01x48 - Holy Matrimony!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x48 - Holy Matrimony!

Post by bunniefuu »

-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Ash continues his journey

with Misty, Brock, Pikachu,

and their Egg-cellent
new companion.

But our heroes are about to be
caught in a treacherous web.

-Hey, look!
A poster!


Is that...

It looks like...

It can't be!

ALL: James?


It sure looks like James.

Have you seen that boy
in that photo?

We have if he's James
from Team Rocket.

Jolly good eureka!

Quick, to the estate!

ALL: Hey!

Hmm, this kid
looks a lot like you.

You think so?

He looks pathetic.

That's what she means, James.


We better go investigate.




What ya waitin' for?

Oh, I'll stay here.

No, you won't!

ASH: Hey, mister.

How much farther is this place?

We're almost
at the end of the driveway.

Seems like we drove past
the main gate

about half an hour ago.


Look at that!

It's huge!


I've seen shopping malls smaller
than this place.

ALL: Wow!

MISTY: It must have
a hundred rooms.

It's the biggest mansion
I've ever seen.

BUTLER: That is not the

This little dog house
is for Growlie,

the favorite Pokémon
of master James.

ALL: Huh?

Behind you there,

that building
is the master's mansion!

ALL: Whoa!


Please, follow me.

ALL: Hmm?

-Oh, wow!

We're in the lap of luxury.


BOTH: We hit the jackpot!

ALL: Ohh.



Was there a funeral here?

My master and mistress
had only one child,

a boy named James.

This morning,
his parents passed away,

and this estate is now his.

ALL: Huh?

ASH: You mean that this whole
estate is gonna belong to James?


Is this place really yours?

I suppose.

It's so frightfully tragic.

After master James ran away,

his parents no longer
had the strength to go on.

Their hearts were broken.

That's so sad.

And now they're-

I hope you find James
to tell him real soon.

"Real soon" won't do!

His parents' will clearly states
that master James

must marry his fiance within
hours of their passing away!

If not, this entire estate
will no longer belong to him

but will be donated to charity!

I must find him at once!

ASH: We should help look for


Why should we help him

after all the trouble
he's caused us?

He may want to come to his
parents' funeral.

I mean, it's his last chance
to say good-bye to them.

Gee, I didn't think of that.

But we'll never find him
in just one day!


Careful, James!

ALL: Whoa!

Stop that!

James's parents
just passed away!

He's got to come
to their funeral.


Uh... uh.

Look, James, we're becoming
very annoyed with you.

Don't ya want to become
the richest guy in the world?

I don't know.


I feel like my head
is splitting!

I can't remember anything
that's happened!

What's wrong?

Maybe James has amnesia.

It's all a blur to me!

I remember flunking out
of Pokémon Tech

and joining a bicycle g*ng.

I only remember one scene
before that.

It was a dark and stormy night.

A boy was wandering
far from home

with his loyal Growlithe,

They were both freezing
and they hadn't eaten in days.

[SHUDDERS] Growlie.

I'm not going make it.

Leave me alone
and save yourself.


The angels have come for me.


I leave this cruel world
for a better place.

Remember me, Grow-



Then the boy
departed this world.

Little Growlie howled all night.

The boy was found frozen solid.


Oh, that's such a sad ending.

That poor kid.

I can't believe James is gone.

I miss him!


James is standing right here!

Ah, that's right.


I'm all mixed up!

Who cares?

It doesn't matter
what you remember.

Just take the cash.

But James can't get
his inheritance

unless he marries some girl
in the next hours!

We'll fake a wedding
and scram with the money.

That's ridiculous.

Ridiculous? Ha!

This entire estate
will be all yours!


I won't do it!

He's weakening.

He'll see it our way.

-Let me go.
I don't want to!

You can't make him get married.

He should be free to decide

who he does or doesn't
want to marry.

Put a sock in it!

Keep your dumb opinions
to yourselves.

ALL: Ohh...


This is great.

These invisible costumes
are perfect.



They won't fool that butler.

May I help you, sir?

It's me, James.

I've come back.

Welcome home, sir!

ALL: Whoa.

Your parents
shall be most pleased

to see that you have returned.

Please come in.

Thank you.

ALL: Huh?

They wouldn't have fooled me.

BUTLER: Everything is fine now,

Your little boy James
has finally returned home

just as you wished.

Oh Mommy, Daddy, it's true!

I'm back home at long last
to get my money.


Uh... I mean...

You're blowing it.

I'm going to get married,

just like it says in your will.

And I want cash, not a check.

What's that?

I mean, I'm only joking of course!

Ha, ha, ha.
Oh, Mom and Dad.

I wish I'd come back sooner.




Hey, who's that?

Prepare for trouble.

Yes, dear, and make it double!

-But they're-
-They're ghosts!


Oh, James dear,

we're so happy
you've come back home.

And you're wearing a suit.

They're either alive-

-Or they're real solid ghosts.

They aren't ghosts,
you furry imbecile!

It's just like them to pull
a stunt like this

to get me to come back home!

-Does that mean-
-You really don't have amnesia?

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why, you're James.

And you're about to be married.

Hopkins, begin the preparations.


I've got to escape!

Oh, no, James.

You're tying the knot.


Jessie means you're tying
the noose.


So this whole thing was a trap
so James'd get married.


I'm proud of you.

You realized you must uphold the
family tradition.

As our son and heir,
you have certain obligations.

The most important of these
is to marry

and to continue the family line.


Do I have a duty
to be manipulated?

FATHER: I don't know
what you're talking about.

MOTHER: We only want what's
best for us-

I mean best for you.

A man who can't settle down

is like a bumblebee
without a nose.

He'll never sniff the daffodils
of life!

You'll learn to be
a real gentleman

once you marry the right girl.

And here she is.


As James's wife,
it will be your duty

to change him
from a worthless do-nothing

into a respectable gentleman,
my dear Jessiebelle.

As you wish, mother.

Her voice is catnip to my ears.

Now, that's what I call
a real lady,

not a tough, mean, nasty girl
like Jessie.

I'll show you tough, mean,
and nasty.

My name's Jessiebelle!

My only wish is to be
your devoted and loving wife

and companion and also
to educate you in your duties

as a gentleman of property.

ALL: Whoa!

ALL: Oh!

She looks like Jessie!

ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Vileplume!



That girl
looks just like Jessie.

How dare you compare me
to that wimp?

Are you kiddin'?

You both have
exactly the same face.

JESSIE: We do not!

Will you stop arguing?

We've got to get out of here
right now!

Don't be ridiculous.

How can we get your inheritance
if you don't get married?

You've got to
go through with it.

If you won't get married
for yourself,

then do it for the team.

We're countin' on you to make us
all filthy stinkin' rich.

Forget the team!

I'm not doing it!

I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!
-Is something wrong?

Why ever do you keep talking to
yourself like that, James?

"Talking to yourself?"

Meowth and Jessie
are right in front of their eyes

and nobody notices.

Say, here's an idea:

let's go down to the vault
and count all the money

you'll inherit.



your mother and father
were so worried about you,

as I was of course,

but I knew one day
you'd come back to me.


I'm sorry for running away.

But everything
is going to be just fine

now that I'm back here
with my money.

-I mean back here with you.


Here we are at the vault.

Let's go inside,

your inheritance is in here.





MEOWTH: What's all this junk?

JESSIE: What kind of
inheritance is this?

It looks like a lot of
weird gym equipment.

Don't you fools get it?

Jessiebelle tricked you two
into coming down here.


How did she spot us?


Your mother and I are tired of
waiting for you to grow up.

ALL: Huh?


it's time to face the music.


You can't just do
whatever you feel like anymore.

Now you'll obey Jessiebelle.

Let the taming begin!


ALL: Ohh.

I'm startin' to like you
more than her, Jess.

Thanks for the compliment.

Hey, get off my head.

They see us.

Everything was fine until you
opened that big Meowth of yours.

Do you take us for fools?

We just ignored you until you
brought James down here

to the dungeon.

Now ya see us...

And now you don't.


Jessie, Meowth!

Don't leave me!

Ooh! Ooh!


At last we're together.

I'm so happy.

Eee! Ahhh!

You won't escape from me
again, James.



Those two were made
for one another,

just like you and I,
my precious.

It's a perfect match!

If you two weren't such
lousy parents,

you'd stop this mad woman!

Shouldn't we try to help him?

I don't like to get involved

in these little
family squabbles.


-Oh, James,
-I just knew you'd fall for me.

I choose you, Vileplume!


Hey, what's that?

Vileplume, the flower Pokémon.

Using the largest flower petals
in the world,

it spreads large clouds
of pollen

that cause allergic reactions.

Now Vileplume!

Use your stun spore
to slow James down

and keep him from escaping!



This is just like-
this is just like last time.

ALL: Oh!

Sleeping like a baby.

James, my sweet,

I'll make a gentleman
out of you yet,

even if it destroys us.

Oh, Hopkins?


Would you please get a large

and sweep up this mess?


ALL: Whoa.


Well, like they say,
even a rose has its thorns.

She's more like a cactus.

If he marries her,
James gets his inheritance.


If he survives bein' married
to her!



Hey, what's that?




Pikakaka pikaka-pi!

What's it want?

It wants somebody to open
the door of that dog house.


Oh, it's locked.

-Come on.
Give me a hand here.

-Sure, Ash!





What's that?


James, it's time
for the wedding.






Oh, no!

Now, who let you in here?

get rid of this horrid thing.


Run, Growlie!


Where ya goin'?

Don't leave!


Growlie says to go inside.

I'll follow you
to the ends of the earth

and the bottom of the sea,
James dearest!


You saved me, Growlie.

Thank you!

Growl, growl!

That tickles, Growlie.

Well, James, that fiance
of yours is truly despicable.

Told ya she's just like Jessie.

I'll make your mouth even


She's the reason I ran away
from this estate.

What a rotten day!

As soon as my engagement
to Jessiebelle was announced,

she began to follow me
everywhere, trying to change me!

Nothing I did was refined enough
for her!

Please, leave me alone!

I can't stand it!



Where are you going, James?

I haven't finished teaching you

the correct way
to eat spaghetti yet.

I want to do things my way,

You're not running properly.

Let me show you the right way.

Ever since I was a kid,

I hated how upper-class society
had rules

for absolutely everything.

Jessiebelle is so rigid,

marrying her would be the worst
mistake of my life.

Growlie is my only real friend
on this stuffy estate.


I always wondered
what it would be like

to grow up in a place like this.

Who would've thought bein'
rich could be such a bummer?


-What's that?


Now what?

My sweet James,

you can't escape me.

Leave me alone.



Stun them to sleep
just like before.


ALL: Whoa!

Now, Pikachu!

Electric Shock!





Ooh! Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Keep away from me,

you horrid beast!



-You're the best!
Thank you!

Growl! Growl, growl.

It's lunchtime in the pond.

Are you hungry, my friends?

Oh, look!



Oh, what a refined
daughter-in-law she'll be.


-I'm leaving!
I can't stand that Growlie!

She's as delicate as a flower.

She's much too good
for our delinquent son!


Well, Growlie,

please take good care
of my parents.

They need you here.

This upper-crust high life
doesn't suit me.

I'm better living the low life
with Team Rocket.

Plus I like my freedom.


Please don't cry, Growlie.

It's hard enough to leave you.

So long, Growlie.


Grrrooooooooowlithe! Growl, groooooowl!

JESSIE: Oh well,

guess James chose to hang up
his Team Rocket costume.

[SIGHS] I guess all that money
and luxury

was just too tempting for James
to give up.

I guess you're right.

JAMES: Prepared for trouble?


Hey, it's him!


Make it double.



I guess we're not going to get
rich this time either.

Guess not.

They wouldn't give me
the inheritance.

Oh, there's always next time.

We may not make a lot of money,

but we sure
have got our freedom!


Double trouble time, right?

Sounds great to me, James.


Hey, wait!

You forgot Meowth again!


Oh, please, won't y'all help
me find my beloved James?

Believe me, miss:
he's the one who finds us!


And so, Ash dashes away

from the magnificent estate,

eager to get on
with his Pokémon journey.

But has our hero learned
anything valuable

during his visit?

Well, maybe.

JESSIEBELLE: You're not running

Don't go away. The Pokérap is



It's that time again.

Pokémon, five days a week.

That's about or so each day.

-It's not too hard.
Just listen real good.

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all

At least or more to see

to be a Pokémon master
is my destiny

Okay, so today was pretty easy.

But you got to put
all five days together.

It's the only way
to name all .

Catch you here tomorrow!

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all

Ooh, gotta catch 'em all,

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all

Ooh, gotta catch 'em all,

Catch 'em, catch 'em,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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