01x07 - Greetings from a Stuffed Lion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x07 - Greetings from a Stuffed Lion

Post by bunniefuu »



Last time,
Ichigo swallowed

a Gikongan that pushed
his soul out of his body.

And this opportunist
took over his body,

and he's wreaking havoc.

this guy is a Mod-Soul

whose motivation is to survive.

We've got to catch him

so Ichigo
can reclaim his body

while it's still intact.

Like they say,
guess what's done is done.

Um, Mr. Kisuke, sir?


I, um, I am so sorry.

I know this is all my fault.

I hope
that you're not mad at me.




There's no need
to be afraid, Ururu.

We're in this together.

So you made a big mistake.

I mean, you didn't
do it on purpose.

Accidents happen.

Don't you worry.

I'll take care of everything.

Oh, Mr. Kisuke!


There now. It's okay.

Excuse me, Mr. Kisuke.

Everything's ready, sir.

Let's collect the merchandise.

Yes, sir.
All right.



Did you see that?

He just jumped
from way up there.




If I stay calm,
I'll be able to

predict every
move you've got.


Wait, you!

RUKIA: Ichigo, hold it!

We have an order.

You have got to be kidding.

We've got
a Hollow alert here.

We have to leave now.

Huh? Right now?
RUKIA: Let's move!



Over here!

All right, I'm open!

All right, you three,
Why aren't you playing soccer?

Oh, so you were playing
video games again?

This high school guy
just flew down on us

and wrecked my player.

Yeah, his hair
was bright orange.

Lying's not going to help.



Well, it is broken,
all right. Huh.

Hmm, I bet you three broke
this fighting over it.

That really stunk.

Here I was,
in a really great mood,

having fun, and those three
had to ruin everything.

That Soul Reaper didn't
help out, either.


I sense a Hollow coming.

It feels like it's going to
that school I was just at.

Who is it going to attack?

It could be those three kids.

Go on, delete it.


So what? I can create a better
character than that one.


This having to clean up
after school is weak.

Yeah, being punished stinks.

Why didn't Miss Ito believe us?

I don't know.
Could it be because

we lie to her about
stuff all the time?

You got it.

Well, I'm not going
to let her get away with this.

I'm telling my mom.




What is it now?
My soul pager.

There's something
the matter with it.

Is the battery dead?

You didn't recharge it?

Next time, do that instead of
wishing for Chappy the Rabbit.

Now I can't figure out
where that Hollow is.

That's just great. Ugh!




It's that guy again.

Hey, why'd you push us down?

It's that high school
student from earlier.



Did you see that?



What's that?

There's the Hollow.
Yeah, I see it.

He's there too.

That idiot!

Hold it!
Wait, Ichigo, don't go!



How rude.

You're disturbing my lunch,

and we haven't
even been introduced.

I don't know who
you think you are,

but you're too
weak to take me on.




Hey, what the--
Why are you helping me?

Helping you?
Do you have any idea what

you just did to my shoulder?

It's my clothes and my body
that you're messing up.

Listen to me, if you
can't take on a Hollow

without getting hurt,
then don't do it.

What is your problem?

I had to fight him
'cause you were late.

If I'd waited for you, those
kids would've been dead meat.

Shut up.

Aren't you supposed to be
some badass Mod-Soul?

Time to eat.


Take this!

Hey, hold it!




You dumbass.

What were you thinking
when you just did that?

You see, once you have
split a Hollow's head,

that means he is finished.

So there was no point in
you going and kicking him.

Now you're telling me someone
was bleeding here?

You know what I see? Nothing.

But Miss Ito, this time we're
telling you the real truth.

I mean it!
All right, then. Show me.

Where's this bleeding
student you saw?

Let's see him.
He really was here, honest.

Since you haven't
shown me anyone,

you'll have to stay after
school again tomorrow. Hmph.



Why did you save those three?

I thought you said
you hated them.

It's hard to explain.

If I hadn't helped those kids,
they would have been k*lled.

No one should have
the right to k*ll anyone.


Right after I was created, the
Soul Society sent out an order.

They made an announcement
that all Mod-Souls

should be destroyed immediately.

So the very day
after I was born,

the Society gave me
a death sentence.

I waited.

I trembled with fear inside
that pill, just waiting to die.

Day after day,
I watched helplessly

as the others were disposed of.

Then I got lucky.

I got shipped out with
a load of goods by mistake.

But I always expected
to be discovered and destroyed.

I was alone for what
seemed like years.

I had quite a while to think
about how things should be.

And you know what I feel?

I decided no one has the right
to take someone's life away.

I exist,
and I should have the right

to live my life for
as long as I want to.

Like humans, I deserve that.

So I refuse to take a life.

That's the reason why I will
never k*ll any living creature.

Well, look who
we have here.

So finally we find you.

And what a picture.

You're all beat up
and worn out.

All that trouble
for nothing.



Mission accomplished.

We're done.
Let's go home.

Come on.

I came here to have a real
fight, and that's all I get?

Hey, hold it. What are you going
to do with that Mod-Soul now?

No choice.

I've got to destroy him.

You see me.
How can that be?

Just who are you guys,

I'm not sure how
to answer that question. Huh?

I believe that's mine,

Miss Kuchiki,
you can't have that.

And why can't
I have it, Kisuke?

Are you saying that
it's your policy

to seize goods that your
customers have already paid for?

Hey, I'll give
you a full refund.

How does that sound to you?

That's okay.

I'm completely satisfied
with my purchase.

Besides, I know and
you know that you're

operating outside the law.

And I also know it's not your
job to recall this Mod-Soul.

I just hope you know what
you're getting involved in.

So don't blame me if
you get into trouble.

I won't.

I've already dealt with a lot
of trouble since I've been here.



Come on, let's go.


You're really feeling it.

Sure am. That Mod-Soul
really took my body

for a pretty rough
test drive.

You tried to wreck me.

Hey, are you even
listening to me?

I must say,
you look awfully silly

yelling at a pill
in public.

I still want to tell him
how I feel. Help me out here.

Is there a way I
can give this damn

Mod-Soul what's coming to him?

You need to insert
him into a body,

a dead body or one that doesn't
have a soul.

Aha! I gotcha.

I'm looking hard
for a dead body.

And when I find it,
bam, is he gonna get it!

Just be quiet.

Oh, what do we have here?

So, let me get this straight.

You're saying
a non-living object

could work for this, right?

Hold on. That's not
exactly how it works.

Although, on second thought,

I'm in a body that's
not a real body,

so I guess it
really could work.


There's a possibility
it could work. Let's try it.

You think? All right.
So what do I do?

I would imagine
you would take the pill

and put it in his mouth.

You mean like this?


So you got any ideas
that might work?

That should have worked.

That hurts, nimrod!
Got it?

Ichigo Kurosaki,
I hereby challenge you

to a no holds barred duel!

Count me in.

Hey, wait!
When did you grow big?

Or did I somehow shrink?
What happened?

I'm in a super cute plush toy
with soft paws and no muscle.

This isn't fair!

Hey, Mod-Soul, relax.

Time for some payback
for what

you were doing
in my body earlier.


Your little field trip could
have taken me out completely.

I need to make you understand.

Guess I'm gonna have
to mop the floor with you

just the way I am!




Hey, Ichigo, it's morning.
Get up. Rise and shine!

Don't try to play dead with me,

you lazy Soul Reaper wannabe.
I know you!

I'm warning you, if you don't
get your butt out of bed,

I'll hide in your backpack
and go to school with you!

And all the girls will say
poor Ichigo is a big baby

because he brings his widdle
baby teddy to school, and--

Ow! Hey!



I can't have you starting
the day that wound up.

Make like a real stuffed
animal and shut up, Kon.

And just where did you come
up with that name for me?

We've named you Kon because
it's short for Mod-Konpaku.

That's another name for
a Mod-Soul like you.

You're not the boss of me,
and I want a say in this!

Please call me Mod instead.

That sounds like a
cooler name, doesn't it?

Huh? Plush Bod Mod,
now that's a snappy name?

No way.
Oh, why not?

Because you're right.
Mod does sound cool,

but there's nothing
cool about you.

You think you can
just tell me that I--

I will not stand for
all this commotion.

I like getting dressed in peace.

KON: Ow!


I was just telling Ichigo
my name should be Mod.

Don't you agree?
It's better than Kon.

My stuffing!

Knock, knock, Ichigo.
I'm coming in.


I thought you'd like to know
your friends are down-- Huh?

Like, what are you doing?

Me? What am I doing?
I'm doing yoga.

You know, stretching
myself in new ways.

I saw this pose
on a bus bench.

I think the bus in your brain
has been gone for a long time.

By the way, Mizuiro and Keigo
are downstairs waiting for you.

They are?

Wow, look at what time it is.

I gotta get going quick.

Your breakfast is ready,
so you'd better get downstairs.

Check it out, guys.
I just woke up.

Hang on.
I'll be right there.

It's all good.
We'll see you in a minute.

Yeah, take your time.

But hurry up.



What is it?

The memories of my classmates.

You erased them again,
didn't you?

Of course I did.

Are you saying you'd really
want them to remember

what happened yesterday?
I don't think you would.

No, you're right.
I wouldn't want that.

That was a day
I wish I could forget.

But I do feel like
I've forgotten something.


I'm leaving now, Ichigo.
I'll see you at school.


What's wrong?

Yeah, it's tomorrow.


Excuse me, Tatsuki.

You take art class, don't you?

Yeah. Mm-hmm.

So did you do our assignment,
the one that was on our future?

How we see ourselves
in the future?

Can I see yours?

I drew one,
but it's not very good.

Oh, sure.


Wow. You did a great job.

That's me. It shows
how I'm going to be

the first female
vale tudo champion.

This is awesome.
My drawing looks so lame.

I don't even want
to show it to any of you.

So, Orihime, can you
show me what you drew?

I'd love to. I'm glad
you asked to see it,

because secretly,
I'm very proud of what I did.

Great. I can't wait to see it.
You must have done--


I'll have a velocity
of 240 miles per hour.

A 20,000 degree Celsius flame
will sh**t from my mouth,

and my eyes will project
destruction beams!

Orihime, what have you done?
You'll get detention for that!

You'll get suspended!
It's just too way out!

Come on, it's not that bad.


Hey, good morning, Ichigo.


Hi, Orihime.

How's it going?

What is up with Ichigo?

He never says hi or acts
friendly towards anyone.

It's really kind of strange.
It's like he's in a good mood.

Hm? Orihime?

Mm-hmm. What's that?

what's the date today?


Oh, today, it's June 16.
It is.

I knew it.

Sometimes Ichigo
hides his feelings.

He's not in a good mood.

He's acting nice,
but he's really tense today.



It's nothing
to worry about.

I know why he's
acting like this.

And I'll bet you tomorrow,

Ichigo's going to
skip school altogether.

I put a sign saying
we'll be closed tomorrow.

We apologize for any loss
of life our absence might cause.

Time for our meeting.

First order is to go over
everyone's jobs for tomorrow.

And as chairman, I have
final say in all decisions.

As if.

What kind of a meeting is this,

and who made you chairman?

Hey, hey.
You must raise your hand

if you wish to speak,
chief of staff.

Hold on.

I'm chief of staff?

Yuzu, you have been appointed
to be secretary of lunch.

Aye-aye, chairman.

Karin, you
will load our packs.

I thought I was
chief of staff.

Did I say chief of staff?

I meant chief of stuff.

Stuffing our packs, that is.

Oh, come on!
Now to bed!

I'm better than that.
That's an order!

That sounded like fun.


What do you mean?

I'm talking about that family
meeting you had with your dad.

So instead of going
to school tomorrow,

you're having
a family picnic, huh?

That sounds nice.

What time should
I be ready to go--

Rukia, listen.

I know I have serious

as a Soul Reaper,
but I was wondering,

could I maybe
take tomorrow off?

What? Did you just
ask me for a day off?

Are you crazy?
There is no way.

You act strange all day,
and now you spring this on me?

What are you thinking?

It's the anniversary.

The anniversary
of my mom's death.

Well, actually,
it's not just the day she died.

It's when she was k*lled.

Hi, Orihime! How's it going?

Tomorrow, Ichigo's going
to skip school altogether.

Why is it that
the rain makes me want to cry?

Sometimes I wish
I were the rain,

so I could touch people
and feel their feelings

and maybe connect
with their hearts.

Maybe then I might
understand his pain.


Huh? No!


No, don't go!

I've got to save her!

No! Ichigo!

I'll never forget seeing
my mother lying dead.

She died because of me.


Knock that one out!

Go on, get him!

I lost!

BOY: Yeah, I did it!
GIRL: Good job!

Wait, one more time, okay?

I bet I don't lose this time.


Is something
the matter, mister?

Uh, I forgot about something
I need to attend to.

But we want to play more.

This'll help.



So tell me, who is it today?

Rukia Kuchiki,
from Squad 13.



What offense has that
young lady committed?

She has stayed for far too
long in the human world.

Heh. Is that all?

I wouldn't be talking
to you if that were all.

There's something else
going on out there.

Find out what it is.

So are you saying I can
get rough if I have to?

Take care
of it--


I will.
Rukia Kuchiki.

♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
Someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


Next time, don't wave bye-bye,
but say hello

to Isshin Kurosaki,
dad of danger,

as he cracks his
biggest case ever!

You'll be on the
edge of your stool

as Isshin takes on
a wild wardrobe malfunction!

Dad, that's not what
the show's about.

Oops, I guess I goofed.
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