27x18 - Crunch Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x18 - Crunch Time

Post by bunniefuu »

watch how I do this and that's a perfect

wall just

shucks it was nothing this kind of

expertise comes with hard work and


you gotta learn how to tie every knot

and unhook every carabiner stay hooked

up hey guys

ladies you're back cactus your knots

we'll just be a sec hey team hey blaze

shouldn't you be in Japan I thought you

had a karate tournament I was on my way

to the airport I found this

what is it that book sex causals work

yeah I think it's one of Robo Roxy's

memory drives really which I intoxicate

everywhere the Battle Force cleanup crew

must miss this I thought getting it to

you guys was more important than some

karate competition you're absolutely

right thanks for bringing it back please

always happy to help my friends a good

battle force the circuit boards are

still intact this might have some more

Foxy's memories stored on it although it

could be full valuable data


got it hey loli cockers how do you

expect to learn if you just lay around

careful with that

Thanks what if the cleanup crews missed

any other pieces we'd better check it

out I'll take the memory drive back to

the lab later

I think I got something

this is the first memory fragment I

found so we're about to see what it

looks like a box is preparing for a

major battle and you'll have his own

gigatron a Robotron has been spotted in

Sector echo 75 guarana commander

I'll tell Ravi and Zoe to beat you and

still keep working out Roxy's Drive we

need to know as much as possible got it


moving b*ll*ts we gotta get that more

fast to mastery box quits



another railroad kiss we arrived just in

time we're sitting still be on his way

you're gonna wish you hadn't jumped on

my train

it's gonna be a rough ride



I tried to warn you but you just

wouldn't listen and now you're recruited

Alba reaches





I tried to warn you but you just

wouldn't listen and now your regret

please what are you doing eating durian

hey got your backs great more teenagers


my armor

sorry I'm late

somebody got lost my bad I forgot to

check a map thanks for stepping in you

and Cruz better take cover guys I'm

gonna to to you up this is the end of

the line for you





he's gonna put you Six Feet Under I've

got an idea

just follow me

but you can't hide

wait where's the yellow one oh she's

around oh well

I got you good job Zoe that worked great

yeah gee I'm so glad everyone's okay

yeah well no thanks to you I can't

believe you made Evan late to the fight

oh I didn't mean to those kind of

mistakes are costly come on it's a

little harsh don't you think

can I have a minute this is a critical

moment in the fight against Eve ox and

as their leader

you shouldn't tolerate mistakes but it

all worked out

look you're a great Red Ranger oh well

thanks place that's true might even

command all of good battle for Sunday

but there's one thing that I learned

when training to be the Red Ranger

a real leader needs to be tough

especially now you foxes playing for


yeah makes sense


listen up team

Roxy's memory showed us that ebox is

preparing to attack we've got to step up

our game

I'm sorry Cruz but I'm not gonna

tolerate mistakes anymore got it okay

Devin I'm really sorry hey blaze how's

your arm yeah just a scratch

I'll slap a bandage on and be back at

training cool why don't we work out

together back at the base the base cool

let's do it


okay keep up the pace

relentless Stephanie no fear again

and uh could you better than that you

have no idea how hard you so train as a

cadet the whole team has had it easy

yeah I guess we could be training Marty

that's it again great training session

that was intense

anytime Haiti just in time

I asked blaze to take a look at our plan

Thanks go ahead and eat I've completed

my analysis unfortunately Roxy's Drive

didn't give us any additional Intel

apart from learning that evokes is

building a powerful new Giga drone so I

think this plan is the best way to

counter a boxes attack we'll need a lot

of more facts but we'll be well defended

looks good

Thanks I don't know just seems so

complex I have a better idea

what if we trap a Vox s Giga drone in

his Ord hangar once he tries to escape

we use the mega transporters to teleport

him straight into a secure prison cell

on the base trap them in the base yeah

that might work Eve oxes Giga drone in

one of our hangars we'd have to get our

Megazords in there too I could be done

trust me your special ops hangar is

empty right I'm not sure

fighting a Giga drone up close in a

hangar sounds quite dangerous especially

for us B spots very dangerous actually

oh and it's risky to have a box inside

our base isn't it I don't think you

should be commenting on my plan you

can't even find your way to a fight

thank you know I think blazes plan is


well you're the leader Devon it's your



Eve ox is coming it's crunch time we got

to be bold then goes out of the box I

say we do it

great call please excuse me


please you can't treat crews like that

it's me yeah take it down a notch or two

okay okay I'm sorry I hurt his feelings

but I have one goal in mind destroying a

box and saving the city hey we all have

the same goal eyes we're wasting

precious time let's get on with blazes

plan we need that prison cell built

before a box tax right commander

it is bold let's hope it works

get busy everyone

real trans got off the grid Ozzie hmm

let's see what happened Railtrack was

supposed to distract them till 2:30

I saw trains were supposed to run on

time okay the Letran fool my real plan

is working

what is the status of my do control your

own mega drone is finally complete then

I won't have to keep my secrets for much


what secrets awesome best done the

forcefield sellers ready to hold us here

I'll be right back


I can't believe he bucks is gonna be

standing right here





there's only one solution Ben



what happened oh yeah check it out it's

very secure see you later

well at least a forester works

a cig guys he boxes Giga joints been

detected let's get to the swords

that's right baseball ready team we've

got this


in position



alright brother let's do this

kromega sword

races or battle mode

be snacks Megazord

see stats megazord unleashed

look there it is

what kind of giggle tone is that

there's now arrangers time to meet your

destiny this will be your two Rangers

we go fast rahzar

Bruce hangar doors are opening now

here ready the Giga drones almost in


your efforts are futile I'm sending your

swords to the junkyard along with you

crane trash


Rangers he boxes in the hangar don't let

him escape

let's secure the gate control will

follow your lead


we're too close to attack we have to

well if you say so


what do we do we just got hard well it's

not safe for us until dangerous enough

of this it's time to curse you all

you can't beat my home

my systems are starting to fail priests

next eggs or come and help right now

we're trying

overeating taking this damage Cruz

stay with me buddy function guys Cruz is

in bad shape

I've gotta bring in a cheetah beast

blaster and finish things now

no Devon my sister showed the gecko

joint is heating up it's about to blow

guys cover us got it keep your eyes

peeled everyone here you go buddy are

you okay my systems took heavy damage

this is my fault you tried to warn me

that fighting up close in the hangar was

too dangerous but I was too busy

listening to blaze about how to lead the

team you did your best

Devin I'm so sorry we gotta keep sharp

ybox is still somewhere in this mess


you're gonna be okay Cruz I promise I'll

make sure of it


what is up


for destroying my own Megatron

transporter now



I think we got him it worked we did it I

showered it's

amazing he bucks it's close to us but we

can't do a thing yep everything worked

perfectly of course it worked it was my

plan congratulations

not only did you stop you boxes as*ault

but you've captured the biggest threat

to the city the world and more

importantly the Morphin great yeah nice

job you guys you all did great except

for Tim cam man over here who can't stop

crying about his battle points excuse me

I only got wounded because of your plan


you're a robot make it just bend you

back into shape whoa you know what needs

to get bent back into shape your

attitude seriously the way you've been

treating people especially crews it's

not cool

crews is more than just the beast but

it's my friend and a part of our team

thanks Devon I want to apologize it's

all of you I was convinced that blaze

was right that being tough on our team

would get better results that's wrong

we're strong because of our friendship

and our friendship is exactly why I

should have stood up in crews it's okay

I forgive you

thanks buddy you're the best now that is

sweet and I guess I should apologize for

coming up with the plan that will

finally defeat your worst enemy please



told you it was just a scratch whoa got


no wonder blaze was acting like such a

jerk it was in the real blaze wait if

all of this was his plan then ebox must

have wanted to be captured but why


up next on pop its Pokemon Sun and Moon



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