26x21 & 26x22 - Hypnotic Halloween/Scrozzle's Revenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x21 & 26x22 - Hypnotic Halloween/Scrozzle's Revenge

Post by bunniefuu »

oh where is it [Music]

happy halloween brother aha perfect

not as perfect as my costume no offense snake but you just look like yourself

well dr frankenstein and i are both scientists and me nothing's more

horrifying than frankenstein's monster [Music]

is scary too right fuzz horns

x i solved the case you're a viking nailed it

detective sherlock holmes elementary my dear zoe

thanks so much for bringing in your costume box you look great no worries hey where's

devon oh he said he'll be late he's not that big on halloween i guess he doesn't really like dressing

up oh well let's start the movie so i found us a film to watch on this

weird streaming service but hey it's free and the reviews say it'll scare our

socks off not me i've never won a sock in my life

okay here we go creepy titles i think

rangers rangers in costumes here listen closely loud and clear no longer

are you playing pretend you are your character till the very end

that was sponsored what's he up to guys

oh man he hypnotized you


[Music] sh**t ravi don't leave

the names holmes sherlock holmes and who might you

yup chat i think scrolls made them believe they are their halloween characters

you gotta remember who you are i also only to scotland yard and you

are clearly not an officer of the law oh what is this

i have to be an officer of the law

[Music] see if this works

huh holmes i have some information for you come now don't be shy

yes officer how can i help i need to report a

a missing person yes that's right his name is robbie shaw he's missing

tell me more about this ravi show what exactly

do you know about lots of stuff for a start he was scared of the dentist when he was a little kid

i just have a little toothache you have a dentist appointment no i don't do dentists the drill still gives me the heebie-jeebies

wait for me bail you okay in there oh i'm fine but

my team just lost the game but once he realized that fear was all

in his head he was able to face it i'm ready

i can do this and another thing about this ravi shaw he was nice enough to teach a boy some

martial arts he taught him that karate should only be used to defend yourself

good to see you ready to train i was born ready when we're done no one will dare

to pick on me again look joey the first thing you have to learn about martial arts is that it can only be used

to defend yourself you cool with that sure i get it okay

let's do this so when joey came face to face with the bully he didn't fight but he stood up

for himself thanks to ravi you did that on purpose oh we did it we

swear but we should have leave him alone or what dweebus


come on let's go thanks thanks man

bye i'm ravi shaw yes you're back to normal

guess i make a pretty convincing police officer where is everyone the cans have gone far in the base

i think i know how to fix them we have to wear costumes to get them to trust us

for zoe i'll have to be a viking i get it

sure worked on me while i find zoey you tracked down dr nate and frankenstiel

got it good luck

commander you need to clear all personnel off stop floor 8. excuse me

mom i don't have time to explain just trust me lockdown subfloor 8. locking


[Music] i have to

it is i devin son of daniels i come in peace nice you're a reader here to steal

my plunder no i won't give up my trophy without



[Music] for justice


peace [Music]

[Music] i don't think so


you know kind of like being a biker

well done warrior you have vested me in battle i am a failure

nonsense you are fierce and brave you remind me of the greatest warrior

ever to fight beside me the mighty zoe reeves so he reeves

joey reeves is a fearless warrior who never runs away from a challenge and will always jump in to solve big

problems like the day she became a ranger is this a drill no there's an attack in

the morphing room we're evacuating no i'm not afraid of big problems

i solve big problems [Music]

zoe can definitely hold her own in a battle and is always quick to apologize

and make things right has anyone seen my tablet jack says he put it in here to charge

but i've looked and he didn't ugh sometimes i think i'd be better off without a b-spot

what i heard that

jax i see your tablet's

charging i'm so sorry about the tablet and everything

i guess i count on you for more than i realized truth is

i've taken you for granted [Music]

zoe that's that's me wait what am i doing what are you doing in a

costume i thought you didn't like them it's a long story and more fun than i expected

dr frankenstein am i really so hideous that even you can't look at me yes

creating you was a grave error i know [Music]

hey who are you i'm dr ravi shaw and i'm afraid you both are in need of some

treatment what is the meaning of this doctor

frankenstein don't be alarmed we're here to help i'm dr reeves we heard that you and

your creation have not been getting along my monster is an utter failure

but that's no reason to tie us up we had to so you'd listen because we know a

scientist who is best friends with his creation in fact they're so close

they're basically brothers really who are they their names are nate and steele

they're known as the gold and silver power rangers they work together to fight evil

really yes it all began when nate was forced by an evil virus to create a robot body but

luckily he had a trick up his sleeve well done that should be more than

enough hey you is the robot done yeah

it is tronics the robot in place

careful it's very high tech

all along nate was planning to morph into a ranger

what's he doing

[Music] but he never expected the robot he built

to become one too

no way

you you just morphed oh is that what happened fantastic i am

amazing and he definitely didn't expect one other surprise

i'll let you tell them the good part well you see the thing is

i'm human excuse me he's right sort of

turns out that morphex bonded his systems to scarable dna into my dna yes

making me the perfect ranger you rangers have always been like my family but now

i finally have a real brother welcome to the ranger team both of you

thanks devin [Music] oh wow

so you see they are real brothers and great friends

[Music] steel i am so sorry you are not hitti's

creation at all i know that i'm stunning

glad to have you back both of you

devon what's your status everybody's okay commander great work but i have bad news a robotron has been spotted trying

to break into a morphex tower in sector bravo 4-8 we won't let that happen commander

let's roll

get out of here

nice job spiketron now we got us a whole truck full of more facts about time too

took all morning at least those foolish rangers are busy playing dress-up thanks to my movie

[Music] impossible this fox gonna make a meal out of you

you'll find we're hard to swallow it's morphin time


time [Music]

we have to do something about that giga drone you two go i'll handle pointy head okay commander deploy the racer and chop

resorts [Music]



oh no

what oh no it's a delta model [Music]


let's go

you go we can handle the silverware okay smash you gotta bring me the wheeler sword



let's end this striker saber charged


phenomenal work

thanks robbie you know what i'm thinking megazord time beast x megazord combined

level is critical

my system's down gorilla mode

what are you doing it's okay i can take a hit

we need to help the others i'm with you bro


come on hold on smash

sorry relate to the party

steel cover me my moment to shine

rapid blast crane crash

now watch this

[Music] going up let's take you for a spin

round and around you go let him fly

launching now heads up rocket storm

good work now let's finish the job battle mode


let's shut this delta model down

[Music] how do you like this


let's get electric


eliminated they did it that was close

all right who's ready for movie marathon round two

are you sure about this don't worry we were the only ones to access scrozl's website before i shut it down

hey where's devon probably taking off the costumes he eats so

have a bone to much with you chill out you guys it's just me devin

you madman sensei bones is my favorite character in backstreet ballet 3. pretending to be him is just a blast

wait a sec now you like wearing costumes yep i thought it looked silly but once i got

into being the character halloween became a lot of fun so who wants to take on the sensei


they're done um are christmas cookies supposed to be smoking

i don't think so let's face it we don't know anything about christmas

we should get this baking done before santa comes tonight smells like you burnt those cookies

just a bit we're so excited tomorrow is our first christmas we'll spend christmas together right bro i hope we

see santa santa oh well actually i uh i really need to

get some work done in my lab there's still no sign of skrazal after he escaped from the cyber dimension so i

really want to make sure we're ready if he shows up again you understand don't you oh

i guess so well at least we can spend christmas day with you guys

right right zoe rafi devin

uh uh cruz i'm gonna be with my dad sorry jax but uh my mom and i are

heading over to my grandparents house for christmas we have big plans at home

i gotta be there right of course christmas with your family

hello is this the rangers uh hold on a second

who's that robbie it's about the zord plummer

the sword plumber yeah you know all our zords are destroyed and you know we're rebuilding so we just thought

why not add bathtubs bathtubs i can't wait taking a bath is

very humid see you guys later okay bye [Music]

sounds like they're going to be spending christmas with their loved ones oh we shouldn't be sad oh it's great that they

can spend time with their families yes zoey's mom is terrific she always encourages zoey to be a better person

true like when she helped make the x-bikes popular it appears the power rangers are chasing

someone on those new x-bikes down there take the chopper lower


didn't you see the news last night oh did you do this i guess it went viral sure did and from what i hear everyone

wants an x-bike now just like the power rangers does that mean sure does

i hereby declare this road project permanently canceled and i'm very proud to announce we're

ordering 5 000 xbox for the city [Music]

i can't believe it mom you're the best oh [Music]

that was so sweet oh what about that time she almost found out the ranger's secret identities

your camera this was recording the whole time the rangers must have morphed right here

which means it's all on video you know who the rangers are not yet no

uh the memory card was damaged but it'll be fit for tonight's news show but mom um

i don't think that the rangers would want anyone to know who they are come on

everyone's gonna want to see the story which means my career is going to take off like a rocket the rangers civilian identities are

right here on this memory card please don't do this revealing the rangers identities might

be the biggest story of my career but it's not the right thing to do

their identities must be protected i should have listened to you earlier honey i almost made a huge mistake true

but you're the one who made the right decision in the end thanks honey

ah it's really nice to get along so well there was a time that devin and his dad

didn't see eye to eye remember when the mayor got devon that job at the car wash i got an hour to my

next meeting i'll show you a few my trade secrets you've worked at a car wash how do you

think i paid for all those dates with your mother hey

watch the car not me

oh no gotta go sudsy sorry it's an emergency

again i don't care if you are the mayor son if you leave again you're fired i'm sorry

but i gotta go your father will hear about this but i just had a call from sudsy oh you

did huh fired so soon how did you manage that i'm sorry dad

not as sorry as i am

but then the mayor found out that devin was a ranger and he went to save him from the cyber dimension


okay let's go son

i'm so proud of you i always admired the red ranger so

in a way i was proud of you all alone thanks dad

huh it seems like even if parents get upset with their kids it doesn't change how much they love them like with the

commander or even when she's strict with ravi she always takes the time to show she cares

commander son getting those transporters back to base is your top priority don't

stop for anything yes ma'am i'm on it

but ravi knew that if he destroyed roxy's avatar the real roxy would wake

up this may be my only chance

[Music] the mega transporters no

roxy what

i destroyed her avatar why didn't she wake up robbie get out here now

you disobeyed a direct order you put roxy ahead of the entire city

if coral harbor is destroyed because evox has those mega transporters it'll be on me

i know and i'm sorry i should have brought the transporters straight back here

i'm sorry too about roxy well we know the rangers will be

spending christmas with people that love them but i guess our holiday won't be what we hope for

swallow's been detected downtown steel let's go skruzzle's back no way oh boy this can't

be good


for justice [Music]

[Music] peace

are really heating up over there i wonder where he's been hiding

what's with the tree i doubt he's getting into the christmas spirit me you and steal roundups

we'll handle the robotron but first

[Music] unleash the beast all right team duty calls

after you bro those rangers destroyed my cyber dimension now i'm gonna destroy their

christmas look who we have here merry christmas

squazal trust me it won't be merry for you

yes yes [Applause] [Music]

what just happened wait you're an ornament your next robo

boy transport striker what did you do to my bro see for


bring it on

ah don't you know it's dangerous to play with fire but i'm inferno-tron i am fire

ah then we're gonna put you out go

where'd he go bernatron you're not gonna have a merry christmas or happy new year


not today pal not any day

this is what you get for messing with christmas transport



looks like this guy crashed and burned still guys ah skruzzle did something to

nate get over here we're coming let's go

look skrazal turned me into a christmas tree ornament huh wow we'd have to

change it back right away


[Music] don't you think enough

[Music] nice robbie my turn you ruined my plan but it's not over yet

guys don't worry we'll get you out of there hmm

maybe that thingamabobby is a button are you sure you know what you're doing

of course he is come on steel you can save us and i will save you ornament brother

luckily i've been observing you in your land be careful with that it's dangerous

thanks but when it comes to robotron contraptions i am the master

[Music] robbie i'm sorry oh no

oh no robbie i'm sorry oh no robbie

steel you're lucky i'm stuck in this ball i'm so sorry ravi what am i thinking i don't

know how to save you guys relax we're gonna solve this together steel you and me

we have to reverse that blaster's effects i don't think i can do it of course you can

remember when that monster tried to impersonate you it damaged the sword control computer

oh yeah that's right

mission accomplished we got to go after him wait he destroyed my computer without the

control circuits we can't deploy our swords can you fix it quickly well of course he can my brother can do

anything because he'll have me to help him we'll take care of this you guys stop the robotron

control board for cb01

devon the resort's deployment systems are back online we're still working on the others

we worked together and we fixed it just like we're going to do now you're right

of course i can do anything step one we need to open it up get to the circuitry

got it okay there's a giga drone incoming in sector charlie 6'3 the rebuild swords are ready

to go move out that can mean only one thing the bathtubs are ready oh great

oh forget the bathtubs guys we're stuck on this tree steel you and they work on that blaster

okay will do smash crews jax you guys have to go and fight that giga drum

i don't know what us pilot the swords all along there's nobody else but

how will we know what to do without any of you to guide us you'll figure it out smash remember when turbotron was trying to

destroy me you were right there to help activate survive

oh great he sucks too i'm going in



what are you doing hold on

i guess that was pretty brave of me cruz think of all the times we've gone

into battle together that fury power robotron had me zoe and robbie on the ropes

there's nothing you can do to stop me we'll see

[Music] catch this

great timing cruz you really saved me there don't worry i've always got your back if

you hadn't surprised him you would have never escaped and come up with the way to win oh yeah i remember that

i think and jax you're tough as nails and super brave remember when you put yourself on the line to trick railtron

oh right thanks to you we got cruz and smash's memory discs back

i'm the last one who wants to get his memories at but if they want me so bad

maybe i could help set a trap no way you could get hurt zoe this might be the only way to get

smashing cruise back to normal and besides if anyone can keep me safe

it's the rangers okay jax tell us your plan

oh what you two tools coming at you no don't take my memories too you can't

stop me adding your data to my collection your worthless little bunny worthless i can take but no one calls me

little now [Music]

that's right i did help get the memory disks you saved us see guys you know what i

think we got this we're gonna take this giga drone down basic christmas cake let's go

all right in the meantime me and nate are gonna figure this thing out whatever it takes

you ready for this team yeah let's show them what b-spots you're made

right of you for revenge


you're right cheetah mode the racer sword can handle this you two

work on getting people out of danger roger that jax can you do something about that fire i'm on it

[Music] were not on my christmas list

i'll evacuate the area [Applause] [Music]

let's douse those flames please board in an orderly fashion

stay calm there's plenty of room for everyone good work smells now follow me to safety

is that all you've got

oh no you don't [Music]



a little more okay now just reset the flux actuator and

reattach the heat power converters fingers crossed brother

you can't teach me to ride a bike if you're stuck in a shiny ball they don't work

go for it steel all right here goes nothing

it it works so good to move again nice work steel don't look so surprised

of course i did it but they're the real holiday heroes uh steel's right you

saved everyone today squalsa underestimated you and he paid the price it was nothing we just did what you

would have done and now that everyone's safe you can spend christmas with your families

thanks but actually we thought we spend the holiday together but you all said you

have plans not really we just wanted to surprise you surprise

what surprise girl fact is we have a special trip organized

just for you guys trip are we going somewhere is it to the mall i want to see santa's

village even better wait

that sounds like

how would you like to see the real santas village

we're going to the north pole that's my favorite pole mine too come on let's go

let's go it'll be a blast [Music] merry christmas

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