10x03 - Enter the Five Kage!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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10x03 - Enter the Five Kage!

Post by bunniefuu »

You're late, Kankuro!
Assembling my new puppets took longer than I expected!
Lord Kazekage, have a safe journey.

Lord Kankuro, Lady Temari We're counting on you.

We know.

But Gaara doesn't really need bodyguards.

We're off.

Gaara will be the youngest member amongst the five Kage.

Making sure the other Kage do not take him lightly will also be our duty.

A Five Kage Summit Conference I wonder what the other Kage are like.

Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi, we're counting on you two!
Lord Tsuchikage!
Show the other Kage what you're made of!
Having to go to summits at my age is quite a chore.

Look at those young ones romping around.

They don't even know what it's like to have chronic back pain.

Then maybe it's time to retire, Gramps.

Why drag out the glory?
Let me carry that pack for you, Lord Tsuchikage!
Hands off, Akatsuchi!
I don't need your help!
This is nothing.

My back!
Want to send someone else for you?
Y-You idiot!
Who do you think I am?
I am the Tsuchikage, once feared as Ohnoki the Fence Sitter of the Hidden Stone!
I shall carry my own packs!
Jeez What a stubborn old geezer!
Here, you can carry your own pack if you wish.

Now let's go!
Of all the Do as you please!
Just admit that's better, Gramps.

Have a safe journey, Lord Tsuchikage!
Guard Lady Mizukage well.

Make sure Lady Mizukage doesn't overdo things.

I know.

Thank you.

Great Elder I swear upon my title of Mizukage to carry out my duties with brilliance.

Chojuro, you are one of the Seven Ninja Swords Men of the Mist.

Protect our Mizukage well.

Y-Yes sir.

We should be fine I think.

Have more confidence in yourself.

You are strong.

That is why I chose you to accompany me to the summit.

Okay, Chojuro?
Yes, ma'am.

I can handle itI think.

She's so kind.

"Yes, ma'am" would be enough!
Such an uncertain attitude will get you nowhere!
I swear, young people these days lack the dedication to manage themselves.

Enough with the lecturing!
Get going or you'll be late!
Latefor marriage?
It's my way of offering advice!
Why, in my day Shut up, or I'll k*ll you.

All right, Chojuro, Ao Let us go!
I will do everything to protect that smile on our gentle Lady Mizukage!
I hope I can.

What are you doing, Ao?
Lady Mizukage has left.

Lady Mizukage, please wait for me!
Still no word from Team Samui?
No, sir.

But I do expect to hear something soon.

And Samui has already been given the route you will take to the summit, Lord Raikage.

She will either rendezvous with you directly, or send a messenger bird.

Then I shall be off as well!
Let us go!
Yes, sir!

Follow me!
Not again!
Let's go, Darui.

No I'll just use the door.

Go on, I'll catch up.

"Enter the Five Kage!
" Lord Danzo I haven't seen combat in a long time.

This is the perfect opportunity to loosen my muscles.

Do not interfere.

I will handle them!
It hurts.

It hurts.

Is your target the Hokage, or me personally?
K-k*ll me Well, not that it matters.

Seven, eight, nine, ten Seventeen total, eh?
I'm ready!
It's not okay!
Are you serious about going to meet the Raikage?

I'm going to ask him to forgive Sasuke.

But if you don't even know where the Raikage is So please help him out, Yamato.

Kakashi I'm here to challenge you!
Brother Naruto!
That voice Please don't mention Naruto's actions when you report to the Hokage.

Tell him there's been no movement.

It seems you still do not trust me.

You work under Danzo and your job is to keep an eye on Naruto.

However, you are also a member of my Team 7.

So I do believe in you.

He saidhe believed in me!
What is this feeling?
Catch you later!
These are remnants of the Hannya Black Ops from the Land of Woods that we annihilated in the past.

It's always been like this.

Enemies looking for the slightest opportunity to strike.

Now that you've come out of the shadows, things may become more troublesome for you, sir.

A ninja lives in an ascetic world.

To remain anonymous was a source of pride.

But by exclusively controlling both the surface and the underground, one can truly strengthen village and nation.

I will make certain that this summit is a success and that I am recognized as the Hokage.

Then the Jonin Council will have no choice but to accept me as their Hokage.

My era has finally come.

Hey What's going on?
I'm not sure.

What are those two up to?
- Sexy Jutsu!
- Sexy Jutsu!
You can spy on Naruto in your dreams.

Did you want to watch their Sexy Jutsu?
Sorry about that.

But it seems Sai has begun to lose the Foundation's trust.

Oh Look at the difference in our sexiness!
Now then Damn it!
I lose!
I'm supposed to be your rival, but you keep on kicking my butt, Bro!
I heard the news.

You brought down one of the Pains with your Rasengan, right?
I was just desperate that time.

Good job, Konohamaru!
You're a hero in our village too!
You pick things up quicker than I do!
Next time, I'll teach you how to do the Giant Rasengan!
My hand hurts!
What if I get tendonitis from this and it causes my swordsmanship to deteriorate and I end up getting hurt in battle?
And despite the frantic efforts of the girls on the Medical Team, I die.

Keep moving your hand, not your tongue, will you?
We have to hurry up and consolidate the data on Sasuke and the Akatsuki, or we'll be here forever!
Umm Could you please keep your voices down?
M-My apologies.

LEAF ARCHIVES Finished at last!
Try to maintain your cool more if you want to call yourselves ninja, got it?
We must hurry to Lord Raikage!
- Gotcha!
- Right!
Sorry, but I'm planting Signal Seeds on you.

I may not look it, but tailing is my specialty.

Now then I should contact Kakashi and Naruto.

I wonder if that Naruto kid is okay.

If you say another word, I'll beat you up!
It's been bugging you too, eh?
I told you not to talk!
Your hands move as quick as ever.

Begin tailing.

INN Chojuro Your Great Twin Sword Hiramekarei must have been heavy during the journey.

Are you all right?

Although I feel a bit warm.

You do have a slight temperature.

Lady Fifth, you spoil Chojuro too much!
This is why youth these days get so full of themselves!
Feeling feverish after a short walk like that!
In my day Ao We're no longer in the dark ages when we were known as the Blood Mist Village.

The nightmare under the Fourth Mizukage is over.

Please stop harping on about the past.

P-Pardon me, I just Now, let us stop such depressing talk and have some supper instead.

I am looking forward to the meal here.

What's for dinner?
Something engaging, I hope.

ENGAGING Engaging?
You did make arrangements for dinner, didn't you, Chojuro?
Th-There were so many choices, in the end, I couldn't decide.

In the end, it was Such indecisiveness!
Youth these days have no ambition in their hearts!
Only voids!
VOID Void?
I'm so sorry.

I'll get on it right away!
My engagement in the end, it wasvoid?
Why, back in my day Shut up, or I'll k*ll you.

Man, it's getting cold.

The Land of Iron is just a stone's throw away.

Wait, there's something up ahead.

I've never been to the Land of Iron.

I'm so excited.

There's nothing special about it.

What's it like, Gramps?
It lies among three mountains known as the Three Wolves.

It has its own culture, its own jurisdiction, a powerful military and maintains neutrality.

So it has its own culture and power.

What makes it different from the Land of Earth?
There is a long-standing rule that ninja will not meddle with it.

The Land of Iron does not rely on ninja.

Instead, it is protected by those who are known as samurai.

How did it go?
The security is real tight due to the Five Kage Summit.

Jugo, use animals to scout out the route to the summit where the security is the thinnest.


We have been awaiting your arrival, Lord Kazekage.

My name is Mifune, a General of this Land of Iron.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

I am the Kazekage, Gaara.

It's cold.

The climate is totally different from the Land of Wind.

Some hot tea will warm you up.

Please come inside.

It's gotten cold all of a sudden.

We're in the middle of tailing!
So, shh!
How is it?
We can go up a route on the west side.

There aren't many guards.

Karin, keep checking the chakra positions of the guards.

We're going to infiltrate now.

I have to come too?
This is the time to demonstrate your powers.

Zetsu, was it?
I need you to confirm which one is Danzo.

You're coming too.

A message from Sai, it seems.

Just a routine report.

Let's go.

Why can't we just ambush him before he arrives?
I'm getting tired.

Are you stupid?
If the Hokage is late, they're bound to think something went wrong.

Then samurai reinforcements will swarm all over the place.

And what if the other Kage come too?
We don't know the enemy's strength.

So we should wait for our chance for a surprise attack on his way home.

Right, Sasuke?
Karin, just focus on the enemy's chakra positions.


Shut up!
Sasuke, it seems you have your hands full.

Never mind that.

I need you to verify which one is Danzo before the meeting.

You better not lie.

I am attuned to chakra.

There's always a disturbance in chakra when one lies.

So just remember, I'll be checking on you all the time.

I won't lie.

Danzo is a hindrance to us too.

Lord Raikage, it's Team Samui.

Let's descend!
I have returned from the Hidden Leaf Village.

And how did it go?
Samui, you've been tailed.

Come out, you Hidden Leaf dogs!
We need to talk!
Lord Raikage, the incident in which you tried to obtain the Hyuga Byakugan is still unresolved on our side.

Please try not to forget the sacrifices made by the Leaf.

Right here and now, this young ninja, no matter how awkwardly, is bowing his head in his affection for the Cloud and Leaf, village and nation.

Lord Raikage As one of the five Kage, what do you think of this?
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Naruto's Plea" How foolish.

Tune in again!
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