11x01 - The Five Kage's Decision

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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11x01 - The Five Kage's Decision

Post by bunniefuu »

You're saying that the Fourth Great Ninja w*r is about to start?

Even if it is Madara Uchiha, can he really take on the Five Great Nations?

Wake up!

Madara Uchiha leads the Akatsuki.

Just one of their members, Nagato, was able to destroy Hidden Leaf Village!

Have you already forgotten that?


I agree with Lady Tsunade.

The Akatsuki already have the Tailed Beasts from the One Tail to the Seven Tails.

If they intend to use them as military weapons, then we must consider their strength to be far greater than Nagato's.

And if that is the case, the Five Great Nations⦠no, the entire world is in danger of ruin.

We cannot delay action any longer.

All right.

But do you know where Uchiha Madara is?

We have a general idea of the location.

The Mitarashi Unit just reported in and they confirmed spotting someone who fits the description of Madara Uchiha.

I see.

They are presently working to get more solid intel.

It doesn't rhyme.

Isn't there a nice phrase?

Unless we are sure about the enemy's headquarters, and where their hideout is, it will be difficult to launch an effective surprise attack.

And so, we will first dispatch a reconnaissance team.

All right.

'To maximize their efforts, we will have '"All right," eh?

'three surprise attack formations.

'Lacks originality.

To ensure success, 'each formation must be comprised of 'What if I switch it around like⦠'expert shinobi from the Five Great Nations.


Right-o⦠And then I add a little rap flavor and⦠Yo right-o.

Yo right-o, yo right-o, yo right-o yo⦠This gives us a pretty clear picture of the Hidden Cloud's military strength.

Lucky for us, the Eight Tails is a fool.

It's not working.

This phrase is making me mad!

Can't figure it out.

We don't have current intel about the enemy, so we must rely on intel from the others to assess the situation.

So we're to go empty-handed and depend on intel from other villages?

Will they even share their data?

If they refuse to divulge what they know, then the Allied Shinobi Force is meaningless.

We'll just have to trust them.

We don't have time to waste.

At this every moment, Madara Uchiha is preparing for w*r.

All right!

We will hold a meeting of the Allied Shinobi Force in three days!

Send word to each village!

Shortly, I will make an announcement to everyone in the village about the impending Fourth Great Ninja w*r.

Fourth Great Ninja War⦠You didn't know this yet, Sakura.

But Madara Uchiha has declared w*r.

It's not a w*r between nations this time.

The Five Great Nations have joined forces for a w*r, the likes of which has never been seen.

The enemy is⦠None other than the Akatsuki.

The Akatsuki⦠We're really going to fight Sasuke.

When the fighting breaks out, many will be stricken with anxiety.

It will be your job to monitor their mental state.

Circulate among each team and report anything that you deem necessary.

Do not hide anything.

I understand.

Also, make sure you keep an eye on Naruto.

I cannot have him acting recklessly.

In this w*r, the Akatsuki's goal is Naruto.

What's going on, Shizune?

Well, just now⦠Naruto suddenly disappeared from Ichiraku.



You don't suppose the enemy⦠It's impossible for Naruto to be kidnapped from this village!

Find Naruto immediately!

The Five Kage's Decision See you, Giant Gramps Sage.

All right, I'm sending you back.

I'm back.

Where'd you go?

I thought you suddenly disappeared, and now you're back!

I had something to do.

Oh, Naruto!

They said you suddenly disappeared and everyone's in an uproar.


No kidding!

I never thought I'd run into you here.

Oh hey!

Give me your autograph!

Could you make it out to my kid.

He's a big fan of yours.


The hero of the Hidden Leaf.

The kid who created a miracle, Naruto Uzumaki.

Give me your autograph too!

What is it?

You refuse?

Oh no, but I'm not used to that sort of thing.

I don't have a clue what to sign.

Everyone's making a fuss over him lately as the miracle kid.

But until just recently, it was just the opposite.

I can't blame the boy.

Gentlemen, will you let him eat a bowl of ramen before that?

Oh, sure⦠Yes!

I finally get to eat!


Oh Sakura!

Where have you been?



I was suddenly summoned and⦠Just come with me right now!

Lady Tsunade and everyone else are worried about you!


Let me eat my ramen!

That can wait.

With the Great Lord Elder?

Yeah, he used a Reverse Summoning Jutsu.

Jeez, after all the trouble⦠Lord Fukasaku could at least notify me first.

Still, it's a relief that you're okay, Naruto.

Yup, I'm alive and well.

But why did the Great Lord Elder summon you?

Giant Gramps Sage had a prophecy for me too.

Like the one he foretold to Jiraiya?

What did the Great Lord Elder say?

Well⦠What's the matter?

I'm gonna go to some resort and encounter an octopus.


An octopus?

What is that supposed to mean?

Well, this octopus is gonna cooperate with me somehow.

Giant Gramps Sage didn't know the details either.

And⦠he said that I'm going to end up fighting Sasuke.


But I'm already prepared for that.

Naruto⦠Sakura, it's all right.

Just let me deal with Sasuke.

It's quiet.

I know.

So peaceful.


No, it's not.

Well sure, the village that Pain destroyed is being rebuilt, and Lady Tsunade has come out of her coma.

But as for Sasuke, there's only talk that Naruto will do something.

And there's gonna be a w*r, right?

How did you know that?

I'm not stupid.

I can tell by watching the jonin.

I guess so.

The fact is w*r is right at our doorstep.

I see⦠I figured as much.


This is fight is going to be something we⦠I mean, no shinobi has ever experienced.

I mean, the Five Great Nations are joining forces for the first time to crush the Akatsuki.

It's the start of the Fourth Great Ninja w*r.

The Fourth Great Ninja w*r.

Aren't you scared, Shikamaru?

Sure, I'm scared.

But this time, it doesn't matter how scared we are or how hard it'll be.

Our enemy, the Akatsuki, is made up of members so skilled that it took just one of them, Pain, to destroy Hidden Leaf Village.

And the abilities of their leader, Madara, are shrouded in mystery.

Madara already has seven Tailed Beasts in his possession.

If he unleashes all of them at once, who knows if the Five Great Nations can win.

The very existence of the ninja world is at stake.

Each and every shinobi will have to do his best in order for us to win.

Choji, I'm counting on your strength!

Shikamaru⦠I wonder if I can do my best?

Still, it's hard to take this all in, huh?

Are you okay?

You wanted to know what to expect from w*r.

I'm fine.

But nothing can prepare you for the real b*ttlefield.

The cries of the wounded, the smell of blood⦠It's impossible not to be affected by that.

And yet, a Medical Ninja must maintain composure at all times.

Everyone fights hard, believing that we will be there to save their lives.

I understand.

That's why I wanted to⦠to know.

Well, I've rambled on enough.

Damn it.

A poor talker like me lecturing you, it's not my style.

If we both end up dying⦠You won't be an Uchiha and I won't be the Nine Tails' Jinchuriki.

We'll be free of all our burdens.

And we'll finally be able to understand each other in the next world.

Narutoâ¦you⦠If both Naruto and Sasuke are seriously wounded⦠which one will I save first?

Found you!

Be quiet!

Master, what's the meaning of this?

Don't scare us like that.

I'm k*ller - Bee - Quiet!

That has a nice cadence.

'And⦠'What is it?

ENKA CONCERT These are for us?

To sell?


I had interference from Brother in that last recital.

This time, I'm gonna nail it.

A recital?

Who's gonna wanna buy these?

Are you that against hearing me sing?

You fools!

You idiots!

No, it's not that⦠Okay, Master!

I'll sell tickets even if it kills me!

I'm counting on you!

You all came quickly.

The situation calls for quick action.

Princess Tsunade.

Are you really all right?

This is the perfect opportunity to hand things over to a youngster.

You're old too.

Speak for yourself, you Fence-Sitter geezer!

Setting aside the matter of Danzo, I'm relieved that you are back as the Hokage, Lady Tsunade.

Let us be done with the greetings and get right to business.

First on the agenda are the Jinchuriki of the Eight Tails and Nine Tails.

Then we will go on to any intel relating to the enemy's headquarters and military strength.

My shinobi have pinned down a location that may be the enemy's stronghold.

But it may be a trap.

We have no choice but to wait for more intel on this.

I also have a reconnaissance team gathering intel.

We need to sort through the intel from each village quickly.

How about forming a separate unit within the Allied Force that only handles intel?

Good idea!

Share and share alike!

That goes without saying!

If each nation becomes driven by self-interest, the Akatsuki will pull the rug out from under us.

So, where will we hide the crucial Jinchuriki?

Hide them?

What is it?

Naruto and Bee can lend much strength to this battle.

Why hide them away?

I thought so as well.

But those two are what the enemy is after in this w*r.

Considering what could happen, we cannot let them participate.

It was decided at the last meeting, but you, of course, were still ill.

Our enemy is Madara!

If we hold back battle strength and lose the prospect of victory, we are not going to get another chance.

We must hit them with everything we've got⦠The Five Great Nations joined together and our aim in this w*r is to protect those two.

Your sole dissent as Hokage is not sufficient.

We will decide this with majority rule.

You child!

Naruto is'I know him quite well.

Putting us through all this trouble!

If it's for a friend, he gets too reckless.

That is exactly why.

Before we even talk about military strength, the five Kage must reach a consensus.

Otherwise, there will be no victory.

I agree, Lady Tsunade.

It's fine!

The Slug Princess is back to her impudent self.

It's proof that she is well.

We will now need to decide where to hide the Eight Tails and Nine Tails.

Any objections, Hokage?

I understand.

Get on with it!

I have a place in mind.

And it is appropriately located in the Hidden Cloud, which has not produced any Akatsuki members.

I set it aside, just in case.

Why do you need to speak in private?

I need a favor.

A favor?

I understand that your younger brother, Bee, has the Eight Tails completely under control.

I want Bee to teach Naruto.

About how to control the Nine Tails.

How convenient for you.

If that brat named Naruto learns to completely manipulate the Nine Tails he will be the ultimate w*apon for the Hidden Leaf.

And you want me to readily agree to that?

I know all that.

But this is not the time to be arguing about our own interests!

We are up against Madara Uchiha!

The time will come when we will have no choice but to use Bee and Naruto's powers!

It will be too late if we wait until then!

Don't shout so much.

Is that any way to make a request?

I'm sorry.

You have a point though.

And, I considered that ages ago.



What are you saying?

The place I'm sending those two isn't just a hideout.

I said I set it aside, didn't I?

Long ago, Bee and I trained on that island.

S-rank mission?


You're assigning me to an important mission like that?


This is a mission that only you can undertake.

You and Yamato will go to a certain place in the Hidden Cloud region.

Is that the resort?

The Great Lord Elder's prophecy was accurate.

It seems that is the place he foresaw.

Then I'm gonna see the octopus at this resort island?

I feel sorta bad!

Everyone's so busy and I get to go to a resort.

You fool!

You are going on a mission!

I know.

Just joking, just joking.

But about going to this place that was prophesied⦠Is it connected to the other one?

That I'll fight with Sasuke?

That, I don't know.

However, we are on the verge of w*r!

Hence, this S-rank mission.

When you get to the site, you will follow Yamato's orders.


I understand!

You can count on me for this S-rank mission!

Dress casually for enka.

Yup, I look pretty good.

Where is Bee?


W-What's up, Brother?


You surprised me too much.

You're going on a mission.

Leave immediately!

What's with that get-up?


The concert is in three days.


If we don't sell them⦠It'll be "You fools.

You idiots.

You worthless jerks.

" And we'll end up tied to the front-row seats and forced to listen to Master's singing forever.

We'll end up with calluses on our ears.


So we just have to sell the tickets, right?


But if we do sell them all, he'll be so grateful he'll still give us first-row seats and we'll have to listen to Master sing for the rest of our lives, and we'll still get calluses!

So do we sell the tickets or not?


I don't know what to do either!

The time has finally come.

Just as Giant Gramps Sage prophesied.

I'm going to go search for an octopus and train to learn how to control the Nine Tails' power.

And see Sasuke again.

Naruto, are you ready?


Hey young man.

We depart now!

Next time: "The Young Man and the Sea" We'll set sail for the Land of Lightning!

Tune in again!
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