01x26 - Tien Goes All Out!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x26 - Tien Goes All Out!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time
on Dragon Ball Z...

With the arrival of the
Saiyans only weeks away,

all of Earth's heroes
were beginning

to feel the pressure...
Especially Goku...

His epic journey
to find King Kai

was beginning to look like
an epic waste of time.

That is, until he summoned
a final burst of energy

and tackled the last
mile of Snake Way...

An unexpected turn

caused him to slide
right off the road,

but at least it put him in the
place where he wanted to be!

Talk about your
lucky breaks!

Goku didn't know
it at first

but he had just stumbled
upon King Kai's planet...

The intense gravity
of the planet sucked him in

and he found himself face
to face with King Kai...

Or at least that's
what he thought...

Not wanting to offend the
mythical martial arts master

he began to train with
the banana-loving legend...

But in the back
of his mind.

Goku knew something
wasn't right!

Could this hairy creature
really be King Kai?

Alright, that's enough...

Who are you?

Hey... Are you...
No, you couldn't be!

I am who I am!

Guess who? Go on guess!
It rhymes with pie!

Hmm... Huh... H-Hmm...

Got it?

I'm King Kai!

Then who is he?

Him? He's my favorite
monkey, Bubbles!

I see, I thought he
was a little strange!

Did you just call
my friend Bubbles strange?

Like you're not!

Now don't take it personally,
I'm only teasing you, son.

Even Kais like
to kid around!

Yeah... Me too!


Okay, let's see...
I'll try a few jokes on you.

All right. Here's a good one,
it's about my uncle...

He's so large, when he
sits around the house,

he sits
around the house.

Ring! Ring! Ah! Yes, hello.
You don't say... Wha?

You don't say!
My gosh!

Heh. Good one...

You're supposed
to say, Who was that?

Then I say...
They didn't say! Get it?

Oh, right...
You're very funny,

but actually I've come here
to train with you, sir!

Train you?!

No way! Why should I?!

Why you wouldn't
know a good joke

if it snuck up and
kicked you in the head!

Forget it! I won't train anyone
without a sense of humor!

Jokes can't kick you in
the head! That's crazy!

You're too much,
King Kai!

Well... On second thought,
I guess I could train you.

Oh, wow!
You really mean it?

Well, of course. But first,
you must pass a test!

Sure! Anything!

Alright then...

Make me laugh
and you're in!

What? Surely you have to
know a good joke or two.

But remember it has to be
a funny one for it to count.

What?! Come on!
I'm not a comedian!

Hey, don't
get all tensed-up!

Staying loose
is the key!

Trust me, you'll
ruin your delivery

if you're all
stressed out!

Well, I'm waiting!

Knock Knock.
Who's there? Krillin.

No! Think! Think!

Oh, having trouble are you?

Then give up and go home!

Why did the chicken...

...cross the road?

Uh... to get to...
the other side.

Hey! No, wait...

It was too
far to fly!

What's the difference
between a jeweler and jailer?

One sell watches!
One watches cells!

I did it! You laughed!
You laughed King Kai!

Somebody stop me!

Hey King Kai, don't blow
a gasket on me, okay!

Oh, my, my, my.
Okay kid, you're in!

When I get
through with you,

you'll be a real
prince of comedy!

You'll have no equal in the art
of delivering a punch line.

They'll call you
the Prince of Puns!

How does that
grab you?

But... King Kai, I came here for
training in the martial arts!

You did? Shame on you!

You should have told me earlier!

Right! Show me
what you've got!

Don't hold back,
I'm stronger than I look!

What's wrong?

It's this place...
The gravity here...

For some reason I just can't
seem to get used to it at all.

That is most unusual.

Ah! I know!

I'll bet you came from
Earth, didn't you?


Yes, that explains it!

I'm surprised that you
can even walk around!

You see, this planet
may look small,

but the gravity
is severe!

I'd say that your body weighs
at least ten times more here

than it did on Earth!

Go ahead and try and
jump... As high as you can!

Ah! Bummer! This is
really embarrassing!

This one may prove

to have talent
after all...

If he can jump that high in
ten times his normal gravity,

then there's hope
for him yet! Maybe...

All right, then!
Let's begin the training!

Now, how long do you
plan on staying here?

Well, for as
long as possible,

but I'm just not sure how
much time there is left.

See, it's like this!
There's these guys...

Really evil guys called
Saiyan Warriors!

And they're on their way
to Earth to take it over!

I'm here, because I have to get
strong enough to stop them!

I've got family
down there!

The Saiyans, huh?
That's awful.

They certainly can
be a ruthless bunch!

Mm-hmm. Okay. Heh, heh.

We need to find
out the exact day

they're going to be
arriving on planet Earth.

Let's see now...
Where are they?

Ah, yes. There they are.
Two of them. Hmm...

I'm afraid they don't
come any stronger

than those
particular two!

All right then...

According to my calculations,
at their current rate of speed,

they should arrive on Earth
in approximately 88 days.

Really? Are you sure about
that? That's amazing!

No, I'm amazing, my boy!

Isn't it obvious?

This poor boy has
no idea what he's up against!

Hm... You should forget
the training... It's no use.

That's good!


Hey! I've only
got 88 days

to prepare for the Saiyans and
that's not good... Let's go!

Aw! I'm sure we can get
you trained in 88 days!

You can?

Training under me
on this planet,

non-stop for 88 days,
is equivalent to training

for several thousand
years on Earth.

Are you ready?

Sure! That's great!

There is one thing though...

Even if you train, it doesn't
necessarily mean you can win.

The two Saiyans that are
on their way to Earth

rank among the
greatest fighters

in the entire universe!
There are no guarantees...

Those particular two, well,
they're even stronger than me.

What?! Stronger?!
They can't be!

I'm afraid so...

That means in order
for you to win...

You are going to have to
become stronger than me.

Now I hope that
doesn't scare you at all.

Ha, ha! Good!

Well, I say we
get started! Hm?

Hey! Bubbles, come here!

Bubbles is used to the
extreme gravity here!

I want you to
try to catch him!

That's my training?
Catch the monkey?

That's right! Until
you can move around easily,

you're not ready to start
anything more intense than that!

Uh? Well, let's go.

Go Bubbles!
Run away! Run away!

Oh, no you don't!

Ow! This hurts!

Man! This is tough!

This oughta help!


Come on...
Darn boot!


He's losing some of
the unnecessary gear

that's making
him heavier!

Now I'm going to get
you, you little ape!

Here I come! Rrrhh!

You're mine!

He's too fast!
Aw, man!

Giving up?

Whoa! He's so fast!

I don't know if I can catch
him to tell you the truth.

You're welcome
to go home if you want!

Oh no! Come to
think of it,

I haven't eaten since I left
Princess Snake's place. Darn!

Ahh, would it be okay if
we ate before we continued?

Well, I guess...

I can cook,

but you're going to
have to do the dishes.

That's the last
of the bean tacos!

Beans give me gas!

You just ate a pot full!

Wait! What have I done?

Well excuse me!

It tasted lousy,
but at least I'm full!

What horrible
manners you have.

You could at least
show me show respect.

You are a guest,
you know!

King Kai? I'm done!

I think I'm ready to get
started if that's okay with you.

Go on now Bubbles!
Get going!

You know it's too bad
you're in such a rush

to complete
your training

because it's such
a lovely afternoon.

There are so many
interesting things

to see and do
on this planet!

I could spend a day
watching the sky!

Heh, heh. And there's
nothing like

a little competition
among friends!

But there is one thing I
love to do most of all...

Drive my car!

Aw yeah!

Heh, heh, heh! Woohoo!


Well, what
are you waiting for?

Bubbles isn't going
to catch himself!

I think you'd better
get moving

or you'll never be able
to get your hands on him!

Don't worry he
won't get away this time!

Watch this!

Hold on!

Your training will
be more effective

if you put on those heavy
clothes you took off before.

Come on!
Suit up!

But I can't
run in them!

They're too heavy,
they'll just slow me down!

Well, I've got
some bad news...

Those two Saiyans of
yours lived on a planet

just like this...

With the exact same
gravity as here, too!

So now you understand.

It's one of the great
secrets to their power.

Unfortunately, that's not
even the root of their power.

You see the
Saiyans are born

with a unique ability
to fight anywhere.

It's much like a sixth sense.
It's in their blood.

Well, don't worry!
I'm a Saiyan, too! Watch!


You're getting

But you're not
strong enough!

Help me!

Can you lend
me a hand?

Don't be
a spoiled brat!

This is going to take a
lot longer than I thought

if he can only fight
at his full potential

when the
moon is full.

At least after six
months of training

you're not acting like
a crybaby anymore.

Hey Piccolo,
is it really true

that you fought against
my father a long time ago?

Yes, but that fight's
not finished yet...

I have to take care of
those two Saiyans first.

Then your father
is next on my list!

You don't have to
fight my daddy...

There's no need to now because
I can tell you've changed

and you're not such a
nasty person anymore!

You're like one of
the family now...

Yeah, you're kinda like
my big green uncle!

You talk way too much, kid!
Be quiet and go to sleep!

Tomorrow's lesson
is going to be

the hardest one
you've had yet!


Big green uncle...

And so the
training continues...

Back on King Kai's planet

three weeks have already passed
since Goku first arrived.

Oh! I love dim sum!

Ah! That's good...

You dim sum...
And you lose some!

I crack myself up!

Hmm? I wonder how
Goku is doing?

I've got you now!

Hey! Ya hungry?
It's snack time!

No time!
I gotta train!

Ow! My nose!

He's really
starting to bug me!

You crazy ape!

Heh! Bubbles is
all fired up!

Ow! Hey! Come on,
this car is a classic!

Show some respect,
would ya?!

Oh, man!
He's mocking me! Great!

You're mine, Bubbles!
You hear me?

Hey, I have an idea!

I'll cut him
off over there!

I'm gonna get you!

Oh, Bubbles?



Ha! Gotcha!

Yeah! I did it!

How extraordinary!

He's conquered the
intense gravity here!

Perhaps he does
have the strength

to handle my training
program after all...

Yes... Maybe he is the one
to finally stop the Saiyans!

By catching Bubbles,

Goku has gained the
respect of King Kai.

Now he can begin the next
phase of his training.

Training that will
hopefully give him

the strength and skill to
defeat the two sinister Saiyans

who are headed
towards Earth.

Goku has every
right to celebrate

after conquering the extreme
gravity of King Kai's planet,

but there are far more
serious challenges ahead.

The days are rolling by
and it won't be long

before Goku will have
to come face to face

with the two deadliest
warriors in the universe.

Will he be
ready in time?

Find out on the next
episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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