03x06 - The Avengers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x06 - The Avengers

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday Excuse me Yes, what is it? Sweet flowers? By the time you read this letter, I doubt that I'll be alive.

So to you, my most trusted one, I'll write everything that I have uncovered.

When I first read the captain's letter, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I couldn't believe it.

But it is true I believe the captain.

Captain Aizen The one who k*lled you is Eat this.

The fact that you passed out from hunger means you have it too.

The power You, too? Yeah, me too.

I'm Gin Ichimaru.

Pleased to meet you.

Gin That's a strange name You awake, Matsumoto? Captain What're you doing in my room? Idiot! This is the office, not your room.

If you're awake, then take over for me.

I'm beat! That's because you went and took over the paperwork for Squad 5's work.


You finish up.

Is this it? There was so much more Quiet, I said! I've been asleep a long time, haven't I? Never mind.

Seeing your classmate fighting with your junior must have been rough on you.

My classmate, huh Captain? Do you really suspect Gin Captain Ichimaru was the one who Excuse me, sir! I am Kokichiro Takezoe, Squad 10, 7th Seat! Are Captain Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Matsumoto here? What is it? Come in! Sir! Pardon me! Reporting! We've received an urgent message from the guard stations.

Lieutenant Abarai, Lieutenant Hinamori, and Lieutenant Kira have vanished from their cells! Forgive me, sir! When Lieutenant Hinamori called, and I turned around, I saw a blinding white light, and I awoke in this state I have no excuse for it, sir! Hakufuku Hakufuku? Hinamori is a Kido Master.

If we truly wished to restrain her, we should have sealed her Spiritual Pressure.

But that wasn't done because no one expected her to go this far.

It's not like she was going to be ex*cuted.

Why? There's only one reason Matsumoto Yes? Go back without me.

I'm going to save Hinamori! Hinamori, don't do anything rash! He now maintains his stance, even when his sword breaks.

Hurry, Ichigo, the deadline is near! That's fifty-one.

This time, for sure! Keep your eyes on the enemy.

That's fifty-two.

Damn it.

I almost had him That Ichigo At the moment of impact, he adjusted to the enemy's speed and deflected the blade.

Then, without slowing down, he shifted instantaneously to counterattack.

Clearly, he no longer relies on the power of Zangetsu, his w*apon! He's absorbing it With fearsome speed At a fearsome level Urahara, you were right.

The boy is truly Oh? Boss, have you caught a cold? No, some pretty girl is probably talking about me.

Wow, that's such a cliché.

Did you say something? No! That will never do! I have a good remedy for colds.

Remedy? This expired two years ago! It's been nicely fermenting.

- That's not right! - Say "Aah" Haah? N-No! Stop! Stop it! Drink, drink.

Hah? Ah?! Damn it! Not yet! I gotta I gotta save Rukia! Why must Rukia Kuchiki be ex*cuted? Why do they keep moving up the date? In the course of my investigation I reached a conclusion.

I want you to carry on for me Captain Aizen He's been fighting for more than five minutes with the same sword But it could be nearing it's limit.

Here goes! Wha? Huh? Lay down your sword, Ichigo.

Day one is over.

It's this way.

This is--! I couldn't tell that it was night already.

My sense of time is messed up here, so I get disoriented.

W-What's with this hot spring?! My wound's healing like crazy! Huh? Awesome! This is awesome! Will it work if I drink it?! Ichigo How's the water? Yeah? That's good.

Then I'll have a soak too A-Are you crazy?! What're you doing?! Come on, it's fine.

It's not fine! And why do you take off your pants first?! I knew you'd react like that.

You're such a predictable man.

Sh-Shut up! You makin' fun of me?! Agh! Don't come in! N-No! This form won't upset you then? What? Are you a little disappointed? Be honest.

Eh? You perv! I'm gonna drown you! Hey, Miss Yoruichi What? I've been thinking This place looks a lot like that place The Training Ground under Urahara's Shop.

I suppose so.

That place was modeled after this one.

Really? Yeah.

When Kisuke and I were kids, we secretly built it as our secret playground.

Secretly? This ridiculously huge space, secretly? It's an old story.

When we were kids, we played here almost every day After he joined the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, and I joined the Stealth Force, we honed our skills here.

W-Wait a minute, Miss Yoruichi! Whoa! Why do you sit cross-legged?! Don't sit like that! Heh.

I never get tired of that reaction.

Just tell me more about the old man! So he was a Soul Reaper, after all? Yeah.

I thought it was strange.

He knew so much about Soul Society and he had a Zanpakuto.

Miss Yoruichi, please tell me Who is he, anyway? He's the previous captain of Squad 12 of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

He also founded and served as the first chief of the Department of Research and Development.

Really? Didn't know he was that important! I thought so What do you mean by that?! Are you trying to k*ll me?! I have a good stomach medicine that works wonderfully.

Please wait! - I'll dig it out from the back yard! - You are trying to k*ll me! What are they doing? So you're together, as I suspected.

Captain Hitsugaya! Just as I thought.

Only Kira's cell was unlocked from the outside.

If you wanted it to be a secret, why didn't you cover your tracks Ichimaru? Well, that's a funny thing to say.

I did it on purpose, so you'd know.

I'm glad I got here before Hinamori.

I'm going to k*ll you before she gets here.

Hinamori! I've finally found you.

So this is where you were.

No, Hinamori! He's too strong! I'll handle this.

Stay back! Hinamori? This is to avenge Captain Aizen! Why did you k*ll the Captain?! I know everything now from this letter left by the Captain.

Hinamori, the true purpose of the execution is not to k*ll Rukia Kuchiki.

This execution has been contrived so that something may be stolen.

Its true objective is The Sokyoku.

The Sokyoku, whose seal is removed only for an execution, has the destructive power of one million Zanpakuto in it's blade The Takka, the execution stand has the defensive power to block an equal number of Zanpakuto.

Furthermore, when a Soul Reaper is crucified and stabbed with the Sokyoku, its power can be momentarily increased by several dozen times.

The one who plotted this execution intends to use this power to destroy not only the Seireitei, but the Soul Society itself.

"And the name of this despicable person is.


"Toshiro Hitsugaya What? The letter goes on to say I've called him out to the Sacred Eastern Wall tonight.

I must stop his plan somehow.

"I'm resolved to fight him if he won't desist.

" "But if I should die" "Hinamori, please carry on for me and k*ll him.

" "That is my last wish.

" "I ask this of you.


"Not as Captain of Squad 5, but as a man.

" Hinamori You fool? Think about it! If he dies, he wants you to fight instead?! Do you think Aizen would say that?! The Aizen I knew wasn't an idiot who'd start a fight he couldn't win.

Or a coward who'd make his subordinates clean up his mess.

But But that's what the letter said! In Captain Aizen's handwriting! I didn't want to believe it, either! But that's what Captain Aizen said! I don't know what to do anymore Shiro Hinamori This isn't good.

She's too upset to think straight.

There's no way Aizen would write a letter like that.

Somebody must've forged it! So that Hinamori and I would k*ll each other! I get it.

This too, huh? Is this more of your work Ichimaru? Hinamori! Oh, my.

That was cruel, Captain of Squad 10.

The girl was hurt and so desperate.

Why hit her so hard? Ichimaru The alarm sounds quite conveniently these days.

What are you up to? I'll never forget what you said back then.

You're always the same.

You should stop and enjoy the ringing of the alarm.

Because soon, you won't be able to anymore.

So Aizen wasn't enough for you You had to make Hinamori suffer too.

You made her grip her sword so hard that her hands bled! What are you talking about? I told you If you ever made Hinamori bleed, I'd k*ll you! That won't do.

Draw your sword here and I'll be forced to stop you.

Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when No matter where Just call me anytime! I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People Boss, this time for sure, I have a safe nutritional supplement.

Uh, no I'm all right now.

It's the latest herbal medicine being advertised in the evening paper.

It's mail-order! That's even sketchier It works on a variety Of ailments! Squad 13, 3rd Seat, Sentaro Kotsubaki! February 2017
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