost the scent

milady then he will just have to find it


across the river

i just don't get it what could have gone

wrong my poor clockwork smurf lying out

there broken by smurf i'm gonna get him

on his feet again


there's a human in the village

please don't be afraid we mean you no


who are you and what do you want i may

not look it

but i am a prince

prince gerard

tomorrow should be my coronation day as

king but my evil aunt lady imperia

wishes to take the crown for herself

thanks to your clockwork smurf i escaped

the prison tower in which she's been

keeping me but unless we stop imperia

and her henchmen before it's too late

both my kingdom and i will be doomed


your majesty i spurs and i will be

honored to help you in any way we can

yeah look at my right hand


hold this nurse hold it first how about

a nice bath and some clean clothes

prince oh thank you and something to eat

now you're talking fred

i could use a little midnight snack


follow me


i uh i just wanted to say what you've

done for the prince is really smurfy


a real father couldn't be more proud


don't worry milady we'll keep the home

fires burning for our little lost prince


blended with this brush cleared no one

will be able to pass this way without

being seen now i must return to the

castle to prepare for my coronation

when you catch the little scoundrel you

know what to do with him that we knew


that we do

oh what a night but it was worth it

smurfs i believe this glowberry formula

will save the prince and his kingdom





king gerard


thanks to you all now i not only feel

like a king i look like fun too

then it's time you return to your

kingdom to claim your crown this

blueberry formula will get you safely

past your enemies


and we will accompany


ah clockwork smurf your job is the most

important and dangerous of all you are

to run ahead as a decoy to lure imperia

anderlen on the wrong course

now the effects of this potion only last

two hours so let's get smurfing




that's prince gerard's toy doll after


come back here you miserable

the little doll went that way sir look

the boy's footprints he's gone that way

with a whole army of those little dolls

we must catch them before they reach the

kingdom to the horses

we want the prince we want the prince

we want the prince

we want the prince

my dear people with the heaviest of

hearts i regret to inform you

that last night my beloved nephew prince

gerard passed away in my arms

but just before the dear child slipped

away he whispered his final wish to me

that i imperia take the crown in his

place as new ruler of the kingdom

harry hurry you're catching up i hate

catching up


look at prince gerard

papa smurf what happened it hasn't been

two hours yet i feared this might happen

i've never had to figure the exact

dosage for a human before there is

we have you now you sneaky little

welcome snap ass no run fast

run him down man




henceforth i shall be your majesty

queen imperia


prince gerard

my people i am very much alive princess

imperial kept me imprisoned all these

years to trick you into crowning her


let me explain but i had your best

interests at heart truly i did


wait stop you're making a brave mistake


what's happened




oh thank you smurfs this happy day is

only possible because of you

on behalf of my entire kingdom i present

you with this award for your valor and


long live this earth

long live the smurfs

don't live the space

i'll eat that

we are deeply honored but in all

fairness this medal belongs to clockwork


it is this little doll with a big heart

who is the true hero

and now as you begin the business of

tending to your kingdom so we smurfs

must return to ours

farewell little smurfs

i will never forget your kindness

goodbye clockwork smurf and don't forget

to oil your gears

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