27x05 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x05 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin

Post by bunniefuu »

And those are the five targets in position.

All to your posts, please.

Excellent! Thank you, Jax.

All right, let's get the party started.

Okay, Rangers. This is the first round.

How about we make training interesting?

Whoever gets it wrong buys milkshakes for others.

What do they say?

I don't have my wallet.

But I won't need to.

Hey, that's target practice.
It's not a competition.

But I will beat you all.

Wait. I can't even drink a smoothie!

Ready, Aim, fire!

No smoothies so far.

But the second round is a little more difficult.


Now, where did I put the remote?

- What are you holding?
- Oh yes. Here it is.

Oh, Cruise!

So, we imagine that you wanted
improve things.

A moving target, huh?

It's more of a challenge.

Ready, Aim, fire!

- It's moving too fast.
- Pff! I say so.

This one is difficult.

It's not difficult, this shot is impossible!

Did you at least test it?

Of course, Cruise tested it.
Show them!

Okay then.

What a shot that was!

See? It's not impossible.

That's it, friend!

Dude, have you been practicing?

No, no. It was nothing, really.


We could use this type
sh**ting in our team.

More firepower is not a bad idea.

Cruise can help us against
Real Robotrons and Tronics.

Wait. That's not what I meant.

- I'm not so sure about that.
- Me neither.

The BeastBots weren't made
for land fights.

It doesn't mean they can't do it.

- How about, Cruise?
- Oh, well... of course.

Anything to help you, Devon, and the Rangers.

I don't know.

We will.
You've seen how accurate he is.


Fine. I'll make some detonators for him.

But he has to do combat training
if he's going to be on the field.

Yea! This is going to be unreal.

I can't wait, Devon.

We're too valuable to clean the floor.

Yup. A mid-range robot
you can do it.

- It's a tronic.
- What?

- He's running away!
- Not if I can help it!

I caught him!

Oh! Betty!

Make it stop!


I don't think it was a tronic
really, after all.

Wait one moment.

I think we found our robot
middle class.

Ah, you mean our cleaning machine.

Oh, it wasn't easy, but look at you.

You are perfect!

Is this your grand plan?

Evox is out there pretending to be human.

And he left me in charge, not you!

You won't shut up about it.

This Robotron absorbs all
the types of technology.

The more advanced the technology,
the stronger the Digitron gets.

Yup. I will absorb the technology of the Rangers
and I will blast them into atoms.

So these should do.

Here you are, Cruise.

These wheel detonators are built to
interact with your FeraBot technology.

Wow! These are the wheels
beautiful I ever had.

If someone fights back, you can use them
to protect yourself too.

- Nice!
- Good job, Nate.

Yes, it was!

Rangers, I know you're busy,

but there was a disturbance in the center,
in the Delta sector - .

- Go check it out.
- We are on our way.

- It's time for action, Cruise.
- Yea!

I'm ready to fight with the team!

Let's go friend.

Devon, wait.

These wheel detonators are good,
but Cruise needs combat training.

Maybe, but he's already a great marksman.

I agree. But he doesn't have
what the Rangers have,

human instincts and intellect.

Look, I promise I'll take care of him outside.

I believe in Cruise.
He'll be fine.

Hey, where are you going?

What is the problem?
All I want is your technology!

We have to go!


Yea! I can feel the power!

Speaking of meals on wheels.

Must be my lucky day!

It looks tasty.

Good technology makes me stronger.

He's devouring technology
like his lunch.

Well, he won't have dessert.

Hey you!

Did someone say "dessert"?

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!

And unleash the BeastBot!

You can't beat me!

Oops! Let's take care of those!


Cruise, left!


Got them! Urrull!

Get out!

- Are you okay, friend?
- Yea.

Behind you!

Yea! It's this way. Keep it up, friend.

Right. Leave it to me, Devon!

This sn*per robot has to disappear!

Oops! My detonators!

Not so fast!

No technology for you!

Devon, I need help!

I'm coming, Cruise!

Let me go!

Hang in there, friend!

I'm no use without my detonators!

Wrong! Your precious technology
It's very useful for me!

Stop! No!!!


♪ Power Ran

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers!

♪ Go!

♪ Go!

♪ It's Morph Time!

♪ For justice we fight

♪ With a mighty fierce morph

♪ Together we will win

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

Power Rangers Fierce Morph

Stop! No!!!



Leave me! I am going!



What did you do with my friend?

I digitized it.

And now, his technology has energized me!

You will pay!

Go on, Ranger.

I have all your friend's powers, and more!



He's getting stronger.

We can not give up.

Guys, where's Cruise?

- That Robotron absorbed him.
- What?

We have to capture it,
find a way to get Cruise back.

Cape Attack!



No! Cruise!


It's not the same without Cruise.

We FeraBots are a trio, not a duo.

He was fighting so well.

Then we lost sight of each other.

One moment he was there,
and then he was gone.

And it's all my fault.

I should have insisted on combat training.

You tried.

And I didn't want to hear.

You can't blame yourself.

That Robotron was after technology,
any technology.

If it wasn't for Cruise, it would have been Steel.

Truth. If you're after technology,
I would be the best option.

I know they're trying to make me feel better.

But it will only happen when
we have Cruise back.

How will we do this?

Robotron is even stronger now because
Cruise's technology energized him.

That's it! The answer is right in front of us.

Saint Jax and Smash!

- We?
- We?

Oops! Jax won't fight.

He leaves Smash out too.

No, that's not it.
I have a better idea.

Like what?

Digitron became more powerful when
he scanned and absorbed Cruise.

It's like you said, he got energized.

And if we combine with our BeastBots,

to become powerful too, like Digitron?

What do you think, Nate? It is possible?

It's a complex idea. But...

I think there is a way.

And the most important,

if i can figure out how to turn
a FeraBot in Data,

we can reverse it and transform it
back in a BeastBot,

maybe save Cruise.


Devon, Nate, you are geniuses!

We're in!

What can we do to help.

Thanks guys.

Let's make it.

Yes let's go!


Digitron's power is unparalleled,
now that he has the FeraBot technology.

Not bad, Scrozzle.

I just wish Evox was here

to tell me how much better I am
than you two.

Don't get too arrogant.
The work is not yet complete.


Find more technology and
energize to the max.

Then crush each of the Rangers.

No need to ask twice.

These keys will scan Smash and Jax.

Ready to try?

We were built ready.

Hit us with what you have.


We will try.

That looks funny.


Friend, are you there?

They are well.
Scanning worked perfectly.

Smash and Jax are now loaded
in your keys.

You got it! Exactly like Digitron.

Wow! Smash and Jax are given now.


So, with that in mind,
if you hit Digitron with this...

It cost.

...you should extract the Cruise data safe and sound.

With your FeraBot data loaded,

they will be prepared for
enter the battle.

Let me show you how.

What is it?

This is a Beast-X Mode Display.

He bonds with his morpher.

So when you're ready to
launch your new armor...

Did we enter our Beast-X Mode keys?

Exactly! And then, thanks to my genius homie,

Smash and Jax will become your armor

and will amplify your Beast Powers in battle.

With Beast-X Mode, the three of you can be
almost as strong as me!

Just a little more programming to load,
and these things will be ready.

What is it, Commander?

Digitron is back, Bravo sector - .


Let us know as soon as the displays are ready.

In minutes.

Robotron could be causing
some real damage in the city.

We'll have to hold on without the new technology.

We will. Let's get out of here.

It saw? Was it that difficult?

How long is it, Nate?

More minutes.

We can't just stand here!

Hey Digitron!
It's not nice to steal.

Too late, Rangers!
I downloaded it

Well, let's take it offline.

Activate Fierce Power!


Fierce Shot!


- Devon!
- I am well.

We will. Let's try again.

Ready, aim...


This is not good.

Nate, we need that power!

Not. You have to stay on the floor!

fools! none of you have
chance against me!

fools! none of you have
chance against me!


It's the lab.
The upload is complete.

The viewers are ready.

Right! Thanks, Nate.

I won't give up until this is over.

What are you going to do?

You got my friend.

But now, I'll bring him back!

Carry the Beast-X Visor!

Now or never.

Beast-X viewfinder, connected!

Okay, Cruise. I got you in this mess,
and now I'm going to take it off.

Technology for me? Yes please!

Ravi, Zoey, now!

Nate, Steel, your turn!

What are they doing!

What we do best!

Stopping Villains!


Cruise, grab it!

No! You took my precious technology!

He is more than technology.
He is our friend.

He's about to help me destroy him.

Activate Beast-X Mode!

Beast-X mode, done!

I'm with you, Devon!

Glad to have you back, Cruise.

It can not be! I feel weaker.

Carry the Beast-X Visor!

- Right.
- We will!

Beast-X viewfinder, connected!

Activate Beast-X Mode!

Beast-X mode, done!

How are you feeling, Ravi?

Hard as steel.

Time to kick ass.

Spoke and said, Jax!

Nothing comes between us and our Ferabots.

Tronics! Attack!

- I'll finish them off!
- Wait! We will see.

That should do.

Here we go!

Until later!


Still standing, right?!

Well, I have something special for you!

Not this time!

Rabbit Spin Attack!

Hey Digitron.

Get ready, because this scam
is about to rock your world!

Gorilla Play!

How is this possible?

Because FeraBots are more than just technology.

They are our friends,
and we work together.

Let's show him, Cruise.

Cargo... Cheetah Beast-X!

Data... is... invalid.

This Beast-X Mode is awesome!

Thanks to you, friend.


Master Evox, how was your trip?

The foolish humans are doing
more Morph-X turrets?

And... how was the food?

I... heard that France has
stinky cheeses.

Shut up!

Do you think your silly questions
Can you distract me from your failure?!


But how could you know?

You told him!

For the next step of my plan,

I need you to bring me something special,

Nate the Gold Ranger.

Thanks for the Detonators, Nate.

They work very well.

But I think I'd rather help
Devon in Beast-X Mode.

Especially with that cheetah move.

It was a real blast!

Yup. Put us on more!

Hey, are you okay, Cruise?

Yea! But I'm sorry for having
been captured.

I let you down a lot.

Are you kidding?

I forced you to fight when you
didn't have the training.

And I won't make that mistake again.

Because you are so much more than a BeastBot.

You are one of my best friends.

Wow, Devon. It means a lot.

I think I can say that...

Beast-X Mode has brought us closer
more than ever.


I think this calls for a celebration!

Oh wow!

This is an extra party!

We heard a bang!

Our! What a mess.

But don't worry.
We'll take care of it.

Introducing the Master Mop Machine!

It will clean everything up in no time.

Clear confetti.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Ben, you have confetti on you.

Guys... we all have it!


Wait for me, people!

- Hey, Ben...
- What do we do?

I'm trying, but it won't stop!

Ufa! That was close.

Lucky that this Ferabot still does well!

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