26x04 - Digital Deception

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x04 - Digital Deception

Post by bunniefuu »

All those valentines.

For the Rangers.
-Are they really that popular?

Flowers. How romantic.


Is that a bee? A bee, here?
This is a sterile environment.

Betty, where is he?

Calm down, brother. Do not panic.

Sorry. He's over the moon.

Hey, I'm back.

Happy Valentine's Day, Roxy.

Can't believe we were a year ago
were still together.

Happy Valentine's Day.

That day was perfect.

I miss you so much, Roxy.
I'll do anything to get you back.

Crazy. Even as an avatar I have
all my human memories still.

You are therefore a digital copy.

But without complicated emotions.
That gives me an idea.

Great, another such...
-Quiet. Let her finish.

It's Valentine's Day.

I think the Blue Ranger misses me.

He even loved me.

Are you going to manipulate his feelings?

And then he comes to our side.

A Ranger can help us get the Morf-X
that I need to return.

As long as your plan works.

Oh, it works. Believe me.

Master Evox loves this.


Long live evil.

Time for destruction.

When can I start?

Go ahead, sh**t.
The Rangers need to know we're here.


A Robotron.

Nate at BG headquarters. Sign up.

Don't you really want to?
-No thanks.

I love carrots.

And you? Valentine's cookie?

No. I am not fond of this holiday.

Say it.

There is a problem in the center.

Sector Bravo - . Go look.
-We are on the way.

What a blast.

What do you want now?

Send you back in pieces.


We do. Take you Mr. Graaf.

Crush them.

Come get me.

I am far above you.

Come back. You can do somersaults,
but I'll get you anyway.

How embarrassing. Farewell, Ranger.

How embarrassing. Farewell, Ranger.

-What is it?

I wanted to crush him.
-Get out. Now.


Guard. Please.

Are you okay?
-She saved me.

Roxy saved me.

That Robotron didn't seem to want a Morf-X.

What was he up to?

And Nate, you're lucky you're still alive.
What did you do there?

I had to... I had to do something.
-You're too important to our mission.

You are going to do the buddy system.

without buddy
you can't leave the headquarters.

What? A babysitter?

How long?
-Undetermined time. That's an order.

It's for your own safety.


Are you okay, Ravi?
-I was thinking about Roxy.

This photo is
from last Valentine's Day.

The real Roxy is sleeping, but her avatar
saved me from that Robotron.

-We've seen it. Weird, is not it?

Nate, is there anything good in that avatar?

Could the real Roxy still be in it?
-Ravi, I don't think...

Don't trust her. She's up to something.

She now works for Evox. She's very bad.
-You do not know.

Ravi had broken up with it, hadn't he?

Because he wanted to follow the rules.
Section C.

Rangers are not allowed to date Rangers.
That's in the manual.

Sounds like he still has feelings
for her. And regret.

Ravi? I'm not coming to attack you.

I swear.
- Then why are you here?

I wanted to find you to say something.

Happy Valentine's Day.

You do remember, don't you?

And you?
-This is where we met.

Before I knew Source Combat Power.

You injured your ankle.
-You almost carried me to my car.

Is the real Roxy, my Roxy,
out there somewhere?

I can see the effects of the virus
sometimes overcome.

But I need you.


I need something from the lab.
The Brain Coupler.

That loaded the virus into me.
That's how I became an avatar.

It can reduce the effects of the virus
Switch off.

I remember that. But I do not know...
-I'm not all bad, Ravi.

I need you to get good.


They're looking for me. I have to go.

Please. Help me, Ravi.


Come on.

Hey, Nate. Do you have a minute?

I am very busy.
-Very short.

Can a Brain Matcher
make up for a bad avatar?

A Brain Coupler?
Never thought about it.

Still thinking about Roxy's avatar?

Can such a thing catch the virus from Evox
Switch off?

In theory yes. But then I have to
know more about the virus.

Much more. And it can take months
to confirm the theory.


Have you seen Ravi?
-Yeah, you just missed him.

We had an appointment at the gym.
He is always so punctual.

He must be upset about Roxy.

He asked if Roxy could get well
with the Brain Coupler. Hey?

He lay here.
Ravi must have taken him.

Roxy's avatar is behind this.
-Where can he be?

This is where Ravi and Roxy
saw each other on Valentine's Day.
In this park by the fountain?
-Go find that park. Fast.

-You are here.

If we can beat the virus,
then I want to help.

You have him with you.

I want to be together.
-I know what to do.

Hopefully it works.
-Got you.

Roxy? What is happening?

You wanted to be together. Which can.

If I infect you
with the virus from Evox.

What? No.

You wanted to be together, didn't you? Which can.

If I infect you
with the virus from Evox.

What? No.

Stand still, Ranger.
There is no escape from it.

Please, Roxy. No.

Oh yeah. You become an evil avatar,
like me.

Malicious? But you are a good person.

Do you really believe that? Softy.

Happy Valentine's Day, honey.

-We're here, boy.

- Thanks, guys.

How stupid am I.
She set me up.

The game isn't over yet.
Destroy them.

With pleasure.

I have a problem, Scrozzle.

Guard. That may come in handy.
Avatar, get that Brain Matcher.

She has the Brain Coupler.

This is my fault.
-No worries.

I put you out of your misery.
- Rather the other way around.

It's Morph time.

Activate Beast power.

Fear the beast.

Another three to one, huh?
But not for long. Tronics.

To attack.

The clowns are back. Not smart.

My shovel. Come back.

He's not that tough without Tronics, is he?

Tough enough. I just have to decide
who I crush first.

I'm taking it a step further.

Devon, what about the Tronics?

Under control. Just on.

It's up to us.

I'm going to you and the city
buried under the rubble.

Not if we are earlier.

I have a great valentines gift
for the Rangers.

No flowers or chocolate.

This Beta model becomes invincible
when he turns into Shoveldrone.


Oh no. Now it gets really busy.

Two excavators can
destroy twice as much.

The last one is going down.

Devon, I sent Cruise.

Ravi and Zoey can handle Shoveltron,
me the big one. Send the Racer Zord.

Come on, Cruise.

Okay, let's go for it.

Here we go.

Systems ready.

In position. One against one.

Cruise linked.


Racer Zord, Combat mode.

Hey Devon. Is it time for punches

Yes. We bury the excavator.

Got you.

Come on. Rocket storm.

Come on.

This doesn't work. There are too many missiles.

Cruise, we have to trump.
-Do you think what I think?

Secure. On my mark. Finished?

Racer Zord, Cheeta Mode.

This is the correct speed.

I got him. Beast battle.

-Too bad.

That didn't work.
Zoey, we need a new plan.

I do have an idea.

Guard. I'm going to surprise him.

Where are they?

Take this.

We'll finish it.


Transport Cheeta-Beast cannon.

Racer Zord, Cheetah Attack.

Beast-X cannon.

Virus disabled.

Believe me, Master.

It will free you from your Cyber ​​Chain.
For real.

Is the Rangers Brain Coupler
the key?

Yes, I need it for the genius plan
that I told.

Once I
built the new machine...

you set me free
from the Cyber ​​Dimension.

Don't forget to thank me.

Not those suckers, Blaze and Roxy.

What a rat. What is he up to?

Go collect
what you need for your plan.

I don't want any more delays.
-Of course not.

I'll go first
destroy the Source Combat Power.

I really thought I could save you.

I was wrong.

Ravi? Are you OK?

I think so.

Sorry. you had me
warned about Roxy's avatar.

We know how much you miss her.

We're getting the real Roxy back.

There's only one way to do that.
-Destroy her evil avatar together.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

I miss Roxy, but I'd be even lonelier
without you.

Zoey. These have come for you.
-Thank you.

"For Zoey, from your secret valentine."

Who do they come from?
-No idea.

Oh, flowers. That's right.

A load of presents has arrived.

Ben and Betty unloaded them.
It's in the hangar.

genius. A flycatcher is
the ideal means of catching him.

That bee is probably still in this hangar.

Yes. And if he lands on that sticky stuff...

We're going to hunt him down.

There he is.

I see him.


Two bees.

What are you doing?
- Quick, close the door.

They escape.

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