02x05 - Penetrate the Center with an Enormous Bombshell?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x05 - Penetrate the Center with an Enormous Bombshell?

Post by bunniefuu »

Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky One, two The sound resonates Into my heart, so hard and deep A field of stars spans endlessly And through it I carve a passageway In step with time as generations change Close your eyes and listen closely sh**ting stars stream on silently until the goodbye Keep the light inside of you, never give up don't ever lose Transcend time and you will prove, there is a special place for you A blaze of glory is there, It's all a part of our estate; life is our story to create Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away A secret fire, a scream of light, voices calling through twilight Cast your thoughts to the wind, hang your wishes on the moon Live your life with all your strength for dreams will reach you very soon Raise your eyes you can see sh**ting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away Someday your dream will find its place somewhere Keep shining like a star What happened?
Hey Ganju!
I-I'm sorry, Sis I just showed him once.

I never imagined it would turn out like this!
I did it!
You did it, Kurosaki!
You idiot!
Don't lose focus!
Weren't you listening to me, idiot?
If you lose focus, you'll blow up!
Didn't I tell you that?
Yes, you did.

That's right, you--!
You're just as guilty, idiot!
No dinner for the both of you tonight!
Why are you lumping me in with him?
Shut up!
Got any complaints?

So, Ichigo has finally completed a Cannonball?
What's wrong?
Nothing to worry about.

He's only sleeping.

Anyways, I want you all to sit over there.

Ichigo is asleep, but we haven't got much time.

I want to talk to you about what you can expect after we invade the Seireitei.

You must--!
Practice hall Fate of three sparrows, fate of four dragons Blocked in from five directions, unable to return six miles, Wind of the Heavens, Shojo, Spoons, Cane of elm A thousand sprinkles of ash, a thousand bits of wisdom S-Silvervine?
What What the heck was I dreaming about?
How should I know?
I sure slept wellor, did I?
What am I doing sleeping here?
I said "how should I know?
" Idiot!
What the heck are you doing, anyway?
It's none of your business!
Get lost, will you, dandelion?
So, you're finally up.

It's time to leave.

Time to leave?
Okay, so you're all here?
Yes, sir.


Yoruichi, your tail looks like one of those flexible toothbrushes!
- Oh!
- Huh?
You gotta problem with it?

It's a beautiful tail, as always Don't you remember?
You're responsible for that!
We It took the three of us to finally get you to let go, but Ooh My tailthe tail that was the source of my pride You'd be wise to stay away from that subject!
G-Got it Hey!
What happened to Ganju?
I dunno He was muttering about something downstairs.

Hold it!
The hero always arrives last.

What's with that getup?
It's my very own battle costume.

Don't I look cool?
Cry and beg all you want, but I won't lend it to you.

How do you like that?
Battle costume?
What's it for, if you're just seeing us off?
A Soul Reaper k*lled my Big Brother.

Damn it!
Just shut up and listen, Sis!
My brotherwas a genius.

He managed to pass the Soul Reaper Academy entrance exam in one try.

At that time, his spiritual power was at Level 6.

That's the same level as a lieutenant of the 13 Court Guard Squad.

Then, he finished six years' curriculum in one, and he became a member of a Squad.

In just five years, he became a lieutenant.

But my brother was k*lled betrayed by his Soul Reaper comrades!
I was still a kid back then, so I don't remember the details, but there are two things I'll never forget.

Their faces!
Two faces!
The demon-like face of that Soul Reaper who dragged my badly injured and dying brother home.

And the face of my brother as he happily thanked that Soul Reaper.

Why did my brother do that?
Why did he seem so happy?
To this day, I don't know.

But there's one thing I can say My brother didn't blame Soul Reapers.

He didn't hate them.

I never knew he experienced something so painful.

Why didn't my brother despise Soul Reapers?
Why did he continue to trust in the Soul Reapers?
You're not like the other Soul Reapers.

I owe her She saved my life.

And I haven't repaid her yet.

I don't want to turn into a pitiful guy who'd turn his back on her.

I have a feeling.

That if I go with you, I might discover something.

That's what I think.

That's why I'm gonna help you.

I'll go as far as I can, to see what a Soul Reaper is really like!
Ganju Y-You're really something, Big Bro!
Master Ganju You've matured splendidly!
Looks like you've made up your mind.

Looking forward to working with you.

Damn you Everyone are you ready for the Cannonball?
By the way Huh?

Yoruichi, can you make the Cannonball?
I wonder Let me try it.

Don't tell me this is your first try?
Well, put that down there.

Something like this is as simple as breathing in and out.

It took us so long to learn to do it!
Do you resent it?
Do you resent that I could easily do something that put you through so much trouble to accomplish?

Were you able to master it?
I guess Then we'll go with Flower-Crane Cannon Number Two.

Can you handle it?
Don't chicken out and run off in the middle of it now, ya brat.

Sis If you're gonna go, put your life on the line!
Are you ready?
There'll be no more delays, you brats!
Now, get in!
The sun will be rising soon.

That will be the signal to begin the launching ceremony.

Listen Once we're in the Seireitei, we have to stick together.

If you encounter any Captains, don't think, just run.

Our goal is to save Rukia, and nothing else.

Don't, by any means, take any useless risks!
In the distance!
Copper-hued greed desires 36 degrees of dominance!
It's started!
Pour in your spiritual energies!
72 pairs of illusions, 13 pairs of horns, The monkey's right paw captures a star!
Held in the embrace of 25 suns, the cradle of sand will flow with blood!
Flower-Crane Cannon Launch Method Two!
You have done it, Master Kukaku!
It's a success!
Be careful out there, Ganju.

There wasn't as much of a shock as I expected.

Idiot, this is only the beginning.

What's that?
It's the next part!
The Flower-Crane Cannon Launch Method Two involves two steps.

The First Spell controls everything from the launch to the directional setting.

The Secondary Spell then controls the acceleration and axis adjustment.

After that, you gradually improve the accuracy!
Oh Don't get in the way if you want to get there safely.

There's something I want to tell you all.

In order to enter the Seireitei, we have to stabilize this Cannonball.

We must keep the spiritual energy output by each person at a constant level.

To do that, if you keep your hand on this thing, you'll be able to see how much energy the others are releasing.

I want you to adjust your energy release accordingly.

- Right.

- Okay.

One mistake and we're done.

I'm counting on you!
I understand.


Flower-Crane Cannon Launch Method Two!
Secondary Spell!
Fate of three sparrows, fate of four dragons, Blocked in from five directions, unable to return six miles, Wind of the heavens, Shojo.


Cane of elm K-Kurosaki You're releasing a little too much!
A-Am I?

Lower it some more!
I-I know!
I've lowered it a lot already!
Ichigo I said I know!
A thousand sprinkles of ashes, a thousand bits of wisdom - The measure of white clouds - Ichigo!
- Approaching the great darkness, - I said I know!
- Not stepping on scarlet shadows - I'm turning it down now.

Hold on!
A thousand sprinkles of ashes, a thousand bits of wisdom?
You idiot!
You made me read the same line twice!
So what?
Is that supposed to be my fault too?
You're making so much noise flapping that trap of yours that I lost focus you numbskull!
Stop it, Kurosaki!
Ganju This is no time to be doing that, is it?
She's right.

Stop it!
Stop it, I said!
Stop it, both of you!
Hey the outside It's the Seireitei!
What's that?
Urgent alert!
Urgent alert!
Intruders in the Seireitei!
All Squads get into position!
I repeat!
- Urgent alert!
Urgent alert!
- Intruders?
- Could it be those Ryoka?
- Intruders in the Seireitei!
Intruders in the Seireitei!
All Squads get into position!
Wait, Kenpachi!
What is it?
The enemy?
You're going to k*ll them?

It's the Ryoka!
I don't know how, but it's someone who fought against Ichimaru and survived!
I want to fight him!
There's no choice This meeting of Squad Captains is dismissed for now.

I shall inform you later how Ichimaru will be dealt with.

All Squads will report immediately to their battle stations!
The warning certainly came at a good time for you.

I don't understand quite what you're trying to say.

You think you can get away with it?
You'd better not take me too lightly.

W-What is that?
I doubt it will be able to get through the Soul Shield Membrane I'll order everyone to draw back, just in case!
I-It's coming this way!
Get out of here!
We're going to crash!
We have no choice!
Everyone, pour in all the spiritual energy you've got!
It crashed!
It crashed into the Shield and stopped!
To crash into it and not be destroyed Could it be a large concentration of spiritual power?
Come on!
W-What's going on?
We got through the shield all right but why aren't we falling to the ground?
Don't get separated!
The Cannonball dissolved when it hit the shield and it's only temporarily holding us up!
That means It will eventually create a whirlpool, then explode and vanish.

If we are separated at that time, we will be blown apart by the shock!
- Wha--?
- Ohh!
It's begun!
Damn it!
I'm not gonna get blown away!
Don't come near me!
Go away, if you don't like it!
Will you two cut it out?
Grab onto whoever is nearest to you!
Don't let go, no matter what!
Damn it!
What do you mean by that?
Let me sit on your shoulder.

Don't worry.

He will surely survive!
But if you want to be able to search for him down there, you must consider your own safety first!
Damn it!
Damn They split into four!
Which one is it?
The strongest one Which one is it?
With much appreciation I send a rhapsody filled with treasured thoughts To the people who have always held me up Thank you for everything Thank you so much Wherever I may be I'll always be grateful for who you are I was casually walking through town Around the time dusk fell and the city was bathed in red It was an afternoon with crowds of people coming and going I don't know why but I just stood there and watched Then my cell phone started to vibrate and I made myself move hoping it could fill in this hole in my heart You're not alone You see, everybody We gotta hold each other up With much appreciation I send a rhapsody filled with treasured thoughts To the people who have always held me up Thank you for everything Thank you so much Wherever I may be I'll always be grateful for who you are What's going on?
I'll go and take a look.

Wait, my Zabimaru is gone!
Do you know where it is, Hinamori?
I think someone was using it to slice some pickled radish.

Roar, Zabimaru!
Chop that radish!
Your character's changed a lot recently, hasn't it?

Squad Eight Captain, Shunsui Kyoraku!
Let's get drunk tonight until we puke!
SQUAD EIGHT CAPTAIN: SHUNSUI KYORAKU Let's get drunk tonight until we puke!
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