01x05 - Showdown in Pewter City

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x05 - Showdown in Pewter City

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
It's you and me ♪

♪ I know it's my destiny
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Pokémon!
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.


Meowth. I don't get why you two
are always talking

and I'm stuck doing all the work!

We haven't got much time.

If they're headed for Pewter City,
they'll have to pass this way!

And they'll fall right into our trap.

[Meowth] Come on! Dig it deep,
then we'll cover it up so well

they'll never guess it's a trap!

Ha! Perfect!

I can't even tell where the trap is!

-Wasn't it here?
-Is this it?

-Where did it go!
-It's over there.

[all] Hm.

[all] Hm? Huh?

[all groaning]

[narrator] Continuing his quest to become
the world's greatest Pokémon trainer,

Ash finally finds his way
out of the Viridian Forest.


No doubt some new and surprising
challenges lie ahead

for Ash, Pikachu and Misty!

-Yay, Pewter City!

For a while there,
I thought I was going to be in this forest

-for the rest of my life.

Pewter City is gray, the color of stone.

This town has always been famous
for stone.

Huh? What the...?
Who's this old guy?

Never met him.

The name's Flint.

And you're sitting
on some of my merchandise, young man.

Oh, sorry!

Uh, you mean you sell rocks?

They're Pewter City souvenirs.
Want to buy some?

No, thanks. I'm traveling,
trying to become a Pokémon trainer.



Well, your Pokémon sure looks worn out.

Why don't you follow me?
I'll show you to the Pokémon Center.

See, looks can be deceiving.
He's a nice guy.

Are you sure?

By the way, that'll be a $2 charge
for resting on my rocks.


Please revitalize my Pokémon.

-Sure, right away, Ash!
-Huh? Nurse Joy?

Yes, I'm Nurse Joy.

But this isn't Viridian City.
This is Pewter City.

The Joy in Viridian City
is my little sister.

I'm the older Joy.

I've heard nice things about you,
very nice.

-Uh, thank you.
-Have you seen that poster?

The Pokémon League
Regional Championships!

All right!

-[Misty] Ha!
-Huh? What's the matter?

To compete
in the regional championships,

you need to beat Gym trainers
from different towns

and get their badges as proof.

-Can you do that?
-Of course I can!

[Flint chuckles]

Don't tell me you plan
on challenging Brock,

the Pewter City Gym Leader.

Of course I do.

As soon as Pikachu and my other Pokémon
are better, I'll have no problem.

Take me to this Brock's Gym.
I'll beat him!


You'll beat him, heh.

[Ash] Ooh, that Flint,
trying to make a fool out of me.

Do you really think you can win?

Gym leaders are different
from your everyday Pokémon trainer.

They're much, much tougher.

I'll tell you what, Ash, if you ask me
really nicely, I'll help you out.

I don't need any help.

Huh? Is that so?
Fine with me.

There's no way you'll beat Brock
in the Pewter City Gym. Huh!

Hey, you can't leave me with the bill!
Come back here!

Well, Ash, no more waiting.

Pikachu and your other Pokémon
are all back to normal.

-Oh, that's great!

All right!

[Ash] So this is Pewter Gym?
All right, then.


-[Brock] Who goes there?
-Huh? Oh!

So, you must be Brock.
I'm Ash from Pallet Town.

I challenge you!

-Is this your first Gym match?

A Gym match is different
from other battles.

This match
is for Pokémon League authorization.

There are special rules.

Um, what do you mean by special rules?

We will use two Pokémon each,

[Ash] Oh.

How long have you been
with that Pokémon?

Uh, about two weeks, I guess.

Yes, your Pikachu
is in its cutest stage!

-[Brock] It can't win.

I'll worry about my Pokémon
and you worry about yours, all right?

Suit yourself.

As Gym Leader,
I have to accept every challenge,

so let's just get this over with.

Whoa! Oh!



[grunts] Ah. Let the match begin.

All right.
Okay, Pikachu, I choose you, buddy.


Onix, go!




Chu. Pikachu.

Hey, this is your battle, Pikachu,
not Pidgeotto's! Go.

Pika, pika? Chu!

-Onix, tackle attack!


Chu, chu!

Onix, bind it now!



Unh! Pikachu, Thundershock!



You haven't raised it very well.

Such a weak electric attack
can't hurt Onix!

-Pikachu, return!

It's being blocked.
I can't bring it back.



[grunts then cries]

Argh! Cut it out!

Do you surrender?

I... I do.

[bell dings]


Come with me.

Everyone loses sometimes.
You can't let that get you down.

I know, but I didn't just lose.
I stunk!

Brock's way better than me.

I could never enter a league match
if I can't beat him.

Brock is very good.

His own talents could take him
much further

than simply being
the local Gym Leader.

Yeah, but why has he never been
in a regional championship himself?

-He has his reasons.

[indistinct chatter]

I tore my skirt!

All right, all right,
I'll sew it up for you.


Is it done yet?

Just a minute.

Wow, I sure never
thought of Brock like that.

Brock has ten little brothers and sisters
to take care of

so he could never leave town
for regional championships.

Doesn't he have a mom or a dad?

His good-for-nothing father left
the family to become a Pokémon trainer

and they never heard from him again.

Brock's heartbroken mother tried her best
to hold things together

but sadly, she passed away.

Brock's the only one
his little brothers and sisters have left.

I better not listen to any more sad stuff.

Next time I have a match with Brock,
I might not have the heart to beat him!

But... But you said that...

You said you could never win
a match with Brock!

Yeah, well, I changed my mind about that!

If I can power up Pikachu, I'll beat him!

Hmm, I may just know a way
you can supercharge Pikachu.

Hey, you do?

-[Ash] What is this place?
-[Flint] A hydroelectric plant.

The river turns the wheel
and makes electricity

and if you can hook Pikachu up to it,

you might be able to give it
a power boost.

Thanks, Mr. Flint.
That's a great idea!

Gee, how do you know
so much about Pokémon, huh?

Me? Uh, you see, I, uh...

Well, I just got lucky, I guess.
That's it, lucky.

Well, Pikachu, get ready to power up!


Of course
right now the river is dry.

[Ash] Ah!

Then what did we come here for?

I have another idea.

-Pikachu is all hooked up.

[Ash grunts]

[Ash] Ah!

All right!


Take it easy, Pikachu.

All this power may be shocking at first,
but sooner or later,

your body will get used
to the high voltage!


Hey, Ash. Wouldn't it be a lot better
to just ask me for help

instead of going
with this crazy power plan of yours?

Forget it!
I'll win without your help.


Huh! What do I care?

I'm going to get a badge all by myself
using the Pokémon I'm training!

Stubborn. It'd be a lot easier
if he used some of mine too.

If I can take this, you can take it,


Hang in there, Pikachu.




I'm back!

[Brock] Haven't you learned
your lesson yet?

Ah! We're ready for you this time, Brock!

Heh, we'll see.

-[Pikachu] Pi!
-[Brock] Two Poké Balls.

[Ash] Got it!

I'll start with... Geodude, go!


Pidgeotto, I choose you!


Go, pidgeotto! Gust Attack!

-Bad strategy.

Don't you know flying Pokémon
are weak against Rock Types?

Oh, guess I forgot.

Come on, Ash.
Use your head.

Pidgeotto, return!

-Are you giving up again, Ash?
-No way.

-Pikachu, I choose you!

The Pikachu again.

I feel sorry for it, being raised
by such a weak Pokémon trainer.

Pikachu, now's our chance
to show him how weak we are!



Pikachu, nice going.

Return, Geodude.

It looks like you've trained it better.
But still, it's no match for Onix!




[Pikachu grunting and Onix roaring]

Hey, Pikachu,
watch where you're aiming, huh?

-Oh, Pikachu, give it a Thunderbolt!


Hang in there, Pikachu!
It's working!

Onix, bind it!

[all gasp]

[Onix groaning]




-[Brock] Onix, stop!

No, Brock,
I want to play this match to the end.

There's no point in going on.

I really don't want to hurt
your Pokémon.

[groans and sighs]


-[Misty] Ash!
-Ah. Huh?

Rock Pokémon
are weakened by water!





Pikachu, finish it off!

My conscience is holding me back.
I can't bring myself to beat Brock.

I'm imagining his little
brothers and sisters

stopping me from beating
the one person they love.

Ash, I think you'd better
open your eyes.

-You leave Onix alone!

Our brother worked hard to raise him,
you big bully.

Believe me, kid, I'm no bully.

Stop it.
Get off, all of you!

This is an official match and we're
going to finish it no matter what!

But, Brock, we know that you love
your Pokémon so much.

That's why we can't watch Onix
suffer from another attack!

[Brock] Onix, stop!

-Pikachu, return!

What do you think you're doing?
This match isn't over yet, Ash.

Those sprinklers going off
was just an accident.

Winning the match because of that
wouldn't have proved anything.

Next time we meet, I'll beat you
my way, fair and square.



Just when he finally
gets a lucky break,

he decides to be
a nice guy too.

I'm sorry if I was too tough on you,

But you really did a great job.


Sounds like you feel
just the way I do.

Hey, hey, wait up! Ash!

Huh? Brock?


Ash, you forgot this.

A badge
for defeating a Gym Trainer.

I can't accept that.
I didn't beat you.

-I gave up.

I lost to you.

You beat me in battle
and in being kind to all Pokémon.


To tell you the truth,
I get more pleasure from raising Pokémon

than from making them battle.

I don't care about being
a great Pokémon trainer.

I want to become
the world's best breeder

but I can't leave here because I have
to look after my brothers and sisters.

Ash, I want you to take this
and fulfill my dream.

-Will you do that for me?
-I will.

And I'll do my best to deserve this too!

Brock, you go follow your own dreams.

[Ash] Flint!

-My father.

You mean you're the good-for-nothing
father who left home and never came back?

That's right. It was me.

I couldn't become the great
Pokémon trainer I wanted to

and because I was such a failure,

I was too embarrassed
and ashamed to go back to my family.

But why did you help me
instead of Brock?

You reminded me of myself.

-You didn't seem to have a chance.

Its time I started
taking care of my family.

You go fulfill your dreams and mine.

First, there are some things
I have to tell you.

After all these years,
I understand how you must feel about me

so I want you to get everything
off your chest. Here.


Suzy always rips her dresses
so you better learn how to sew.

And Timmy only eats
cold spaghetti for breakfast.

Tommy likes corn flakes for dinner--

Slow down, slow down.
I can't write that fast!

Cindy sleepwalks
so you have to tie a bell on her wrist.

The twins never want to take a bath
so you have to...

Hey, Ash, are you sure it's okay
if I go with you on your Pokémon journey?

[Ash] Sure I'm sure.

The more the merrier and it's good to have
somebody to talk with.

Well, what about that girl
who keeps following you?

Don't forget about my bike,
Ash Ketchum!

I'm going to follow you
till you pay me back!

I know, I know!

-Pikachu, let's try to lose her.

-Wait up, Ash!
-You won't get away!

[narrator] And so with a new friend
and ally and Misty close behind

Ash continues on his quest
to become a Pokémon master.

-I told you I'd get us out of this!
-This was all...

-[Brock] Hey, Ash!

-...your fault!
-[Misty] Wait for me!

[Brock] Come back here!
Ash, come on!

Buried alive, then trampled.

-[both] We've hit rock bottom!

♪ Pokémon! ♪

Get those lips loose
It's time to Pokérap!

Come on, sing 'em with me!
That's the game!

There's 150 Pokémon.
How many can you name?

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all, yeah! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all, ow! ♪

♪ Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine
Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos ♪

♪ Dratini, Growlithe, Mr. Mime, Cubone

♪ Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom ♪
We're almost home! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all, yeah! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! ♪

♪ Charmeleon, Wartortle
Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl ♪

♪ Omanyte, Slowpoke
Pidgeot, Arbok ♪

♪ That's all, folks! ♪

Can you name all the Pokémon?

Just put today's song
together with the other days of the week.

That's why you can't miss a show.

You gotta catch 'em all!

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all...
Pokémon! ♪
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