01x11 - The Legendary Quincy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x11 - The Legendary Quincy

Post by bunniefuu »



Don't you see the damage
that you kids have done?

This ridiculous show
was broadcast

on national television
yesterday. Just look.


With two of our students there
for all the world to see.

Rukia and Ichigo,

this is very serious.

Never in the history
of this school

has any student ever
dishonored this institution

by committing such an act
of civil disobedience.

Mr. Kagine?

Sir, I can understand
why you're angry

with Ichigo and Rukia
for acting

like a bunch
of stupid idiots,

but why are Orihime
and I here

when we didn't have anything
to do with this?

You were there with them the
whole time this was going on.

That was
a coincidence.

We were just
walking by

and suddenly got dragged
into the whole mess.

Great, thanks a lot.
I'll remember this

the next time you need
someone to bail you out.

Anyway, this has been fun,
Mr. Kagine,

but we're going back
to class if you don't mind.

Come on,

Goodbye, Mr. Kagine.

Yeah, me too.
I've got some homework.

Not so fast,
Mr. Asano.

You were there
with them,

yet you did nothing
to stop them,

so you're just as guilty
as Ichigo.

I still don't get
what the big deal is.

It was just
a stupid TV show.

You don't get much,
do you, mister?

That's the trouble
with you kids today,

no awareness of the
consequences of your actions.

It's depressing.

I'm so sorry.

I really did try
to stop Ichigo,

but he wouldn't

All he ever thinks
about is himself,

and he was so obsessed
with getting on television.


The whole thing's
all my fault.

Go ahead
and punish me.

Oh. Please don't cry,

I understand. I'm sure you did
everything you could have.

Oh, thank you,
Mr. Kagine.

So you'll punish Ichigo
and let me go?


You punks come back
here right now.

You're not gonna
get off that easy.

I know where
you all live.

Oh, great, now Rukia Kuchiki's
gotten away too.

What should we do?
Just do me a favor.

When you do find Ichigo, could
you get his autograph for me?

Has everyone around here
lost their minds?


Way to go, Rukia.

Your awesome performance
got us off

scott-free with
no detention.

Oh, you guys.
It was nothing, really.

What are you
talking about?

She was trying
to sell me up the river.

You gotta admit that her phony
crying covered your getaway.

You ought to be
thanking her.

Actually, I kind of enjoyed
putting on the big act

and fooling Mr. Kagine,
so no thanks necessary.

But you have to
know I would never

sell out a good
friend like Ichigo.



Oh, Ichigo, can I talk to you
for a second in private?


Would you guys excuse us
for just a minute?


that's weird.


I never noticed before, but--

Those two seem to like
each other, don't they?

Nah, you're imagining things.

Ichigo might
like Rukia,

but there's no way she'd
be interested in him.

Well, something's



What's going on?

There's no stinking
Hollow here.

Don't tell me I got
all dressed up for nothing.

I think your pager
needs new batteries.

That's really weird.

It was a strong signal,
but now there's no trace of it.

ICHIGO: Hey you, spirit guy.

You didn't by any chance cut
the head off a Hollow recently,

did you?

I'm not sure what
you mean by a Hollow,

but I sure did see
something scary.

This thing was so big.

It looked like a huge, slimy
black bug.

When I saw it,
I almost peed my pants.


I don't care about
your problems.

I want to know what
happened to it.

Let me
talk to him.

Since you can describe
the Hollow so clearly,

no doubt then you must have
also seen who k*lled it and how.

Well, not really,

'cause I had my eyes closed
the whole time.

I was so scared.


Well, it's Konso time,
I suppose.

Huh? What's a konso?
What are you gonna do?

No, no, get that
sword away from me.




Did you find your name?

Third in the class?

Pretty smart for a girl,

GIRL 2: This sucks.

Orihime has both
brains and boobs.

It's just not fair.

If it makes you feel better,
she's a terrible cook.

you're my best friend.

I'm so proud of you.


Aw, let the girls
get their high scores.

At least none of our g*ng
embarrassed us

by making it into the top 50,
right, Mizuiro?

Take another look.


Ichigo is ranked
number 23? You cheater.

There's no way you could have
possibly scored that high.

Shut up, Keigo.

I score high on tests
because I study for them.

You should try it

A-ha, so that's what you were
doing all those nights

when I was asking you
to come hang out.

You always said
you were too busy,

but the truth is you were
studying like a total nerd.

Oh, no. I'm friends with a nerd.

Maybe you need some thick
nerd glasses like these, pal.

No, thanks.

It is a bit of a surprise
to learn you really study.

My hair gets me
enough abuse.

I'm not gonna be an academic
loser on top of it.

Good point.

Sorry I ragged on you.

So how about...

If I gave you this complimentary
nerd headband instead.

I told you, no.

All right then,
have it your way.

But see if I ever ask you
to hang out with me again.

Well, at least you wouldn't go
and do something embarrassing

like score in the top 50,
right, Chad, old pal?



I'm horrified. I had no idea
I was hanging out

with such a bunch of complete
geeks and brainiacs.

I'm through with
all of you.


Oh, well.
They'll be back.

I guess it's lucky
for him one of us

isn't in
the number one spot,

like Ametasu Ishida.

I've never even
heard of him.

That's Uryu,
Uryu Ishida.

You mean
you know him?

Yeah, of course.
He's in our class.


You'll find that Ichigo has
an uncanny knack for forgetting

people's faces and
the names that go with them.

Come on.

now that's weird.


How come he's
not answering?

Urahara, why don't
you ever pick up

when I call you in
emergencies like this?

You call yourself
a businessman?

Then why do you show up
when you're not wanted,

and then when I really
need you, you won't answer?


I need Urahara to come and
take a look at this Soul Page.

I mean, how am I supposed
to know if this

stupid thing is working
right or not?


Let's go to that
new karaoke bar.

There's this
hot hostess there.

RUKIA: Ichigo.

Come here.
I need you.

That Rukia sure is
one aggressive chick.

Maybe they really
are seeing each other.

We have
a Hollow alert.

A Hollow?

Well, there better actually
be one this time.

Just shut up
and run.


Damn it.

Again, you drag me
all the way out here,

and there's no Hollow.
Shut up.

Stop whining and
get back into your body.

Fine, but would you
do something

about that stupid
Soul Pager?

These false alarms
aren't my fault.

When it goes off, I have to
assume a Hollow has appeared,

so I report it.
What else can I do?

Well, get it fixed because
it's obviously busted.

They don't fix them at
television repair shops.

Bickering, are we?


How unprofessional.

Good evening,
Ichigo, Rukia.

Who the hell
are you?

And how do you know our
names you don't mind--

I don't mind.

I also know you can
see spirits, Ichigo.


How do you know that?

Another Hollow
has just appeared.

No way.


There's a new one here all
right. How did he know?

All right.
Which way?

It's over there.

Can you not sense
such a simple thing?

And you call yourself
a Soul Reaper.




The signal
just vanished.

So tell me,
who or what are you?

Uryu Ishida.

I'm a Quincy.

Soul Reapers are my enemies.

Just what do
you mean?

Is that too
complicated for you?

I'll tell you again then,
slower this time.

Ichigo Kurosaki,

you are my enemy.


Damn, what's the
story with that guy?

And you call yourself
a Soul Reaper?

Can you not sense
such a simple thing?

Who does he think he is,
insulting me like that?

I'll mess him up
the next time I see him.

Besides, who uses
a bow and arrow anymore?

What's his name?

Uh, Mac?

No, I think it
was Iki-something.

Ikibo? Ikimo?
Metasu? No.


Nah, that's not it either.
Damn it.

Do you mean
Uryu Ishida?

Orihime. Uh, yeah.

It's a pretty cool
name, huh?

Uh, yeah, I was just
saying it because it's

such a cool sounding name.
I agree.

In fact, I say his name
to myself all the time

when I'm sitting with him
in the home handicrafts club.

Home handy what?

You see?
There he is, right there.

That's him all right,

but I can't believe
he's really in

the home handicrafts club.
Look at him.

He's reading,
not doing macramé.

Yeah? You wait.

It looks like Michiru's
got a job for him.

Like he's gonna
sew it for her?

Just wait and watch.



Hey, it's almost
as good as new.

Thanks so much, Uryu.

It's all right.
Don't mention it.

In fact, don't talk
to me anymore at all.

Uh, I'll see you
later then.

Why would he do
something so nice

and then say
something so unkind?

Because he's insane, that's why.

Ichigo, wait a sec,

do you and Uryu have
some kind of problem?

Well, you could
say that,

but it's nothing
I can't handle.

That's good.



Do you intend to follow me
all the way home,

Ichigo Kurosaki?

Guess I'm not as sneaky
as I thought I was.

So when did you
first notice me?

From the time you and Orihime
saw me in the classroom.

You've been ducking in
and out of shadows behind me

ever since.

Huh. That long, huh?

Now that's impressive.

The careless way you let
your spirit energy leak out,

even a monkey would
have noticed it.

Amateur stuff.

What did you say?

You heard me.

It's obvious that you lack even
the most basic ability

to detect those around you
with high spirit energy.

How else can you
explain the fact

that you weren't even aware
of my existence until today?

sorry about that.

It's just that I've always been
really bad

at remembering names
and faces.

That's not what I mean.

There's a difference
between you and me.

When you first started
at this school,

I sensed your high
spirit energy.

If you were any good,
you would've sensed mine.

I even know the day in mid-May
when you became a Soul Reaper.


I know Rukia Kuchiki's
true identity.

Spirit ribbons.

For a change,
you're right.

Spirit ribbons are
the physical manifestation

of spirit energy
in the atmosphere.


What is that?

This is your
spirit ribbon.

You didn't know that?

Soul Reapers'
spirit ribbons

are a different color
than normal ones.

Why don't we play a little game,
Ichigo Kurosaki?

Let's have a duel to determine
which one of us is stronger,

the Quincy or the Soul Reaper.

I'll show you just
how unnecessary

Soul Reapers are
in this world.

All right, practice duel.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Rock wins! Ha-ha.
This one's for real.

Rock, paper, scissors.

It looks like
you lose.


Ha-ha. I get to choose
a chore for you, Jinta,

and I choose
sweeping up.

Oh, no, not so fast.

You haven't won yet,

I said it's not over till
you win two out of three.

Hey, you never said that before.
No fair.

No, Jinta, stop it.

Aw, quite your
complaining, Ururu.

The rules are whatever
I say they are.


Maybe you'd like to try that
technique on my head, Jinta.

put me down.

I was just trying to teach her
rock, paper, scissors.


Oh, hello there, Miss Kuchiki.

I didn't see you come in.

Is there something
wrong with your foot?

Never mind.

Urahara here?

If it isn't
my favorite customer.

What can I do for you?


Don't play innocent
with me, Urahara.

I had to come in
person because

I've been calling for days
with a major problem,

and you don't respond.

Oh, sorry about that.

It's just we've been
really busy lately,

but I was gonna
call you today.

Where's your friend?

You know, that weird,
orange, spiky-haired dude.

I don't see him.

I guess he must have
broke up with you.

Can't really say
I blame the guy.

Cut her some slack,

It's serious.
I need information.

About what?

So when is this duel between
us supposed to take place?

Right now.

That idea is ridiculous.

Why do you say that?

Because it would
be a waste of time,

and I've got nothing
to prove to you.

I've never heard
of Quincys before,

and I don't know what you
have against Soul Reapers,

but it's got nothing
to do with me.

What a surprise.

You're afraid to fight.

Forget trying to
goad me into it.

Besides, I'd mop
the floor with you.

Oh, now I get it.

You don't have

I forgot.

Your Soul Reaper
powers came from Rukia.

You're actually just
a substitute Soul Reaper.

That probably means
that on your own,

you can't so much as
lift a finger.

You have to have her
permission to duel, don't you?

That does it.

A Quincy.

I haven't heard that word
in a long time.

It does have kind of an
ancient ring to it, doesn't it?

If I'm not mistaken,
it's been 200 years

since I've heard anyone
speak of Quincys.

Well, who are they?

Who were they,
you mean.

The last of the Quincys
became extinct centuries ago,

but they were once a clan that
specialized in k*lling Hollows.

And at one time,
there were many of them

scattered throughout
the world.

So what happened?

Well, I suppose I should
begin at the beginning.

The clan started out
as a group of humans

who had powers like Ichigo
to sense the presence of Hollows

in the world and began
to train to fight against them.

The whole mission of the
Quincys was to defeat Hollows,

just as it is for Soul Reapers
like yourself,

but there was a deep
division between the two.

It was a question of whether
to cleanse Hollows,

or just k*ll them.
Soul Reapers, as you know,

seek to purify Hollows with
their zanpakuto

and thereby allow them to pass
over into the Soul Society.

But the Quincys believed
the Hollows

deserved only destruction
and sought to annihilate them.


When you think about it,

it was a natural reaction.

Hollows devour human souls.

They k*ll and maim
our friends and family.

Why should they deserve
the peace of the Soul Society?

The Quincys couldn't
understand showing such mercy,

and eventually they began to
hate the Soul Reapers for it.

They were sure the only answer
was to k*ll Hollows.

They believed in
doing so that they were

avenging their fallen comrades.

But then,
it was this same belief

that eventually led
to their destruction.

All right,
if a duel's what you want,

then a duel's
what you'll get.

It's about time, Ichigo.


Why'd you leave me in
that stupid bag all day?

You trying to k*ll me?
I don't care what Rukia says,

don't you ever do that
to me again.

Cough it up.

Wait a sec. Forget what
I said about the bag.

You can put me
back there--


Ko, you better get back.

I'm about to give
Mr. Handicrafts

some stitches to sew.

I'll be over here.

So how does your
little duel work?

Tell me the rules,
and let's get to it.


♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
Someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


Hi, it's Rukia Kuchiki,

the prettiest girl
in the Bleach cast.

And I'd like to read you one of
my many fan letters.

Momako Inakino asks,

"Rukia, what's the secret
to your beauty?"

This is not
a gossip column.

You're just jealous because you
didn't get any fan mail yet.

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