03x04 - Overcome Your Limits!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x04 - Overcome Your Limits!

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday My body feels heavy My legs I can't raise my arm either Damn if, I guess the end is nearing for my time as a Quincy That's right! If I'm the first one here, I could rescue Miss Kuchiki myself.

I bet Kurosaki wants to save her himself.

If I did that, he'd be pissed off.

I bear no ill will.

However, for the sake of peace, I must eliminate you.

Cry, Suzumushi.

Forgive me, Ryoka.

This is the end of a senseless battle.

Sleep now.

Your battle will soon be over.

Advancing from "Shikai" to "Bankai" typically requires well over ten years of training, even for those with talent.

However, you must achieve "Bankai" in three days.

W-What's that bizarre doll? A Tenshintai.

It's a vital spiritual tool of the Stealth Force.

It forcibly draws out the Zanpakuto's true form and materializes it.

Uh? I don't get it.

Why's that thing necessary to train for Bankai? The essence of Shikai is to communicate and synchronize with your Zanpakuto.

In other words, instead of us entering the world of the Zanpakuto, what is necessary for the "Bankai" is the "materialization" and "submission" of the Zanpakuto.

"Materialization" refers to summoning the Zanpakuto into our world.

Normally, several years of training are required for this, but you, even though it ended in a draw, fought on equal footing with Kenpachi Zaraki.

So in actuality, you may have already reached the "materialization" Or a comparable level as I see it.

Do you want to fight? It seems you're acquainted with it already If you pierce this, Zangetsu will be forced into the "materialized" state.

In other words, we can bring the Zanpakuto into this world.

However Using this method, the "materialization" is limited to three days! During that period, you must defeat the "materialized" Zangetsu and force him into submission.

If you cannot I won't ask about what happens if I fail.

If this is the only way Then I just have to do it! You appear to have recovered quite a bit, Ichigo.

Old man.

You heard our conversation? Of course.

I'll leave the fighting methods to you.

Can you start right away? Yeah W-What the heck?! Among all of them, only one is the true me.

I can only be defeated by that sword.

If you want me to submit, find it before I k*ll you! And Cut me down if you can! Greetings, everyone.

It is I, Squad Four, Third Seat, Yasochika Iemura.

What? You don't know me?! You may have seen me here and there.

Since it seems some of you are not familiar with me, as an introduction, I wish to present my medical journal that chronicles Squad Four's arduous activities.

- Hey, hurry it up! - Reporting! Squads 8 and 11 Lately, due to the recent Ryoka disturbance, Squad Four's station is in daily chaos! Especially, with the large number of those louts from Squad 11 being hospitalized.

No! I mean it has kept us very busy.

On top of that, yesterday evening, both the Captains from Squad 73 and 8 requested to have a Ryoka admitted so we were forced to implement a three-shift emergency protocol.

Things are busy enough as is, and on top of this, being asked to admit the Ryoka is just Really, enough is enough! Why these defeated Ryoka should be purposely hospitalized and treated in the first place is completely beyond me I mean, Squad 13's Captain Ukitake is one thing, but Captain Kyoraku of Squad Eight who's always goofing off and chasing after girls with his gaudy attire, always snoozing when something comes up.

How can someone like that become a captain, while I'm! What is it? Just now, we received a request from Captain Tosen of Squad 9 to admit one Ryoka.

I see.

And You were thinking out loud.

However, I have the deepest respect for Captain Kyoraku.

Considering the following! While in custody of the Ryoka! The prisoner was coerced both mentally and physically into following their orders.

That is my opinion! Therefore! I sincerely request for leniency, Captain Unohana of Squad 4 This concludes the report of the arresting officer Captain Ukitake of Squad 13! I understand.

However, the damage caused by these Ryoka, whom you have aided, is substantial.

Given your position, your complicity cannot be overlooked.

I cannot condone your actions.

You do understand? Fourteenth Advanced Relief Team Leader and Squad 4, Seventh Seat, Hanataro Yamada.

What's the matter, Hanataro? I wonder if what I did was a mistake.

Did I create more trouble for Miss Rukia instead? Who knows? However, seeing how you act so true to your feelings, I'm a bit envious of you.

Lieutenant! The rest is up to Captain Unohana Let's go, Zabimaru! I-I drew my sword against Hinamori.

How could I I'm terrible! I'm terrible! Snap! Tobiume! Raise your head, Wabisuke! Wh-Who's there?! My This is just awful.

Can't bear to look.

Captain Ichimaru! You look tired, poor thing.

Want me to help you? Well, Izuru? Stand up, Ichigo! Three days! Ichigo, you don't have time to waste! I'll say it again.

Stand up, Ichigo! Stop stalling! Are you going to waste time?! Never mind! If he cannot stand on his own then I'll drag him to his feet! To think that Lieutenant Kusajishi would pick me up at that place! I, Makizo Aramaki, am moved beyond words! Whatever.

I didn't really care about you.

Let me go! Please let me go! Oh, no, I can't! Why you--! Sorry about that.

Maybe I should apologize when she wakes up.

Uh, what? Maki-Maki? What are you carrying? That Spiritual Pressure Is that a Ryoka? No.

Well you see, this, well That's a Ryoka, right? This is, well, umm there were circumstances Circumstances? Oh, like what? Well that is This girl, you see um she suddenly spurted out of this area Spurted out? Yes, yes.

Like bubbled out.

Bubbled out? So I thought it was very unusual, and I wanted to show you.

Really?! Then let's take her back with us! Eh? Well I want to see her do the bubble out thing! Well, that's I wonder if Icchi does the bubble too? Hey, uh uh umm Uh what's your name again? Ah! Pardon me! It's Maki-Maki! Maki-Maki is fine! It's been ten years since you so kindly took me into your care! Maki-Maki Hah! That's a weird name! Wha--?! But that's the nickname you gave me! So, what's happening, Orihime? She's beautiful Is Ichigo still alive? I want him to be alive.

No, I'm sure he's alive! Orihime He's alive.

I can tell.

He's alive and he's trying to get stronger.

How interesting! I'll lend you a hand, woman.

If I stick with you, I get the feeling I'll see Ichigo again! 'Yes! - Aye, aye, sir! - What? Where am I? Am I alive? How? You awake? W-What are you, who are you?! Are you a burglar, you jerk?! Idiot! Why would anyone try to steal from an injured man in prison? It's me, me! Ganju?! You're alive! That's good! You didn't seem too strong so I thought maybe What you just said I'm throwing it right back at you.

Still Why did they treat our injuries? We're intruders and also their enemy.

There shouldn't be any reason for the Soul Society to treat us.

The situation has changed.

Sado! I overheard the guard talking and found out.

Apparently, a Captain was assassinated within the Seireitei.

The culprit is unknown.

What? So we're the prime suspects in the case.

So we're being kept alive for their investigation.

That's what it means.

If only my Spiritual Pressure wasn't sealed with these things.

We could bust right out of here with my Seppa right away.

I see These seal Spiritual Pressure.

Too strong of a flame, and you will burn yourself.

The Reishi Glove you must never remove this glove.

If you remove the glove, for a moment you will gain enormous powers, however you will surely lose all your Quincy powers as well.


Even without this, my Spiritual Pressure 's already Anyways Although we did survive, we're stuck in this prison with our Spiritual Pressure sealed, and it really sucks! However, one thing's for sure.

As long as the enemy has no intention Of k*lling us, the rest of the g*ng is sure to be alive as well! Seeing that we are captured like this, we can assume that Inoue, who's not suited for combat, is probably detained somewhere as well.

That leaves just Mr.

Yoruichi and Ichigo.

I will wait for Ichigo.

Ichigo will come here without fail.

What we can do until then is heal our wounds and prepare for the next battle.

Let's wait for Ichigo! That's eighteen That's it! The real one has to be this! Too weak! As I've said.

All these swords here represent a piece of your heart.

The purpose of this trial is to find the one piece among these that was forged just for combat alone.

That one was a piece of your fragile spirit trying to rely on me.

Fragility my spirit being prone to depending Until you can tell the difference, don't you dare mention the word "Bankai!" So these are all my weaknesses Damn it! Well! Next one, Ichigo! You don't have time to be on your knees.

Yeah That's right! Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when No matter where Just call me anytime! I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People The food was bad in Squad Six's jail.

Squad Three's jail didn't get any sunlight.

Squad Five's jail had cockroaches! There's definitely room for improvement.

You guys don't seem to get why you were put in jail! - Why don't you try it, Shiro? - I will not! Squad 13, 3rd Seat, Kiyone Kotetsu! Introduce me to your big sister! February 2017
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