01x06 - Goku's Unusual Journey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x06 - Goku's Unusual Journey

Post by bunniefuu »

D- ! You say the other
two Saiyans are even stronger!?

W- what's going on here?

It's too late for you now, even if you
do realize how terrible we Saiyans are!

You've got us there.
I wish we hadn't heard that.

There's only one thing

that fools who defy me without heeding the
warnings I so graciously offered get...

...and that's death.

You must be pretty excited,
huh, Son Goku?

Sorry, but this time,
I ain't all that excited.

I'm so scared, I'm trembling!

Of course you are! However, that terror
will turn to hopelessness very soon.

Never mind me, where is my son!?

Where have you hidden him!?

I haven't hidden him. I just locked him
up because he was bawling so loudly.

There's a hole behind you, right?
He's in there.

In there, huh?


Father! Save me, Father!

Hold on, Gohan! Daddy's going
to come rescue you right away!

Don't be ridiculous!

There's no way you can save him!

Not if you guys die first!

All right, let's do it!

That's all we can do!

Behind me!


Where did you go!?

I'm right here.

Even with both of you coming at me,

this isn't even worth
wasting my breath on!

****... Are you okay, Piccolo?

R- relax. I can still manage
to fight with o- only one arm.

It looks like your deaths are
finally drawing near, huh!?

I- I wonder if Goku is doing okay.

For some reason, I have this strange,
uneasy feeling in my chest.

I've never felt anything
like this before.

I hope nothing bad is happening.

Listen, teamed up with Piccolo,
he's not going to be done in so easily.

That's all the more reason
to be concerned!

What if Piccolo double-crosses Goku,

and teams up with that Raditz guy?

If those two are done in,
then there's nothing left that we can do.

It will be the end of everything!


What's the matter?
Are you finished already?

Where did all that gusto
you had earlier go?

Hey, Son Goku, do you have
any new reserve techniques?

Sorry, can't say I do.

Sheesh, ease up, will you?

And here I've been training seriously,
developing something new.

What are you two whispering about?

Whatever strategy you devise,
it won't work!

It'd be easier on you if you'd
just keel over right away.

Are you for real? You've got yourself
a new technique up your sleeve?


Can you do it with only one arm?

Yeah, that part's okay. But this
technique takes quite a bit of time

in order to build up enough Ki.

While I'm doing that, you fight him
by yourself, and draw his attention.

Got it! Will this technique
work against him?

Probably. If this doesn't work,
then there's no other way to defeat him.

I was saving this in order to k*ll you.

And instead, you might end up
saving me with it, huh?

If I am able to defeat him with this,
then your turn is next.

Is that right?

This is no time to be laughing,
you know.

They're laughing... So they're
changing their posture, are they?

All right, I'm looking forward to this!

Now then, let's see about
keeping him in check!

Hang in there as best you can!


So, you've finally resigned yourself?

You're a persistent one!



I- impossible!

His battle power is rising!
Battle power 924... 925!


He's able to concentrate his battle
power into one point and raise it up!?


T- this one's battle power
is now 1020! U- unbelievable!

It's still going up!


You've got a lot of nerve!

He caught it!

W- what kind of guy is this?

This time, I'll present you with one!


You're going to be the one who dies!

Battle power 1330!?

A- all of his battle power is
gathered into just his fingertip!

! These guys can
manipulate their powers at will!

Try taking this on! Makankosappo!!

H- he avoided it! W- what kind
of bastard is he, with such speed?

You pierced through
this armor quite easily.

That's quite a technique.

If I had taken that head-on,
I would have been out!

That doesn't mean anything
if I don't hit you!

To think that you would
inflict injury upon me!

You're going to pay for this!
I'm through playing around!

W- we've had it now!

I'll obliterate you in an instant!

Rot in hell!!

You got careless, didn't you!?

I've got your tail!

Why, you... when did you get behind me!?

Piccolo! Now! Do that thing
one more time!

Y- you got it!

Nicely done, Goku!
Keep a firm grip on that tail!

I'm limited to only being able
to use this technique one more time.

K- Kakarrot! Are you planning
to k*ll your one and only brother!?

Shut up! I told you, any guy as cruel
as you are ain't any brother of mine!

As someone who was
going to k*ll my son,

don't you go saying
that self-serving junk!

I- I'll stop! I've had
a change of heart!

I'll leave this planet without
making any more trouble!

Don't be fooled, Son Goku!
There's no truth in what he's saying!

There's no way he would do that!

P- please! Believe me,
my younger brother!

Truly, I have done some
cruel things up to now!

To you, as well... But I will
keep my promise, no matter what!

Y- you really mean it?

I- I really do!

N- No!! Don't let go of his tail!
That's his tactic!

I'm begging you, Kakarrot!
B- believe me!

Son Goku!

Y- you miserable idiot!

Indeed! Fools such as yourself
are quite uncommon!

To think that you would be
so completely taken in!

Just as I thought, there's no way
that you could be a warrior!

T- that was dirty!

But I'm not like you.
I'm a first-rate warrior!

I have absolutely no hesitations about
k*lling you, even if you are my brother!

Shall I provide you with a sample?


There you go, there you go!
Suffer even more! Your death is near!

What's the matter?
Aren't you going to come at me?

Try doing that thing you did earlier!

H- he'll just dodge it
again like this!


That Gohan! I told him that
once he gets his tests back,

he should show them to me.

Still, you've done very well, Gohan.

Sure enough, it's worth it for him to
be studyin' every day for eight hours.

Once I show this to Goku,
I'm sure he'll say the same thing.

I sure wish Goku and Gohan
would both get back soon.

Scream some more! Cry out!

Your turn comes next!

Get yourself ready!

Well now, shall I finally
put you out of your misery?

Die, Kakarrot!!

W- what?


With his father in a great pinch,
Son Gohan instinctively springs forth!

Though his body may be small,
his anger is something fierce!
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