01x08 - The Path to the Pokémon League

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x08 - The Path to the Pokémon League

Post by bunniefuu »


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


NARRATOR: With two Pokémon
badges pinned to his jacket,

our hero, Ash, marches boldly
along the path to, uh-

the path to-

-Where are we going?

How many times do I have
to tell you?

Vermilion City.

It's got a luxury cruise ship,

and I'm dying to see it.

We won't have time
for sightseeing.

I've heard that there's
a really great gym

in Vermilion.

-A gym?
All right!

I'm gonna win my third badge.

Let's go!
-Don't get your hopes up.

There are a lot
of tough trainers around here.

Ah, bring 'em on!

I bet none of 'em has
even one Pokémon badge.


Pidgeotto, finish it!


Oh, Rattata!

And I win!

That's number ten!

OPPONENT: You're a really great
Pokémon trainer.

Well, I guess I was
pretty good there.

You've got badges.

Oh, you mean these?

You got two?

I think getting him
those badges was a mistake.


Pika, pika.

I bet you could even beat A.J.

-Yeah, he lives over there.

A.J. trains savage Pokémon.

He built his own gym.

He's never lost a single match.

Until now.

He hasn't come against somebody
like me.

He's getting a big head.

Yeah, but his brain's still
the same size.

Pika, pika.


Look at that!

This gym isn't even licensed
by the Pokémon League.

Undefeated? Big deal!

I can beat him.

wins in a row.

You may have won ten battles,

but he's won almost ten times
more matches than you have.

I go for quality, not quantity!

Are you my next victim?

You must be
the wild Pokémon trainer.

That's my job.

But beating chumps like you
is my hobby.

Ready to lose?



Now, this is not too shabby
at all.

Free! Free!

ALL: Huh?

What's in the backpack?

The wild Pokémon
that I just caught.

There's a whole bunch more
in the tent and then some.

Hey, can I see them
after the match?

If you want.

So which Pokémon
are you gonna choose

for my th win?




I'm afraid you're gonna have
to change your sign

after this match.

You'll be "formerly undefeated."

You may think
that you're hot stuff, kid,

but you're not playing

in the Pokémon
little league anymore.


After I win matches
in a row,

I'll start competing for badges.

That means he's only
two wins away.

And he'll be extra psyched
to win.

wins and you still
don't have a badge?

That's tough luck, A.J.

I have ten wins and I've won
two Pokémon badges.

Did you buy those badges
or steal them?

Either that or you competed
in some loser gyms.

Where were they,
Failure City or Wimpsville?


What do you mean, loser gyms?

-Hey, Ash!
Pulverize this guy.


Let's get started, then.

Sandshrew, go!


A Sandshrew, huh?

This should be interesting.

Let's be careful now, Ash.

Remember, Sandshrew is
a ground type,

so Pikachu's electricity is
no good against it.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

I don't need your help.

Pidgeotto, I choose you!



Sandshrew, go.

Pidgeotto, dive at it!


Ash is lucky.

The flying Pokémon should have
the advantage here.


Too bad Sandshrew can't fly.




Finish it!

Pidgeotto, return!


Butterfree, I choose you!


You can do it!

Flying versus ground should be
no problem.

That's you think, kid.

Now watch and weep.

Go! Stun Spore!



That Sandshrew is well-trained.

He controls it with a crack
of his whip like a lion tamer.






It's not so free anymore.


Come on, Pikachu.

You've got to help your friends.



Nice work.

That Sandshrew is very tempting.

We should grab it.

Looks fat.

You two got to carry it.

The outfit that trainer is
wearing is positively hideous.

That shirt looks like
it's from a century or two ago.

He'd fit right in perfectly
at a museum.

At least he doesn't look like
he's trick-or-treating

like you do.



And that makes
victory number .

It's not fair.

I'm the one with the badges.

How 'bout two out of three?

Stop whining, kid.

Nobody wants to compete
against a crybaby.

Hey, there's something
fishy here.

I didn't have
any problems winning

until I battled in your ring.

How do I know this whole match
wasn't rigged?

That's it.
You cheated!

How else could Sandshrew
defeat Butterfree?

Flying Pokémon always have
the advantage

over ground Pokémon.

Chill out.

What do you say we go replay
the match someplace else, huh?

Ash doesn't know
when to quit, does he?

That A.J. sure is strong.

I don't get it.
How is he so good?

One more chance.

Come back when you grow up.

It's not fair.


Looks like you'll have
to rethink the way you train.

What do you mean?

You call that last match
a fight?

ALL: Huh?

It's time
for some serious training.






Get back in the water!

Knock it off!



Now what do you want,
a swimmin' match?

You're hurting Sandshrew.

Mind your own business.

I don't need any amateurs

teaching me how
to train Pokémon.

You call that training?

What's that?
It looks like a straitjacket.

That's no straitjacket.

It's a strength intensifier.

Who invented that thing?

I did.

It's my own secret w*apon

for unleashing
a Pokémon's powers.

Sandshrew, back in the pool!


But Sandshrews are weakened
by water.

-I know that.
-You'll hurt it!

Sandshrew, dive!

Nice dive.


Good work.

The water doesn't weaken
your Sandshrew?

You're looking at
the only Sandshrew in the world

that's strong enough
to withstand water.

Sandshrew, pick up your pacing!



Hey, wait.

I thought you said pacing,
not passing.



I said padding.

I mean, I said pacing!


Why are you so tough
on Sandshrew?

I have to be tough,

but I ask no more of Sandshrew
than I do of myself:

the very best.

But you aren't nearly as tough

on any of your other Pokémon.

That's because Sandshrew
is the first Pokémon

I ever caught.

I will never forget that moment.

We promised to do
whatever it took

to become the greatest Pokémon
and trainer of all time.

Nothing would stop us
from reaching our dream,

no matter how difficult
our path.

Enduring fierce storms
and raging winds,

we've sacrificed everything
to achieve our dream.

And it was worth it.

We're an unbeatable team.

What you're doing is wrong.

A great trainer should make
friends with his Pokémon.

Why should I listen to you?

Hey, Brock, don't you have
anything to say about this?

I do.

Your Pokémon are all
in great shape.

What kind of Pokémon food
do you give them?


My own recipe.

Come on, I'll show you.

To get the results I want,

I have to carefully monitor
the Pokémon diets.

Of course, the recipe is secret.

Oh, yeah, of course.

You know, I mix my own food too.




Insulated gloves?


Big rubber ball?

Check, check, check-a-rooni.

Team Rocket will do
what it has to do...

To snatch that little Pikachu.

Maybe we should go back
to our old motto.

This one doesn't feel right.

Hey, how about
a theme-Meowth song?

And I can even do
a little dance solo.

Everyone loves me-ooh-thic.

-A song's no good.

A dance won't work.


Here's a line you'll like.

And what's that?

How about, "choreography
k*lled the cat"?

ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Sandshrew!




Okay, you wimps get
a -minute break.






Now what do you want?

Your Pokémon are
totally wiped out.

You better believe it.

In this gym, we live by the rule

"no pain, no gain."

But judging by your little
stuffed Pikachu over there,

you don't follow any rules.

-It's not a stuffed Pikachu.
Take it back!

Hey, did you hear me?

I said take it back!


Don't, Ash!

You don't win badges for being
buddy buddy with a Pokémon!

-It's not a stuffed Pikachu!
-Knock it off, you two!

Isn't there a rule against
splashing in the pool?


Pika, pika, chu...


I'm getting dizzy.

-Stop complaining.
Look for Pikachu.

JESSIE: Roll over there.

JAMES: What's that?

JESSIE: Could it be Pikachu?

MEOWTH: Yeah, that's it.
Now hurry!

All that rolling
made me nauseous.

JAMES: Got it.

JESSIE: Let's go.

MEOWTH: Hurry! I feel sick!

-Watch where you're going!
-This way!

MEOWTH: Hey, take it easy.

Ah, my leg fell asleep.

I wish your mouth would.

Why do you keep hanging
around here?

There must be other trainers
you can bother.

Yeah, right.

Ding! Ding!

-Time's up.
Back to work, all of you!

Hey, where's Sandshrew?

Well, that's weird.

What's your Pikachu doing?




It's no use.

-Here, give it to me.


Pikachu, you're okay.

Pikachu, have you
seen Sandshrew?


You haven't.


Where are you?

Maybe it ran away.

What are you talking about?

The way you treat your Pokémon,

I'm surprised
they all haven't run away.

Sandshrew and I have been
together for a long time.

Yeah, I know,

but when Sandshrew saw how well
Pikachu and I get along,

it thought, "I deserve better.

I'll find a trainer who treats
me like Ash treats Pikachu."

Sandshrew would not break
the promise we made,

not after
all we've been through,

not just before
our th victory!


-Now move it.
Go find Sandshrew.



Those clowns will never
catch up with us.

-I'm exhausted.
You take the bag now.

But a real gentleman
always carries the bag.

Is that so?

Well, as you know,
I'm no gentleman.




You've all had enough of A.J.

and the way he pushes you
around, haven't you?

Well, you don't have to put up
with it anymore,

because now you can come
with me.

Anyone who's coming with me,
raise your hand!

Just raise your hand.

Get 'em up there.

Ash is making a fool
of himself again.


You see what happens when you
try to start a mutiny in my gym?

My Pokémon are all loyal.

So then where's Sandshrew?





A.J. and all his Pokémon
sure are happy

that Sandshrew is back.



How could they possibly
pick him over me?

A.J. is tough,
but as you can see,

he cares deeply for his Pokémon.


Wow, A.J. does care
about them.


Pika, pi, chu!

What is it?


So then, it must've been
Team Rocket

that kidnapped Sandshrew.

Wake up.



Hey, where am I?

What's going on here?


How am I gonna get out
of this mess?

Prepare for trouble.

Make that double.


Ugh, Team Rocket.

Use the old motto.

To protect the world
from devastation...

To unite all peoples
within our nation...

[TOGETHER] To denounce the evils
of truth and love,

to extend our reach
to the stars above...



Team Rocket, blast off
at the speed of light!

Surrender now
or prepare to fight.

That's right!

-That felt great.
We don't need a theme song.

It's a classic.

So these are the creeps
who kidnapped my Sandshrew?

Mm, that was
an unfortunate mix-up.

We have no interest
in your second-rate Sandshrew.


The only Pokémon we want
is Pikachu.

You can keep
all those other wimps.

Wimps, are they?

-That's it!

I'll take care of this.

No one insults my Pokémon
and gets away with it.

Let's step outside.




Team Rocket has insulted
our gym!

We'll answer them
with our th win.

- th.
-That's right.

As Sandshrew and I vowed.

Good luck!

Your small talk
will cost you big-time!

Ekans, go!

Your turn, Koffing!



Sandshrew, go!


Ekans, Bind it now!




It's so strong.

-Good work!

Koffing, Sludge Attack!


Meowth, don't just stand there.


Stop pussyfooting around!

Just biting my time.


The moment of tooth!

-Finish it!
Sandshrew, Fissure Strike!




Go, Sandshrew!

Drill into the ground
till it splits!





That's it!
I forfeit the match!


Come back here!

Meowth, where are you going?

To write us a theme song!

-Not that again!

We did it, Sandshrew!

We finally reached
victory number !


Today, all our sacrifices
and hard work

have finally paid off!

Now we can start winning
our badges.

When I return here, I'm gonna be

the number one Pokémon master.

Why don't you come along
with us?

Thanks, but Sandshrew and I
have our own path

that we must follow.

Someday, we'll meet again

at the big Pokémon League

Okay, but next time,
you better be in shape,

'cause I only want to beat
expert trainers.

That's a deal.

So long!

He's tough, but pretty cool.

Yeah, looks like you've found
another rival.

A.J., I'm not gonna lose
next time!

I'll train hard to become

the greatest Pokémon master
in the world,

following my own path.

There are many paths that lead

to the Pokémon League,

and Ash is just beginning
to discover his own.

What lies on that path
is unknown,

but one thing's for sure:

he'll never forget the name
of that place

with the great gym again.

Don't go away!

The Pokérap is next!



It's that time again.

Pokémon five days a week.

That's about or so each day.

-It's not too hard.
Just listen real good.

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

At least or more to see

to be a Pokémon master

is my destiny

Okay, so today was pretty easy.

But you got to put
all five days together.

It's the only way to name
all .

Catch you here tomorrow.

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all
Ooh, gotta catch 'em all

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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