01x10 - Gohan Makes a Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x10 - Gohan Makes a Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time,
on Dragon Ball Z!

In order to stop
the evil Raditz

and save the
life of his son,

Goku made the
ultimate sacrifice!

And in the battle's
shocking climax,

both villain
and hero alike,

fell before the might of
Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon.

Though the battle
has been won,

a dark threat still
looms over the Earth.

With his final breath,
Raditz revealed that

two more Saiyans,
even more powerful,

were now on their way.

And for the time being,

the world has lost its
greatest defender...

Take care of
G-Gohan... 'Kay?

I'll wish you
back, Goku.

We already have
three Dragon Balls.

See... you... soon...



But hope is not lost.

Though Goku has left
this world for now,

Kami, the Guardian
of the Earth,

has plans for
him in the next!

A new adventure
begins today!

Kami took him?

That's right.
That meddling old fool.

I don't know why,
and to be honest...

I really don't care.
Goku's dead, either way.

What do you think,
Master Roshi?

Hmm... Kami is
the guardian of the Earth.

Whatever he's doing,

we can at least take
comfort in knowing

his intentions are good.

Yeah, well, I for one will
take a lot more comfort

once we find the rest
of the Dragon Balls

and wish Goku back!

Ugh! We could really use
Yamcha's help right now.

But as usual,
he's never around.

'Cause you dumped
him, right?

Hey, how was this Raditz
guy able to find Goku?

I mean, the world's
a big place,

but he came
right to him!

That device on his
face is some kind of sensor.

It detects
strong power levels

and tracks
their location.

Come here, Krillin.


Okay... What?

Alright, now
reach down there

and pull that
off his face.

Ugh. You gotta
be kidding...

If I'd known that
was what you wanted...


Now, let's see here...

There we go!

Does it work?

I think
it's been damaged.

I'm going to check
the circuitry.

Wow... This is
pretty cool stuff.

There's definitely
a short in here,

but I think
I can fix it.

I'll reprogram it, too.

I think I can get it to display
numbers in our own language.

Wow, Bulma...
You're a genius.

Don't worry, I know.

Now, let's get back
to Master Roshi's.

Once I fix this,
we can find Yamcha,

and maybe Tien too!

Well, let's
get going then!

We have a lot
of work to do.

Okay, but we should take
Gohan home on the way.

Yeah, and while
we're at it,

we can pick up the other two
Dragon Balls that Goku found.

Piccolo, I guess
we'll be seeing you.

That's a
handy trick.

Before you leave,
I have a request to make.

This'll sound strange, but try
to put your emotions aside.

I want Goku's son to come
with me for special training.


No way!
You can't fool me, mister.

Special training...

You just want to
gobble him up!

I do not!

Then tell us why.

Earlier today this
boy showed signs

that he might be the most
powerful person on this planet.

I think I can teach him
to control his power,

so he can use it to help
us defend the Earth

when the other
Saiyans arrive.

It is a long shot. He might
still be too young. We'll see.

Yeah, he's probably
too young!

Right, I wouldn't
chance it if I were you!

Hm. At any rate, I'd say you'd
have to ask the boy's mother!

I'm not asking,
I'm telling!

Look, nothing else
matters right now

except beating the other
Saiyans in one year.

The boy's in good hands.


When you wish
Goku back,

tell him he can look
forward to seeing his son

one year from now.

I'll do what I can with
this pampered kid...

Hopefully our work
will bear fruit...

Remember, tell
him one year!

I never was a
good babysitter...

Now we're done for...
So who's gonna tell ChiChi?

Oh, right...

I couldn't do it...

Goku, where are you?

We really need
you, buddy.

Please approach
the check-in station

in an orderly fashion!

Alright, behave
you ingrates!

Hey! You right there!
That's enough!

Get back in
line right now!

That's right...
Move along!

Proceed in an
orderly fashion!

No cutting!

And that's where
we stand, Great King Yemma.

The other two Saiyans are on
their way to Earth right now.

For this reason we humbly
ask that you allow Goku

to seek training from
King Kai himself.

With your permission
of course...

There is no hope for
our planet if Goku

doesn't receive
King Kai's training.

Hmm, Goku...

Well, you certainly have
a service record that merits

letting you attempt
to reach King Kai,

but are you truly prepared
to travel along Snake Way

and risk the hardships
that lay ahead?

Yes, King Yemma. He is.

Hey! Does everyone end up
here when they die, Kami?

That's right!

Did Raditz?

Yes. Everyone comes
to this Check-In Station,

and King Yemma decides what
to do with them after that.

Hey! Did a guy named Raditz
come here not too long ago?

Goku, you must address
him as 'King Yemma'!

Uh... Hm. Yes, let me see.
Oh, yes, your brother...

I sent him below...
What a case.

Did he fight you?

Well, he tried!

But I got him in my patented.

'Yemma Lock' and
overpowered him!

Ahh! Incredible!
You must be really strong!

Hey! Forget King Kai,
I want to train here!

Oh, yes, well, King Yemma's
too busy to take pupils.

Be quiet! King Kai is much
stronger than King Yemma!


I heard that,
you little weasel!

I'll remember that when
I'm passing sentence on you!

Forgive me! I didn't know
your ears were so big!

I mean so good!

Oh, I'm so sorry, sir!

What I meant
to say was...

Uh, well, what I meant was...

Kami... You're
starting to annoy me.


Well, I forgive
you this time!

Goku can try to make
it to King Kai's

if he really wants to.

Thank you!

I'll call a guide for you.
Now go wait outside.


Oh, and Goku?

Yes, King Yemma?

You need to be
very careful

that you don't fall
from Snake Way.

Should you fall off,
there's no coming back.


Stick to it now... Don't let
Snake Way wear on your mind!

Well... I'm not really
sure what to expect,

but I promise I'll
try my very best

to make it to
King Kai's place.

So long! I guess I'll
see you in about a year!

I hope so my friend.

I'm afraid you're in much
more danger than you realize.

The journey down Snake Way
is a perilous one.

But I had no choice.

These Saiyans are a
most fearsome race...

And those on their
way to Earth now

are even more powerful
than the last...

Unless you can make
it to King Kai's

and receive his training,
we have little hope

of defeating them
when they arrive.

Even if Piccolo succeeds
in training your son,

if he is left to fight
the Saiyans alone,

then I'm afraid... we will
all stand before King Yemma.


You slug!
Get out now!

Yeah, move it!
Who do you think you are?

Forgive me, King Yemma!
I'll be going now!

Yes, I could tell right
away from your cool suit!

Oh, you Kung Fu
guys are so buff.

I mean like

You might even have a chance
of making it to King Kai's!

But tell me, do you think a guy
like me could learn Kung Fu?

I mean, I've always wanted
to, I just don't know...

Well sure. It's not
Kung Fu though.

It's the Kamesennin
Style of Martial Arts.

Hey, so what's this 'King Kai'
like? Have you met him?

Who me? I'm flattered
you think that.

No, I haven't met King Kai
and I don't know of anyone

who has except
for King Yemma!

Wow, and I get to
meet him? For real?

Well, maybe.

I guess one of us is
going to have to tell ChiChi

about Goku
and Gohan, huh?

Krillin... You and Goku have
always been best friends.

You tell her!

Me? No,
I'd rather die!

I agree, Krillin.

You're definitely the
best man for the job.


Master Roshi?

This is Master
Roshi. I'm not home right now,

but if you leave your name
and number I'll call you back.

And if this is
a pretty girl,

please leave a detailed
description of your...

Ugh! There's still no answer!

I hope Gohan
makes it back soon.

I think these batteries
are running low...

You know what they're
doing don't you?

All those karate-bums

are trying to teach
my son martial arts!

Gohan's gonna' train with
Master Roshi? Good for him!

No, Dad!

Not 'good for him'!

Gohan's going to be
a scientist! Period!

If you say so...

Oh, Dad. You know how
Master Rohsi's training is.

It's too dangerous
for my little boy!

Not to mention the time
it'll take from his studies.

He'll throw Gohan
into the ocean

and make him swim for miles,
chased by man-eating sharks!

Then he'll leave him
stranded all alone

on some deserted
island somewhere,

and force him to
fend for himself!

And when Gohan climbs
a tree looking for food,

he could be bitten by a snake
and it could poison his brain!

Oh, he'll never be able
to do math again!

Well, this is it! We're here!

This is Snake Way,
the road to King Kai's place.

I don't know why they put that
big ugly snake head there.

It always gives
me the goosebumps.

Wow... It seems so long.

Oh! We must have a
psychic connection or something,

because I say the same thing
to myself every time I see it.

How long is it?

Well, they say it's over
ten thousand miles,

but nobody really
knows for sure!

Ten thousand miles?!

Has anyone ever
made it to the end?

Just one person...
King Yemma!

But he made that
tremendous journey

many, many
centuries ago!

Centuries ago?

Wow. If I'd known
Snake Way was this long,

I would have packed
a lunch or something.

Oh, I wouldn't
worry about food.

You've got a very long way
to go and believe you me,

a lot more important
things to worry about...

Oh, right...

Just make sure you
don't fall off Snake Way.

Because should you fall off
there's no coming back.

Yeah, I heard...

Then it sounds like

you're ready to get started.

Don't worry,
I'm sure you'll do fine.

Now, if you'll
excuse me,

I really need to be getting
back to the Check-In Station.


Oh, wait!

There's something else
I'd like to ask you.


Um, do you know
a lady named Baba?

Oh! The old fortune-teller!

Yes, of course!

Okay, great! Can you give
her a message for me?

Tell her I need her to let
Master Roshi and the others

know not to wish me back with
the Dragon Balls for one year!

Tell her I'll
owe her one!

Master Roshi...
No Dragon Balls, one year...

And I'll owe you one.

Okay. I've got it!

Well, I better
get started.

Thanks for all your help!
I really appreciate it.

Sure! It's my job!

Here I go!

He can fly...

You've slept long enough.
Now wake up, kid!

It's time to start
your training.

Come on. Get up.
There's no time to waste.

Ah! Where am I?
Where's my dad?

Dad? Daddy!
Help me!

The bad Piccolo man has me!
Daddy? Where are you?

Waahh! Daddy! Help
me, please! Waaahh!

that's enough.

We don't have
time for this!

Shut up!

One more sound, and I'll give
you something to cry about!

That's good. Now listen
to me carefully...

Your... Your father is dead.

While you
were unconscious,

he died trying to defeat
the man who kidnapped you.

He gave his life
to save yours.

Gohan, quick...
Run! Run now!


Don't you dare cry!

I'm not going to warn
you again, got it?

You'll see your
father again.

I'm sure he's told you
about the Dragon Balls?

Even now, his friends are
probably searching for them

so they can wish him back.

In the meantime, you will stay
here and undergo my training.

You're going to
learn how to fight.

Your father and I barely
managed to defeat

the Saiyan who
kidnapped you today...

And we've learned that two
more Saiyans, even stronger,

are on their way to Earth.
They'll be here in one year.

We won't be able to
beat them alone...

That's why you're
going to train.

So you can fight
by our side!

What? But I...
But I can't!

I'm just a kid! I can't
fight with grown-ups!

You may not be
aware of it now,

but there is an incredible
power sleeping within you,

waiting to be

If you can
control it...

You could be one of the
strongest fighters on Earth.

No, you're wrong!
I don't have any power!

Heh. Let me show you!

Hey, what
are you doing! No!

Put me down! I don't wanna
see my power! Put me down!

Please! Let me go! Waaah!

Ah?! What the...

I don't believe it...

His power is even
greater than I imagined!

How ironic...
To defeat the Saiyans,

I must now teach
the son of my enemy

to harness a power that could
one day be used to defeat me.

Did I do that?

That's right...

So are you finally
beginning to understand?

This is how
you were able

to help your father,
earlier today.

It's very rare to have
such power at your age.

But to use it, you have
to learn to control it.

That's why we're here.

I'm going to help you
unlock your potential,

so you can grow to
be a true fighter

like your
father and me.

But, I don't want
to be a fighter.

I want to be an orthopedist
when I grow up!

Heh. Is that so?
Well, you still can.

But first, you have
to help us defeat

the Saiyans
when they arrive.

If we can't stop them, they'll
wipe out everyone on Earth.

Then you won't grow
up to be anything...

But I'm afraid...

You'll be far
more afraid of me

if you don't do
exactly what I say!

No more whining!
It's time to train!

Now take off
that coat!

Why? Why do I have
to train with you?

Why can't I train with
my dad when he gets back?

Well, first of all,
there's no telling how long

it'll take the others
to find the Dragon Balls.

Second, you're gonna
have to learn fast, kid,

and I don't plan on going
easy on you like Goku would.


Oh man, I don't have
enough energy to fly.

But I've gotta
keep going.

As Gohan
prepares to undergo.

Piccolo's severe
training back on Earth,

Goku struggles to overcome his
own trial in the next world.

But can our hero
survive the perils

of the seemingly
endless Snake Way

long enough to reach
the legendary King Kai?

The clock is ticking,
next time on Dragon Ball Z!
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