08x01 - Somber News

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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08x01 - Somber News

Post by bunniefuu »

Sealing of the Six-Tails is done.

It takes time when there are five of us.

There are two Tailed-Beasts left.

Yes I've sent Sasuke to go and retrieve the Eight-Tails.

Can we trust him?
I can vouch for Sasuke.

I know that you're alone.

So why don't you run?
My numbers can go from one to a thousand!
Besides, I can't run away!
If I capture you, I get to see Sasuke!
Why are you so attached to my brother?
He's a Rogue Ninja.

That's because unlike you I think of him as a brother more than you ever would.

You're already under my genjutsu.

Damn it!
I'll say it again.

I just wanted to talk to you for a moment.

You've been trying to take Sasuke back to the village.

But what if it doesn't go the way you want?
I'll do anything to make it happen.

Even by force?
If by some turn of luck, Sasuke goes with you willingly, great.

But what if the exact opposite happens?
What does that mean?
You just said you consider Sasuke to be like a brother What if Sasuke were to attack the Leaf Village?
What would you do then?
Why would Sasuke?
There's no way he'd do something like that!
Sasuke is still naïve.

He can easily be dyed in any color.

In such a case, can you stop him?
Even if you have to k*ll Sasuke?
Could you weigh Sasuke against the Leaf Village on a set of scales?
I would defend the Leaf Village!
But I would also stop Sasuke without k*lling him!
You're such a child What you speak of are all fantasies.

A ninja must sometimes make very harsh decisions.

You should give up on Sasuke.

He was destined to leave, sooner or later.

Don't suffer anymore Forget and dismiss him.

It's not just jutsu or power If you're a ninja, develop eyes that can make the right judgment.

And if you're going to live as a ninja, become wiser.

This world It's no place for a fool.

That's the reality.

Okay, I got it.

If that's what being wise is, I'd rather live my life as a fool.

Even if I have to do it alone, I'll figure out a bigger, better jutsu and rescue Sasuke.

Someone told me that before But for me, there is no choice.

I never go back on my word That's my Ninja Way.

I have shared some of my power with you.

Though I hope the day never comes when you have to use it.

What's going on?
Aren't you after me?
Then let's finish this!
I'm going now I have an important task to do.

What did Itachi mean by that?
Why did he?
Sasuke has won.

Itachi Uchiha is dead.

Sasuke's down too, but I wonder how he is?
He's in pretty bad shape.

What are you doing now, Sasuke?
You're okay, right?
Are you all right, Sasuke?
Yeah Let's hurry.

We're almost at the rendezvous point.

As promised, I brought the Eight-Tails.

You did well.

I had faith that you could do it.

Where are you going?
First, I'm going to tend to my wounds.

Then I'm going to the Hidden Leaf.

I'm going to ask one important question After learning about Itachi's life, there is a chance that you will carry out his wish and protect the Hidden Leaf.

Tell me the truth.

What are your intentions?
Itachi showed me how a man would give his life to protect his village.

But for me, the sadness of losing Itachi impacts me more deeply than how he lived Unbearably more.

The peace that Itachi sacrificed himself for isn't appealing to me.

Now that I know the truth, following in Itachi's steps to protect the Hidden Leaf is the last thing I would do.

Most of all, I will never forgive the three elders.

And I believe that everyone in the Hidden Leaf enjoying the peace gained in exchange for Itachi's life is guilty too.

I thought you were only going to k*ll the elders?
No I wish to slaughter the entire Leaf Village by myself.

I was just feigning in front of Taka.

Is that the truth?
After knowing just what Itachi went through to protect the village Instead of carrying on his wish, you'd destroy the village?
Are you serious?
You said so yourself.

The reason why Itachi couldn't bring himself to k*ll me was he cherished my life more than the village.

I feel the same way.

Itachi's life is more precious to me than the village.

That's all.

They shunned the Uchiha clan.

They forced my brother to k*ll his own parents!
The elders who cast him out and sealed his death!
And the rest of the Hidden Leaf who abide by the Senju clan!
They're nothing but scum!
They are all objects of my vengeance!
If you want to ridicule me as a brat swayed by his emotions, go ahead.

Carrying on Itachi's wish are merely pretty words.

The foolish sputtering of those who don't know hatred.

If anyone criticizes my way of life, I'll k*ll every single one of their loved ones!
Then they might understand a little of the hatred I carry.

When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred.

k*ller Bee was taken?
A member of the Hidden Leaf from the Uchiha clan was among the assailants.

My partner is tailing them right now.

Lord Raikage, what are your orders?
The Akatsuki won't get away with this!
The Akatsuki!
Just you wait, my brother!
Somber News Oh, it's you, Kakashi Sensei.

Lady Hokage has summoned you.

Let's go.

Chief Toad and Gamakichi?
Yo, Naruto!
What're you guys doing here so early?
Did something happen?
Actually Gamakichi!
It's not your place to say anything.

Leave this to the Boss and Tsunade.

What's going on?
Just hurry up.

He is Jiraiya-boy's student?
Yes This is Naruto Uzumaki The "Child of Prophecy" you mentioned.

A geezer frog?
What the hell?
Watch your mouth, Naruto!
This is Lord Fukasaku, one of the Two Great Sages of Mount Myoboku.

He came all the way here to speak with you.

Well, to be more accurate, I am a Great Sage Toad.

But never mind that.

You are, without a doubt, Jiraiya-boy's student.

You talk as though the Pervy Sage is a kid!
Who does this geezer frog think he is?
I said to watch your mouth!
This great man is the one who taught Sage Jutsu to Lord Jiraiya.

He is Lord Jiraiya's master.

Pervy Sage, eh?
What a fitting nickname for Jiraiya-boy.

So what does this geezer sage want with me?
I'm not sure where to begin.

But let's see I suppose the most important thing is Jiraiya-boy has died in battle.

Wh-What are you talking about?
I know this is sudden.

I don't blame you if you don't believe me.

For quite some time, there were rumors that the leader of the Akatsuki was in the Hidden Rain Village.

Jiraiya-boy went in person to verify the truth of these rumors.

The leader of the Akatsuki was in the Hidden Rain Village?
As I recall, that village is difficult to infiltrate.

A village closed to the outside world.

Yes However, Lord Jiraiya was skilled in infiltration and espionage tactics.

Exactly That's the decision I've made Jiraiya Sensei.

Jiraiya-boy came upon the leader of the Akatsuki"Pain.

" However You look very different.

But those eyes So you were Pain Nagato!
It seems you've strayed off the path of good.

What happened?
You don't need to know.

After all, you are an outsider.

Pain was Jiraiya-boy's former student.

What do you mean?
Jiraiya-boy called him "Nagato.

" That goes way back.

During the chaos of the Great Ninja w*r Jiraiya looked after some orphans in the Hidden Rain Village, which had become a b*ttlefield.

Who would have imagined that those kids However To corner a ninja like Lord Jiraiya How did this Pain?
He possessed the Rinnegan.

What did you say?
The Rinnegan is an Ocular Jutsu that was said to be possessed by the father of all ninja, the Sage of the Six Paths.

I thought it was just a legend.

The legendary Ocular Jutsu The Rinnegan.

Its power was beyond imagination.

Not only that There were six of them who possessed the Rinnegan?
How can that even be possible?
Perhaps, there's a trick to it.

Most likely, only Jiraiya-boy, who was there, discovered their secret.

But Jiraiya-boy!
Even after he had his throat crushed by Pain, Jiraiya-boy left a message before collapsing.

This is that message!
It's a code I'm sure he did this to prevent Pain from noticing.

I've told you everything about Jiraiya-boy.

I wonder what Jiraiya wanted to say.

If we can decode this we'll understand, won't we?
Did youlet him go, Granny?
That's right.

Why'd you allow such a reckless thing?
You knew Pervy Sage better than anyone!
How could you send him to such a dangerous place, alone?
Enough, Naruto.

You of all people ought to know Lady Hokage's feelings.

It's too dangerous to go alone!
I am one of the Legendary Sannin of the Leaf.

You know what that means as well.

You were beautiful back then and now, you're a fifty-something old granny.

It pains me to see how all the memories of your lost friends and loved ones are stored inside that big breast of yours.

And you know, the number will continue to grow.

HoweverI guess I shouldn't wallow in sadness.

My duty is to be a model for the next generation and to help them out.

For that, I'd happily give my life.

It's what makes us old folks cool, see?
Damn it!
Where are you going?
If Pervy Sage had been the Fifth Hokage he wouldn't have let Granny Tsunade take such risks Never!
Sakura It's all right.

Let him be.

My apologies, Lord Fukasaku.

I'll arrange for Naruto to No That's all right.

About the Child of Prophecy I mentioned earlier I can see that child truly loved and admired Jiraiya-boy.

I can't help but hope that he is the Child of Prophecy.

I will now teach you the Summoning Jutsu!
This is it!
Summoning Jutsu!
Why do I have to go with the Pervy Sage on a research trip?
It's not just a research trip.

There's a woman I want to research and I must find her.

Why did you choose me?
Long ago I taught the Fourth Hokage.

And you have an uncanny resemblance to him.

I don't waste any time.

During the journey, you will have my undivided attention.

It's time to make you strong to train you!
The boy wanders the village in despair, reminiscing about the memories with his late Master.

The end of his childhood days approaches When all his grief is let out, the boy will rise up once again.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Following the Master's Shadow" After all, we can't stay brats forever.

Tune in again!
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