01x27 - Time's Up!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x27 - Time's Up!

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time
on Dragon Ball Z...

As the two evil Saiyan
warriors hurtled towards Earth

in their space pods,

the Z warriors
were busy

beefing up their
martial arts skills.

Goku had made it to
King Kai's planet

but he was finding the gravity
a little tough to take.

And it didn't
help matters

when he mistook the
King's pet ape Bubbles

for the mythical
martial master...

Once the proper
introductions were made,

Goku was put to the test to
see if he was worthy enough

to train with the
legendary King Kai...

His first assignment,
catch Bubbles,

and then he would be
permitted to move on

to the next phase
of his training...

It all seemed easy
enough at first,

but it proved to be a lot
harder than Goku imagined.

That little monkey
sure could move!

And don't forget the intense
gravity of King Kai's planet.

It can really
bring a guy down!

While King Kai watched with
amusement from the sidelines,

Goku did his best to grab
the speedy little monkey!

Time and time again they
traveled around the planet

and before long they
were going in circles!

Then Goku made one
last leap of faith

and managed to get
a grip on Bubbles!

Heh. Gotcha! Yeah!

It was then that
King Kai realized that Goku

could indeed be
a worthy student.

But things are only going to
get harder from here on in...

And one question

What kind of
bizarre training

does the King have in
store for Goku now?

Woo-hoo! I did it!
I caught him! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Look King Kai!
I caught the monkey!

I'm ready for the next phase
of my training King Kai!

Okay... If you say so.

Let's see now...
Phase two, huh?


No more
monkey business!

Can I do my next training
session without Bubbles?

He'll just
get in the way!

Hey! Don't be so rude!

All right then!
Let's start training!

Yeah! Let's get to work!

What did you do?

I yelled at the
top of my lungs!

Yeah, I'll say...

Um... Am I missing
something here?

Why did you do that, King Kai?

You'll see...

That, my boy, is a
long distance call!

Don't you get it?

He can't be a
martial arts master!

Hey! I heard that!

What is it?

I'm not an
it, you lunk-head!

Hey! It's a little
grasshopper man!

Yeah! So what?

Little grasshopper man?

Be quiet!
And listen up!

My name's Gregory!

And I'm King Kai's most
trusted attendant!

So you watch

That's right!
I'm also a fearless

martial arts master
with no equal!

Except for King Kai!

I think it's
your ego that has no equal!

A-hem. Yes, now
where was I?

Right! Who do you
think you are?

I heard what you
said about King Kai!

So you don't think
he's for real, huh?

No! His methods
just bug me!

Heh! Oh, I get it!
My methods bug him!

King Kai? Please! It's hard to
concentrate with you laughing!

Yes, of course!
Sorry about that!

Goku, Gregory will be your
next test! Are you ready?

The bug?

Hey, buddy,
I'm a grasshopper!

But King Kai...

I thought you were going
to train me personally?

You'll take on just about
anyone these days, won't you?

How am I supposed to work
with a guy like this

who doesn't know
the first thing

about showing respect
for his elders?!

You'll manage!

Now let's
get started!

What's that for?

That's kinda big! Are you sure
you're not overdoing it, sir?

Of course not!
Goku, catch!

How's that?
Heavy enough?

Now Goku.
Take that hammer

and see if you can
hit Gregory with it!

Hit him? Uhh...

And if you can
complete this task

I will allow you to
train under me directly!

Hey, all right!

Don't get your
hopes up, buddy!

There's no way I'm gonna let
you hit me with that hammer!

Heh, heh! Catch me if you can!


All right!
Here I come!

Man! What speed! Ahh!


Hmmm? I've
never given a trainee a hammer

as heavy as that one!
Good luck, Goku.

C'mon Bubbles, this
could take a while!

I'll get him
this time!

Aahhh! He's all mine!

Bye now!

Come back here!

I'm going to squash you
like the bug that you are!

Be careful!


And I just finished
the wax-job, too!

Slow down, would ya?!

While Goku
plays bug exterminator,

on Earth, Piccolo is busy
trying to push Gohan

to the next level of
martial arts training!

Heh! You're too
easy a target for me!


So you've figured out how to
dodge my punches and kicks.

Now try this!

Aw, come on Piccolo!
Gimme a break!

Get up here!
We've got work to do!

At this rate
he'll never be able

to face those
two Saiyans!

Hey! I'm stuck!
Piccolo! Come on!

Help me! I can't get out!
Please Piccolo! Help me!

Just this one time!

I'll do better next time...
I promise!

Help me Piccolo...

High above the
Earth on Kami's lookout,

the other Z
warriors continue

their intensive
training regime!

Tien and Yamcha
seem about equal!

looking good!

Hey come on!
Stop kidding around!

Aw, come on,
slow down a little!

I won't hit you that
hard... I promise!

Time out!

Whoa! Hey!
What's the deal?

It's break time!


Uh... Don't feed him!

You worked up quite an
appetite, didn't you?

Boy, oh boy!
I sure did!

Will it slow
him down?

Oh, no, it makes
him much faster...

And it won't give
him a cramp!

You betcha!

The Saiyans
are remarkably fast too!

But you are
not there yet!

Huh? Ah, the Saiyans!

What do you know
about them, King Kai?

What do you mean, what
does he know about them?

King Kai knows

There, there, Gregory!

Goku, you told me earlier
that you too are a Saiyan,

am I correct?

Yeah! But I don't know
anything about the Saiyans...

You see, they sent me to
Earth when I was just a baby!

Ah, well then... I can probably
tell you a few things

about the Saiyans
that you don't know!

Wow! Really?

Hold on!

Ah! How kind of you!

Ah, I feel like a king!

Mm. Yes... Now a long time ago,
before you were born...

There were two tribes
that lived on Planet Vegeta.

There were your
ancestors, the Saiyans...

And the other tribe was
known as the Tuffles.

The Saiyans
and the Tuffles, huh?

That's correct.
Now, the Tuffles

were a so-called
advanced civilization...

They had cities much
like the ones on Earth

and enjoyed all of
the modern conveniences

such as air-travel
and mini malls.

They had long ago
outgrown energy sources

which polluted
their planet

and were enjoying
health and prosperity.

Not far from the big cities, in
the arid wastelands of Vegeta,

the Saiyans lived in
primitive fashion.

They were much larger in
size than the Tuffles

but much smaller
in number.

One thing all Saiyans
had in common

was that they
all had tails.

Another was their brutal
and violent nature...

They loved to fight.

But because they were
so few in number,

the Tuffles never worried
about the Saiyans.

That is until the day...

...they att*cked!

And so the great w*r for
planet Vegeta began.

With the element of
surprise in their favor,

the Saiyans quickly
gained a strong foothold

in the w*r against
the Tuffles.

The Tuffles had
technology on their side.

They had devices that measured
their enemies fighting power

and advanced

which they used to hold
the Saiyans at bay.

Though few in number,

the Saiyans strength
was so incredible

that they too won their
fair share of the battles.

And just when it
seemed that there was

no end in sight to
this horrible w*r,

happened on Vegeta

that only happens there
once every eight years.

There was a full moon!

A decisive factor in the
w*r for planet Vegeta!

As you must know, Saiyans
have the ability to transform

into huge ape-like creatures
when the moon is full.

Let's get out of here!

It didn't take long
for these monsters to destroy

the Tuffles and their
advanced civilization...

But then a new problem
began for the Saiyans.

Without the technology
of the Tuffles,

the Saiyans couldn't
travel in space.

This meant they couldn't
satisfy the one desire

that they all shared,
the desire to fight.

I'm sure you've
heard the joke,

how many Saiyans does it
take to build a rocket-ship?

Uh? No...

It's a really good one!

Later King Kai!

Well, not far away,

the Saiyans met
the Archosians...

Now, the Archosians had
money and technology,

but the planet
Archos was a dump.

So they hired the Saiyans to
conquer a planet for them!

An unholy partnership
was formed.

With Saiyan might and
Archosian ingenuity combined,

they formed a fleet
of planet pirates.

The plan that these
two sinister races

hatched meant that
there was nothing

they wouldn't do to
achieve their goals...

An armada of space pods
was designed to travel

the vast distances
of the universe.

They even sent babies like
yourself to distant planets.

The Saiyan leaders were more
than happy to send specimens

of their race into
the great unknown.

They knew that when
the babies grew up

they would extinguish
any and all inhabitants

of the planet
they landed on.

I'd like to
extinguish them!

Well, all misdeeds gather
their just rewards.

You see, like Earth, the planet
Vegeta also had a guardian.

This good man
used his power

to attract a vast system
of meteors to the planet.

He could no longer tolerate
the horrible burden

of the Saiyans'
dark deeds.

So he brought destruction
upon the planet,

which was plagued by the weight
of its inhabitants' evil.

Planet Vegeta
was demolished!

It kind of got a major
spanking you could say,

except with meteors.

Only four Saiyans
survived the destruction

of planet Vegeta,

and you are
one of them.


I'm not one of them!
I'll never be!

Easy now...

Listen you might despise your
heritage, but at this point

the fact that you are a
Saiyan is a great asset!

Channel your anger. Use it
to enhance your training.

You're right! I can't wait
to start training again.

I'm in! If it's okay
with King Kai of course!

I am really
anxious to get started,

but uh, let me wolf
this down first!

C'mon... C'mon...

Missed him!

Gentlemen, Mr. Popo
and I are both very pleased

with the progress
you have made here.

Each of you has
reached a new level

of strength
and technique.

But the time has come for you
to go back down to Earth.

The future of the planet
is in your hands.

May you fight
with honor!


Kami, can I take these
weighted clothes off now?

You may do
as you please.

So what are you guys
going to do down below?

Well, I say we go somewhere
and continue training.

That's a
good idea.

Hm. I wonder how
much Goku has improved...

Ha, ha, ha! I got you now!

Oh, no you don't!

What a mess!

I hope my insurance covers this!

I almost got him!

Hm. That was a close one!


That oughta do it!



All right!
Here goes!


That wasn't too bad
now was it, Gregory?

What is that, a joke? Come on
my body is in super condition!

You couldn't hurt me with
that thing if you tried!

Really? Well, is
that a lump I see?

Oh! What did
you do to me?

Goku is
indeed a rare man.

Perhaps he
is the one!

There are seventy days left.
He could do it!

He could master Kaio-Ken and
defeat those Saiyan warriors!

No one's ever been able
to master Kaio-Ken.

It's been like a
dream in my head.

Like a horse that's
too wild to ride!

But now,
there is a chance!

King Kai you
promised remember?

Do you really think
you're ready to learn

the mystic art of Kaio-Ken
from me as you are?

Well, do you?

Yes, I do!

All right, first I want
you to visualize yourself

at your very best! Both in
body and in spirit! Got it?

Got it!

Now that you understand, uh...
let's go take a lunch break!

Well sis, I should
know better then to ask but,

can you tell us what
your crystal ball says

about the future?

Who's future?
Be specific!

Our planet's future...
Mother Earth's!

Hm. What's up?
You heard something?

No matter!

If it's going to
happen, I'll see it!

I always do!

Huh? Oh no!

As things stand right now,
the Earth has no future!

No! Attack! Don't just dodge!
Use your strength!

While our heroes
push themselves to the limit

with their
martial arts training,

on the outer edge
of the solar system,

a great evil

The Saiyans, who are intent
on destroying Earth,

are already
passing by Jupiter.

Only one day remains
until their arrival.

Have the Z warriors properly
prepared themselves

to face
their wrath?

And will Goku make
it back in time

to fight side by side
with his son Gohan?

All these questions and
more will be answered

on the next exciting
episode of Dragon Ball Z!
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