02x13 - Listen to Me, Goku! Hands Off Freeza

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x13 - Listen to Me, Goku! Hands Off Freeza

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I talk to Goku? Place your hand on my shoulder and speak.

Yo, do you hear me, Goku? Yeah! I'm glad to hear you're all doing okay.

Yeah, but the gravity here has us beat.

Our bodies are so heavy, we can barely even run.

Yeah, I know, I know.

But I'm heading for a place called Planet Namek, where they have Dragon Balls, and I've started training under even more incredible gravity than that.

I've got to get a whole lot stronger in the next five and a half days, or we're going to be in bad shape.

Huh? Why? Has something happened? I was injured really bad, so Kuririn, Bulma and Gohan went to Planet Namek to search for the Dragon Balls.

But that Saiyan, Vegeta, had also gone to Planet Namek to find the Dragon Balls.

--W- what!? --So, did they get themselves done in by him? No, it appears that Vegeta still ain't discovered Kuririn and the others yet.

But that ain't all.

There's something even more unbelievable.

They said there are these other strange guys who are after the Dragon Balls.

The weird thing about them is that they were wearing the exact same outfits Vegeta was.

What's more, they said that one of them has a Ki that's far greater than Vegeta's.

W- what!? What? Has something happened? E- even greater than Vegeta, who was too much for even Goku to handle? B- by any chance, was his name Freeza? l don't know, I ain't heard, but once I know, l'll tell you.

lf it is Freeza, then this is exceptionally bad G- Goku, I'm going to check out Planet Namek for you.

Could you, Kaio-sama? Let's see, which direction is Planet Namek in? Yamucha, tell us what's going on.

I'm definitely sensing a tremendous Ki.

Now to find the source of this Ki F- Freeza! What, you know him, Kaio-sama? Goku, this foe is more than just too much for you, he's the worst of the worst.

There is no way you can handle this opponent.

Huh? W- what do you mean by that? Listen to me, Goku.

This is an order from Kaio.

Do not go near him.

When you get to Planet Namek, take the other three aboard and get out of there immediately.

Got that? l'm not just saying this for your own sake.

I'm saying this for the sake of everyone on Earth, Namek, and many other planets as well.

If you launch some shoddy attack on Freeza and get him angry, something terrible is going to happen.

You have to leave that guy alone.

Is he really that incredible a guy? I'd kind of like to have a look.

Absolutely not! Do not go near him! Do you understand me!? But still " But still" my spongy hind end! Goku, whatever it takes, gather the Dragon Balls, and bring us back to life.

Piccolo! l'm going to build myself up even more than you did here, and go to Planet Namek.

All right! The two of us will blow away this ridiculous whatever-his-name-is.

Don't be absurd! You guys don't know a thing about Freeza! There's no time.

Hurry and start training us.

If you're planning to fight Freeza, I cannot teach you.

Promise me that you won't go to Planet Namek.

All right.

You mean it, right? I'm trusting you.

That goes for you, too! There's no way l'm going to keep a worthless promise like that.

l won't be able to surpass Goku by doing the same training that he did.

l'll have to pick up the points of the training, and then hone the techniques on my own.

All right, how about we get started? Here we go Let's do this First of all try to make me laugh with a pun.

I will allow anyone who passes this test to train under me.

Even if he has told me not to mess with him, there's no harm in getting stronger! All right, let's try jumping all the way to 50-times gravity! Hey, if we keep flying at this pace, how long before we arrive at the Grand Elder's place? We should be able to make it in another five hours.

Damn, I can't find anywhere that has multiple powers.

What does that mean? Aren't there any more villages? There are two powers moving.

That's strange one of them doesn't feel like a Namekian, or one of Freeza's men.

That's disconcerting.

Maybe I should go check it out.

Meanwhile, on Kaio's World a fierce battle of puns was unfolding.

Sure enough, the ones who had trouble with this test were Tenshinhan and Piccolo.

I am chagrined Ten-san, hang in there! Tenshinhan (mumble mumble mumble) And I can really make him laugh with that? You'll be fine.

This is my ace-in-the-hole gag.

It is, huh? All right, I'll be right back.

Ten-san, fight! Here I go! Bring it on.

Here goes! Y- you think you think You think Ten-san! Hang in there! Have faith in yourself! This one is definitely going to go over well! Huh? What was that? This is different! His determination is different than the others up to now! Now! You think up your nose is secret, but it's (s)not!! You think up your nose is secret, but it's (s)not! You think up your nose is secret, but it's (s)not!! What's that? A secret up my nose? l- l'm not sure I understand it, but in any case, it is funny, huh? W- what should I do? Should I laugh? I did it! You did it, Tenshinhan! Ten-san! --You did it! You did it, Ten-san! --Well done! Good for you! This is nonsense! Stop, Dende! It's Vegeta! He's discovered us, all right! He's coming straight toward us at incredible speed! Hide! Hurry! Huh? W- what happened? He changed direction.

There's another large Ki out there! He went in that direction! This power is Zarbon, no doubt about it.

I've been waiting for him to move out on his own.

Damn I finally made it to 30 That's 50-times gravity for you Now then, to begin your conditioning.

I should warn you, my conditioning is un-" condition" -ally severe.

I just said another one! H- huh? You guys want to go home? --That's funny! --That was funny! That was funny! Yeah, wasn't it though? Wasn't it though? You can laugh even more.

Laugh! That was great! That was great! Go ahead, laugh! Okay, let's get started right away.

Hey! Bubbles-kun! First of all, you are going to catch Bubbles-kun here.

Oh, is that it? Easy, easy.

I'm not so sure.

It took even Son Goku three weeks to do it.

Goku!? lt took him three weeks? Question! What is it? If we catch that monkey, will you train us, Kaio-sama? That's wishful thinking.

After this, you have to train with Gregory.

You'll train with me after all that is done.

Understood? All right.

Okay, run, Bubbles-kun! --Wait up! --Wait up! Wait up! Wait up! I'll fly.

Good luck! Now then W- what the-!? Is this what you call training? This is laughable.

I don't remember giving you permission to participate in the training! Hmph! I don't wish to undertake any training under you if it undermines my own dignity.

" Under" -take any training " under" me if it " under" -mines your dignity You made a triple, did you? Piccolo, you passed the test.

I will train you.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, what are you all standing around for? Laugh! Laugh! That was funny! That was funny, right? If only I had a Scouter, a village would be easy to find.

That's Vegeta! Yo, it's been quite a long time, hasn't it, Zarbon-san? I have disposed of Dodoria.

Next, it's your turn.

What!? Y- you disposed of Dodoria? Without any trouble.


You'll find out once we go at it.

You'll realize how strong I am.

Vegeta, why are you turning against Freeza-sama? It's a simple matter.

I've never liked that Freeza bastard.

Up until now, I've been pinned down by his power, and had no choice but to do as he said, but then I unexpectedly learned that I could gain eternal life.

You mean the Dragon Balls.

You think I'm about to let Freeza have them? Once I have obtained eternal life, my chance to beat Freeza will come along for sure.

You fool.

Do you think you can beat Freeza-sama with just eternal life? It's too bad you don't have a Scouter.

I have gained more power than you could imagine over my many battles.

You're the one who doesn't understand.

Freeza-sama's ability far transcends even your level.

I'm through with all of this pointless talk! I heard from Dodoria that Freeza is afraid of Saiyans.

I'm going to show you that Saiyan power, right now! You really are full of yourself.

What Freeza-sama was afraid of was the Saiyans banding together.

You can't do anything all by yourself.

Well, let's see about that.

He deflected it! Incredible! It's a clash of Ki against Ki! Vegeta and someone else are banging into each other! H- his opponent is probably the one who was at that Freeza guy's side.

T- they're both monsters.

There's no way I can square off against them.

I hope the two of them end up flattening each other.

All right Hold on to me tight! This is our chance! We'll hurry to the Grand Elder while the two of them are fighting each other! If I fly as fast as I can, we'll get there a lot sooner! Let's go! What's the matter!? Zarbon-sama, of all people! Your movements make you look like you're standing still! Damn it! To think that you'd be so helpless at this level! You've surprised me.

You have indeed made magnificent progress.

But as a result, you have awakened my true power, which has been dormant for many years.

Zarbon's expression has suddenly changed.

Exactly what is this hidden, fearsome power of his?
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