08x05 - Surpassing the Master

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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08x05 - Surpassing the Master

Post by bunniefuu »

Though it's just a little, your body is moving!
Don't forget, "stay still"!
Doing this without using the oil is a lot harder than I thought.

Of course it is!
Don't expect it'll be so easy when you don't use the oil!
Not even the slightest quiver!
Say, I was just thinking What is it?
Why can't I just take this oil with me when I fight?
Then I won't need to learn how to take in Nature Energy without the oil.

That is impossible.

Outside of Mount Myoboku's climate, this oil vaporizes immediately.

No kidding?
I thought I told you.

The oil is only to help you grasp the concept.

Yes, sir!
But the way you change into a frog so quickly Naruto-boy, you lack concentration!
You're not taking it seriously enough!
No, that's not true.

After all, I did get the knack of this thing from the previous training.

Just follow me!
Hey This isn't what I'm thinking, is it?
It's exactly that.

This is your next training site.

Stack a stone slab atop that summit and begin Zen meditation.

If your concentration wavers and you move even slightly, you will fall to the bottom of the ravine.

F-From up there?
Hmm This should do.

Follow me, Naruto-boy!
Stay still!
You must learn to stop your motion as an animal.

Find your own center of balance, and motionlessly synchronize with nature!

Taking in Nature Energy will have to wait until you first perfect staying still.

No way!
Oww Maybe it's time for a break.

Damn It's this hard just to stay still Isn't this training sorta ridiculous?
Such nonsense!
Your master, Jiraiya-boy, managed this feat.

Don't tell me Pervy Sage trained here too?

He and I came here often.

Thank you, Lord Fukasaku!
Say Jiraiya-boy, how about we call it a day?
I can still keep on going.

But I think I'm on the verge of grasping it So can you help me for a while longer?
I must say, he had more guts than anybody else around.

Say, how long did Pervy Sage take on this training?
Well, Jiraiya-boy came here to train between missions, so it took him some time I see.

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!
I don't have the luxury of time.

So I have to pick up the pace!
Pervy Sage did the same training!
So I've gotta do my best too!
What did I really lose that day?
ano hi honto ni ushinatta monotte nan dattakke For the life of me, I can't remember.

tou ni wasureteshimatta yo We slowly lost sight of each other in the twilight yuugure de futari sukoshizutsu mienakunatteitte And yet we're stuck here - unable to go home.

sore nanoni bokura kaerezu ni ita Weak, frail souls lost in the world dokoka ni kowaresou na moroi kokoro We act strong to hide their fragility.

tsuyogaru kotoba de ootte kakushiteru Hide their fragility ootte kakushiteru So farewell, but even forced apart sayonara aenakunattatte Our stories go on.

bokura wa tsuzuki ga aru kara Even in a world without you, I run.

kimi no inai sekai datte hashiru yo To someday get past the pain.

itsuka no itami mo koete koete Someday Surpassing the Master It's no good Focus, Naruto-boy!
That's pretty colorful and yummy looking.

Oh, would you like one, Naruto-boy?
It's my favorite, larva riceballs.

No thanks!
Oh no!
Oh It's looking good.

He's rapidly amassing Nature Energy.

He's finally got it!
I'm impressed at how far he's gotten without using the oil.

He's displaying the rings around the eyes.

Proof of Sagehood.

And no frog aspects either!
This might mean Naruto-boy has become a Sage, surpassing Jiraiya-boy!
And it seems he's able to build up even more Sage Jutsu chakra than when he was using the oil.

How does it feel?
Hmm Now I kinda get what it means to become one with nature.

It doesn't hurt that much And that is Sage Mode!
Your body has been activated on many levels.

Sage Mode, huh?
Now that you've mastered Sage Mode, we've come to the final step.

Final step?
You mean there's more?
It's a type of sparring that Sages perform using Sage Jutsu chakra.

Now I shall teach you how to do Frog Kumite!
You are so useless!
Why'd you leave behind my Executioner's Blade?
Shut up, Suigetsu!
Just be thankful we didn't leave you behind!
Look who's talking!
You were also passed out, Karin!
I got knocked out trying to protect you guys!
It's the result of us trying to protect each other.

We're like fish and water, so close we can't do without one another.

So quit quarreling.


By the way, are we really going to get the Tailed Beast's power, Sasuke?

Who knows?
But it seems there's no need to rely on that anymore.

I have obtained new powers Strong enough to destroy the Hidden Leaf.

What's wrong, Sasuke?
It's nothing.

What is it, Karin?
I sense a chakra outside.

It seems we've been tailed.

Now, go!
Forgive me, Lord Raikage It appears my tail was unsuccessful.

Not only Yugito, but now Bee too I cannot believe that Bee has been taken down!
We have been receiving several messenger lizards from Jay.

Once we've pinpointed the enemy's whereabouts, we'll send in four cells to rescue Lord k*ller Bee, and wipe out the enemy.

I heard it was an Uchiha from the Hidden Leaf who kidnapped my little brother!
Why is there an Uchiha in the Akatsuki?
Sasuke Uchiha It appears he went rogue from the Hidden Leaf quite some time ago.

Why hasn't the Leaf's Hokage dealt with this Rogue Ninja?
They were so quick to react over the Hyuga incident!
Something's wrong The messages have ceased.

Naruto-boy, let's call it a day.

No, not yet!
I'm the one that can't go on.

Howeveryou're starting to get the hang of it.

Yes, sir!
What do you mean the messages from Jay have ceased?
It seems Jay has either been k*lled or captured.

So we're unable to confirm the enemy's location.

Use whatever information we have to narrow down the location, and search every inch of the place!
I don't care if you have to dispatch a battalion!
Y-Yes sir.

Summon Samui's platoon too!
I'm giving them a document of intent to deliver to the Hidden Leaf stating that we will take care of Sasuke Uchiha!
And have them give us intel on him!
Yes, right away!
Furthermore, I'm going to convene a Five Kage Summit Conference with the Five Great Nations!
The Akatsuki will not be forgiven!
Omoi, Karui Lord Raikage has summoned us.

Summoned, eh?
What in the world could it be?
Maybe there's a crisis Or maybe We're getting scolded?
Did he find out that my body fat percentage has spiked?
Maybe eating potatoes with mayonnaise wasn't a good idea?
Omoi, you always think too much!
Why would he scold you for something like that?
The most that would happen is you could get sent to buy some protein.

Being around you guys is so tiring.

Makes my shoulders ache.

The stiff shoulders are probably caused by those big breasts of yours, although one can't say for sure.

What you thought was just a stiff shoulder could actually Will you shut up!
Quit yakking and let's go!
You ought to think things through more carefully.

A flat-chested person like you may not get stiff shoulders, Karui, but Shut up!
Now that kick will cause You got more to say?
You two If you're ninja, act cooler.

Let's go!
I pulled it off!
Even though it's far from perfect I need more practice while in Sage Mode.

And, I have to make sure no one sees me.

Jay We were too late.

TO HOKAGE FROM RAIKAGE Mission acknowledged.

I'm counting on you!
I knew it I had a bad feeling about this.

Don't worry!
No way Lord k*ller Bee would screw up like that.

It's probably some bad joke.

How can you be optimistic?
He could be suffering right this moment!
In fact, he could already Shut up!
I don't want to hear your pessimistic thoughts!
He's our master!
We're talking about Lord k*ller Bee here!
There's no way he'd be defeated!
Aren't you worried about Lord Bee, Karui?
Don't get morbid ideas just because you're worried!
Enough, you two!
We'll save Bee, no matter what it takes!
We will save him!
- Lord Raikage!
- Lord Raikage!
You've made great progress!
Nice, Naruto-boy.

That's some jumping power.

Your Frog Kumite is also pretty good!
Heh That's not all!
Shadow Clone Jutsu!
It ain't over!
I'm just getting started!
Come at me!
The sudden appearance of six figures shakes up the Leaf Village.

Cries of fear People fleeing in panic Pillars of smoke arise one after another Unable to fight back, the Leaf Ninjas are engulfed by the spiral of suffering set in motion by Pain.

Amidst the merciless invasion, Tsunade is convinced the fateful day has finally arrived.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "as*ault on the Leaf Village!
Hey everyone!
How're you all doing?
Today I brought Neji, who hasn't made any appearances at all!
What do you mean no appearances?
I'm constantly away on important missions!
Let's see The last time you made an appearance was a month No, six months ago?
Wait, how long has it been?
I forgot!
I don't do it for the sake of standing out.

Oh yeah?
Lee and Tenten from your squad sure stood out the last time, though.

Why those two Hmph.

They have free time on their hands, unlike a jonin such as myself.

Right, it's tough being you.

Darn you!
Hey, come along with me on my next mission!
We'll call it "Neji Chronicles" NEJI CHRONICLES and air it as a spectacular one-hour special!
No, no way.

It'll never happen.

So, everyone, please continue to watch only my adventures!
That's just not right!
I object, object, object!
Objection, denied!
Tune in again!
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