01x19 - A Fight Against Gravity..

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x19 - A Fight Against Gravity..

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time
on Dragon Ball Z,

Gohan kept on training

by putting a tail-less
T-Rex through its paces...

And Piccolo pulled off
an amazing feat...

Focusing his powers, he caused
the pyramids to levitate...

Not to be outdone, Tien pulled
off his own amazing stunt

by pushing a wall of water
back up the face of a cliff...

And what about Goku?

He found some time to take
a nap while hitching a ride

with a street cleaner
on Snake Way...

Too bad he didn't
hold on tight

when he hit that
bump in the road.

Hey? Where am I?

I remember hitching
a ride on that truck,

but how did I end up
in a place like this?

Smells good!

Never one
to pass up a meal,

Goku found himself drawn to
a very delicious fruit tree...

That looks tasty!

Too bad that
juicy piece of fruit

is private property!

Oh, and wait till you find
out who it belongs too!

What is
this strange place?

It certainly isn't Earth and
it's nowhere near Snake Way...

Looks like Goku has
really gotten off

the beaten track
this time.

And he's taken quite
a beating for it too!

Well, that's what
you get for trying

to steal King Yemma's fruit!

Uh, you mean I'm not
allowed to eat any of that?

You got that
right, buddy...

That tree there? It belongs
to the great King Yemma...

And only he can
eat the fruit!

Aw! C'mon!
Just one piece!

Don't listen
to him, Goz!

So you want to eat
King Yemma's fruit?

Just who do you
think you are?

Heh. Yeah, what makes
you so special?

I'm Goku!

I ran here so I could receive
some martial arts training!

Which one of
you is King Kai?

Hmmm... It's not me!

You mean neither of you
guys is the great King Kai?

You poor
little chump!

Don't you have any
idea where you are?

This is the land
below the clouds!

The land of no return!

It's also
where we live.

Once somebody comes here
there's no going back!

What?! You're kidding...

That means I must have fallen
of Snake Way some how!

Then you've
automatically got

a free lifetime
membership down here!

Haha! Yeah!
A free membership!

Oh that's great!

How am I supposed to climb
Korin Tower by myself? Sheez.

Hey Tien! Don't even think
about leaving me down here!

All right, Goku...

I'll show you that I can
do what ever you can...

Just you wait, I'll show
you how strong I am!

Tien... How long
till we see Kami?

I'm really,
really excited!

Be patient... We'll see
Kami soon enough, my friend.

But you have
to promise me

you'll be on your best
behavior from this point on!

Which means...
No more questions, okay?

Hm... All right...

No, that won't work!
Hey! What about this?

There's gotta be
something in this place

I can use to
climb with...

This? No, that?
Eh, forget it!

Darn! What a bunch
of useless junk!

Bah! There's nothing
in this place at all!

What are you doing
in my teepee?

Isn't it obvious?

I need to find a
ladder or something

so I can climb
up Korin Tower!

I don't have anything
like that...

Now get out of
there right now!

I've got
lots of money!

I don't need
your money!

Sorry, pal, then I'll
take what I want!

What's going on father?


It's okay, son.
Stay back!

What do you think
you're doing, lady?

I'm no lady!




I gotta get
back on to Snake Way.

Wow! He sure can jump!

Yeah, right!

Hey Goz, I bet we could
have a lot of fun

with that guy,
don't ya think?

Yeah, he sure
seems to have

an awful lot of
energy, doesn't he?

I could get some
real good exercise

messin' with him
for a while!

Hey what do
you mean, Goz?!

Why do I do all the paperwork
and you have all the fun?

Let's fight it out then!
The loser stays in the office!

Are you ready?

Let's go!

One, two, three!

cuts paper!

Heh, heh, heh. Try not
to get a paper-cut, Mez!

Hey, try and be a good sport
and save some for me!

Sure, I'll try...


Lucky ogre!

That's a long way up.

Hey, buddy!

Would you like a little help?

Hm? Well, why not? Sure...

But, so far I haven't
even come close yet.

Just leave it
to the Goz-man!

I've got a knack
for these things.

Hey! Let go!
What are you doing?

Oh, Goz's done it again!

Man! That big lug just can't
resist finishing them off

right away
every time! Darn!

I never get
to have any fun!


Wow! That little guy
must be pretty strong!

I still couldn't
reach it...

I guess you're not
strong enough.

Oh, yeah, we'll
see who's strong!

I challenge you to
a wrestling match!

Uh, sure, but I just hope
King Kai's stronger than you,

because I want him to train me!
It's really important!

Okay, I'm gonna knock
your block off!

Hey take it
easy, would ya?

All right! If you
win the match

I'll lend you my special
flying machine! Okay?

You can use it to
reach Snake Way!


But if you lose you're
here for keeps...

And you'll become
my personal play-toy!

You understand that?

Sure... It's a deal!

Okay. Meet by the blood
fountain in a half hour...

And the rules are,
there are no rules!

Sounds fair to me!

Okay, the first one over this
line, loses! You got it?

Sounds alright
to me. Let's go.

Not so fast!
I have to warm up!

Visualizing! Now I've
got you by the head!

Now I'm ready!

Come on!

On your mark...

Get set and go!


Hey. Is it my
turn... Goz?

Sure kid.


Hey! No fair.
How did you do that?

Easy! Watch this!

♪ Row, row,
row your boat... ♪

This is the special
flying machine?

Oh, yeah, it's very special.

See, I made it myself.

I am gonna have to
stand up there though

in order for it to work.

It's very technical.

Well, let's see it in action...

Sure let me press
the start button!

Here I come!

Whew! Wow!
This might do it!

That's it!

Kaa! Mee! Haa! Mee!


Yippee! Hah, ha, ha!

Hey, I can't get through...

Oh, bummer!

♪ Merrily, merrily... ♪

Okay gather around
for another soul call...

Number 3465!


Number 3466!


Number 3467! Hello?


Number 3468!


Number 3469!

That's me!

Number 3470! Number 3470!

Um, here!

Good, then...
Everyone's here!

Today we're gonna be
doing some hiking!

All the way up
Mt. Needle.

Please pick a buddy
and stay with them!

Alright, move along...
You too, get going.

Hm? That guy's still
trying to get out of here?

Well, I guess I'll get my
chance with him after all.

Ow! Man!
That smarts!

Goz! What do you
think you're doing?

You know that it's my
turn after lunch! Jerk!

Hey, Goz!

I thought you said
that there was a way

to get through those
clouds up there?

There is.

You'd be through right now if
it wasn't for your problem.

My problem? What do
you mean, my problem?

Your head's too soft.

Hey! You tricked me!

Yo yo, listen buddy!

You want to get back up
to Snake Way, don't you?

Well, I'm just the ogre
you're looking for!

You know a way up there?

I sure do, there's
a secret passageway!

Mez! What do you
think you're doing?

Hey! Can you show me
this passageway?

Sure, but on
one condition.

Huh? What's that?

It's simple! We're going
to play a little game,

and you're it.

I'm going to start running and
if you manage to catch me,

then I'll show you where
the secret passageway is.

You want to
play along?

Sure. That's it?
All right.

That's it?
"That's it," he says!

I happen to be the
fastest ogre in the land!

You guys really need to
get out of the house more often.

Come on! Faster!

Ah... This should be enough
food for awhile... I guess...

Come on!
This way!


Come on! Follow me!

Hurry up!
You're too slow, Mr. Tiger!

All right!
Are you ready?

Yeah, I'm ready.
Are you?

Tough guy, huh?
Well good for you, kid!

I'm glad you're
feeling confident

because if you don't catch me,
you're stuck here for good!

Yeah, I know!
Now let's do this!

Runners, on your
mark... set...

and... go!

See ya, loser!

Man! Cookin'!

Here I come!

Little does he know

that nobody's ever caught Mez
except the Great King Yemma...

But then again...

it has been
a pretty odd day.

So? Can you feel
your legs burning yet?

They're fine!

Good! 'Cause I'm finished
with this little warm-up!



Bummer! Missed him!
That was a good chance!

Now that's fast! Man!

Ah! I'm pretty
sure I lost him.

It should be safe
to take a breather!

Yikes! Busted!


Nice shot! Try again!

I saw that!

This is great!

I haven't had this
much fun in centuries!

We can play this
everyday for eternity!

Sorry, I've got
better things to do!

Heh, heh! You might
have better things to do,

but remember if you don't catch
me you're not going anywhere!

Yeah! We'll see about that!


Uhoh. I think he's
gaining on Mez.

Hey, hold on!
Wait a minute! Time out!

There are no
time outs!

That's fine,
but whatd'ya say

we each have a piece of
that fruit for a snack?

Absolutely not!

King Yemma has us guard
that fruit for him

because it's
so special,

just one piece will
double a man's strength

and keep him full
for three months.

You mean if
you ate one piece

you really wouldn't get
hungry for three months?

Exactly! Y'see...
Hey, where'd you go?

No! Stop!
I could lose my job!

Don't even kid
around about this!

Goodness gracious! This has
never happened to us before!



So, where is it?
The secret passage?

Uh, what secret passage?
What are you talking about?

You better
be careful!

If you lie, King Yemma
will be very unhappy!

Ah, it's right
over there!

Okay, this is it!
It's right through here!

Just take
the stairs up.

You can get back to
Snake Way from here.

See ya later!

I certainly
hope not.

Oh, and thank you
very much for the fruit!

Yeah, all that exercise
made me really hungry.


You little sneak!

Goz, did you
see that? Darn!

Yeah, I saw it...

We got
totally burned!

Yeah, for the
first time!

not bad!

Hey! We're still the
baddest ogres in the land!

No one can
beat us!

Whatta ya say we
keep this little incident

between the
two of us?


Man! What a wild stairway!

I feel like
I'm in a dream!

Huh? Wow, that must
be the road up there!

He should
be there by now!

Man! This is heavy!

All right!
Made it!

Hmm... Goku, what are
you doing in my desk?

Yiiyye! Uhhh...
Hi, Great King Yemma!

I thought you were
on Snake Way.

Uh, I am!
I mean I was!

I mean, I'm should
get going! Bye, bye!

How strange.

Oh, man, It looks like
those crafty ogres

had the last
laugh after all!

Now I'm really going
to have to motor it

if I want to make it
back from King Kai's

in time to
save Earth!

Wow! I feel as
light as air!

I guess it's from
that fruit I ate!

So Goku is back
at the start of Snake Way

and that means he's still a long
way from training with King Kai.

Luckily that piece of fruit
will give him the strength

to keep going for awhile,
but will it last long enough?

There's still that
little problem

of the two Saiyans rapidly
approaching Earth...

Time is running out.

Can Goku pick up the pace

and get to the end of
Snake Way in time?

To find out make
sure you don't miss

the next exciting
episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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