01x08 - Decision × By × Majority?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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01x08 - Decision × By × Majority?

Post by bunniefuu »

Fearsome monsters... Exotic creatures...

Vast riches... Hidden treasures...

Evil enclaves... Unexplored lands...

The word "unknown" holds magic.

And some incredible people are
drawn to that magic.

They are known...

...as Hunters!

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One more!

You just used your right hand!

I did it!


Decision x By x Majority?

Dawn breaks,

as the airship carrying Gon and his friends

approaches its destination.

The Third Phase of the Hunter Exam
is about to begin.

I apologize for the long wait.

The airship will soon arrive
at its destination.


Is that where the next test will be held?

What is this place?

There's nothing here.


Everyone, the exam's Third Phase
will begin here,

at the top of Trick Tower.

Trick Tower?

To pass this phase,

you must reach the tower's base alive.

The time limit is seventy-two hours.

With that, we will now begin
the Third Phase.

I will pray for your success.

No way.

So it's finally my turn?

Best of luck to everyone!

Are we supposed to climb down?

That would be su1c1de...

Maybe for a normal person.

But a top-class rock climber can
handle this, no problem.


He's going down pretty fast.

Looks like I'll be the first one
to pass the Third Phase...

Stop! Stay away!

Stop! Stop it!


G-Guess we can't climb down the side...


What's up?

There are fewer people around.


I count twenty-three,

which suggests almost half of the
applicants have already found an exit.

No way. When did they do that?

That means there must be

some hidden doors that lead below.

Kurapika! Leorio!

What is it, Gon?

Look. I found a hidden door.

I see now.

So we can descend by flipping the stones.


Great job, Gon!

Let's head on down!

But I'm confused.

About what?

There are also hidden doors here,
there, over there,

and over there, as well.

That many?

Five hidden doors,
located in the same area.

It sounds suspicious to me.

Some could be traps.

And it looks as though

each door can only be used once...


We tried opening a door
someone else used,

but it wouldn't budge.

Judging by the door's size,

only one can fit at a time.

In other words, only one person
can use each door.

We'll have to split up.

Gon and I decided that we're each
going to choose a door.

No hard feelings if one
of us springs a trap!

What are you guys gonna do?

I can live with that.

Luck is part of the game...

I have no objection.

Then that settles it.

Let's go, on the count of three.

I guess this is goodbye for now.

We'll meet up again, at the tower's base.

Let's go...





Huh? What?

That was quite a brief farewell.


so all the doors led to the same room...

"The five of you

must follow the will of the majority
to reach the goal."

Five of us?

Look... There are five stopwatches.

There's an O and an X button.

Could it be that we won't be
able to leave this room

until another person drops in?

That is correct!

Who's that?!

My name is Lippo.

I am the prison warden here,

as well as the Third Phase examiner.

Prison warden?

Multiple routes through this tower
have been prepared.

You have chosen the path
of majority rule.

Cooperation will be key

if you wish to clear this
phase of the exam.

One person's selfish behavior
can derail an entire group.

And you can't start until you
have five members.

Best of luck, gentlemen!

We can't move on until
someone else arrives?

What do we do?

We have to wait, I guess...

Did you need something, warden?

The test begins now.

Take your assigned positions.


Oh, come on!

It's been two hours...

What if the others all took
different routes?

Only a fool would still be at
the top of the tower!

Calm down, Leorio.

Complaining won't help.


What if no one shows up before
we reach our time limit?


I can't just sit here and...



That sound...

Good grief...



It's the old man.


I see.

So the door appears

once five people arrive and
put on the stopwatches.

"At this door, select
O to open, X not to open."

Forcing us to use majority rule already?

The answer should be obvious...


Who pushed the X button?

Sorry, that was me.

I pressed the wrong button
by mistake.

Stop screwing around, old man!

Are you blind?

Like I said, it was an accident.

How can you accidentally press
the wrong button?!

It doesn't matter.

The door opened.

No, it does matter!

This guy deliberately pressed
the wrong button...

Let's go.

We don't have time to bicker.

That's right...

Even if he keeps pressing
the wrong one,

the rest of us just need to
press the right one.


Okay, let's go!



Another question so soon?

"Which way do you want to go?

O for right. X for left."


Or left...


Wh-Why would you choose to go right?

Normally, you should go left...

That is true.

Studies have indicated that people
who are lost or stuck at forks

unconsciously tend to go left.

I've heard that before, too.

Wait! The numbers don't add up!

Which button did you press?



Y-You guys...

That's why they chose to go right...

To outfox the examiner.

If the examiner knows that
people tend to go left,

the left path will be more difficult.

So we're just simple-minded!


Wh-What is this place?

Look over there.

The applicants have arrived.

Remove the shackles.


I'm finally free.

Hunter Vocabulary


Allow me to explain, gentlemen.

Before you are some of
Trick Tower's prisoners.


The Hunter Exam Committee

has also officially hired them
as examiners.

You will be fighting against
the five of them.

The fights will be one-on-one.

Each person may only fight once.

You are free to use any method you like.

There will be no draws.

A win is declared when the
opponent admits defeat.

You may pick your order.

It's majority rule.

So secure three wins, and you may pass.

The rules are simple.


Majority rule again?

Well, I prefer straightforward rules.

However, the actual fights will
not be quite so simple.

The prisoners' sentences will be reduced

by one year, for every hour they
delay the applicants here.

In other words, their goal
is also to buy time.

I understand...

And we must reach the goal
within seventy-two hours.

So time will be critical during these fights.

Okay, I'm up first.

199-year sentence, robbery and m*rder

Choose your combatant!

What should we do?

He said that we can fight
with any method.

So that means anything goes.

We don't know what they'll try to pull...

There's too much at stake without knowing

what they have up their sleeves.

Given that, I shall...

No, I'll go!


I'll act as a guinea pig,

so we can discover what they're up to.

Consider this an apology for before.

Hey, are you serious?


Plus, you guys don't actually
trust me, right?

Do you really want me to be the tiebreaker,
when the score is 2-2?

You have a point...

Then it's settled.

Tonpa, you're...

Th-That was a surprise...

I didn't expect Tonpa to volunteer.

He called himself a guinea pig.

Will Tonpa-san be okay?

Now, let us determine the
method of combat.

I propose a death match.

A death match?

They fight until one dies?


Don't let him provoke you!


Very well...

I accept!



I commend you for your courage!


Let the fight begin!


I give!



Did he just give up?

M-Maybe he meant "Give me a sec"?

What did you just say?

You win if I admit defeat, right?

I give up...

I lose!

Wha... Wha... Wha...

All right...

I win this round.

If we win two more rounds, you lose.

You won't be able to advance or turn back.

You'll be stuck here until the
seventy-two hours are up.

Should that come to pass,

our sentences will be reduced
by seventy-two years.

Man, that was a disgrace.

He looked a lot stronger up close...


You just confirmed all my suspicions!

You're a worthless piece of trash,

who's only good for sabotaging
other applicants!


That's what I do every year.

And I plan to continue the tradition.


I'm not looking to pass the Hunter Exam.

I'm only in it for the thrills.

The thrills?


The Hunter Exam is a trial meant

to crush confident young people's dreams.

The moment of despair,
when ambition and hope give way,

gives me a sense of exquisite pleasure.

Especially when I'm actively
shattering these rookies' dreams.

I don't plan on becoming a Hunter.

I've already had enough fun this year.

It's time for me to bow out.

You bastard...

Stop, Leorio!


They want us to waste our time,
fighting amongst ourselves.


if their goal is to buy time,

then the old man made
the correct choice.


That bald guy is probably

a former soldier or mercenary.

Had you fought him,

he would have started by
crushing your throat,

so you couldn't have given up.

Then he would have tortured you,
without k*lling you,

for the rest of the remaining time...

Th-That was one of the possibilities
I took into consideration...

You look sick.

My plan was disrupted.

I was going to take my time,
punishing him...

Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

149-year sentence, serial bombings

If we defeat two of the remaining four,

then we win.

Regardless, we need to win
three rounds and advance.

Who's going next?

Me! I'll go!

Are you sure?


The next opponent doesn't
look too strong.

But you can't let your guard down.

He's still a criminal.

Uh-huh, I know.

Tonpa's actions

have placed Gon and his friends
at a disadvantage.

What is their next opponent,

Sedokan, planning to do in this match?

At the start of the Hunter Exam's Third Phase,

there were 40 applicants.

With 1 eliminated,

only 39 remain.

Next time: Beware x Of x Prisoners.

And watch your back!

Be careful when you're out late.
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