02x03 - Planet Freeza No. 79 — Vegeta Recovers!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x03 - Planet Freeza No. 79 — Vegeta Recovers!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Kakarrot Yow-ow-ow-ow! Okay, let's find the remaining Dragon Balls quickly, and go back to Earth! Saying " do it quickly" is one thing, but as spread-out as this place is We'll find them for sure, you'll see.

Thank you very much, Zarkuro-san.

Come to mention it, where is Lychee-san today? He said he was staying home because he had some work to do.

That's strange.

One of the Dragon Balls is moving toward us rapidly.

What is that? What are you doing!? The Dragon Ball is inside that thing! Hurry up and go get the Dragon Ball! Y- you can't mean that.

Let's just wait until the tornado disperses.

That tornado isn't going to disperse.

On this planet, tornados roam around the desert forever.

Snap to it.

I'm going to be taking shelter, okay? What are you doing!? Hurry up! A- all right.

Gohan, we're going to release our Ki toward that thing.


All right Kienzan!! Masenko!! Stop that! If you do that, you're going to destroy the Dragon Ball! B- but What are you doing!? Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy! Stay away! Stay away! Stay away! This is why I said I didn't want to come to Planet Namek! Bulma-san! This is why I said I couldn't go from the start, you know! There's no way a delicate young lady like myself can go looking for Dragon Balls! You're not serious! Without that Dragon Ball, Piccolo-san won't be coming back to life.

There it is! I did it! All right Masenko!! Gohan! Gohan-kun! I got it out.

You did it! Yahoo! That makes four of them! You did it! Sure enough, this is the best outfit for me! This one is that way, no doubt about it.

It sure is dark.

I can't see a thing.

Shall I make us a torch? W- what was that just now? This isn't a forest, it's a bird! Aah! Help! Look at that incredible castle! We've got no choice but to jump off! It does look like that's the only thing we can do.

Y- you're kidding, right!? If we don't act fast, we're going to become bird food.

All right! All right, already.

But you guys are responsible for catching me! We know.

Remember this well, you trash There aren't going to be any more miracles Be sure to enjoy yourselves until then I can't beat that Saiyan like this.

Say, the Dragon Ball is right nearby.

Okay, Bulma-san, you keep a lookout, if you please.

I- it'll be okay, right? He's sound asleep, after all.

Kuririn-san, have you found it? No, not yet.

What about you, Zarkuro-san? I haven't found it.

Geez, where exactly have you hidden it? There it is! Here goes.

Ready, set Ready, set Safe! Okay, let's get back, quickly.

I've looked everywhere I can think of, but I have absolutely no idea where he went.

Good grief! My darlin' Gohan-chan is off strugglin' hard on a distant planet, and what is his father, Goku-sa, doin'!? He never does anythin' a parent should! N- now, now, Chichi, you don't need to get so worked up Goku must have felt terrible that he couldn't do anything, all here on his own.

No, he's not gettin' away with it! Makin' others worry about him like this If he doesn't get back here soon, I'm goin' to turn this sweater into hankies! You won't get away from me! Bulma-san, are you sure this toy can fly? You just hush! If I say it will fly, then it will fly! I told you, we should have run away down the stairs.

Stop all of your complaining and do something about that guy, now! I guess we've got no choice.

--All right, Gohan, let's go! --Right! Hold it, hold it, hold it! Oh, man! Enough, already! I did it! I really am a mechanical genius! Amazing! Kienzan!! Masenko!! We got him! We're saved! For goodness' sake, you guys are nothing but trouble for me! If I weren't around, we wouldn't have gotten a single Dragon Ball.

You're hopeless.

You don't say Now there's only two left.

At this rate, we should be able to go back to Earth soon, huh? That would be nice Huh!? It's almost time All right.

You are now healed.

You may open your eyes.

Unfortunately, we were not able to regenerate your tail.

No matter.

It will grow back in time.

Vegeta has recovered at last.

The fearsome battle is about to begin again.
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