01x36 - The Bridge Bike g*ng

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x36 - The Bridge Bike g*ng

Post by bunniefuu »


-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


-Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


With fond memories

of the Safari Zone
fresh in their minds,

our heroes
continue on their journey.

Feels weird to be
back in a city, huh, Misty?

Sure does.

Being out in the jungle
was great,

but it's kind of nice
to come back to civilization.

Hey, Pikachu,
let's have a humongous meal

when we get to
the Pokémon Center.

Pika! Pika!

MISTY: I want a hot dog!

BROCK: I want a deep dish
extra cheese pizza!


-Hey, what's that thing?
-What thing?

-Let's go see!
-Wait for us, Ash!


Look at that!


That's an amazing bridge!

So it's been completed already.


The map says
it's still under construction,

but if it's completed,

we can go straight to Sunny Town
on the opposite shore

without going
all the way around.


We'll cross the bridge
and get to the next town.

Come on! Let's go!


Well, I'm afraid the bridge
isn't completely finished.

See there?
ALL: Huh?

That means we can't take
the shortcut.

Even if it were finished,

this bridge
is only for cars anyway.

The bridge is only for cars?

Couldn't we just walk across it?

Well, this bridge
is over ten miles long.

It'd be dark before you reached
the other side.

Ten miles long?

Of course you might be able
to cross if you had bicycles.



-Hey, Norman!
-Ride safely.

I thought you said
the bridge isn't finished.

The road isn't finished,
but the bicycle path is.

-Hi, girls!

If you had bikes,
you could cross too.

-Wish we did.


If a certain someone here

hadn't totally
destroyed my bike,

we could be just zipping
right across this bridge now,

couldn't we?

-Well, yeah. Maybe.


It's no use.
We can't afford these.



Let's go to the Pokémon Center
and figure out a plan.

Sounds good to me.

I'll probably come up
with a brilliant idea.

Well, what's
your brilliant plan?

-Will you be quiet?
I'm still thinking of it.



Excuse me,
if you could spare some time,

would you mind helping me out?

ALL: Huh?


Please let me help!
I just love caring for Pokémon.

It's my life.

Please, miss.

Uh, by the way,
are you by any chance

related to the Joy
in Gringy City?

I'm her cousin.

Ah, but you're much,
much prettier than she is.

That's just fine, but...

I'm worried about the Pokémon
in Sunny Town,

just over the bridge,
that's very sick.



I need someone
to deliver this medicine

to the Pokémon Center
in Sunny Town.

Normally I'd go myself,

but I'm too busy
with sick Pokémon

to leave the center right now.

It's just over the bridge,

That's right.

But we don't have any bicycles.

No problem.

I'll let you use some
of our bicycles.



We'll do anything we can

if it's to help a sick Pokémon.

Even if that means we'll have to

zip across the bridge on bikes.

That's great!

The bikes are
in the parking lot.

And thank you!



I'd be happy to stay here
and help you if you need me.

Come on, Brock!


Hurry up, guys!

Brock, I'm doing
all the pedaling.

-Pika! Pika!


You see, we're getting
to cross the bridge after all.

-Right, Ash.
We sure got lucky.


They're ridin' on
the bike path across the bridge.

Ha! We've got them right
where we want them.

Ya think we got a chance
this time?

Well, it's not like this place
is new to us, you know.

You could almost call it
our home town.

Isn't that right, James?

So we'll have
the home team advantage.

Prepare to attack.

I'm a little busy here.

This is a great workout!

Yeah, and since we lucked
into those bikes,

it won't be long
till we're in Sunny Town.

Right, Brock.


Time to hit the road.




-Uh-oh. Who're they?
-It's a bicycle g*ng.

Uh, a bicycle g*ng?

I think we better
get outta here.



I don't think
I've seen you before.

Uh, we're not really
from around here.

So see ya.
-Hold it!

You ain't gonna cross
this bridge

without a proper introduction.

-Yeah. That's right.
-Tell em', boss.

-Uh, hello.
-It's a pleasure.

Very nice to meet you.

ALL: See ya again sometime!

That's no introduction!

When we say introduction,
we mean Pokémon battle.

A Pokémon battle?

All right.
I accept.

I'd do anything
for an introduction

to a girl like you.

Would you go out with me?


-Get lost, loser.

I only care about my bike
and my g*ng.

Is that a no?

All right.

Let's get started.

Then we'll see who's the master.


You think you can play
with the big boys?

I'll send you home crying.

Golem, go!


What's that?

A megaton Pokémon.

Once a year,
it sheds its bedrock shell

and grows larger.

Okay, then.

I choose...



Bulbasaur. Vine Whip.


Your Pokémon
needs more practice.

That wimpy Vine Whip Attack

is never never gonna
get through Golem's shell.


-All right, Golem.
Tackle Attack!





Are you okay, Bulbasaur?



Return, Bulbasaur.

Charmander, I choose you.

Char! Char!


Char! Char!

-Heh! Tryin' to heat things up?
It ain't gonna happen.

Go, Golem!
Rock Throw now!

Golem! Go!

Charmander, Flame Thrower!


Charmander, Fire Spin now.


Ha! I wonder how long
it can take this.

Golem. Tackle Attack now.


Charmander, run!



Golem, return.


Now it's my turn to show you.

I choose you, Cloyster.

Crush this wimp!


Huh? What's a Cloyster?

A bivalve Pokémon.

Its shell is incredibly strong
and resistant to a b*mb.

Its shell only opens
when it att*cks.

Okay, no sweat.

-It's a water Pokémon.
Just leave it to me.

-You battle?


This should be quick.

Which one would be best

against Cloyster's hard shell?

I know.

Starmie, go!


Psyduck, what're you doing here?

I wanted Starmie, not you.


Well, now that you're out,
give it a try.


Psyduck, psyduck, psyduck.

Psyduck, psyduck, psyduck.

Psy? Psy?

I've never seen
such a pathetic Pokémon.


ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Cloyster!




My gut hurts!


Use your Tail Whip Attack.


Psy, psy, psy, psy, psy,
psy, psy, psy, psy.


Pika-pi. Pikachu.

Psy. psy, psy, psy, psy,
psy, psy, psy, psy.



And we were
supposed to be attacking.

Psyduck, scratch it now!




Ah, let 'em laugh.

Just wait'll they see Psyduck's
real power.


use your Disable Attack.


Oh, just attack, you dumb duck!

Go on and use
your Confusion Attack.



Can't you remember
your own att*cks?

Misty it's because its headache

isn't bad enough yet.

-Come on, Cloyster!
Score a knockout!

Go for the head!
Go for the head!

They're even startin'
to cheer for our side.

Cloyster, clamp it
with your shell.



Looks like this battle's over.

Psyduck needs help.

I'll have to give it
a headache myself!

Don't do it, Misty!

ALL: Huh?

Looks like
the next town wants to rumble.

Who is that?

JESSIE: Prepare for trouble.

JAMES: Make it double.

To protect the world
from devastation.

To unite all peoples
within our nation.

To denounce the evils
of truth and love.

To extend our reach
to the stars above.



-Team Rocket.
Blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now,
or prepare to fight.

That's right.

Tyra, it's been awhile.

Big Jess!

You're lookin' good, Chopper.

Little Jim.

-Big Jess and Little Jim?
What's that about?

Well, nerd...

We had a pretty bad reputation
here back in the old days.

You were "Chainer Jessie."


Big Jess was really cool,

swinging her chain around
while she rode her bicycle.

And then there
was "Trainer James."

Little Jim was the only one
in the bike g*ng

who had to use training wheels.


I suppose
we really were crazy back then.

Well, I guess our secret past
isn't secret anymore.

I kind of wish
it still was a secret.


But I see you're still
into kid stuff,

riding around on bicycles.

Real gangs ride unicycles.

I guess your cycle g*ng

must save a ton of money
on handlebars.

Tyra, we're not in a g*ng.

We are members
of the famous Team Rocket!

BOTH: Team Rocket!

And I'd like to have
all of you help us

to take care
of these little pests

that are always
ruining our plans.

I'll do anything
for Jess and Jim.

Then capture
all of their Pokémon.


-Let's go!
-Come on!



Hey, who's causing
all the trouble

on this bike path?

The cops! Let's split!

I thought
you were going to help us.

They're all a bunch
of scaredy-cats.

I'm gettin'
kind of scared myself.

BOTH: Uh-huh.

So you're just trying to deliver

Pokémon medicine to Sunny Town?

Right, Joy, the beautiful
Pokémon Center nurse sent us.

Of course, she can't compare
with you, Officer Jenny.

You need to get there,
so I'll give you an escort.


This is three-zero-three.

Over and out.

There's been an accident.
I'll have to go.

-That's okay. we'll be fine.
-Be careful.


We should get moving, Ash.

A sick Pokémon's counting on us.

Let's go.


Pikachu! We better hurry!


They're riding
right through the storm.

No kidding.

I knew those kids were all wet.

That wind could blow 'em
right off of the bridge.

-They must be insane!
I'm glad we're inside.

-Big Jess.
-Little Jim.

We know you want
to be out there.

You could ride a storm
twice this intense.

I could?

Big Jess, lead us
into the eye of the storm

and show us how to ride
Big Jess style.


BOTH: Show the whole g*ng
how to really ride.


You're not scared
of this storm, are ya?

I'm not.

I just wish I had
my training wheels with me.

What about you, Big Jess?

I guess I have no choice.

All right,
now I'll show you kids

what riding's all about.

I wish I could go with ya.

we'd never leave you behind.


The medicine
still hasn't arrived.

But they should be there
by this time.

Maybe they won't
get through the storm.

What's that?

A drawbridge.

That ship's trying
to take shelter in the bay.

What do we do?

We'll have to wait
till it gets through.

-We can't wait.
They need that medicine.

Oh, I wish we were
out of this rain.

Hey, look there.

How ya gonna get past that?

Hang in there, Little Jim.

Show us all what you can do,
Big Jess.

-Do we really have to do this?
-I guess so.

Ash, don't!

There's a sick Pokémon waiting.

I can't let it down.

Ash, wait up!



Just have to keep going
for that sick Pokémon.

I have to make it.
I just have to.



-Oh, no!
They're not gonna make it.


We'll drown!

We'll bounce!


We made it!

-They did it!
-They're awesome!

ALL: Team Rocket's
splashing down again!

-All right.
Now you have to battle us.

I'm delivering medicine
for a sick Pokémon.

Outta my way.

You mean, that's why
you're out in this storm?

That's right.

That's a real biker for you.

Listen up, guys!

We're gonna take them
there in style.


Don't worry, Ash.
We'll clear the way for ya.


Here, nurse Joy.

You made it through
in a storm like this.

Now this little one
will be just fine.

BOTH: All right!

Sorry for making you
worry about us.

We made it just in time.

-That's great.
Thank you.

From now on,
we're calling you Awesome Ash.

Mighty Misty.

Well, gosh,
I'm really not that awesome.

You could call me "honey."


And so our brave friends

finally saved the sick Pokémon

and made it through the storm
to Sunny Town.

The bike g*ng
has some new heroes,

and everyone is happy.

Well, not everyone.


ALL: This is a vicious cycle.

-Don't go away.
The Pokérap is next.


Okay, guys,
we got to rap some Pokémon.

-You just do the singing.
I'll take care of the hard part.

Let's get it on.

I want to be the best

There ever was

To beat all the rest

Yeah, that's my cause

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all


I search across the land

Looked far and wide

Release from my hand

The power that's inside

- down.
That's it for now.

-Tune in tomorrow.
We'll rap at you some more.

-There's .
So watch Monday through Friday.

You'll catch 'em all!

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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