01x03 - The Older Brother's Wish, the Younger Sister's Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x03 - The Older Brother's Wish, the Younger Sister's Wish

Post by bunniefuu »





You're mine!

Too shallow.



I got a look at
that thing's face.

And it was
Orihime's dead brother.




I just don't get it.

Why did Orihime's brother
attack us?

Not us,
just you.

Judging from the last
Hollow you k*lled,

I would guess there's a more
powerful Hollow behind this

that wants to consume
your spirit energy.

It probably has several Hollows
under its control.

It knows where
you are now,

and is sending other Hollows
here to carry out its orders.

That would explain why Orihime's
brother has come to attack you.

Did you expect me
to k*ll him now?

There's no way
I could do that.

You have to do it.

You haven't got
a choice.

If you don't k*ll him,
he'll wander around forever.

And he'll keep coming
after you again and again

until he gets
your soul.

Wait, you aren't
the only one in danger.

Who else would he want?

Orihime, his sister.

Wow, that was just
the best dinner, wasn't it?

Yeah, it really was,

You got any dessert?
I'm out of ice cream.

But I do have some bean sprout
and some eggplant jelly

we can pour over that.

Ew, no thanks.

Huh? Did you hear that?


Poor Enroku
fell down.

Oh, my gosh,

how'd you get this big rip
in your head?





So then Hollows will attack
their own families?

Brothers, sisters,
even children.

So explain,
why would they do that?

Hollows are fallen souls,
souls that were not

guided into the
Soul Society by a Soul Reaper.

Souls that were not protected
from other Hollows.

Abandoned, they fall
and lose their hearts

and become
Hollows themselves.

Now that this Hollow
has failed to devour your soul,

I'm sure he will go
after his sister,

the person he loved
the most when he was alive.

Remember the bruise we saw
on Orihime's leg?

She said it was from being
hit by a car.

But I've seen marks
like that before.

That mark could only have been
left by a Hollow.

So you think her brother's
already tried to k*ll her once,

and he's about to try it

That's very






Is this blood?





What happened?

And why am I bleeding?



Something's here.

But I-I don't see


What's happening?
Who's there?


What's going on?
What is that...that monster?

And what is it doing
to Tatsuki?

Who's that?

That's me.

But how?


Where did this
come from?

I-I can't breathe.


I can't just sit here.

I've got to do




Are you

Ah! Get back!
Stay away!

What are you
screaming about, Tatsuki?

It's just me.

What's wrong?

It's useless talking
to her now, Orihime.

She can't
hear us.

She can't even
see us.


Why not?

And how do you know
my name?

That makes me sad,

Have you forgotten
my voice?

How could you?

It's me,
can't you tell?

What are you
talking about?

It makes me sad,

Very, very sad.



I am the one
that you're really after.

Leave her alone
and fight me.





Damn Tatsuki, how did you
get caught up in all this?

ORIHIME: Ichigo...

Thank you for rescuing us
from that thing.

But where did you
come from?

hold on a minute.

How in the hell
can you see me?

Why shouldn't I?

Soul Reapers
are spirit beings.

And as such, no ordinary
humans will be able to see you.

Only other spirit beings
can see you.

Then she's--
HOLLOW: That's right.

She's a spirit being now.
In other words,

Orihime is dead.




Stay back.





Get up!

Ichigo! Ichigo!



Ichigo! No!

He's hurt.

I have to go help him.
Let me go. Let me go!


have you
forgotten me?


Is that you?

Ichigo, come on,
get up.

I'm trying.

This is not
going to be easy.

So where are
you hurt?

Like you care.

Forget about it,
I'm okay.

Good, 'cause you've
got work to do.

Listen carefully.

That Hollow may have been
her brother once.

But now
it's nothing but a monster.

You've got
to stop it.

It has no heart,

so put aside all your feelings
and destroy it.

Are you really Sora,
my brother?

Yes Orihime,
it's me.

You're lying.

My brother was gentle.

He would never do
these things you're doing.

I was so lonely.


You were beginning to forget
about me, sister,

a little more each day.

After I died,
you prayed for me every day.

I watched you.

It was your prayers and your
thoughts that gave me peace.

It relieved me
of my loneliness.

But after a year had gone by,
things changed.

You became friends
with that girl.


And then,

I saw that you began
to pray for me

less and less.

Then, when you
entered high school,

you stopped praying for me

That's why
I was so lonely.

you don't underst--

Just listen to me,

If you still have even a shred
of love for me

you will not
betray me again.

Do exactly as I say.

I will deal with him.

It won't take long.

I shall devour
this Soul Reaper

and put an end
to this.

No! Don't!

This doesn't have anything
to do with Ichigo.

Leave him alone.

It's not right for you
to hurt him just because--

Shut up,

Don't tell me what's right
when it's your fault

I've become
this monster.

I should k*ll you first for
the way you've abandoned me,

for choosing this girl
and Ichigo

over honoring my memory.
I'll k*ll you.

No you won't,
you freak.










Let me ask you something,
Captain Overbite,

do you know why big brothers
are born first?

There's a reason.

They're born first
so that they can look out

for their little brothers
and sisters and protect them.


And here, you thr*aten
to k*ll your own sister.

Even a dead man

doesn't ever have
the right to say that.

Shut up.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

Orihime is mine.

I was 15 when she was born.
And I raised her

when our parents
abandoned us.

To me, she has been been more
like a daughter than a sister.

come with me now,

back to when it was
just you and me,

happy together.
If you'll come,

then I promise I will spare
these other souls.

it's a trap.

You can't
believe him,

because he doesn't have the
feelings of a brother anymore.

Are you sure?

That hairpin.



I love you, big brother.




What is this?


Orihime doesn't belong
to anyone,

and least of all,
to you.





Do it!
What are you waiting for?




why did you do that?

Sora, I had to save

Because this is all
my fault.

The reason
you're this way...

It's because of me,

because I begged you
not to leave me alone.

Sora, don't die.

Don't leave me
all alone, brother.

You can't.
You can't.

That's why...

you weren't able
to find peace.

And it's all
my fault.


Since you died,
I've always had the sense

that you were
watching over me.

I'd asked you to.

Even yesterday, when that car
was about to hit me,

you protected me,
didn't you?

I have this mark
because you pulled my leg

to get me
out of the way in time.

That was you,
wasn't it?

explains it.

Then one day I realized that
if I kept depending on you

to stay by my side, you'd never
be able to rest in peace.

But if I showed you...

that my life
was really happy

and that you didn't need
to worry about me anymore,

you could pass on.

I never dreamed it would make
you sad and lonely.

I would never want
to do that to you, brother.




Rukia, what the hell's
happening to him?

The part of him
that's still human

is fighting the Hollow
for control.

Evidently, this one didn't
become a Hollow by choice.

He must've been
taken over.

Taken over? By who?

A soul that is devoured
by a strong Hollow

is manipulated by
that strong Hollow.

And that Hollow desires
your spirit energy.

So it took over
this poor soul,

planning to use it
to attack you.

It hoped that since
you knew this soul in life,

you would hesitate to fight him,
which, in fact, you did.

Right now, the brother's soul
is desperately

fighting that Hollow
for his sister's sake.

Ah, Orihime.





all right.

the Chain of Fate

is still connected
to her chest.

As long as it's attached
to her, she will not die.

I need to treat her.
Stay back.

The power of my Kido
should be able to save her.


That hairpin she's wearing
was a present from you,

wasn't it, Sora?

She told me
that once.

That's why she wears it
every single day.



What are you doing?

I only have
a short time before

the Hollow
overwhelms me again

and changes me back
into a monster.

So while I'm sane
and can still think clearly,

I'll end this.

No, wait,
don't do that.

RUKIA: Ichigo.

all right.

He's made
the right decision.

Once you become a Hollow
you can never go back

to what
you were again.

Passing on is
the best thing for him.

But Rukia--
It's okay.

You'll learn that
exorcising a Hollow

is not the same thing
as k*lling it.

You're cleansing its soul
and allowing it

to enter
the Soul Society.

That's why Soul Reapers
exist in the first place,

to help all souls
find their way,

and finally rest in peace.



Wait. I have to tell you

This hairpin,
remember the argument

we had about it
the day you gave it to me?

I said I didn't like it
because I thought

it didn't look grown-up
enough for me.

I know I hurt
your feelings.

And you left without saying
anything else.

And that was the last time
I saw you alive.

So now I want to say

what I should have
said to you

when you went off
to work that day.

My brother,

have a good day.

Thanks, Orihime.




GIRL 1: No way!
ORIHIME: Really.

What happened was
a Sumo wrestler with a g*n

blasted a hole through the wall
into my room last night.


Please, Orihime, if you're going
to make up stories,

at least make them
sound realistic.

Like, maybe a pro wrestling
match spilled out of the ring.

GIRL 2: She got you.

Don't listen to them,

I like your wild imagination.

But it's not
a made-up story,

I swear.
It really happened.

Right, Tatsuki?

Yeah, I remember
something last night.

So that's what you did
yesterday, huh?


Ichigo, what's with these
monsters and that big sword?



what did you do to her?

Memory replacement.

I wiped out her memory
of the night's events

and gave her a new one.


there's no way to predict

what her memory will
be replaced with.

So tomorrow,
we'll find out

what she thinks
happened tonight.

You used the same thing
on my family the other day,

didn't you?

That's right,
I did.

What's wrong?

I'm still not ready

to actually commit
to this or anything.

Heh, I'm not so noble a person
that I can promise

to risk my life for a complete
stranger just like that.

On the other hand,

I could never
just stand around and watch

while someone else
was being hurt.

So I'll help you.

At least,
I will for now,

with this work of yours,
as a Soul Reaper.



I'm counting on you.

♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
Someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


Dear brother, thank you
for watching over me

all this time
from the spirit world.

I'll do my best to find
happiness in this life,

so you don't
have to worry.

Orihime, the show's
already over.

You're messing up the preview
for the next one.

That's great.
And now we're out of time.
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