01x13 - Flower and Hollow

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x13 - Flower and Hollow

Post by bunniefuu »



Where could they be?

KON: Ichigo!

Kon. Where the hell
have you been?

Where have I been?

What are you talking
about, Ichigo?

You're the one
who took off without me.

Shut up.

You need to help me
find Yuzu and Karin.

What's the big deal?
They're back home.

I just saw both of them.

You sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.

They're safe and sound.
So what you been up to?


Then I'll go find Uryu.

You take care
of my sisters.

Good luck.

Geez, if I knew they were
gonna make us clean up,

I never would have come
to see what happened.

Instead of lecturing us,
why not make

the ones responsible
do the grunt work?

It's because you made
such a big deal out of it.

What about you?

Yeah, what?

Anyway, didn't it seem like

every one of them
was acting kind of strange?

What the--
What's up with Orihime?

Orihime, you keep looking
so cute and spacey,

and I'll just have
to kiss you.


Just what the hell kind
of nonsense are you
blabbering about?

Oh, yeah?
Yeah, you heard me.

Oh, guess what?

You guys, there's
this TV show I watch.

It's a new episode
I don't wanna miss.

So let's go home.

BOTH: Huh?
Let's hurry.

I'll make us curried
popcorn, Tatsuki.

Hey, what's the rush?
Take it easy, Orihime.

I don't wanna be late.

It's gonna start
any minute.

The first thing I thought was,

I wish I didn't notice.

Then I thought, we have
to get away from here.

I'm certain of it now.

If we stay here,
we're in danger.

Somehow, every cell in my body
is tingling, warning me.

We've got to get away

the situation gets worse.

But I have
to appear calm.

I don't want
the others to know

something bad
is about to happen.


It disappeared?

Orihime, look, I'm sorry.

You two can go ahead.
I've gotta go change.

I'll catch up
with you later.

Tatsuki, no!
Wait! Come back!

Don't worry!
I'll be there in no time!

ORIHIME: But what if
it's still here?

Tatsuki, don't go!



You can see me, can't you?



Damn it!

Damn it!
Damn it! Damn!



Sensei, this is for you.

I will win!


What's wrong now?

Wh-- What are
you looking at?


You have got to run,

Now! Get going!

I won't let you get away.


Not again!

So are you--


What just happened?


I don't know what to do.



What's this?

How cute.

Wow, I don't know what
it was that just hit me,

but I'm bleeding.

Still, it doesn't
really hurt that much.

But, uh--

No, really, I'm fine.

Look, everyone knows you're
adorable when you're crying.

But I like it much better
when you're laughing.

You're hurting me.

What? My hand-- I don't
have control of it.

What's going on?

Why is this happening?


What's going on here?

All hell
is breaking loose.



What's going on?

What have you done
to Chizuru?


I just used
a bit of my powers.


I don't like v*olence.

That's why
I use these seeds

from my forehead
to take control of others

to make you humans
fight amongst yourselves.

But why?

Now, everyone,
it's time to get started.


What's going on?

What's happening?

What have you done to them?



What the hell
are you people doing?

ORIHIME: Tatsuki.

Hey, Orihime,
about that thing over there.

I should've
noticed it sooner.

So you can see
that creature as well?

No, I don't see it.

But I can sense
its presence.

I know exactly where that
thing is that made you cry.

Hey! Yeah, you,
you big blob!

You picked a fight with
the wrong person this time!

See, we have this
long-standing arrangement.

Anyone who makes Orihime cry
gets the snot beat out of 'em.

You don't say?

Move back.



Isn't there even one of you

who can give me a fight?

[GROWLS] Let go.


Run, Tatsuki.



What's happening
to my arm?


Can't you stop?

So how do you feel now?

The seed I shot
into you has begun

to take root in your body.

And in just a little bit,
it'll take control of you.

Soon your body will be mine
to manipulate at will.

Now, how shall
I make you suffer?

Shut up.


I said, shut up.

Let go of her now.

Don't you realize the position
you're in right now?

Soon, you'll have almost
no control of your body.

Here, I'll show you.

[SCREAMS] What do
you think you're doing?

Let go! Let go!

Do you hear me?
I said let go!


You're not worth
controlling. Now die!


O-- Orihime.

Please, don't cry.



Orihime, you have
such beautiful hair.

It's so long and shiny.

That made me so happy.

But when school started...

What's with that
ridiculous hair?

We'll teach you
to be such a show off!

I couldn't tell Sora the truth.

What happened?
Why did you cut your hair?

I just felt
like a change, that's all.

He died soon after that,

and I just got
lonelier and lonelier.

Hello? Earth to Orihime,
anybody home in there?

Hey, so what do you say?
Let's go home. Hm? Heh.


You know,
it's because of you

that I was able to grow
my hair long again.

And I'll never
cut my hair again.

That's because my long
hair proves something.

It proves my trust
in you, Tatsuki.

Thank you for doing
everything you could

to protect me
until now.

So please...

Don't cry!

Orihi-- Orihime.

Tatsuki, this time,
I'll protect you.


Tatsuki said to you,

you picked a fight
with the wrong person.

That's not quite right.

What she should
have said was,

you picked
the wrong person to hurt.

Anyone who tries to hurt Tatsuki
will have to answer to me!

Just what exactly are you?

Using those strange powers.

But how?


Who are you?

TSUBAKI: Come on!
Don't tell me

you didn't
notice us until just now.

Sure, she noticed us.

I'm certain she knew
that we existed.


SHUNO: After all,
once you think about it,

haven't we always been
the ones closest to you?


Hello, Orihime.


We are
the Shun Shun Rikka,

your six princess
shielding flowers.

And we've come here
to protect you.

Now, wait a second.

Why are there a bunch
of little fairies flying around,

talking to me?

Geez, that was
some reaction.

But to be accurate,
we're not fairies.


You see,

we are the powers
from inside your soul.

And each one of us
is a part of you.

And only you
are able to see us.

Uh, well, maybe people like
Ichigo Kurosaki can see us too.


Why him?

Well, it's because of him
that we were born.

You talk too much!


All right,
listen up.

You don't need to know who
we are or where we came from.

All you need to know is that
we're a part of your powers.

You're pretty bossy
for somebody so tiny.

Real funny!

Just shut up and learn
how to use us right now.

Learn how to use you?
That's right.

You can use our power
to construct a shield

to reject
any spirit att*cks.

In order
to activate this shield,

you must use your heart and
our kotodama, a spirit chant.

K-- Kotodama?

Wait a second.
It's coming.

So what are you doing
mumbling to yourself?

Tell me, young girl.


It's time, Orihime.
Now, call out our names!

I am Hinagiku!

I am Baigon!

My name's Lily!

Stay calm.

You must summon them
with your kotodama.

Now repeat after me.

Hinagiku, Baigon,
Lily, hurry!

Hinagiku, Baigon, Lily!

I reject!

I reject!


Their powers let them
create a shield between you

and your enemy and then reject
what's outside that shield

so they're able to protect you
from any outside attack.

You see,
we have the ability

to reject
what is within a shield.

We are able to make a defined
space with our shield.

And then we can
reverse any damage

that has been inflicted
inside that space.

Now, say our names.
I am Shuno.

And I'm Ayame.

Shuno, Ayame.

Now recite our kotodama.


I reject!

Quit it!

This is no time for tears.
I'm up next, missy.

I'm able to reject on both sides
by blowing a hole in the enemy

and creating a shield inside,
which cuts the enemy in half.

Now you must say
my name.

It is Tsubaki.

Then recite my kotodama.


I reject!





I did it.

HINAGIKU: Orihime.

LILY: Orihime!
HINAGIKU: Orihime.

Oh, well.
I guess using

all of our powers at once
was too much for her.

LILY: On the other hand, Orihime
did really well, didn't she?



Huh? The man's not here.

Are you sure that
this is the place?

I'm sure this is it.

The man was beaten up
and left lying right here.

ISSHIN: Karin,
I cannot believe this!

You are such a liar!

I'm not a liar!

The guy was right here,
and he was hurt.


That's all right, Karin.

I think I know what
you're doing here.

Daddy's been so busy
with his work lately,

he's had almost
no time for you, has he?

But there's no need
to make up wild stories

just to get
your father's attention.

Karin, come on over

and give your hunky dad
a big old hug.


Thatta girl.

You're an idiot, Dad.

I think maybe
we should go home now.

This place gives me
the creeps.

My nose!


You're hopeless.

Looks to me like
another happy ending.



You're up.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Um, Chad?

So where are we?

Don't know.

MAN: I see
you're finally awake.


I'm not too sure.

But apparently, this guy must've
been the one who saved us.

Well, I suppose that's
one way to look at it.

Now then,
where should I begin?

Damn it.

Damn that Uryu.

I'll make him pay
for doing this.

I can't k*ll them with
just one shot anymore.

Something's wrong.

I'm losing my strength,
and there are far

too many Hollows coming
for that small amount of bait.

It's as if they were lured here
by an even greater force

yet to reveal itself
or its purpose.

But none of that matters.

Sensei, I swear to you
I will avenge your death.

Hakuro, number four!


Damn it!

These Hollows are small fry,
practically harmless,

yet I can't beat them.

After two months
in this Gigai,

I still don't have
my strength back.


Is that Ichigo?


KON: I've wanted to do this
for so long!

You're Kon, right?

It even feels good
to get kicked like this.

Kon, this is no time
to be acting like an idiot.

Wait. If you're back
in Ichigo's body again,

then Ichigo must've gotten
transformed into a Soul Reaper.

Check it out, sis.
Look behind you.


That's a good sign.

this area's safe.

Rukia Kuchiki.

So this is actually
the first time

I've spoken
to you face to face.

Is he ignoring me?


I get it.
So this is all your doing.

Yes, I started
this contest between me
and the Soul Reaper.

Now what?

No need to worry.

I have no intention of letting
any innocent bystanders die.

Ichigo may run out of
strength during the battle.

But even if he does,
I will protect

the citizens of this town.

Then, while the Soul Reaper
stands by and watches,

I alone
will k*ll the Hollows.


If I can't
accomplish that,

then this whole battle
is meaningless.

I hope you mean it.


Now, just what are
you saying here?

Excuse me, but all this stuff
about Soul Reapers

and Hollows
is just so sudden.

Then tell me,
do you deny the fact

that you were att*cked
just now?


Ichigo Kurosaki,
a Soul Reaper,

is fighting Hollows
even as we speak.

And the strong spiritual energy
he has released

during that fight
has had an influence on you.

So now you know.

However, it's all up to you
whether or not you choose

to open the gate
that has appeared before you.


MAN: Excuse me, boss.

The Sky Rift is
beginning to open.

And the preparations?
All set.

Well, then, let's go.

You did want proof?


Then come see for yourself
what lies beyond the gate.



BOTH: Huh?

So I found you, Uryu.





♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
Someone to come along ♪

♪ Who's gonna comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


ISSHIN: Time for Isshin
Kurosaki's Fatherly Love 101!

Now everyone, all together,
a father's love is strong!

A father's love will win!

A father's love
is beautiful!

A father's love is--

ICHIGO: How many times have
I told you this is a preview?

ISSHIN: But son,
the next episode is great!
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