26x03 - End of the Road

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x03 - End of the Road

Post by bunniefuu »

This time it should work.

Hi Nate.

Look at this.

I've reprogrammed your saber and detonator so they can interact,

the Beast-X Cannon.

Nice! I can't wait to use it, but is my X-Bike ready?

Yes, your phenomenal idea, a bike powered by Morph-X,

built to your specifications.

Amazing, it's exactly how I designed it.

Thank you for building it for me,

are you sure you can make a bunch of them fast?

Absolutely, just add Morph-X.

Voila! You are ready to go.

Fantastic, it's exactly what we need.

Ooh does this work with Morph-X? I want one!

I have to go.

I can give you the parts to make one.

Build our own, huh?

Okay Zoey, you can do it.

A new road will cross this forest,

it's the mayor's plan to alleviate the terrible traffic jams in Coral Harbor.

Let's clear this area, folks.

It's too late!

Okay, let's get started.


Honey! What are you doing?!

- What does that mean? - Hi Mom.

Mr. Mayor!

I remember you from Grid Battleforce.

You are Zoey, the laundry girl.

That's right.

I'm sorry, but that tractor was about to hurt this cute lizard.

Look him.

I'm glad you saved him.

Well, I'm afraid that saving a lizard doesn't solve the problem.

Mr. Mayor, this forest is an important ecosystem, home to tons of animals.

I understand your concern, but traffic is a nightmare here,

I don't see any other way out.

I know, that's why I'm here,

because I'm not afraid of big problems, I solve big problems.

Let me show you something.

This is an X-Bike, it's powered by the clean, renewable Morph-X,

you could cycle for exercise or just

enjoy the ride and let the Morph-X engines accompany you.

Interesting idea, but how does this solve my traffic problem?

We could put X-Bikes all over town for people to use,

every person on a bike is one less car creating traffic problems.

Imagine All The Money The City Would Save If They Funded My X-Bikes

instead of building expensive roads.

You have a knack for business, Zoey.

The city will finance its X-Bikes, for a week.

If you convince people to use them,

I will cancel this road.

What do you say? It is a deal?


Don't worry my friend,

We will make sure your home is safe,

you can go out with my friend Nate.

And cut! Now this is news!

Wow! You can be the laundry girl now,

but someday you will be managing Grid Battleforce.

Hey, you might even become a Ranger one day.

I? What's up, mom...

I'm sorry, your majesty.

But we don't have enough Morph-X to send a Gigadrone.

And both are just useless avatars.

That's right?

Don't listen to this ugly robot.

We found a way to get a lot of Morph-X.

The city will finance its X-Bikes, for a week.

The Rangers are building Morph-X-powered bikes for the city.

The Morph-X will be easy to pick up.

Great! Steal a lot of Morph-X from the bikes, to get me out of this dimension.

Yes, Master Evox.

Try this new Morph-X powered bike.

What about you? Do you want to try?

- It's alternative green energy that-- - No thanks.

Want to go to work?

How about using an X-Bike?

Free traffic.

No cup holders for my coffee.

Want to try the X-Bike?

The best way to cross the city.

That's super cool.

I know what's cool, and this isn't.

See this! Our X-Bike is cool.

Wow! Now that's cool.

Oh, that's great.

- Thanks. - Thanks.

Okay, Scrozzle. Let's see who is useless.


Needletron, get all the Morph-X from these bikes,

and destroy any Rangers that get in your way.

I like that, straight to the point.

sucking. Very easy.

Go on, get more.

Unless you want to drive, stay away from bikes.

You better back off, teenagers, or...

Or what?

Betty, be safe! This is not good.

The right place.

You shouldn't bother our friends.

But this is fun.

Let's liven things up.

It's time to morph!

Activate fierce power!

Unleash the beast!

Let's make today, their last day.

Sharp idea!

You're done!

He has a strong punch!

It's not just punches.

You're good, but you're not good enough.

I'm excited to destroy you.

Power Rangers!

Go Go Power Rangers



It's Morphin Time!

For Justice We Fight

With Beast Morpher Light

Together We Rise

Go Go Power Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers

They go!

They go!

It's time to morph!

For justice we fight

With a fierce morph

together we will win

Go Go Power Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers

Power Rangers Beast Morphers

Without further ado, it's time to finish you off!

You missed.

I'm just getting started.

Me too.

Transport, Beast-X Detonator.

Let's see how Nate's Beast-X Cannon works in action.


What is that?

Beast-X Cannon, ready!

Do not play!

Beast-X cannon, fire!

I think I'll drive a nail

on this for now.

You will see me again.

No, he ran away.


Are you ok?

Yes we are well.

But Blaze took the w*apon that belonged to the robot, full of Morph-X.

After the attack, I doubt anyone wants to use the X-Bike.

So Blaze is back.

What are you waiting for, Scrozzle? Make a Gigadrone.

It's not enough to send a Giga robot.

Let me guess, it's the last piece of Robodrone left.

I don't want to be you if Evox knows you've failed.

Oh yes?!

Or maybe you want...

Don't listen to Scrozzle.

We still have the tool.

It's all we need.

You're right, Roxy.

This is just the beginning.

Get out of the way.

Good trip.

I'm sorry Zoey, but I have to solve this congestion problem.

Time is running out and the agreement must be followed.

The deadline is until tomorrow.

please mr. Mayor, I just need a little more time.

The X-Bikes are still here.

You just need to solve my problem.

If you succeed, construction will stop.

If the forest is cut down, the animals will lose their homes.

I don't want to give up.

Here it is.

You're a scary little guy,

but I'll save you anyway.

It's okay, prickly guy.

You will return. I promise.

Good job, team.

Got one, Jax.

Let's make sure these little creatures are safe until their homes are too.

Don't worry, Zoey.

We'll stay here all night if we have to.

I do not know what else to do.

There is not enough time.

Look that.

This little guy is my friend now.


It's nice to have friends, especially when you're in trouble.

We all have each other.

It's how I always thought a family would be.

How would it be?

You have a family, don't you?


My mom and dad work abroad, so...

I don't really see them much.

Brothers and sisters?

No, it's just me.

I always wanted a brother,

but I have the Rangers now.

So what kind of Ranger am I if I can't save your partner and your friends?

You will find a way to resolve this.

Hey, people liked the bikes before the attack, right?

Not exactly.

They liked Ben and Betty's bike because it looked cool.

Wait, that's it.

We just need to make the X-Bikes cooler.

We can make them glow in the dark,

or organize a contest to see who can jump the highest.

Yes, or we can upgrade them with speakers for music and...

He can talk.

Blaze was seen near City Hall.

I'm sending you the coordinates.

I understood.

A lot of my X-Bikes are there.

Blaze must be after Morph-X.

They go!

The Beast Bots and I will take care of the animals.

Thank you, Nate.

Who needs Robodrone if you can do it yourself.


Very good, folks. Glad to destroy your w*apon.



The Morph-X is over!

Blaze is on the run!

Well, he's not the only one who knows how to ride!

Come on!

Keep an eye on him!

Ravi, Zoey, go faster, we can catch him!

Leave it to us!

Okay folks, the traffic on the street is heavy right now, you might want to...

Wait, it looks like the Power Rangers are chasing someone on the new X-Bikes!

Down there!

Lower the helicopter!

Watch out!

Sorry guys!


These roads are dangerous!

We can't miss it!

Roxy, I'm coming to you.

Time to get some air!

Going up!

We got you now, Blaze!

Watch out!

So, we have visitors.

Yes, I couldn't lose them.

Hey, is it... Roxy!?

Good to see you too, Ravi.

It's not Roxy, it's her evil avatar.

Ignore it.

Hey, that's Morph-X.

We were drying the X-Bikes right under their noses.

Since you guys destroyed Needletron.

Then it's time to return.

One small shot and the whole building will...


Time to reload.

Okay Tronics, fill it up.

I don't have all day.

We have to catch them. Do like me!

Bring as many Morph-X as you can to Scrozzle,

I'll finish off the Rangers and take the rest alone.

I understood.

This is going to be fun.

It looks like things are just getting started.

A little more.

That should be enough.

It's time to send and destroy them with Gigadrone.

Transform a combat robot into a Needletron.

Rangers! Answer, Rangers!

You can speak, commander.

There's a big robot heading towards the Morph-X T turret.

Ravi, can you handle this?

Yes, leaving now.

Let's go, Smash!

Systems ready!

In position.

Smash, connected!

Send Zord Wheeler.

Sending Zord Wheeler.

Hey Ravi, want to try the Gorilla Zord mode?

Great idea!

The giant enemy is just ahead!

Time to rip this Gigadrone to pieces.

m*ssile Storm!

That was really easy!

We don't stop anything.

Don't worry, we can do it.

Scrozzle's Gigatron will crush Ravi.

Do not count on it!

Ravi, we have a problem.

Devon, Zoey, the drone is draining my Morph-X,

my Zord is losing energy.

Hang in there Ravi, I'm on my way.

I deal with Roxie.

Excellent! Commander, send the Hog Zord.

Now is

just you and me.

You don't stand a chance, laundry girl.

I don't know, this laundry girl is very strong.

You missed.

No, I didn't.

The Morph-X.

Hey Roxy, here's a little present for you.

You missed.

I didn't make a mistake.

Oh no!

You won't get me that easily.

I think we are very strong, right!?

Yes, it did well.

Jax, I really need a carrot.

The Gigadrone is draining us fast.

So we arrived just in time.

Fast sh**ting!

That was close. Wow, Devon!

I take care of it now.

Blade Cut!

Battle Mode!

Transport, Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Runner Zord, Cheetah Attack!

Virus eliminated.

Mom, where's the mayor?

I want to show the project of the new design of the X-Bike.

Maybe he changed his mind.

I think it's too late, honey.

I told you Zoey, my dad is stubborn.

He won't change his mind even if you make the X-Bike cool.

Maybe, but I won't give up.

I'm so proud of you, honey.

That's the mayor.

He's riding the X-Bike.

Dad, where's your limo?

Why do I need a limousine?

That's a lot more fun.

And healthier, son.

Did you see yesterday's news?

The Rangers use the Morph-X powered bikes.

You did it?

I think it went viral.

Of course yes.

And I've heard that everyone wants to use the X-Bike.

Yes, like the Power Rangers.

You did it, Zoey.

This means that...


Here I announce that the road construction project has been cancelled.

And I am proud to say that we ordered . X-Bike drives for the whole city.

Let's show the world that pure Morph-X green can make a difference.


...excuse me, I'm going to work.

I do not believe this.

The best mother.

You do not have to thank me.

The Rangers who made their bike look fantastic.


Thank you Rangers, wherever you are.

There is one more thing that needs to be done.

Let's go friend.

Your home is safe.

We will bring your friends back immediately.

- Hey guys. - Hey guys.

Ben, Betty, where are you going?

The monster that att*cked us gave us an idea.

So we changed the X-Bike to...

X-Cutie Bycle.

We still think about her name.

Betty, I just remembered.

Oh no!!

We don't know how to control it.
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