27x14 - Golden Opportunity

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x14 - Golden Opportunity

Post by bunniefuu »

where are they just relax mate it's been

four months wait a few more minutes to

see your parents you're right

I'll relax hi mom hey Nathan dad I'm so

happy to see you oh I want you to meet

Zoe it's so nice to finally meet you mr.

and mrs. Silva we've heard such nice

things about You Zoe

and there's someone else I can't believe

you're finally here mom dad this is

steel we've heard all about you half

human half robot and entirely your son

I've been reading all about having a mom

and dad and I was wondering mom can you

please read me a bedtime story tonight

dad can you please give me some money

for ice cream he doesn't sleep or eat

ice cream he's just kidding no I wasn't

kidding oh I think you're due back at

the base for system check with Zoe I'll

meet up with you later okay okay BYE MOM

bye dad look

it's my latest deal

hey Ben Betty Nate's been showing us

pics from all your adventures we'll take

your luggage to the hotel how nice thank


you got it come on there's so much to

catch up on

oops so how was your flight oh it was

right on



next stop Karl Harbor hotel

I'm doing green I love a Korean battle

force is good to hear you've always been

so passionate about science ever since

you were a little boy

we're doing fine too spent most of our

time in South America such wonderful

people we've been told the work we're

doing makes a real difference in their


and finally you're going to move back

home to stay well actually no but in

your email you said you weren't going to

move around anymore I thought that meant

you were moving home it's true that

we're not moving around anymore but we

aren't moving back here we have a new

assignment overseas we have to leave

again tomorrow so Mar ho what are you

just got here you're going to leave me

again being away from you is a toughest

thing we've ever done

not a day goes by where we don't wonder

if we made a huge mistake what we've

been doing is really important more

important than being with me honey being

with you is important which is why we

changed assignments we're moving to

Costa Rica for two whole years and we

want you to come with us

you're asking me to come with you yes Oh

gorgeous I want to that's all I've ever


what it's complicated

think about it mate





hold this luggage for mr. mrs. Silva oh


wait let me get this straight your

parents want you to come and live with

them firm reddish overseas just for a

couple of years meaning you'd have to

leave grid battle force that's just

impossible right I just have to tell

them there's no way I can do this I have

way too want you to do here

not so fast bro I need regular

maintenance so I have to stay but you

you can't pass up this chance Nate

Steel's right since the day I met you

all you've ever wanted was to be with

your parents yeah but what about the


I'm sure we can find a way to survive

without you heck you already develop

such terrific weapons that's true and

it's just a matter of time before we

destroy a Vox you'd have to show us a

few of the standard procedures around

here kind of hand over the reins

I guess I can do that good idea I can

take charge the weapons and I can

maintain the swords I could collect DNA

samples and Megan could take over the

lab offer really absolutely you need to

do this okay

I need to organize everything I should

go over the schedules and update all the

firewall sent all right sounds like a


don't you worry Zoe everything will be

just fine


the scanner close enough to sample the

DNA but not too close now save the

species ID number to 8/3

nice job steel beetle DNA flower DNA

we're quite a team it'll be great to go

with my parents but truth is I'm really

gonna miss you

me too but Zoey told me she has a

brother who goes to college in another

city and they're still super close if it

works for them it can work for us too

hey team I need backup at her location

stat you're mine

Alber rages





activate beast power

I can do this all day transport striker




you guys okay I'm fine

affirmative let's do this together come

and get me

Bob hurry up these next Badger plates


right see that charge



no thanks

nice try but you forget that I am better

than you

Gracie you've been harnessing my beast

power I'll take these

that was my DNA scanner what would she

want with that guy's Ravi what's going

on sorry I'm late I was doing some

maintenance on the wheeler sword and I

kind I got stuck under the engine

ouch that's hard work tell me about it

come on let's get back so we can replace

that scanner yeah right okay I think

this circuit board in this new DNA

scanner is done but uh maybe you should

check my work this is amazing I found

some new stories on my parents it talks

about all the amazing projects they've

completed people put out a call for a

helping hand they zoom in make their

lives better and whoosh they're off to

answer another call Suns gonna like

their Power Rangers too yeah it does

doesn't it Zoe

leaving the team is hard enough but

what about us miss Li I miss you

but you're worth waiting for

besides we can video chat every

I used to think I was the luckiest guy


now I know I am


you need a hand with that no I I think

I'm just about finished is the world

traveler ready to go

sort of

I'm just waiting for my luggage the base

class wanted to say goodbye

safe travels Nate we'll miss you bye

guys see you buddy

we've got to get moving to the airport

okay did you guys bring my luggage your

luggage I'm so glad you asked

finding your bags is easy-peasy except

for yours

you're still ours hi but it gave us a

great idea for a new invention we call

homing luggage with one simple push of a

button no matter where your bags are

they'll immediately zoom right in you


I guess it studies a bit of work oh we

can help you repack we gotta get going



hot beetle robot DNA fusion works this

contains DNA that the Rangers were gonna

use against us and for our next step the

robot maker will combine this DNA with

Roxy to make her even more powerful

what kind of DNA is it about to find out

maybe a wasp or even a scorpion

go ahead straws Oh on it

make me awesome

you're a lot braver than I am

something's happening

I can feel my new power yes

the Rangers don't stand a chance now oh


yeah you're a flower what are you gonna

do prick them I'll show you what I can

do save it from my enemies Roxy I want

to see them destroyed I'll make sure of

it master

keep up clot rod


Costa Rica here we come

hope here we come

hey Zoey are you sure that's right

this schematic said red-black that

didn't look too good

Oh what about the transport case just a

short circuit

guys bubble has been spotted in the

sector uniform one six Roger that


today's not your lucky day boys that

overgrown bouquet Roble Roxy that's Robo

Roxy yo and I'm all amped up by the

power of plant DNA hey Nate and I

collected that DNA we have a little

extra power of our own turn off retired



soon a photographer start transporting


teleporting weapons or even more Rangers

coming Rangers Rangers the transport

system is malfunction completely offline

so in the short circuit when I was

working with the new DNA scanner what

but we need our morphers stay calm we're

working on it

are you ready to go tonight there's

something important I need to take care

of it won't take long

well okay I'll be back in time for the

flight I promise I need you to pick me

up the dice



what's the matter Rangers not so muddy

without your morphers I see


this is the last of it okay now come on

Cruz I need another ride no problem

Oh rangers my power has blossomed and

just in time to finally destroy you

mate what are you doing here

I heard the transport system was down so

we brought everything you need

Thanks Oh golden boy looks like it's one

last fight for me

Cruz stay with the weapons just in case

we need some Roger that

thanks Cruz now we've got worked potage


unless the base

okay leave it to me

Steel's are too commander right let's

nip this in the bud


in position rapid blast

this is what nasty bug

you'll never beat me

oh yeah watch this proves my beast XYZ

catch got Pfizer late activate face next



space next G no charge


striker please

I could use a hand we're on our way


swords battle mode

we've got you steel

let's squash this bug

my turn

tomorrow blast

finishing vector runway engaged jet

soared to lighter crash

a virus eliminate nice now let's go help

the others you just don't know what to

give up robot Oh something wrong lover

boy afraid of a little flower power the

fun's over Roxy

time to finish her off ultra nice job


box is looking at a little wilted now

let's finish this Rangers mate

Roxy used the DNA we collected to power

herself up they have a scanner now which

means they could do this again not your

worry anymore name you got it covered

no problem right you uh you don't really

need to bring us the weapons because

just fought with our Oh were we kidding

we don't know what we're doing in your

lab we already broke the transport

system he's right if you hadn't come

well I hate to think what Roxy might

have done me please don't leave us guys


tonight lights about to leave mom dad I

love you so much and I really want to go

with you honestly I do but I just can't

why what is it honey Grif Battle Force

needs me to help protect the city from

evokes a lot of people are counting on


we totally understand life's full of

tough choices some like the choice you

make every time you have to leave me I

used to think maybe you didn't love me

but now I understand you left me to go

and help the world the same way I have

to stay now to help keep the city safe

it should never have been mad at you do

you forgive me there's nothing to


you're so proud of you


we'll see you at Christmas then you and

steal both oh I don't wish eSATA my boys

we couldn't love you more I love you mom

oh wow our mom is awesome

see everybody good bye bye I love you


in the meantime we have an amazing

Ranger family right here we are amazing

especially be up next on Park it's

Pokemon Sun and Moon

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