02x14 - Nothing but Goosebumps! The Handsome Warrior Zarbon's Devilish Transformation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x14 - Nothing but Goosebumps! The Handsome Warrior Zarbon's Devilish Transformation

Post by bunniefuu »

Goosebumps Indeed! The Handsome Warrior Zarbon's Demonic Transformation.

What? You say I've awakened your true power, which has been dormant for many years? That's correct.

That's a hilarious joke! I will tell you why I have let my true power lie dormant and unused before you die.

In order to display my true power, I must transform myself.

However, my transformed appearance is unattractive.

As someone who prefers beauty, I cannot abide it.

But I will choose to transform before I choose death.

Transform, you say? The way we Saiyans do? Those who are cornered will say the most absurd things out of desperation.

Unlike a Saiyan, I do not transform into something larger than is needed.

My power just increases.

Overwhelmingly so! Show me! You need not ask.

I will show it to you, now! W- what is this!? My appearance isn't the only thing that has transformed! Don't be too terrified by my power! Dende, aren't we to the Grand Elder's place yet? It's a little bit farther ahead.

We have to do something while Vegeta and that other guy are fighting.

You know, I get the feeling that a lot of time has passed since we landed on this planet, but it doesn't look like the sun is setting one bit, huh? Why is that? The sun doesn't go down.

After all, we have three suns, and they all come out in turn.

Then, you don't have night on your world? No, we don't.

Well, okay D- dammit! That's my limit I've got to have a little rest Still, I've conquered this 50-times gravity a lot faster than I thought I would.

Looks like that duel with Vegeta wasn't altogether useless.

I wonder if Tenshinhan and those guys are training under Kaio-sama.

Listen to me, Goku.

This is an order from Kaio.

Do not go near him.

l'm not just saying this for your own sake.

l'm saying this for the sake of everyone on Earth, Namek, and many other planets as well.

lf you launch some shoddy attack on Freeza and get him angry, something terrible is going to happen.

You have to leave that guy alone.

I can't go resting now! All right! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! " Rice catch!" Get it? That was a great pun! Hold it! Dammit, I'm not about to lose! No matter how you might struggle, you cannot beat me! Incredible! Even as far away as we are, I can feel the Ki from their battle.

My power now doesn't even compare to what it was before I transformed! l- it's no good Even after l powered up on Earth I'm not going to let you die easy! Vegeta, is that all for you? You're not showing yourself, huh? Looks like you weren't able to move, and now you've drowned.

You did give me a hard time, and even forced me to take on my loathsome transformation.

Now then, I guess I should go report this to Freeza-sama.

Why did I come to this planet, anyhow!? We can't get the Dragon Balls, and our spaceship has been wrecked! I'm surprised that you can be so calm.

It's just a little while longer.

When Father gets here, he'll manage to do something.

I hope Son-kun gets here soon.

If I'm forced to stay cooped up in a place like this for too long, I'll go crazy! I wonder if Kuririn-san has found that Grand Elder person.

The Ki have subsided.

The fight is over.

Which one of them won? I don't know.

Whichever one of them won, it's all the same.

Let's hurry.

Which way? Should we just keep going straight like this? Um, a little more to the left.

There it is.

You see that tall rock over there, right? T- that one, huh? Whew, that sure was a long way.

Grand Elder-sama is inside that house.

I'm surprised it's still even here.

As conspicuous a location as this is, it's only a matter of time before those bad guys find it.

He hasn't already been k*lled, right? He couldn't be Nail-san! Thank goodness! You're all right! H- he looks exactly like Piccolo! Glad you're here, Dende.

Visitor, Grand Elder-sama is roughly familiar with the course of events.

Then, Grand Elder-sama does know what is happening? T- that will spare us the time of explaining, then.

Both of you, come inside.

Grand Elder-sama will see you.

Um, if he already knows what is generally going on, why hasn't he left this unsafe location? Grand Elder-sama has grown too aged.

He is aware that his death is approaching.

The only thing he could do is to remain here quietly, with me here protecting him.

I had heard that his death was near, but I didn't know it was so close.

Come, inside.

That guy is capable.

l can sense quite a bit of power from him, compared to the other Namekians.



Grand Elder-sama, Dende and a visitor.

H- he's huge! Welcome.

You are an Earthling, correct? First, I would like to offer my gratitude for rescuing my child Dende here.

Thank you.

N- not at all.

We didn't do anything all that great.

That miserable Zarbon! T- this isn't over yet! I'm going to become even stronger! And then, I'm going to defeat both Zarbon and Freeza! I- I'm not about to turn over the Dragon Balls to anyone! Vegeta was alive.

However, the hidden power possessed by Freeza and Zarbon was fearsome.

And after finally meeting him, would the Grand Elder be of any help to Kuririn and the others? The tangled battle of good and evil surrounding the Dragon Balls yet continues.
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