03x18 - Beloved × And × Beleaguered

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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Gon Freecs searches for the father he doesn't remember.
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03x18 - Beloved × And × Beleaguered

Post by bunniefuu »

That is most likely a Conjurer's work.

Yeah, that's gotta be it.

These buildings weren't here yesterday.

This has to be Nen.

Man, these guys are really crazy...

They have someone who can
conjure entire buildings!

It's safe to assume that
they're rigged somehow.


That tells us they're still using
this place as their base.

The problem is

that these buildings create
too many blind spots.

I can only watch twenty
percent of the area at a time.


if you move around too much,
you could run into one of them.

I'd like to avoid that.

I mean,

I have no idea what I'd do if I
heard their voices behind me...

My heart is pounding.



Oh, never mind. I read you.

For now, return to your original position.

I'll call you back in five minutes.

Hello? Melody?

How's it going on your side?

We're still shopping.

Let me see that one.

This might be harder than
regular bodyguard work.

It's not too bad...

Basho's about to snap.

Let's go back to the other store.

Yes, I know.

Play one of the best new FPS sh**t,
search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK

Beloved x And x Beleaguered

You've already told me everything that Uvo

knew about the chain user?

Yeah, when we were investigating

the Nostrade Family using the Hunter website,

Uvo pointed to three members at the top.

It was late night on the 1st when we realized
they were the daughter's bodyguards.

And I met that daughter yesterday.

And that's when you stole her power.


And here is an updated list of bodyguards.

There are two new members.


They already have new information up?

Seven bodyguards...

Perhaps more.

That's a lot of people to guard one girl.

He must love his daughter.

He probably cares more about her ability.

Her father achieved his current
status by using her power.

There are many who resent his advancement.

But why did she come to Yorknew City?

For the auction, I'd imagine.


Shizuku, Pakunoda...



Actually, I'm an idiot.

Damn, what's wrong with me?

If I'd stopped to consider why their
boss's daughter is in Yorknew City,

we could have found the chain user sooner.

It's safe to assume that this
girl came to Yorknew City

for the auction.

I was too focused on her fortunetelling
to give any regard to that.

According to the website,

this girl also collects body parts.

Body parts...

The Scarlet Eyes!


The chain user joined the
Nostrade Family for a reason.

He knew that the Scarlet Eyes
would be sold at the auction,

and that Nostrade's daughter
would be interested in them.

The chain user desires two things.

To exact revenge upon us,
and to recover his people's eyes.

Shal, were we able to steal the Scarlet Eyes?

Sorry, I'm not sure.

I had the auctioneer running on
autopilot throughout the auction.

Kortopi, do you remember
copying the Scarlet Eyes?

I copied them.

Your copies function as En.

Can you tell where the copy is?

If I'm touching the real one.

Found them.

Got it.

There's something of the same shape

approximately 2,500 meters in that direction.

Is the chain user there?

We should hurry.

The En effect will fade in a few hours.

Do you have a map?



2,500 meters.

Hotel Beitacle.


Let me go.


Very well.

But I shall accompany you.

Yes, sir.

Paku, Machi, Shizuku,

you're coming, too.

Shal, you'll switch with Kortopi.



Oh, Killua-kun?

Yeah, who are you?

One of Kurapika's colleagues.

Could you look to your left?

Hang up,

and then whisper a command to me.

Raise your right hand.

Her ears are super sharp!

We can use this to our advantage.


Didn't we already try this place before?

Hotel Beitacle is one of the places

where the Nostrade Family is staying.

Yeah, but when Shal checked the website,

they'd already checked out.

They probably checked into that
hotel under a different name.

They're being cautious.

The rain keeps me from
hearing what's being said,

but people are talking over there.

Judging by the footsteps,
five or six, including women.

They're heading in the opposite
direction from those ruined buildings.

That's amazing.

Gon and I have trained hard,
but I can't hear a thing.

This happens to be my power.

Kurapika must be getting desperate...

He actually asked me for help.


He wants to do everything himself, right?


Yeah, that's true.

Are you an assassin?

I used to be.

How did you know?

Your footsteps.

You're right next to me, but they're estinto.



A music term meaning barely audible.

Oh, I'm in the habit of moving
without making any sound.

You have the quietest step I've ever heard.

Your technique is impressive.

I can see why Kurapika would rely on you.

Well, I'm not too thrilled about this.

Oh? Really?


They're one hundred meters
around the next corner.

You can pick out their footsteps?

Everyone's are slightly different.


I'll take a look.


The woman's here.

She's with her buddies.

There are six, moving together.

That topknot guy's here, too.

One more thing.

There's one person that
wasn't there yesterday.

He's probably the leader.

Can you describe him?

He's wearing a black coat,

with St. Peter's cross on the back.

He has combed-back black hair.

I can't see his face.

And they're too alert!

I'm too afraid to circle around in front.

Let me speak to him.

Where are you now?

In front of the Motoba Building.

They're walking west,
on Continental Street.

There's a station nearby.

Can you make it onto their train?

It depends on the circumstances.

If it's busy, I can manage.

Leorio, take us south.


Melody's in the same car as they are.

This train's headed toward Castor.

I'm in the last car.


The auction site's that way.

So is our hotel...

Yeah. Yeah.

I know, Eliza.

I'm sick of this job!

I should be happy I get to
spend time with the dogs?

Well, it beats taking care of
that spoiled brat, I guess.

I'm fond of Neon-sama,

but she's too active for me.

Look at this, Eliza!

It's so cute!

Well, hang in there a little longer.

I'll find a better job soon enough...

Who's there?

Room service.

Leave it in front of the door.

Okay, let's eat.

Man, I seriously need to
find a different job...

I don't have the energy for this.

But I need a job that will support
Eliza and these guys...

That's hard to find...


Don't worry.

I'll figure something out.

They got off?

They got off at Liber Station.

They're headed toward the
Saloma Department Store exit.

That's not good.

The hotel's that way.


They know we switched rooms?

Damn, this isn't funny!

We need to escape fast!

I have to bring these.

The station's over there.

Shouldn't we get closer?


If we get any closer,

they might sense my animosity.


the range I should stay at

is the distance from here
to the station entrance.

I must attack from this distance
if I don't want to be noticed.

It will take approximately 0.5
seconds to land an attack.

That's more than enough
time for them to evade it.

Unless they're distracted...


They're on the move.

Descending slowly.

An elevator.

Are they going out?

We should hurry, boss.

We'll apprehend him as a group.

Stay close enough to provide assistance.


once we capture him,
get the information on Uvo.

Got it.

After that, Nobunaga,

he's all yours.


They're running toward the hotel.

They're fast!

Can we get there faster by car?

It's rush hour.

They might be faster on foot.


Wait here until I contact you.

Wait, Kurapika...

I have a good idea.


Melody and I are at the station entrance.

Those six ran off to the northwest.

Yeah, I'm following them!

Wait, you're running after them?

That's dangerous!

They'll notice you!

Stop it!


The bastard hung up on me...

Wow! What's that?

They're ninjas...

Target moving forty kilometers
per hour, in a 2:00 direction.

He got in a vehicle.

I was going to wait until I found another job,

but that's no longer an option.

I'm quitting today!

Leorio, where's Gon?

He ran after Kurapika.

I was told to wait,
but I can't just sit around.

I'm driving to Hotel Beitacle,
but I'm stuck in traffic!


We're going after Kurapika!


These people just do whatever
the hell they want!

We're being followed.

When did that happen?


I was too focused on chasing the target.

Is the chain user behind or in front of us?

Nobunaga, Pakunoda, and Kortopi,
pursue the target ahead.

Roger that.

Did you see them?

I only caught a silhouette.

I couldn't see their faces,
but one is in the alley.

Another is behind the dumpster.


Keep using Gyo.

Yes, sir.


Come and get it!

Stop it, Kurapika.

We can't fight three of them

if they know we're here!

Okay, then it's all or nothing.



I'll stop following, so can you let me go?

Him again?

This is the boy he mentioned?

The other one's here, too.

Show yourself.

What do you want?

The Mafia who put a reward on us are gone.

Wh-What? Really?


What do we do, boss?

Tie them up.

Phinks? It's me.

I need you to come to the Beitacle Hotel.

Shouldn't we just k*ll them?

No, I trust your instincts.

If they're connected to the
chain user somehow,

we should keep them alive.

I wouldn't trust my instincts...

I have a question for you.

How can you k*ll people who
have nothing to do with you?

You look pretty hostile,

considering that you just surrendered.

Why, indeed?

Because they have nothing to do with us?


On second thought, it isn't that simple.

How to verbally express our motives...

I'm not fond of it.

But oddly enough...

Or perhaps it's not that odd.

Is that the key to understanding myself?

What's he talking about?

Head to the hotel, and wait
for Phinks and the others.

If they try to escape, k*ll them.


Now that they're on the alert,

we have to keep our distance,
or they'll notice us.

Make sure you're concealing your presence.


You must be patient.

I understand!

You don't understand!

Your reckless pursuit exposed
them to needless danger.

Do you know why they let
themselves be captured?

If you're caught here,

no one will be able to stop the Troupe!

I'm sorry...

Humans have to lower their
guard at some point.

It's an endurance test.

We must wait.


Where's Squala?

He isn't answering his phone.

It isn't the chain user.


He was on the list.

Get out.

I'm pretty good at my job.

I've survived some tight spots.

There's a sort of gut instinct that
works only in those times.

And mine tells me that this...

...is where I'll...

If you move an inch, I'll cut you down.

I have a few questions,
so answer them honestly.

One of your fellow bodyguards
uses chains, right?

Where is he now?

What are you talking about?

Who are you people?!

Do you realize that I'm with
the Nostrade Family...

Answer the question.

I'll break your left arm next.


I told you not to move.

Stand perfectly still, and answer her questions.

What happened to Uvogin?

I'm talking about the huge man you captured.


He escaped!

I don't know what happened after that!

Where are your fellow bodyguards?

They already went back to the island.

I was on my way back!

You shouldn't lie...

It's the truth.

Why would I lie in this situation?

Let me ask you one more time.

Where is the chain user?

I don't know who you're talking about.

None of the bodyguards uses chains!

One last question.

Is there someone for whom

you care deeply?

I wouldn't have chosen
this job if there were!

So her name's Eliza...

She's pretty.


If you lay one finger on Eliza—

I warned you not to move...


Did you get any data on the chain user?


It's too much trouble to explain,
so I'll sh**t the information into you.

With my Memory b*mb.

Recollection b*llet

Recollection b*llet
Memory b*mb

If you're concerned, I'll stop.

Are you stupid? Hurry up.

I see...

So that's what you look like, Kurapika-san.

I won't forget your name
and face until I k*ll you!

The Phantom Troupe has finally
identified Uvogin's k*ller.

Kurapika races to rescue Gon and Killua.

The final battle draws near.

Brush Your Teeth.
Unripe Fruit

Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Coming up, we have Gon

and Killua's


It's Gon

and Killua's


Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia

Today, we introduce Nobunaga.

A Phantom Troupe member.

An Enhancer.

An iaido master, who can use En

An Enhancer.

He likes Gon and Killua,

in a four-meter radius.

He focuses aura in his sword, to strike down foes

and wants to recruit
them into the Troupe.

with a single blow.

Single blow?

Low blow!

Next time: Initiative x And x Law.

The keyword is dark adaptation.

Do you know?

Look it up in a dictionary.
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