02x06 - Vegeta's Ambition! I am the Greatest Warrior in the Universe!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x06 - Vegeta's Ambition! I am the Greatest Warrior in the Universe!!

Post by bunniefuu »

This is bad this is definitely bad There aren't supposed to be any other Saiyans.

W- who could it be? Now there are three more, yes? Hold them with care, Dodoria-san.

It appears that Vegeta is after them, as well.

Freeza-sama, Kewie, who is pursuing Vegeta, has just landed.

And as for those two large power readings that appeared earlier, they suddenly disappeared, and remain so.

We are searching the area where the readings were located, so we should soon discover what their source was.

Well, the issue here is the disposal of Vegeta, who has defied me.

In that case, you need not worry.

Kewie should now be heading after Vegeta to deal with him.

Those two have always hated each other, and their abilities are roughly the same.

In any event, Vegeta is not likely to come away unscathed.

Vegeta, you're not getting away from me.

I've found you, Vegeta.

I'm under orders from Freeza-sama! Are you reading me, Vegeta!? Now I can k*ll you out in the open! Don't make me laugh, Kewie.

You think you can k*ll me? I'm waiting here for you, so get here fast.

What are you, blind? Take a good look at your Scouter.

My battle power is clearly higher than yours! We can't stay here, in any case, can we? I'll leave the Dragon Balls up to you.

Okay, well, I'm going back to Earth, so good luck.

Bulma-san, just a minute.

What should we do, Gohan? S- should we go back to Earth now, too? After all, it looks like we've got one more foe now, and even if we do have the Dragon Radar Oh, I mean, I'm fine and all, but it wouldn't be right if anything were to happen to Gohan.

B- but Kuririn-san, if we do that, then he'll get the Dragon Balls.

Well, if we yield the Dragon Balls to him this time, we could always use them next time.

That would be okay, as long as he doesn't k*ll Shen Long, like Piccolo did before.

Kuririn-san, someone is coming! I- is it a Saiyan? N- no, it's not Vegeta.

This Ki is weaker.

This should be the area where the readings disappeared.

Must be Namekians.

Who is it? Probably Namekians.

T- they're not Namekians! Hmm? W- what is that? Those aren't Namekians! Who are they!? That doesn't matter.

We were ordered to just k*ll anyone who was on this planet.

Look at what they're wearing! Those are just like what the Saiyans were wearing.

Yet they're not Saiyans.

I haven't a clue what it means, but I've got a bad feeling about this.

R- right Any way you look at them, those are not friendly faces Gohan, build up your Ki while keeping your presence masked.


Do you see that? These guys are common trash, with barely any battle power! They're just tourists.

We won't get to have any fun if they run away.

Take care of their spaceship first.

All right.

Oh, crap! Our spaceship! These guys are so unlucky to have come here at a time like this.

Gohan, release your Ki.

These guys aren't all that tough! Hey, did you hear that? Not all that tough? Does he mean us? W- what kind of battle power ratings are these!? Let's do it! Right! Hey, nice, nice! That was not nice! What are we going to do about that? Is something the matter, Zarbon-san? Yes, Freeza-sama.

It is about the search that was ordered earlier.

It would seem that they are no ordinary people.

Their battle powers rose momentarily, then once they had defeated our pair of scouts, their readings disappeared again.

Ho, that is curious.

It does not appear to be Vegeta, either.

Correct, the readings are different from Vegeta.

Their battle powers were both around 1500.

and nothing would come of it, but their attitude does not seem to be very good, does it? The next time they are found, eliminate them.

All right, just a little more Goku-sa Chichi What are you doin'? Oh, you know, I was bored, so Really How about you realize somewhat that you were seriously injured? If you don't lie there quietly, you're goin' to open your wounds up again.

Ow! Yow-ow-ow-ow! Don't be so rough! Yow-ow-ow-ow! That hurts! That hurts! Never mind that, I wonder if Gohan-chan is okay.

I hope he's washin' his hair, and usin' that rinse.

His hair is so shiny and all, so he has to look after his cuticles.

Is he usin' his hair dryer? His hair dries out so fast, and he has to take care of it right Gohan It's hopeless! It's all over! We'll never get back to Earth now! Uh, Bulma-san, for the time being, let's get away from here.

It's dangerous here.

Someone even stronger might come along.

That's right.

Those many Ki that we sensed weren't Namekians, but appear to be friends of Vegeta, so we need to go hide somewhere.

Things will work out somehow.

I'm sure the Namekians will repair the spaceship for us.

How nice that you can be so optimistic! Bulma-san Hmph, you're finally here, are you? You imbecile.

It looks like the time has come when we can finally settle things between us as fellow rivals, huh? But it looks like you've let yourself go.

You've got no chance of beating me with that battle power.

Fellow rivals, you say? Well, let me show you a little something.

When I was on Earth, I learned something interesting from them.

What, how to run away quickly? How to control my battle power! H- how to control your battle power? Take a good look at my battle power rating on your Scouter! I- impossible! You and I have always been evenly matched! You idiot! I have been fighting in actual combat constantly.

The battle on Earth was such that it nearly k*lled me.

Did you think I would remain equal with you forever, as you just sat around in comfort at Freeza's place!? What happened, Zarbon? I- I think it was a malfunction, but the rating on my Scouter, which was set on Vegeta, had just risen above 22,000 That really was a malfunction.

Your Scouter is an older model, after all.

I'll find out his true rating for you on mine.

What's his rating? T- this is absurd Could my newer model be malfunctioning, too? He's gone up to 24,000 If he's at 24,000 Are you saying that his battle power is even higher than ours? I- it couldn't be.

His battle power would just barely reach 18,000.

It is nothing to be surprised about.

Vegeta has been fighting on the front lines, you see.

He probably came upon some sort of new skill on Earth.

But It is only 24,000.

If the two of you fight together, it is a rating that you can sufficiently beat, is it not? Vegeta probably wants to obtain eternal life with the Dragon Balls, the same wish that I have.

Unless he does so, there is no way that he can prevail against me, you see.

Vegeta never has been respectful toward me.

He went to Earth without my orders, and he even appears to be after my position for his own.

Though I must say, this is brash of him.

To think that he would come out in open treason against me W- wait, Vegeta! I just had a great idea! Let me work with you.

I can lend you a hand.

I- I didn't like Freeza-sa- I mean, Freeza before this, either.

T- that doesn't sound bad, does it? If you team up with me at that battle power, I think we could somehow manage Zarbon and Dodoria.

Spout more of your worthless lies, will you? You are one thoroughly disgusting bastard! It's no lie, I tell you! Believe me, Vegeta! Oh! Freeza-sama! What!? Miserable fool! No matter how much his battle power had risen, nobody could stand up to being taken unawares by that.

You wish.

What an utterly pathetic strategy, coming from someone like you.

I'm astounded.

W- when did you manage to-? Having an elevated battle power means that my speed has been elevated as well.

In other words, you have now gotten me thoroughly angry.

Die! That was one foul firework.

V- Vegeta's 24,000 rating is the real thing, all right.

He did in Kewie with no trouble at all.

It is of little import.

Now, we search for the fifth Dragon Ball.

Thanks to their Scouters, they'll know exactly what my actions are.

Even if I were careless enough to get too close to them, l might be able to take Zarbon or Dodoria, but there's still no way l can beat Freeza.

Judging by the transmissions I heard over the Scouter between Freeza and his men, these Dragon Ball things don't work unless you have all seven of them together.

All right, I'll search out just one of them.

Once they have gathered the remaining six, I'll look for an opening and take theirs from them.

lf things go right, and I get them all, l'll gain eternal life.

Once I do, defeating Freeza will no longer be just a dream! There is a reading of around ten Namekians in that direction.

Very well.

It would be nice if they had the fifth Dragon Ball.

Please make sure not to let your guard down.

It would seem there are some mysterious others out there, in addition to Vegeta.

Yes, sir.

Now, let us be going.

With him gone, l'll be number one.

The whole universe will be ruled by Vegeta-sama the Saiyan! Bulma-san, we have to hurry a little bit more, or they're going to find us out here! You guys can fly, right? Take me with you, and fly.

I wish we could do that, but we're walking to mask our presence.

Flying through the air requires a lot of Ki, and the enemy will know where we are.

Bulma-san, there's a good place.

It will be hard to find us in that hole.

H- how long am I going to have to live in a place like that? Kuririn-san Do you sense any Ki over there? You're right.

It feels different from the Ki we felt earlier, huh? It could be the Namekians this time.

Hide! There's another Ki coming this way from that direction! What is this Ki that is coming toward them at top speed? ls it Vegeta? Or is it Freeza and company?
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