02x08 - Orihime Targeted

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x08 - Orihime Targeted

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday Damn it!
Where the hell did Ganju run off to?
Ikkaku said the one chasing Ganju was the 5th seat of Squad 11 His name was It was It was Whatever.

Never mind.

That means he's the 5th strongest from the Captain on down.

I gotta rescue Ganju.

He probably can't handle it on his own.

Anyways, there's nothing but these same walls everywhere!
It's pissing me off!
Where the hell are you?
If you can hear me, send up some fireworks to let me know!
You idiot!
Damn it, I gave myself away There he is!
The orange-haired Soul Reaper!
You're not getting away!
k*ll 'em!
Do it for the glory of Squad Zaraki, even if it means certain death!
He's getting away!
After him!
- Bastard!
- Give up, orange head!
Your luck ran out when you met me!
We'll get promoted!
Damn it!
Where are you?
A hole?
A hole!
Damn it!
Another hole?
How many are there, anyway?
That's the last hole.

For you, anyhow.

Whaddya mean, the "last hole"?
You're not gonna fool me!
I'm gonna get away from you.

Even if I have to fall into a hole!
Then why don't you try?
I didn't tell you earlier, but the bottom of the hole is surrounded by Sekkiseki.

In other words, they completely block spiritual powers.

Do you get it now?
How no one who falls in can ever get out?
I see the damage I inflicted is still there, after all Well, you've managed to elude me all this time, even though you're wounded.

I suppose I should commend you for coming so far, as ugly as you are.

You really annoy me!
I annoy you?
That can't be helped.

The ugly envy the beautiful.

It's only natural.

Hey, Ganju!
Is that your comrade making all that racket?
He's been calling your name all this time.

I said stop!
Accept your punishment!
They're persistent!
Your friend behaves in the same ugly manner as you.

It will only summon a never ending horde of Soul Reapers.

Really It's difficult to understand his lack of good sense.

Aren't you the one without "good sense?
" Huh?
Ichigo is there because he defeated your bald-headed partner.

Th-That can't be!
Our Squad 11 is the best combat unit of the 13 Court Guard Squads!
Ikkaku is our 3rd best fighter!
How could he defeat him?
Seems your only strong suit is finding openings!
You ain't seen nothing yet!
Shiba-Style sh**ting Flower!
Senpen Banka!
Don't underestimate me!
You call that a skill?
How dare you How dare you do this to my face!
You look more handsome now!
You don't have finesse.

You probably meant to use your one strange ability to collapse the ground, and k*ll us both.

Me, die along with you?
I'd never die so wastefully!
You're a tough bastard.

All this time, you've run away from me, enduring my att*cks, and yet you still can move.

I marvel at your physical strength.

Just a while longer Just a little while longer He still underestimates my power.

I can only use the Seppa now, while his guard is down!
Truly That alone is regrettable.

If you had been born beautiful You would have been my favorite I can't dodge him!
What's wrong?
Can't you use that floating technique anymore?
Ugly What good is it for an ugly person to persist in living?
If one is born ugly, he should at least die beautifully.

I disagree.

It seems our ideas of aesthetics are completely different.

I was taught that, ugly or not, the one who survives is the coolest!
You dare lay your ugly hand On my head?
It helped that you underestimated me 'til the end!
You're done!
Shiba-Style Secret Move!
Renkan Seppa-Sen!
W-What the-?
Damn it!
You can't finish me with this puny attack!
Don't make me laugh!
Where are you?
Take this!
What's this?
It's a b*mb!
What the heck.

He's over there?
It's a little too late for that.

Shut up.

Oh, so they're close!
But it's not this way, is it?
Since it's a dead end.

Shouldn't we have turned right at the last corner?
You're the one who said to come this way!
Oh, Kenny!
You shouldn't blame others!
Wasn't I close?
There, go there!
This way, right?
- They're gone, aren't they?
- Yes He seemed terribly strong.

It's lucky that he didn't see us, isn't it?

He must be the same type as Kurosaki.

He has awesome power, but poor sensory abilities.

Now We changed locations, but where should we go from here?
How about that way?
I see a tower off in the distance Tower?
Look, over there.

Didn't touch them To escape from such close range Very good.

If you had run into someone else you might have lived a little longer.

I'll count to ten to give you time to lament.

One I sense the collision of Spirit Pressure here and there.

Don't die, everyone.

One Two - Oh thank you.

I'm all right, Ishida.

- Three Four Yes you are.

Five - He's not the same Ishida as a while ago.

- Six - He moved so quickly.

- Seven For a split second, Ishida vanished from my consciousness then I was saved before I realized.

Such a transformation at the mere sight of a Soul Reaper.

It's just as Yoruichi said.

Ishida is a Quincy.

Even now, Soul Reapers are still his enemies.

Lamentation time is now over.

Have you had enough time?
He's coming!
I'll give you something else to lament!
Come, Soul Reaper!
You'll be fighting me!
You will not decide who will fight!
Now, I shall end your lamentation.

With your death Miss Inoue!
No, I can’t run.

I've got to fight and save Kurosaki!
Finally, it's show time.

Aim well!
"I reject!
" Tsubaki!
You fool You faltered!
Tsubaki That was the first time I've ever seen that technique.

There's no intent to k*ll in your attack.

Though you might k*ll Hollows with that move, it will have no effect on Soul Reapers.

M-My body won't move This is a battleground!
Without the intent to k*ll, you'll never stop anyone!
So you want an attack with intent to k*ll?
Then fight me.

My bow is full of that intent to k*ll you love so much.

What do you want?
This is no place for you.

Go away!
We never sent for anyone from Squad 4!
Uh I used to do the cleaning when she was in Squad 6 barracks' prison.

I thought the Shishinro might need some cleaning, too The Shishinro can't be opened for anyone until the sentence is carried out!
Don't you even know that?
Beat it, beat it!
Oh, but Beat it, or I'll hack you to pieces!
I understand What's wrong, you scared?
You can't get away, Ryoka!
- You'll get us a special promotion!
- Damn it.

I'm surrounded!
- There's no way out!
- Damn!
I let up a little, and it goes to their heads!
Anyhow, what should I do?
k*ll him!
I'm g-getting crushed!
Cut it out, you bastards!
So I can run!
He's off again!
Get him!
How many are there, anyway?
Hmm Very interesting.

Could you be a Quincy?
That's right.

Ishida's bow It's totally different from the one I saw before!
In its appearance and even in its spiritual pressure!
Those gloves He must have been training in order to use it properly.

Learning how to use it practicing all alone This is interesting.

One uses an unfamiliar skill; the other is a Quincy.

And both employ projectiles And you've both come to fight me.

What a coincidence!
What a twist of fate.

Now I must show you.

The true form of my Zanpakuto.

Spread your wings!
What do you think?
Now, lament.

I am 4th Seat of Squad 7!
Jirobo Ikkanzaka!
Also known as Jirobo of the Wind Scythe!
The nickname, Wind Scythe, proves that I am the most skilled in projectile weapons.

My countless blades dance through space.

No one has seen my Tsunzakigarasu and lived!
Now, now How do you like it?
You can't even follow them with your eyes, can you?
They're the prelude to a brilliant death.

Before Tsunzakigarasu, your bow and arrows are as helpless as a baby!
As a fellow master of flying weapons, you'll fully regret having met me Huh?
How interesting.

Unlike the real world the strongest fighter seems to be the most long-winded whiner, here.

That was a fluke!
Don't be so cocky.

You still don't get it Sorry, but if you're supposed to be the strongest, I'll take back your nickname as Of today.

Where projectiles are concerned, I seem to be the better man.

Though the name, "Uryu of the Wind Scythe," doesn't sound too cool at all.

You men search over there.

If you find them, take them alive.

They might make interesting research specimens.

Don't let the other Squads capture them first.

- Yes, sir!
- Go!
They're only humans, though.

I don't expect very good specimens.

A Hell Butterfly?
What's the message, Nemu?
Yes, sir Ikkaku Madarame of Squad 11 encountered and fought a Ryoka.

So Squad 11 already has a Ryoka?
No, Ikkaku was beaten by the Ryoka and taken to the Squad 4 General Relief Station.

The Ryoka escaped and his whereabouts remain unknown.

Defeated by a Ryoka?
My my Among the Ryoka, there seem to be quite interesting subjects.

Where's Zaraki?
Searching for the Ryoka, sir.

Then he wouldn't know about this yet.

Well, before he gets wind of it, let's get the info on Ryoka.

Lord Mayuri, where are you going?
To see Ikkaku.

How slow you are to guess.

Come along, dullard.

I sense Zaraki's Spiritual Pressure.

So he's on the move Ichigo Be careful!
- Get him!
- There!
I looked up into the night sky and saw a comet!
I want to see you right now, but I can't fly If I could become a comet I would fly across the sky I'm sure With this instantaneous light that will definitely reach you I would circle the skies and shine over you If I could become a comet I'm sure I'll always stay close to you Now and forever We're surrounded!
There's so many Soul Reapers!
We've got to find someplace to hide!
We need a plan to outwit the enemy!
Just blast them with an attack right down the middle!
Okay, I'll leave it up to you.

- I'll leave it up to you.

- I'll leave it up to you.

DO it, Ganju!
It's the Captain of Squad 4, Retsu Unohana!
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