10x21 - The Infiltrator

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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10x21 - The Infiltrator

Post by bunniefuu »

By the way, Kakashi Sensei, who's that on your back?
She's one of Sasuke's comrades.

Not anymore.

I have a lot of questions I want to ask her, so I'm taking her back to the village.

I see.

So we're going back to Hidden Leaf Village.

Naruto, not that way.

What're you saying, Kakashi Sensei?
Hidden Leaf Village is this way.

We forgot something in the Land of Iron.

Right, Sakura?
Forgot somethingâ ¦ Oh!
We should go back and retrieve it, right?

What is it?
I feel awful!
What are you doing here?
You were supposed to go back to the village with me.

You even made a hole in the floor of the inn!
Narutoâ ¦ Let's get going soon.

Narutoâ ¦ Damn it!
That was a clone just now!
I-I'm so sorry!
I had to pursue you, and I was barely able to apologize to the innkeepers!
Naruto came in the nick of time, but it seems you didn't send him over.

Of course not!
After all, you told me to take Naruto back to the village.

In essence, Naruto left you behind.

No, wellâ ¦ It turned out fine, Yamato.

If Naruto hadn't come, Sakura might have been dead now.

And maybe even me, depending on the circumstances.

Sasuke's chakra was different from the past.

It was dark and cold.

Stillâ ¦ Sasuke is Sasuke.

You're right.

Sasuke is Sasuke.


Anyway, that's what happened, Yamato.

So please forgive Naruto.

I understand.


Please go on ahead.

What about you?
I'm going back to the inn to repair the hole Naruto made.

Sorry, Captain Yamato.

Honestlyâ ¦ Let's get going too.

Sasuke abandoned me.

And now, I'm the Hidden Leaf's prisoner of w*r.

I wonder how Suigetsu and Jugo are doing.

Whateverâ ¦ Like I care anymore.

THE INFILTRATOR Danzo should have returned some time ago.

How do you intend to explain the unfortunate outcome of the Five Kage Summit?
May I enter?
What is it, Shikaku?
There's been an unusual disturbance among the members of the Foundation.

Within the Foundation?
They seem restless.

But I don't know the reason.

Lord Homura, Lady Koharuâ ¦ Speak of the devil.

Has there been any word from Lord Danzo?
We are waiting for him to return too.

They are restless indeed.

The higher-ups don't know anything either.

Then Sai!
He headed for the Land of Iron too.

Find Sai.

Have him report everything that's happened.

We're home!
⠓ Lord Bee!
⠓ Lord Bee!
Long time no see, Omoi, Karui!
Have ya been getting by cheerfully, care-free-ly?
Of course not!
Not after you suddenly disappeared from the village like that.

Do you know how worried we were?
Now, now!
He was safe all this time, so it's all okay now!
Lord Raikage, welcome home.

I know it's sudden, but we wish to hold a council right away regarding what transpired at the Five Kage Summit Conference.

No down time?
We can't afford to take it easy.

Things are about to get even hotter.

Why is that?
The Fourth Great Ninja w*r.

An Allied Shinobi Force has been formed.

Tell them the details at the meeting.

Also, we'll need to meet with the Feudal Lord.

I have requested an audience with him.

What's that?
Just a spoil of w*r from my battle against one of the Seven Ninja Swords Men.

It's taken a liking to me.

It won't leave my side.

Wow, so this is one of the Seven Ninja Swords Men's blades, huh?
As expected of you Lord Bee!
As expected, eh?
Even "as expected" me is at someone's mercy.

Did you record the battle?

What about Samehada?
The Eight-Tails took it.

I see.

Thenâ ¦ Yeah.

It went perfectly.

You've got to hand it to Kisame.

I will declare the start of the Fourth Great Ninja w*r at the Five Kage Summit.

So the time is now ripe.

Once I've declared w*r, I suspect the Eight-Tails' freedom will be restricted and he'll be confined.

Then you can hunt him at your own leisure.

I'm ready anytime, butâ ¦ First, we infiltrate.

We sneak into their midst and obtain intel.

So this is an infiltration mission?
Use White Zetsu.

Once he makes contact, he can copy a person's chakra and create a clone.

Leave it to me.

However, he's weak.

You can't use him in battle, but he's good for deception.

If fighting the Eight-Tails gets too exciting, I might end up almost k*lling him, but I accept!
All right.

I'll leave the Eight-Tails in your hands.

Leave it to me.

I searched high and low for you, Eight-Tails.

My great blade Samehada loves powerful chakra.

And it seems to have finally caught scent of some delicious chakra.

I'm sorry, but you're going to be food for my Samehada.

Not to worry though, I won't k*ll you.

Now then, this is where things start getting tough.

It was good to let Samehada take a liking to the Eight-Tails.

I never imagined it would even share chakra with him.

Though that ended up working in my favor.

Their Sensory-Type Ninja hasn't caught on yet.

It's not surprising.

Since Samehada takes in Kisame's chakra and uses it for energy, they have the same chakra signature.

The enemy doesn't know any better.

I could take on the infiltration mission.

You are weak.

Ultimately, we are going to capture the Eight-Tails.

Kisame is the suitable one.

But you pulled off that performance quite well.

It wasn't easy switching places with Kisame underwater.

I'm not used to it.

Don't you think you're overdoing it?
It was just right for the Eight-Tails.

I guess it's my turn now.

I leave it in your hands.

Water Style: Super Shark Bomb⠔ ⠓ Double Lariat!
⠓ Double Lariat!
I can undo my Body Substitution Jutsu now, right?

It's almost feeding time.

Let's merge.

Is this is what you forgot?
How could these guys just lay around sleeping while you were in such a bind, Sakura?
They were going to help you.

Apologize properly after you wake them up.

I will.

You're going to wake them up?
Damn it.

Narutoâ ¦ It's my fault that they're asleep.

So be gentle when you wake them.

I feel sick.

You're going to sleep too?
Naruto's like that because of youâ ¦ umm, Sakura, right?
It's because of your poison.

What a carefree guy.

He's already asleep.

He's sleeping so soundly.

I think a burden's been lifted off of him.

However, we don't have time to waste.

Sakura, wake them up.

Next up, Sai.

I'm up.

The drug has worn off.

I'm sorry.

How come Naruto's here?
And he's fast asleep too!
I'll explain on the way home.

Hey, get up!
Oh Kibaâ ¦ Gently!
Gently please!
Butâ ¦why?
Do you still feel nauseous?

But can you take a look?
Looks fine to me.

Then the Curse Mark is gone?
Lord Danzo had placed a Curse Mark on my tongue.

Danzo is the new Hokage, right?
Although he hasn't officially taken office yet.

What about him?
The fact that the Curse Mark is gone meansâ ¦ It seems like it.

I can't believe it.

Lord Danzo?
This girl knows more about it.

This Danzo you're talking aboutâ ¦ Sasuke got him.

Do you mean that Sasuke k*lled him?
He was the Hokage!
That's all I have to say.

Tell us in detail!
What's going on?
I don't get it at all!
Make it an extra large.

⠓ You get up too and explain!
⠓ Now, now, Kiba.

Wake up, Naruto!
All right!
Next up is the meeting with the Feudal Lord!
He is already waiting for you.

All right!
Don't waste any time, everyone!
Especially you, Bee!
What is it, Brother?
You understand, don't you?
Sure I do!
I really do understand.


Things have gotten really bad.

I know.

A Great Ninja w*r they say.

In other words, just an all-out w*r.

So newbies like us, who have no experience in a real w*r, are gonna be sent to the frontlines.

And we'll be surrounded by this Akatsuki troop that no one knows much aboutâ ¦ and it'll mean certain death for us.

But we have no choice but to give it our all, so I'll fight hard.

But the enemy's counterattack will be relentless and I'll end up crying.

And Karui, if you dieâ ¦ So you're k*lling me off, you jerk?
Yo, don't despair young ones.

Lord Beeâ ¦ I'll put your troubled hearts at ease, baby.

With my sentimental rap.

Damn it, this is ridiculous!
We listened to her wishes and even located Sasuke for her.

Now don't be so upset, Kiba.

Don't act like you're the only hero here, Sakura.

You told us to keep this a secret from Naruto, but Sai went and blabbed it all to him, on top of which, Sasuke got away.

Be a man and quit complaining.

Speak for yourself, Naruto!
Oh, you're right about that!
You are too simple and dumb to be able to think as complexly as you've been attempting.

Hey Sai!
Since when did you develop such a carefree laugh?
That wasn't a compliment!
What is it, Bushy Brow?
It's like you're back to your old self, Naruto.

He means you haven't grown at all.

Once an idiot, always an idiot.

Kiba, you're the idiot!
I don't wanna hear that coming from an idiot!
I've had enough of your smiling face!
This guy is the complete opposite of Sasuke.

His chakra isâ ¦soâ ¦ bright and warm.

What is this?
Deep inside himâ ¦ A chakra like this?
So dark!
As thoughâ ¦ Sai, you need to explain everything that's happened.

Who are these guys?
Members of the Foundation, from the Anbu Black Ops.

It seems you are aware of it too.

The reason why the Curse Mark placed on us by Lord Danzo is gone.

Is Lord Danzoâ ¦dead?

That'sâ ¦ What about his bodyguards, Foo and Torune?
I'm in the dark about them too.

They were not at the site.

Therefore, I would like to propose a discussion about the future of the Foundation with you.

And with the new Hokage hereâ ¦ New Hokage?
Kakashi Hatake.

We'll head back ahead of you.

You're going to be the next Hokage, Kakashi Sensei?
Looks like it's going to be that way.

I'll get right to the point.

The Five Great Nations of the Hidden Cloud, Hidden Leaf, Hidden Stone, Hidden Mist, and the Hidden Sand along with samurai of the Land of Iron have formed the Allied Shinobi Forces.

Therefore, I ask for your approval.

Why such haste, Raikage?
Rivalries exist among the shinobi.

And now, you are pooling your strength to form a military alliance?
For what reason?
The Tailed Beasts.

Tailed Beasts?
A group known as the Akatsuki has taken possession of seven of the Tailed Beasts and has declared w*r on us.

The Fourth Great Ninja w*r.


The remaining Tailed Beasts are the Hidden Leaf's Nine-Tails and our own Eight-Tails.

We have no choice but to cooperate.

This is not a case of the retainer wanting to replace his lord, is it, Raikage?
We don't even know if we will be able to protect the Feudal Lords.

That's how difficult this battle will be.

I understand, Raikage.

I approve your alliance.

Then I request that you convene a Feudal Lord Summit.

A Feudal Lord Summit?
Do you know how difficult that is to arrange?
Please arrange it.

I guess I have no choice.

I will do as you say.

We have approval from the Feudal Lord.

Now we can officially prepare for w*r.


I will begin all phases of preparations.

I hope the other villages will start preparing right away.

I don't know about the Hidden Leaf.

Looks like they have Hokage succession issues.

The Sand too.

Their Kazekage is young and knows nothing of w*r.

Never mind the others.

Make haste and prepare for an all-out battle!
What is that?
I'm not sure.

â Yay!
â Yay!
Yo young ones!
Blast your worries away, knock 'em out of sight.

My rap song is filled with passion, baby.

â Yay!
â Yay!
Now listen to me.

Master Kin polished my style and added more passion.

It's a new enka rap!
It's called "Gosaku"!
So thank you!
â Yay!
â Yay!
Drop Kick!
You haven't learned a thing, have you?
Big Bro, your kick is really effective.

Not again!
It's certain that the Akatsuki is strong.

But the true strength of our Allied Shinobi Forces, which is unparalleled in history, is an unknown.

If we unite all the shinobi's power I believe we can counter them thoroughly.

Above all, we must win this battle or the world will end.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Five Great Nations Mobilize.

" From this point forward, begin the preparations for the Great w*r!
Tune in again!
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