01x04 - Challenge of the Samurai

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x04 - Challenge of the Samurai

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land ♪

♪ Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me
I know it's my destiny ♪

♪ Pokémon!
Oh, you're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all! ♪

♪ Pokémon! ♪

That's right.
I declare to the Pokémon of the world.

I will be the greatest Pokémon trainer,

the greatest Pokémon Master of all time!

[narrator] As his adventures began,
Ash, our hero from Pallet, chose Pikachu,

a Pokémon who wasn’t too thrilled
with its new trainer.

A flock of angry Spearows
nearly finished them off,

but the injured Pikachu saved the day
with its thunder shock power.

Pikachu, are you all right?

[narrator] Pikachu regained its health at
the Pokémon Center in Viridian City,

which soon found itself under attack.

What are, who are they?

[narrator] They are Jessie and James
of the notorious Team Rocket,

who, with Meowth, att*cked the center,
hoping to steal some rare Pokémon.

But their sinister plans
were thwarted by Ash and Pikachu,

who next journeyed
into the Viridian Forest,

where Ash made his first catch.

Yes! I did it! I got Caterpie!

Next, he caught Pidgeotto.

Yes! We got Pidgeotto!

And even more surprises were to come.

Caterpie, this is so great.

Caterpie evolved into Metapod.

And now Challenge of the Samurai.

[Misty screams]

-What’s wrong now?
-I think I see another bug. Gross!

Maybe it’s a...
[all sigh]


[Misty] That’s not funny.

You know I hate bugs
and I saw one right over there.

A Weedle!

[Pokédex] Weedle, the stinger
on this Pokémon’s head guarantees

that any attacker will get the point
right where it hurts.

A stinger, huh?
Now, there’s a challenge.

Why are you so excited about a bug
with a stinger? Make it go away!

You got to be kidding.

You can’t possibly expect a great Pokémon
trainer like me to let a Weedle escape.

I’m going to catch it.

Oh! Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.

You have to weaken a Pokémon
before you can capture it.

-Let’s go, Pikachu.


Ah, taking a nap, huh?

Okay, snooze, you lose.

There’s still Pidgeotto
and Metapod to do the job,

and they give me the respect I deserve.

You deserve to have your head examined.



-Don’t just stand there! Catch it!
-Have no fear. Ash is here.

Pidgeotto, I choose you!

-Pidgeotto, Gust Attack!


That’s the way to do it!

[Misty] This whole forest is crawling
with slimy, disgusting Pokémon.

I wish they’d all just bug off.


Greetings, oh, shrieking maiden.

Are you by chance the Pokémon trainer
who comes from Pallet?

[whimpers] No, that’s not me.

Alas. My search continues.

I advise you
to refrain from further shrieking

while passing through this forest,

unless your goal is to attract
a horde of Beedrills.


What a weird kid.

I wonder why he’d be looking for
a Pokémon trainer from...

Ah, that’s Ash!


Pidgeotto, watch out for its poison sting!


Ha, nice work.


Okay, here we go.
Weedle, I’ve got you now.


Greetings. Am I addressing
the Pokémon trainer who comes from Pallet?

I’m a Pokémon trainer from Pallet,
but I’m a little busy.

-[Samurai] I have found you at last.


That sword doesn’t scare me.
There’s no way you’re stealing my Pokémon.

-I am no Pokémon thief.
-Who are you then?

I am Samurai. I am also shrewd, fearless
and completely invincible in combat.

I have been searching the forest for you.

-What do you want from me?
-A Pokémon match.

Let us see who triumphs.

-[Ash] Oh, no!

I forgot about Weedle. I’ll get it.

Poké Ball, go!



Pidgeotto, return!

That Weedle only got away
because you mixed me up.

Don’t blame your failure on me.

Your Pokémon handling
is dim-witted and clumsy.

What do you know about Pokémon?

I bet could beat you
in a Pokémon match blindfolded.

-There is one way to find out.

Pidgeotto, do your stuff.



Ash, don’t you know you have
to let your Pokémon rest once in a while?

Well, I...

Only a novice goes into battle
with a pooped-out Pokémon.

Your blunder will cost you dearly.

Pinsir, assume battle mode!

Whoa, he’s got a Pinsir.

Pinsir, this fearsome Pokémon

uses its powerful claws to put
the squeeze on its opponents.

That Pinsir looks pretty tough

-but Pidgeotto can beat it.

Pidgeotto, Sand Attack!


That’s child’s play! Pinsir, tackle it!

[groans] Pidgeo...


-Your Pokémon is beaten.
-Oh, no. Pidgeotto, return!

-Novice. Are you ready to surrender?
-No way. I’m just warming up.

Metapod, I choose you now!

Watch and weep as Pinsir
crushes your Metapod in half.


-Those claws!

Call off Metapod.
Not even a bug deserves this.

This match is already won.

Metapod, harden now!

-It worked.

So now who’s the novice?

[Samurai] Pinsir, return!

Clever, quite clever. Poké Ball, go!


Metapod, harden like his.

Maximum hardness, Metapod.

[Ash] More power, Metapod.
Samurai’s is weakening.

Harder, you’re the stronger Metapod.

-I’m tired.
-James, stop whining.

But, Jessie, what’s the point of dragging
this t*nk around?

To protect us from Beedrills.

Ever been stung by one? It hurts.

Hey, down there, quit chattering.
Get a move on.

-What are you doing up there?
-Why don’t you come help us?

-Wish I could but I’m riding lookout.
-Well, look out for this.


Ah! Hey, wait a second.
Come back! Meowth!


A little more.

Metapod, full power.

We could be stuck in this forest
for the rest of our lives.

Boys can be so stubborn.

[both grunt]

Don’t give up!

You two are more hardheaded
than your Metapods.


-What’s that noise?
-A Beedrill swarm approaches.

Our match must end.
Metapod, return!

Beedrill swarm.

[Pokédex] Beedrill, this Pokémon
is an evolved form of Weedle,

following its Kakuna stage.
Its sting is highly poisonous.

The Weedle that got away from you
has informed the rest of its kind.

Good day. [grunts]


[both gasp]

Metapod, return now!

Oh, no, it got away.




Come on. Let’s move it.

-[all panting]
-[buzzing continues]

-But Metapod...


They’re gaining on us.

[panting continues]

[all sigh]

A whole hive of Kakunas.

[Pokédex] Kakuna, a transitional
stage between Weedle and Beedrill.

Kakunas remain inactive until they evolve
into deadly Beedrills and hatch.

Hey, over there. It’s Metapod!

[whispering] Keep your voice down.


[all gasp]

Beedrills, they’ve evolved.


[all shouting and panting]

My cabin! I think we can make it!


Whew, that was close.

[Samurai] Ah, I hope you’ve learned
your lesson, novice.

Your letting that Weedle escape
almost cost our lives.

-Take back that "novice" crack.
-I do take it back.

Because not even a novice would abandon
his own Pokémon as you did.

I tried to save Metapod.


Your Metapod will pay
for its trainer’s inexperience.

The other trainers from Pallet
would never have been so irresponsible.

Other trainers from Pallet?

Have you fought Pokémon matches
against Gary and the others?

Ah. There were three spectacular matches,
each more challenging than the last.

Those trainers really knew
how to raise Pokémon.

Even though
I was defeated all three times,

I was inspired to redouble
my own training.

I have been eagerly preparing for that day

when finally I would beat
the next Pokémon trainer from Pallet.

So that’s why you’ve been waiting
around here for Ash to show up.

Compared to those other three,
novice here is a joke.






Do you know what
Meowth’s favorite game is?

Ugh, get off!

Scratch and sniffle.

-[James] Guess who.

-Prepare for trouble.
-Make it double.

-To protect the world from devastation.
-To unite all peoples within our nation.

-To denounce the--
-No, not again, not now!


Never interrupt the Team Rocket motto.

-But the Beedrill--
-[Jessie] Ahem.

-To denounce the evils of truth and love.
-To extend our reach to the stars above.


Keep it down
before you wake up the Beedrills.

Team Rocket!
Blast off at the speed of light!

-Surrender now or prepare to fight!
-Meowth! That’s right!



Little boy, why don’t you give
us your Pikachu?

There’s no use trying to resist us,
so be smart and hand over the Pokémon.

I don’t have Pikachu with me and even
if I did, I’d never let you take it.

[both] Come back here.

If I make it past the Beedrills,
maybe they’ll dive-b*mb Team Rocket.




[both gasp]

The t*nk will surely come in handy now.

It was worth the struggle
dragging it here.

-Meowth! They’re eating the t*nk!

[James] Well, we made it from paper
to reduce the weight.

-[Jessie] Who knew?
-[Meowth] Numskulls!


[all shouting]

So there you are.

-Here, into the Poké Ball, Metapod.
-Metapod, Metapod.



Let’s go.

I didn’t abandon you, Metapod.
I just got sidetracked.

It was all Samura’s fault. Argh!


No, it wasn’t Samurai’s fault.

It was my fault.

If I was a better Pokémon trainer,
I’d stop making all these excuses.

From now on, I swear I’ll never run away
and leave my friends behind again.

No more excuses.

[gasps] Oh!


-Watch out for the twineedle attack!



Are you hurt?
Are you okay, Metapod?

-Pika, pika.



-Oh, it’s so beautiful.

[Pokédex] Butterfree, one week
after Caterpie evolves into Metapod,

it again evolves into Butterfree.



Here come the other Beedrills.


Yeah. Okay!

Butterfree, knock them out
with your Sleep Powder!


[squeaking continues]

Yay! You put all of them to sleep!

Butterfree, you’re the best!
Heh, hooray!

You were able to handle your Butterfree
so well just after it evolved.

-Most impressive.

[cheering and laughing]

This trail will lead you to Pewter City.

That’s great.
But before we leave you, Samurai,

we still have to finish our match.

Compared with you, my friend,
I am the novice.

But I will keep perfecting my technique
and one day, we will meet again.

I’m sure it will be a most
spectacular match.

That is guaranteed.

Just promise not to match
Metapod versus Metapod again.


Until then, Samurai.

-See you!


With Team Rocket thwarted for now,

Ash and his friends leave
the Viridian Forest

and set their sights on Pewter City.

Do you have any more bright ideas?

Well, unlike you, at least I have ideas.

-Yeah, and they’re all bad.
-Who asked you?

-[James] Uh-oh!
-[Jessie] Oh, no!

[Team Rocket] Oh! Ow! Ow! Ow!

-♪ Pokémon! ♪
Attention all Pokémon trainers!

Do you got what it takes
to be the best?

Today we’ll do 30 Pokémon!

It’s the ultimate test!

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all! Yeah ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina
Beedrill, Haunter ♪

♪ Squirtle Chansey
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk
Dewgong, Pidgeotto ♪

♪ Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon ♪

♪ At least 150 or more to see ♪

♪ To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny ♪

♪ Charizard, Machamp
Pinsir, Koffing

♪ Dugtrio, Golbat
Staryu, Magikarp ♪

♪ Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar ♪

♪ Scyther, Tentacool
Dragonair, Magmar ♪

Not bad. Not bad.

Hey, don't get cocky
tomorrow is the hardest part.

We're on our way up to
150 Pokémon.

There's no stopping us!

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch them all
Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch them all! Pokémon!
Catch 'em, catch 'em ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪
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