01x23 - The Saibamen Strike

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x23 - The Saibamen Strike

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time
on Dragon Ball Z...

With the deadly Saiyan
duo on the horizon,

Earth's heroes
had no choice

but to put their training
plans into overdrive...

Goku continued his search
for King Kai along Snake Way

while Tien and the others made
their way up Korin's Tower

for a little one-on-one
with the mythical master...

All the time Gohan
had spent alone

got the better of him,
and he was so homesick

that he felt the need
for a family reunion...

But it was
not to be.

Common sense took over
and he realized

that he must complete his
training and put the brakes on

the incoming Saiyan
invasion first.

Without his mom or
dad to support him,

all the non-stop training has
been tough on the little guy...

Luckily, Piccolo showed up and
took him under his wing.

Now, Gohan will learn what it
takes to be a real warrior...

But will it be enough
to stop the Saiyans?

Hm. Now, are you
ready, Gohan?

Do you think you
have what it takes

to move on to the next
level of training?

Good! With an attitude like
that, you just might make it.

Go! Give me
everything you've got!


Try again!

Keep your eye
on the enemy!

But you disappeared,
I couldn't see you.

If you can't see the
enemy, feel him out!

That's a lot easier
said than done.

Next time you find
time to whine,

think about what you should
do instead... and do it!

We only have
three months

until the Saiyans
arrive, Gohan.

From now on, if you're
not eating or sleeping

then you're sparring
with me! Got it?

That's a little
severe, huh?

The Saiyans
are severe!

But as strong
as they are,

you're going to have
to be a lot stronger!

There's no room for
doubt in this venture!

That's it!
Your turn!

This is crazy! There's
just no end to this thing!

But I've got
to keep going!


Kami will see
all of you now.

Hey, Kami!
I don't mean to be rude,

but we're not really
learning anything new!

He's right...

So far you haven't
taught us anything

we couldn't
do on our own.

We want to be as strong as
Goku was when he was here!

Yeah! Come on!

We want the same training
you gave Goku, Kami!

Please listen
carefully, then.

I taught...


Nothing! That's
what I taught him!


Hey! What did he
mean by that?!

Who knows? If this
camp wasn't free,

I'd be out
of here!

Just between you and me,
the food's not that great.

Mr. Popo,
we all know Goku

received training
here before!

Why can't you tell
us what it was?

C'mon! We're just trying
to get stronger, that's all!

To be truly strong,

you must know your
self and your enemy...

Once you know this,
all will become clear.

What do you mean?
Know myself?

Don't give us that rubbish! How
could we not know ourselves!

I know myself better
than anybody.

Oh, is that a fact?
So you know yourself, do you?

How come you don't know
that you are weak?

Oh! Would you like to prove
that? You beachball!

All of you follow me.


Whoa, check it out!

What is this place?

Here, past,
present, and future are mixed.


This is where
you'll start your time trip...

When Goku was with us,

most of his training
took place in this room.

Yeah? Goku?

That's right.
I hope you're ready.

I think we are!
Let's do it!


Hey guys,
have fun!

I'm a lot of
different things,

but I ain't no
guinea pig.

Those of
you who wish to go,

step inside the
circle, please.

I can only recommend

that you see with
your hearts...

Now, close your
eyes, please.

The next time you
open your eyes,

you will be in a far off place
exactly one hundred years ago.

I wish you luck,

Where are we?

I don't know,

but there's been some
serious fighting

going on
around here!

This place
is demolished!

Sounds like all of
the fun is over, though. Listen.

Look! It's a Saiyan!

Not anymore!

Listen! I think
I hear something!


That could've
been anything.

Yeah, but it was
definitely something!

C'mon, let's go
check this place out!

Man, what a battle
this must have been.

Look at all
these Saiyans.

Too bad we missed
all the action.

Mr. Popo must have
been off on his calculations.

It's over.

There's bound to
be a few Saiyans left,

we'll just look around
until we find them.


I think we'd better
stay together

in case we run into any trouble
out here. And stay sharp!

You don't have to
worry about me...

I could take on a Saiyan with
my hands tied behind my back!

me too! I hope...

Their total
fighting power

is only fifteen
hundred and ten!

And they want to
fight some Saiyans, huh?

The fools!

Let's go
have some fun!

We might
as well go back,

I don't think we're going
to find any action here!

But how do we get back?

Good point.
Mr. Popo didn't tell us that.

Hey, maybe they're too scared
to come out and fight us!

I don't think so.

And if you met the Saiyan
Goku and Piccolo fought,

you wouldn't
think so either.

Chiaotzu, let's go.


Tien, help me!


Let me go!

Let me go!
Let me go!



What? Did I do
something to tick you off?


Watch it, Tien!
They're fast!


Hey, there! Were you
looking for a fight?

C'mon! C'mon!



Nice shot!
That tickled!


It looks
like we did it!

Those guys
were tough!

No kidding.

Poor Chiaotzu
didn't even have a chance...

We've avenged you, my friend.


He disappeared!


T-They're immortal?

I don't think so,
they're just super strong!

And if we
don't watch it,

the other one's gonna get
us while we're not looking!



Come on!



I don't care what
happens anymore,

I just want to
beat those guys!

You should
never have come here!

No one comes
to Vegeta!

He's right! We try to
discourage tourism here!

Hey, my grandmother can gather
energy faster than that!

But don't feel bad,
she's one tough cookie!

Alright, Yamcha! Let's
give it everything we've got!


Spirit b*mb!

Man, that
was horrible!

Those two guys were
monsters, not men!

Yes, they were.


Mr. Popo? Kami?

I'm alive!


Kami! How'd we get here?!

You never left here!

You've all just been standing
around like bunch of zombies!

Only your physical
bodies remained here.

With the help of this room,
your spirits made dream bodies

which they used to travel
to the dream-like past.

So, you guys!
How did it go?

Speak up!

Well, how did
you guys do?

They did very
well, Yajirobe.

They all faught valiantly
against a very strong enemy.

I should mention to you
all that the Saiyans

on the way to Earth
are twice as strong

as the ones
you just fought!

Twice as strong?
Are you sure about that, Kami?!

I can
certainly understand

if any of you want to
back out of this deal.

Believe me, there would be
no dishonor in doing so.

But if you must
leave, go now,

because there will
be no looking back

for those of you who
remain after today.

Wouldn't miss it!

No, me neither!

I'm in!

Me too!

It's settled then!

We'll spend 24 hours a day
in this room if we have to!

We'll beat
those Saiyans!


Let's get to work!





"Piccolo" nothing!
You're getting lazy!

You can defend yourself
better than that!

Now, show me
what you can do!

The race
against time is on...

Now that Tien and the
others have had a taste

of what they'll be up against
when the two Saiyans arrive,

they know they have
a lot more work to do

before they'll be
in fighting shape...

Goku still needs
to find King Kai

in order to complete his own
martial arts training...

And Gohan is being put through
his paces by Piccolo...

Will it all be enough to
stop the Saiyan invasion?

Or will the Z
warriors find out

that they are up against
an unstoppable force?

To find out,
don't miss the next

exciting episode
of Dragon Ball Z!
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