27x21 - Boxed In

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x21 - Boxed In

Post by bunniefuu »

Today marks the official start of the
Pan Global Games.

Teams from around the world
will be competing.

From athletics to swimming and gymnastics,

There are dozens of events happening.

The only hard part is choosing
what to see first!

I'm Muriel Reeves from Coral Harbor News.

Guys, my mom is right.
What are we going to watch?

High heels can be pretty cool.

I want to see the pros play basketball!

No! Weight lifting is the best.

Maybe I should enter the competition.

Sorry to spoil the party,

but i need three to do a check
routine in several Morph-X Towers.

But the Games are starting!

You can't ignore your responsibilities

just because there's something else you'd rather do.

You're right, Commander.
Let's do the project.


When I said 'let's go',
what did you mean exactly?

All of us, of course.

If we all contribute,
we will finish faster

and then maybe we can still
watch some games.

- It's fair, isn't it?
- Looks good.

Wait. I'm going to miss lifting weights.

Why should we all
miss some of the events

when only three really
need to work?

Because we are a team, that's why.

Sure, but I'm going to miss the weight lifting!

Let's get names out of a hat.

That's the only fair way to decide
who goes to the games and

who checks the Towers.

Well, when you say it like that, it's very logical.

- OK. Come on.
- Yea!

Right. Everyone's name is on the bucket.

The first three I take
stay here to work. Right?

Do it, Nate!





- That!
- Yea! So Ravi and I...

- That's right!
- ... let's go to the Games!

Fair is fair, folks, so...

- Sorry.
- Until later.

Let's hope to get good seats!

Can not wait!

Well, let's get to work.

The torch is lit.

The Pan Global Games have begun,

and we have a record number
of viewers this year.

Everyone is crazy about this one
idiot competition.

Forgot, if the city is distracted,
the Rangers probably are too.

It would be very easy to destroy them.

Hmm. That's true.

And when Evox comes back from pretending to be mayor,

the crushed Rangers would be
a lovely surprise.

And I have a scheme in mind
that will totally knock them out.

Tell me more.


The Tower is running at optimal efficiency.

- Nice. One is gone.
- And there's still a ton to go.

The next one to check is in the Sector...

Ravi, Steel, come here now.
There is a Robotron.


Okay, we're going.

You will need the help, because I am
a real heavyweight!

You look more like a dead weight to me.

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Transport Saber!

Oh, was that too light? Try it!

What? Oops!

Damn, this is heavy!

What is the problem?
Feeling heavy?

- Push harder, people!
- No... it's... giving in!

♪ Power Rangers

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers!

♪ Go!

♪ Go!

♪ It's time to morph

♪ For justice we fight

♪ With a mighty fierce morph

♪ Together we will win

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

Power Rangers Fierce Morph

It's too heavy.
We can't move it!

The secret is the right lifting technique!

Hey Robotron!

Oh, great!

Get out!

- What is the problem?
- It's too heavy, Steel.

No problem. I'll lift it up anyway
way they do in the Games.


Well, that was a workout.

Do you like wrestling?

What? Oops!

You're stuck.

Time for a new event.

Maybe... throw!

This will hurt in the morning.

Cannon ready!

Last event, target sh**ting.

X-Beast Cannon, fire!

That's heavy!

Almost made it!

Looks like you guys need help.

Together. Steel, take the end.

Get up!

Well, it's a weight off our shoulders.

As I said, easy.

Thanks guys.

Cruise, I need a ride.

I will take the first results
maintenance for the base.

The Commander wanted it as soon as possible.

Good idea. Zoey and I
we'll meet in Tower Three.

Oh man! We missed the first event
of weight lifting.

- What?! We lost?
- Sorry, guys.

Did you really try to fight that one?
muscular before calling us?

Dude, this is unfair.

It's not our fault he arrested us.

I know this but we were
excited to see the Games,

and nobody seems to care!

Hey guys!

Well we are all responsible
for protecting the Morph-X Towers,

and you don't seem to care
a lot with

- Come on, Cruise.
- It's for now, friend.

Commander, we have problems!

Activate red alert.

Rangers, there's a Gigadrone coming,
Bravo Sector - .

Understood, Commander.
I'm arriving at the base.

We're leaving, Commander, but the games
are causing traffic jams.

Come as fast as you can.

Prepare the Zords.

This building is perfect for your plan, Blaze.

I don't know.

It's going to be quite a show.

The Rangers won't know what hit them.

In position.

Okay, Cruise! The others will come after us.

Oops! What -?

Safe, Cruise!

What's happening?
Where are we?

A giant boxing ring?!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the arena!

Who said that?

Meet your first opponent, Alphadrone!

He's thin, he's mean, he's tougher
what a steak for dollars!

Commander, answer.

Devon, we saw what happened.
Are you okay?


We got sucked into a building with
some kind of boxing ring.

But we are not alone.

There's a Gigadrone and some kind
of scary commentator.

- Do you see any way out?
- Negative.

OK. I will send the others to yours
last known coordinates.

- I hope they can get in.
- Understood.

Are you ready for this, Devon?

As I will always be.

Here he comes! He climbed up, standing on the pole!

Oh, this is the classic Alphadrone!

No sign of anything strange,
but that must be the building.

Is Devon there?

Guys, look! On the wall.

Is that what's going on inside?

It's like the Zord Runner is in a
boxing match with the Gigadrone.

This is madness!

We have to go in.

They're staring at each other,
waiting for the bell!

- This will be a fight to remember!
- Let's go, Cruise.

And there it is! Oh! Wow!!!
Great Alphadrone Coup!

And the Red Runner Zord tries to fight back.

Alphadrone doesn't want any of that!

Ohhh!!! To the ropes!

Fingers crossed.

It's not good. That doesn't work either.

If she can withstand the gorilla's strength,
it is not an ordinary port.

We're going to need a lot of power to get in.

Why don't we try signing in with the Megazord?

Yea! We will use Megazord Striker!

Worth trying. Come on!

These two titans are giving everything they've got!

If you're not excited right now,
better check your pulse!

The Runner Zord is trying something.

That was a 'clothesline'!

What a maneuver!

Well done, Cruise.
Now, how are we going to get out of here?

Pff!! You're kidding!

There is? And now?

There are two more Gigadrones there with Devon!

Be careful! It's a duo!

Oh, thank God. Nate and Steel are back!

Let's rip the roof off this place!

Oh, it's good that this works.

The roof does not come off!

But we are so strong!

In that case, Quick sh**t!

Oh, no use!

Guys, we're in trouble.

Good try. You did the best you could.

Sorry. our megazord
not strong enough.

- We need to find another way in.
- Is fast.

This Gigadrone lifts weights
for breakfast and lunch!

Thanks for trying, guys.

Cruise and I will hold on
as much as we can.

Round starts... now!

Big dumbbell hit!
But is it enough?

Betadrone is trying again.

But it was blocked! No!!

He drops the dumbbell!

Oops! 'Stunner'. 'Stunner'!

Betadrone is coming out!

- Take that, big guy!
- Hold on.

Gamerdrone is in the ring.
But... he's not fighting.

No, he's dancing! Look at these steps!

That displayed.

Wait! Look at this! Kicks! Kick out of nowhere!

The Runner Zord is taking a beating!

Hang in there, Devon.

I'm diverting energy to the systems
of emergency repair.

Good job, Cruise!
I have to get back to this fight.

He's not trying to hurt the Zord,
he's trying to end his career!

What a turnaround! The Runner Zord is on the ropes,
and now Betadrone holds it.

They are using illegal tactics,
and no one is there to stop them!

- I can not go out!
- What will we do?

That could be it!

The Zord Runner is crouched
like a dog scolded!

- Oops!
- Oh no. Another Gigadrone!

The Zord Runner is crouched
like a dog scolded!

Oh no. Another Gigadrone!

People! If this thing gets sucked in,

the fight will be three against one. This is hard.

- Maybe we can catch a ride.
- Then we can go in!

Yup. We will!

- Ready?
- Ready!

Ca attack

Caution. This can be difficult.

Okay, let's go. Hang in there, folks!

Someone opened the fridge!
This zord is cold!

No we are not!

What is it? The kick hit Betadrone!

It's a knockout! Wow!!! What a turnaround!

- It's two less.
- And only one more to go!

And now!

Impossible! It's like the building spits on us.

Attention, Nate, we have company.

Time to go up a little.


Beast-X viewfinder, connected!

Activate Beast-X Mode!

Beast-X mode, done!

Gorilla Play!

Turn away from it!

Fierce Cut!

- It was the last of them.
- Excellent. I have an idea.

I think I can adjust the Ultrazord's schedule
to work with the Beast King Zord-X.

An Ultrazord!

Might be powerful enough
to break into the building.

- Then we have to try.
- Yea.

Get ready to meet your next fighter!

Another not.

This mighty Gigadrone feeds
of dangers and dines on destruction!

It's Deltadrone!

Nice. Let's make it.

Enter Delta!

- The best duo!
- There we go again.

Look at these two bad guys.

Beware, Zord Runner!

The business will start here.

Here they come!

A barrage of scams, ladies and gentlemen!

The m*ssacre!

I even got goosebumps!

- Are you okay, Cruise?
- I'm putting up with things.

Good robot.

Deltadrone is having a great time here!

Get ready for impact!

The Corridor Zord looks lost!

Deltadrone is completely dominating.

Ohhh!!! Another hit!
The Zord is on the ropes again!

Is this the end of Grid Battleforce's best?

The drones look at each other and say:
'Yea! Time to finish him off!'

Oh, it's brutal!

I see sparks. I see smoke!

The Zord Runner is a mess,
and the drones are loving it!

And ready.

The new Ultrazord schedule should
work with the Beast King Zord-X.

Great job, Nate.

Well, don't thank me yet.

- Do your best, Rangers.
- Here we go!

Okay, Cruise. Let's hope this works.

What is it? The Corridor Zord is live!

No!!! A great double kick!

Both drones crashed! Unbelievable!

All ready?

- Understood.
- We're in position!

The Zord Heli is at the top.

There is no time to lose. Start the sequence.

Okay then.

Ultrazord King Beast-X, match!

Beast-X Ultrazord, freed!

- It worked!
- Great job, bro!

There's the target.
What is our next step?

The Ultrazord's staff was specially
designed to invade the building.

We will try.

Oops!! Stop it!


- They got out. Devon, are you okay?
- I am fine.

You will regret ruining my game!

Wait a second. It is the voice of the commentator.

The entire building was a Robotron
giant all the time?!

With some kind of boxing ring inside it.

- This is crazy!
- And it's not over yet.

Gigadrones are back.

They advance to battle,
attacking the Ultrazord.

But he retaliates with brutal ferocity!

Ultra Cut!

Gamerdrone is hit!

Fast sh**ting!

He fell!


Guys, it's up to your commentator to finish the match.

I say, come!!!

Damn it! This guy loves to talk.

Not for long.

His fists are raging!
Your entire body is a deadly w*apon!

Beware, Grid Battleforce!

Blow after blow!
But the Ultrazord doesn't move.

That means it's time for
Boxertron 'signature'!

What?! What's happening?
Shocking reversal!

Hey, Devon. Want to help take this guy down?


I can take anything that
you play on me!

Seriously? There's only one way to find out.

He didn't handle it well.

Ultra Attack King Beast-X!

He looks for a way out!

But there is no escape!

Boxertron is gone and just dust!

The match is over!!

What an ending!

Virus eliminated!

The new Ultrazord is very powerful! Like me.

You know, I think we should call
this lineup of "The Steel"!

Thanks, but the Beast King Ultrazord-X
it's also nice.

Oh man! Look what time it is.

The Games are almost over for the day.

At least you and Steel saw some of that.

It went badly.

I actually wanted to say that
I'm sorry for being so selfish,

and it wasn't right for you to work

while Steel and I had fun.

Devon was right all along.
That's not how the Rangers do it
in things.

I say we'll do the rest of the work together,
so that none of us lose.

I enjoyed hearing this.

Who knows? If we go fast, still
we can watch the karate finals.

Lets do this.

Put on your gi and fasten your black belt,

because there will be some serious att*cks

- in this karate final!
- We will!

Quickly! I'ts about to start.

It's much better to see it together.


Come on!
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