11x04 - The Cursed Ghost Ship

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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11x04 - The Cursed Ghost Ship

Post by bunniefuu »

You there, maiden.

What's the matter?

What's wrong, mister?

I-It appeared!

What appeared?

A highwayman?

A slasher wanting to try out their new sword?

There have been so many disturbances lately.


I-It was a⦠It's a faceless⦠What?


You mean⦠Faceless like this?

Sorry, sorry.

That's my Wood Clone.

Captain Yamato, that's going too far.

Still, Naruto.

You're such a scaredy cat.

Captain Yamato, your face is bad for my heart.

Don't be so upset, Naruto.

The fog's so thick, there's nothing else to do.

Yeah, but a grown man like you telling ghost stories?

Something's wrong with you!

You're so easy to scare.

That's why.

Stories like that don't scare me one bit.

Okay then, I'll tell you the best one yet.

I've heard that it appears on days like this.



It appears, led in by black crows that guide the souls of dead men.

A giant friar's lantern that lights the mast confirms its presence.

The thick, thick fog embodies the souls of dead people.

When you encounter it, the final journey to the land of the dead begins.

That is⦠the ghost ship.

Souls of dead people?

D-Don't tell me this fog⦠Yes.

The ghost ship appears out of fog like this.

Just kidding.

A ghost ship is just an old superstition.

I thought so.

Of course, there's no such thing.

I didn't believe you for a second.

You could've fooled me.

The wind just picked up.

What was that?


This is⦠A ghost ship?


No way.

It can't be!

The Cursed Ghost Ship You've got to be kidding!

Are you seriously gonna board a ghost ship?


Naruto, there's no such thing as a ghost ship.

There sure is.

Look at that.

It's exactly how Captain Yamato described it.

It's definitely a suspicious-looking ship, but marine laws dictate that lost ships must not be left ignored.

The sooner we check it out, the sooner we can get back to our boat.

So give it up.

If that's the case, I should have stayed back with Bushy Brow Sensei.

Naruto, it's all about guts!

As long as you have guts, ghosts or whatever are⦠It's only seasickness.

Get over it with guts.

Right, Aoba?

W-Wait a minute.

Hey Aoba⦠Captain Yamato⦠Man, I'm so busy, busy, busy.

Hey⦠My face isn't the floor.


So busy, so busy.


Hey, wait!

So busy, so busy!


He really is a busy guy.

Oh⦠So that's how you operate the ship.

Hey, you've really made good use of this brush.

Don't touch it!

The captain gave it to me.

It's very precious to me.

O-Okay, I get it.

For a young kid, you really work hard.

Isn't it hard all by yourself?

All right!

I'll help you!

Two is better than one.

In fact, a bunch of us will finish much faster than just two!

After all, I don't think I'll get to talk to you unless you finish your work.

Boy, am I tired.

Say brother⦠Huh?

My name's Naruto.

Naruto⦠I'm Hishaku.

Nice to meet you.

You're a ninja, Naruto?

Are you strong?

Of course, I'm strong.

I'm aiming to become the Hokage.

The Hokage?


The strongest and most important ninja in the village.

Is that all?

Well, my captain is even greater than your Hokage.



The captain is strong and not just important.

He's kind and considerate of others.

I'm gonna become a captain too one day!

H-Hold it!

My Hokage is strong and important and kind, and not just considerate, but generous.

Andâ¦and⦠No, my captain is!

The Hokage!

The Hokage!

The captain!

So we both have something we're aiming for.

By the way, teach me that thing.

The way you tapped the brush earlier.

That was cool.

The captain taught it to me.

The captain gave me this brush too.

Can we join in your conversation?

I looked around, but it's just an ordinary ship on the inside, Captain Yamato.

It's not a ghost ship.

A ghost ship?

That's just a superstition.

But⦠Isn't that made up of human souls?

You mean the glow on the mast?

Well, among sailors, it's supposed to be a sign of good luck.

That's just static electricity discharging.

S-Static electricity?

Then what about the crows on the mast?

You don't normally find crows on the ocean.

Those aren't crows.

They're just seabirds taking a rest.

They're dirty from the ash coming from the smokestack.


Putting aside talk about a ghost ship, we took the liberty of checking the inside of this ship too.

It seems there are no other sailors on board besides you.

What happened to them?

A ship this class requires quite a few deckhands.

That's right.

Where's the captain who gave you the brush?

I used to have shipmates.

I presume something happened.

Under the sea, lurks something even more terrifying than some stupid superstition about a ghost ship.

It's here!


Oh yes.

The legendary sea monster, the Skeleton Crab!


It's not an ordinary crab!

It's huge, the size of a small island.

Its shell is rock hard and if you get caught between its pinchers, it's over.

It can pulverize anything!

And the barnacles that are attached on the shell devour humans alive!

The captain and the rest of the crew⦠They were all k*lled by it.


Ninja are strong, right?

Please destroy it and avenge the captain and the others!

Oh no⦠Captain Yamato!

Captain Yamato!

That thing's gonna⦠Leave it to me, Hishaku!

I'll crush that thing!

Aoba, take Hishaku back to the ship with you!

And let everyone know about this.

But⦠We don't have time to stand around and think!

One of us has to save Captain Yamato and stop that monster crab, or notify the others on the ship.

Each of us has to do one task.

You probably can explain things to the others more calmly than me, Aoba.

He's become so reliable.

Okay, I'll take on that job.

Naruto, aren't you scared?

How can you take on that monster?

I told you.

I'm aiming to become the Hokage some day.

If it's for my comrades, I'm not afraid of anything.

For your comrades⦠Hishaku⦠You're still young.

You must live.

I'm scared, Captain!

Please stay with me, Captain.

I've had this from the time I joined this ship.

Take this.

Those worn-down bristles carry my soul in them.

If you take it, I'll know it's in good hands.


I still have work to do.

It's my job to stay with my ship until the end, for the sake of my comrades who believed in me and stayed with me.

That's the duty of a ship's captain.

Just you wait.

I'll get revenge for you!

That's Naruto Uzumaki, the hero who saved the Hidden Leaf Village.

Naruto Uzumaki.

Let's get back to our ship.

You good-for-nothing⦠Going around threatening everyone!

If you're not a ghost, then you don't scare me one bit!



That monster crab has a hard shell, all right!

This thing⦠It's not only strong, but it's fast too.

Aoba, our ship is swaying badly.

What's going on?

We have to get out of this area immediately.

Naruto is buying us some time right now.

Captain⦠Grant me the courage.

Captain Yamato!

I can't do anything big to settle this.

I have to save Captain Yamato quickly!

Damn it.

This is bad!

Everyone, please lend me your strength!

They got it.

I wonder if Hishaku did it.

That helped!

Captain Yamato!

I was careless.

To get caught by something like this⦠I'm embarrassed.

Don't worry about it.

Hey, Naruto!

Captain Yamato, now!

That shell is unbelievably hard.

I see.

So I should aim for the soft area.

Wood Style Jutsu!

Now, Naruto!

I know!

Hishaku, lend me some of your courage!


Prepare yourself, you monster crab!


You did it, Naruto.


Thanks to Hishaku.

I guess you realized your dream before I did.

I've only known you for a short while, but you're one hell of a captain, kind of like the Hokage.

Thank you, Naruto.

I always felt regret that I wasn't able to fight with the others back then.

But you avenged everyone and the heaviness in my heart is gone.

Aw, come on.

I was able to destroy that monster crab all because of you.

And you're one of our comrades now.

Yeah, you're right!

But it's time to say goodbye, Naruto.

H-Hey, what's going on?

Hey, where'd you go?


No one's blaming you!

What a problem.

You're too honorable!

You couldn't rest in peace, so we couldn't either!

I'm sorry, everyone.

You don't need to apologize.

We felt so relieved when that damn crab got hit directly!

'Yeah, yeah!

'Yeah, yeah!

All right, how about we liven things up with the usual?



Goodbye, Naruto!

'Take care!

'Take care!


Hishaku, take care of yourself!

No way⦠A ghost ship!

The rudder doesn't work at all!

This is some storm!

What's going to happen if we drift on this current?

It seems like we'll be okay!

If we remain on this current, we'll still be on course.

All right!

We'll head straight to the Land of Lightning!

Wait Naruto, something's heading this way!

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Battleship Island!

" It's an attack!

Wait, what is that?

Tune in again!
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