01x14 - Back to Back, a Fight to the Death!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x14 - Back to Back, a Fight to the Death!

Post by bunniefuu »



You better get ready,
Uryu Ishida,

because I'm gonna beat
the hell out of you.

Do you know that?

Oh no, you don't!


ICHIGO: To you, this is
just a contest to see

which of us can k*ll
the most Hollows,

but I'm not interested
in playing your game.

Fight me!

If you're so sure that Quincys
are superior to Soul Reapers,

then why don't
you prove it right now.

Or are you too afraid?

What are you
waiting for? Come on!

Ichigo, wait.
What do you want?

Look up there.

What the hell?

The Hollows.

They're gathering.


Where are you

There are
too many of 'em.

Now who's afraid, Ichigo?


If you don't have the guts,
stay back here and watch.

I told you before,
I am the winner!

URYU: Down here,
filthy Hollows!

I, Uryu Ishida, the last
of the Quincys, challenge you!

Is he really
the last one?

It was thought they all
became extinct
200 years ago.

Well, not exactly.

They were systematically
k*lled by the Soul Reapers.

As you can imagine,

it was a very difficult
and painful decision

for the Soul Reapers.

But in the end, it became
necessary to destroy

the Quincys because
it was the only way

to prevent the
destruction of this world.

Soul Reapers were also referred
to by other names back then.

They were called
Balancers or Regulators.

What did they balance?

RUKIA: The number of souls
in the Souls Society

and in the human world does not
change by much as time goes by.

They just trade places
between the two worlds.

It's the job of Soul Reapers
to regulate that,

to keep the balance.

It worked until the Quincys
disrupted the equation.

The Quincys didn't
cleanse the Hollows.

They destroyed them

This meant that any soul
which left the Soul Society

for the human world
would never return.

If things
had continued that way,

the balance between the two
worlds would have collapsed.

It would have meant
the apocalypse.


RUKIA: So there were
many meetings

between the Soul Reapers
and the Quincys,
but to no avail.

The Quincys refused
to listen to reason.

there was no choice.

The order was given
for the Quincys' annihilation.

Many have accused
the Soul Reapers

of arrogance
for their actions.

What the--?

They just keep on coming.



[IN MIND] Ichigo Kurosaki,
you are completely insane.


All right, Uryu.

Now I understand why you think
Soul Reapers are your enemies.

I don't know who is right
and who was wrong,

the Soul Reapers
or the Quincys.

But it was so long ago
that I don't see

how it matters anymore.

But I'll tell you one thing
I know for sure, Uryu,

your methods
are completely--

URYU: That's all
ancient history.

I don't care about
some slaughter

that happened
200 years ago.

It's just one more fact
that was passed down

to me from my sensei.

In fact,
when I heard that story,

I think I sided
more with the Soul Reapers

than I did
with the Quincys.

That is, until
my sensei was m*rder*d.

After much thought,

I must conclude that
in the end, the Quincy had

only themselves
to blame for failing

to heed the warnings
of the Soul Reapers.

But why, Sensei?

How can you say that
when it was the Quincys

that were wiped out?

It does seem cruel.

So many lives were
cut short so young.

But the memory of
those souls who are lost

is what is important now,
and to worry about who was right

and who was wrong
is meaningless.

We must do all we can,
Uryu, to prevent

such a tragedy from
ever happening again.

That is the lesson
I want you to learn

so that such sadness
will never again occur

in the lives of humans
or Soul Reapers.

He was a kind, gentle man
with no hatred in his heart.

To the very end, he tried
to convince the Soul Reapers

that Quincys
were necessary.

He kept encouraging them
to work together,

suggesting new ways
to fight the Hollows.

But the Soul Reapers
always had the same answer

to his efforts-- don't
interfere with our work.

Then one day five Hollows
appeared and surrounded sensei.

It was obvious that he couldn't
take them on his own,

and yet not one Soul Reaper
came to his aid.

They knew
about the Hollows.

Sensei was under
constant surveillance,

and yet it was two hours
before they finally arrived.

If only they had listened
to his advice.

If only they had heeded
his warning.

Then he wouldn't
have been alone.

Help would have
reached him in time,

and sensei wouldn't
have wound up dead.

Now do you understand,
Ichigo Kurosaki?

That's the reason
that this is so important,

why I have to prove to you
and to all Soul Reapers

the superior strength
of the Quincy!

I realized that
our methods are different,

that our ways of thinking
are at opposite poles,

so if you really
believe my way is wrong,

then stay back and watch.

Watch and witness
the true power of--

Shut up already!

What is your problem?

You messed up
your own story.

Your sensei
wouldn't want you to prove

the strength
of the Quincys.

You said it yourself.
His greatest hope

was for Quincys
and Soul Reapers
to work together.

Isn't that right?

Come on,
think about it.

When will you ever
have a better chance

to do that then right here
surrounded by enemies?

You say we're
at opposite poles,

but I say when two warriors
are heavily outnumbered,

the trick is
to fight back to back.

Very well.

Now that was nice.

I didn't do it for you.

I only did it because
they were about to attack me.

So what?
That's all right.

It's k*ll or be k*lled.

more important here is,

together we can k*ll
a lot more.

Isn't that a good enough reason
for us to join forces?

After all, we both share
the same single-minded purpose.

We both have reasons
to want to destroy

as many Hollows
as we can.

URYU: You know my reason,
but what's yours?

ICHIGO: My mother was k*lled
by a Hollow.


I'm sure you'll agree
that's enough of a reason

all by itself, but there's
still more to it than that.

After all
the agony I suffered,

I want to make sure others
don't suffer the way I did.

My father and my sisters
went through so much pain

after Mom was k*lled.

It was so hard
for me to watch.


That's something
I don't ever want to see again,

that sadness
in their faces.

So that such sadness
will never again occur

in the lives
of humans or Soul Reapers.

I'm not
a superhero.

I know that I can't protect
everybody in the world,

but that doesn't mean
I'm gonna be content

protecting only the people
I can hold in my arms either.

I am going to protect as many
people as I possibly can.

Your method of using bait to
deliberately draw Hollows here

just to prove a point is
only endangering innocent lives.

I don't agree
with that, but right now

is not the time
for arguments.

We've got to work
together, you and me.

So what do you say?

URYU: What do I say?

I think
you talk too much,

but I understand
what you're saying.

I have to help
you survive this battle

or you won't be around
for me to kick your butt!

Sounds like a plan!


What the--?



Look at the sky.

What's that?

I-- I don't know.

Oh, no, is that
what I think it is?

It can't be.

What is that huge thing?
Tell me.

That's not your everyday,
garden variety Hollow.

That little bit of bait I used
can't possibly have drawn this.

Maybe not,
but it's here.

BOTH: Here they come!

BOTH: Huh?

I'm sorry we're so late.

We just love the triple!

I thought you might need
a little assistance, Ichigo.

Mr. Hat and Clogs.

And if you don't mind me
making a suggestion,

why don't my crew
and I take care of these
small fries for you, Ichigo,

while you go concentrate
on that big guy?

Oh, uh, you should probably get
started before it's too late.

Menos Grande.

Menos what?

It's a huge Hollow,

born from
hundreds and hundreds

of Hollows mixed and folded
and crushed together.

Until now,
I've never seen it

except for illustrations
in textbooks.

Menos Grande.

I don't know
what we can do.

Only one group
can handle this thing,

the Royal
Special Task Force.

Menos Grande is way too much
for any single Soul Reaper.

That thing is too big
for any of our weapons.

Ha, just because it's overfed
doesn't change anything.

We're just gonna have
to chop a little more.

Yep, and the bigger they are,
the harder they fall.

Come on. Together, we'll take
that ugly sucker down.

Let's go, Uryu.

don't be crazy!

RUKIA: Ichigo?
Ichigo, stop!

You two aren't enough
to go up against Menos Grande.


Urahara, are you trying
to get Ichigo k*lled out there?

Of course not.
Just watch.

There is a method
to my madness.


This is a battle
that must be fought.

This is a binding spell.

It is for Ichigo,
and for you too, Rukia.


I told you
that would happen.

Damn it.

Hey, Ichigo.
So can you get up?

Sure, I'm good as new.

That was the dumbest charge
I think I've ever seen.

What were you thinking?

Did you actually think
that would work?


ICHIGO: Well, I figured
if I just kept chopping away

on him like a giant tree,
I'd eventually bring him down

to the point where
I could whack him on the head.

I can't believe
you're acting like this is

some kind of
little kid's game.

Now get up and let's try
a different strategy.


What is this?

URYU: There's power flowing
into me from his sword.

This must be Ichigo's power.

What'll I try next?

URYU: Ichigo, look.

What did you do, Uryu?

How did your bow
get so big?

Just be quiet and listen.

I think there actually may be
a way we can defeat this thing.

Are you ready to do it?

CHAD: Orihime, do you see
Ichigo, and Uryu next to him?

Mr. Urahara said to watch
from here, so... uh...

Does he mean we should watch,
so when the time comes,

we'll be able to choose
the path we'll walk?

The truth is, I haven't
forgotten a single thing

that happened
that horrible night.

But having seen my brother
as a monster,

and he and Ichigo trying
to k*ll each other,

it would be easier
if I could forget.


Well, what are
we supposed to do now?


Now we are ready
to fight that thing.

You're not serious?
This won't work.

Just do what I say.

You've got to release
all of your spirit energy

at once
while we're connected.

That way, I should be able
to harness the power

and sh**t
an enormous arrow.

It's the best way
to use all of your energy.

Right now,
you're just wasting it.

Well, you don't have
to be so insulting about it.

Argh, quick taking things
so personally

and just release
that energy already!

How do I do that?

You mean to tell me
you don't know?

What's been your method
for battling

with the Hollows
all this time?

Just instinct.

Just instinct?

But that's impossible.

I never did really
understand that stuff.

I figured my spirit energy
was pretty much

at its maximum level.



Oh, no.

The Cero.

Does he intend to release
a Doom Blast right here?

RUKIA: You've got to run,
both of you!

If you're hit by that,
there'll be nothing left of you!

[IN MIND]: This will work.
I'm sure of it.

Ichigo, grab that sword
and let's do it.

I meant
let's do it together!

What's he doing?

I'm feeling extraordinary
spiritual pressure.

Ichigo's power,
it's actually increasing.

ICHIGO: I figured my spirit
energy was pretty much

at its maximum level.

URYU: But there's no way
that can be.

If someone's spirit energy
was always at maximum,

it would all drain away
in no time,

no matter
how much he had.

Ichigo says he can't control
the spirit energy at all.

He must have
an incredible amount

to let it spill out the way
he does and still have more.

It's like a faucet
that's been left turned on

with the water
gushing out.

Most people will
quickly turn it off,

but if Ichigo were to do that,
if his spirit energy

were to stay bottled up,
then soon the spirit pressure

would begin to skyrocket,
just like it is now.

And then,
if through some incident,

that pressure were
to be suddenly released...


I think it's time.



He cut it open.

Menos is retreating.

I win!

What in the world is he?

Well done.

Now I can understand
why the boss

has been keeping
an eye on this one.


Well, what's
the matter, Uryu,

you don't have
anything to say?

I just saved your butt
and cleaned up your mess too.

It seems like you could
at least say thank you,

or congratulations
or something.

That's weird.

I can't move.

What's happening?

The zanpakuto,
it's breaking down.

Ichigo released all
his spirit energy at one time.

It looks like it's put
way too much strain on his body.


I've got to do something
before it's too late.


I must endure the pain!

I think I can save him
if I can release

Ichigo's out of control
spirit energy bit by bit

by firing arrows until
his energy level stabilizes.

What do you think
you're doing?

URYU: Shut up!

But Uryu, your arm
is getting torn apart.

I said, shut up!

How many times
do I have to tell you?

I have to make sure
you survive

so I have someone
to pummel in the future.

Stay alive, Soul Reaper,

so I can beat
the hell out of you,

and so you can try to do
the same to me, Ichigo.


URYU: Damn it.

My need to prove myself
against Soul Reapers

is responsible
for all of this.

Forgive me, sensei.

I've always blamed
Soul Reapers for your death,

just so I could
avoid blaming myself

because I wasn't willing
to risk my life to save you.

But I know
you never hated Soul Reapers.

Your sincerest wish
was for Quincys

and Soul Reapers
to join together.

So today, I'm going to save
a Soul Reaper's life.

I'm a weak disciple,
sensei, a weak apprentice

unable to give
his life for you.

Can you ever forgive me...



How am I supposed
to beat up that guy?

He's just so pathetic.



Hey, how are you all?

I'm Kon, the superstar
of the world of Bleach.

And I've got good news,
because right after this

comes my own
brand new special.

Even the Soul Society
is shocked.

Mr. Kon's Soul
Reapers Dictionary

is about to start,
so stay tuned. Ow!

I've never heard of that!

KON: No, it's not
for real this time!
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