02x12 - Courage Times One Hundred! The Warriors Gathered Under Kaio

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x12 - Courage Times One Hundred! The Warriors Gathered Under Kaio

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, is that so? So that's what happened, huh? Mm-hmm.

I really thought we were done for.

You should eat something.

It may not be that good, but feel free to help yourself.

What was that? You're complaining about the food that I made, after all you've eaten!? Eh!? N- no, I- I would never-! I meant that it may not be that good, but it's still delicious.

I don't blame him.

Just about everyone from his village has been k*lled, right? Oh, right.

This isn't the right time for a meal, huh? We don't eat things like this.

We just need to drink water.

No way! There were fields at your village where you were raising vegetables or something, weren't there? Those were Ajissa seedlings.

Ajissa seedlings? Yes.

Long ago, before the abnormal weather occurred, Namek was said to be a beautiful world, rich with Ajissa trees.

However The Ajissa forests and most of the Namekians died out.

So now, we're trying to make Namek beautiful again by growing more Ajissa trees.

And after we'd finally raised some Ajissa seedlings We got him! Why, you-! Say, what is your name? Dende.

Uh, who exactly are you people? Kuririn-san, is that-? What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Is someone else coming? N- no, it's not that.

The Ki are dropping, one after another.

T- the Namekians are being k*lled once again.

T- the one k*lling them is someone we know very well! It's Vegeta! He's attacking a different village! W- what a horrible bunch these guys are! V- Vegeta has acquired the technique for sensing Ki, all right.

This is going to be trouble.

Now we'll have to be wary about moving around until Goku gets here.

I'm not sure whether Vegeta and that Freeza bastard are on the same side or not, but if either one of them gains eternal life with the Dragon Balls, it will be the end of the world.

If we are able to find and hide even one of the Dragon Balls, they won't be able to get all seven together.

W- we can't! If we were to do that, then they would keep searching until they had k*lled all of the Namekians! O- oh, no It's appalling, no matter which way it turns out.

A- and even once Goku gets here, there's no guarantee that he can beat them.

Damn! If only I had finished Vegeta off back then! Please tell me about yourselves.

W- where have you come from? How do you know about the Dragon Balls? P- please save everyone else on the planet! W- why, you-! How could you do this!? No matter what happens, you have no intention of handing over the Dragon Ball, do you? I- I'm not about to hand it over to the likes of you! You are one interminably stubborn old geezer.

Well, fine, suit yourself.

I'll look for it myself.

Wait! You are getting on my nerves.

Here I thought it was going to be hidden, but there it is, on regal display.

Now then, for this thing If I submerge the Dragon Ball here, no one will be able to find it.

I'm the only one who knows about it.

Freeza and his men have five of the Dragon Balls.

I guess I'll search for the last one.

Dodoria is taking far too much time, isn't he? Could he still be chasing after those odd pipsqueaks? Never mind him.

If that fool cannot catch those kids, then let him be.

More importantly, go and search for the remaining two Dragon Balls.

Yes, sir, understood.

If we search the remaining villages, they are sure to have the Dragon Balls.

With the two of us searching, we should be able to find a village, at least.

Well, I will take these five Dragon Balls and wait for you at the spaceship.

I am counting on you.

With just two more of them, I will be able to have my wish granted, after all.

Yes, sir.

You search over there.

If you find a village, do nothing, and come inform me.

If there are any strong Namekians there, they would probably be too much for you.

Yes, sir.

For now, we will meet back at the spaceship in three hours.

Yes, sir! It is possible that Vegeta may have already found the remaining pair.

And if he has, he ought to be coming for our Dragon Balls.

As such, he may be saving me the trouble of searching for them.

When Vegeta comes to get ours, I will k*ll him, and take his two from him.

Then I will have all seven of them.

Is that how I am to be endowed with eternal life? Now then, to wait leisurely at the spaceship.

Right, this Kami-sama person was a Namekian who had made his way to Earth.

We want to use the Dragon Balls here to bring our dead friends back to life.

If things go right when our wish is granted, the Dragon Balls on Earth will be revived as well.

S- so that's why you're here, is it? I've finally unraveled the mystery about you.

I'm begging you, please come with me! I will show you where the Grand Elder is! Grand Elder? Who is this Grand Elder? The one who gave birth to all of us here on Namek.

The only one who survived the abnormal weather long ago, and once again brought life to Namek.

I am Grand Elder's 108th child.

The only one? How do you guys have children? How, you ask? We spawn eggs out though our mouths.

O- oh, yeah? T- that's unusual, huh? Then, this Grand Elder person is a woman, right? Woman? What's a woman? W- what's a woman? There are two kinds of Namekians, right? Male and female.

Let's see f- for example, you have a father and a mother Huh? Two kinds? W- well, um Did you hear that? They don't have male and female.

What a dull planet, huh? Thank goodness I'm not a Namekian.

N- never mind that, tell me why we're going to this Grand Elder.

T- the ones who att*cked our village already had four Dragon Balls.

A- and you just said there were a lot of people being k*lled in that direction, right? Y- yeah, probably by someone named Vegeta.

T- there isn't a single Ki left anymore.

They were probably all wiped out.

If that's the case, then there are hardly any Namekians left on this world.

I see.

Assuming that Vegeta found the Dragon Ball from the village he att*cked, then there's only one left.

By any chance, does the Grand Elder have that last Dragon Ball? Y- yes.

Oh, no! Those Freeza guys may have lost their Scouters, but Vegeta has gained the ability to sense Ki.

If he searches for Ki, he'll arrive at the Grand Elder's place before long, and he'll take the seventh Dragon Ball from him! T- then we have to hurry and go tell the Grand Elder about this! Please! Please! Whether it's Freeza or Vegeta, if either one of them is given eternal life, it will be terrible! A- all right, let's hurry.

Show me the way.


I'll go with Dende to meet the Grand Elder.

Gohan and Bulma-san, you wait here for us.

It won't do any good for all of us to go, right? U- understood.

Be careful.

Remember, you be careful, too! Right! Vegeta seems to be even stronger than he was before, and I sensed an even more incredible Ki from that Freeza guy.

l don't know what kind of training Goku is doing, but this time, even he might not be up to the task.

ln any case, we'll get the one Dragon Ball the Grand Elder has, and then just hide for five and a half days until Goku arrives.

After that, all we can do is wait for Goku to perform a miracle.

Ah, if l'm starting to hope for miracles, then we've had it.

Geez, l've never had a single woman in my life, either.

All right terrific I'm pretty used to this 20-times gravity now Okay, maybe I should try 30-times now.

Goku! Can you hear me? Goku! Huh? Oh! That voice! Is that you, Kaio-sama!? Oh, indeed it is Kaio.

By any chance, is that outer space you're in now? What are you doing in space? Oh, I get it.

Planet Namek, right? It would be nice if you could find their Dragon Balls, huh? What's with you, Kaio-sama!? Don't you know anything? There's something terrible happening on Planet Namek.

Something terrible? Well, I'll ask about that later.

As it happens, I've had some visitors come by here.

Visitors? What about them? lt's amazing.

These visitors cleared the Serpentine Road and arrived in far less time than you did.

What's more, there are four of them.

Huh? Four of them? That's right.

You know these four quite well.

Y- you don't mean-? They all want even tougher training than what you went through.

T- that's awesome! You mean that each of them has arrived there together at your place, Kaio-sama? Can I talk to Goku? Place your hand on my shoulder and speak.

Yo, do you hear me, Goku? Yamucha! We met the dead Kami-sama here on the Other Side, and he told us about this place.

Hey, we hear that you're going off to Piccolo's homeworld in search of the Dragon Balls there for us.

In order to bring us back to life.

He said there were four of you, right? Yamucha and Tenshinhan By any chance, is Piccolo there, too? Yeah, Piccolo is here.


My pride won't allow for only you getting stronger, after all.

ls the last one Kami-sama? No, it's not.

Kami-sama stayed in the Next World.

It's Chaozu, if you can believe that.

Chaozu!? Chaozu got blown to pieces.

ls he still okay? Yeah, Kami-sama apparently regenerated his body, especially for him.

Wow, that's amazing! Good for you, Chaozu! Awesome! That's awesome! With everyone alongside, my courage is a hundred times greater! What's this? Familiar faces gathered together under Kaio-sama.

However, Goku is still unaware of the atrocities taking place on Planet Namek.
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