02x17 - An Enormous Battle Power!! Freeza's Scheme is Shattered

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x17 - An Enormous Battle Power!! Freeza's Scheme is Shattered

Post by bunniefuu »

Where are you!? Where are you!? Where did you run off to, Vegeta!? He couldn't have gotten away that fast.

He must be hiding somewhere.

Have you not found him yet, Zarbon-san!? If you disgracefully allow him to escape you like this, I will have you take responsibility with your life.

Fool! Go ahead and search outside as much as you like.

There are indeed five of them here.

Not only have they healed my injuries, they're going to have every last one of their Dragon Balls taken from them.

But I can't get away carrying all five of them.

What's more, it doesn't look like I have the time to calmly think this over.

All right Please, let this work! Hey! You fell for it! I'm still inside the ship! What was that!? D- damn it all! Now! Where is Vegeta!? D- do not tell me that Vegeta is after the Dragon Balls! All right, and now for me! T- the Dragon Balls! That bastard!! W- where is he this time!? Freeza-sama, is he still inside the spaceship? Look for him! Y- yes, sir! lf I were to unwisely escape through the air, Freeza would overtake me in an instant.

What disgraceful behavior! Not only did you allow Vegeta to escape, but with the Dragon Balls, as well! There is no way that he could have run away with all five Dragon Balls in that short moment! I will search the inside of the spaceship, so you are to thoroughly search outside! Yes, sir.

You are prepared to answer for this, yes? If you are unable to bring Vegeta back here in one hour Y- yes, sir! Let's see It's around here.

T- this is awful Vegeta must have done this.

Who's there? Is someone there? Oh And after they had grown this many of them I'm sure they should have fallen around here somewhere.

There they are! There they are! That's magnificent control, if I do say so myself.

Take that, Freeza.

I've finally gotten your Dragon Balls! Now, including the one that I sunk at that village, I only need one more to have all seven.

A strong battle power! Is that Zarbon? No, the battle power is lower than Zarbon's.

I- is that!? Just you wait, Gohan! Once you go to Grand Elder-sama's place, you'll become much, much stronger! He's that Earthling! W- why is he here on Planet Namek? What's more, he was holding the final Dragon Ball.

Just how far is luck going to go my way!? That's the last one.

People of Planet Namek, may you please rest in peace.

Now then, I have to hurry and look for that Dragon Ball.

Huh? This way? It's not inside a house? I get it.

Not even Vegeta would find it if it's in the lake, huh? Here it is! Here it is, here it is.

After I've done 10,000 of these, I'll do 60-times gravity.

I'm on it W- what is this? I can't move my body at all Dammit That was fast! I'll be there real soon! It looks like that Earthling is after the Dragon Balls as well.

But I'm going to take that one that you're holding.

Then I will have all seven of the Dragon Balls! Dammit! Where the hell is Vegeta!? If only I had a Scouter, I could easily detect him! If it keeps going like this, I'll have to surrender my life to Freeza-sama.

Is that Vegeta!? No, that's the guy who rescued that Namekian kid.

But he's carrying something that looks like a Dragon Ball.

Vegeta! I've finally found you! You're mine now! There's a huge battle power following me.

It looks like Zarbon has found me.

What an annoying bastard.

But this is a good opportunity.

I'll take care of him for sure this time.

He'll be full of confidence in himself after our previous battle.

His guard ought to be down.

It will take more than this! This is crazy, Goku! Bulma's daddy You're going to die, suddenly jumping to 100-times gravity like that.

I- I was doing it at 50-times gravity Are you sure the machine ain't broken? Don't be absurd! My machine is flawless.

B- but still Just a moment.

W- what's this? l figured it out, Goku.

The gravity device control has become unstable.

lt's because your spaceship has entered an intense magnetic storm.

W- what do I do? lt will take another hour before you're through the magnetic storm.

A- an hour? I ain't going to last that long! ln any event, you have to turn off the gravity machine's switch without a moment's delay.

T- that's easy for you to say Huh? Well if it isn't Kuririn! Don't startle me like that! I- isn't this dangerous, Bulma-san? If you're outside leisurely reading a book, they're going to find you.

What are you talking about? If I stay inside that cave all the time, I'll- Huh? Could that be a Dragon Ball? You got it! Native Dragon Balls are gigantic, huh? The Grand Elder was quite understanding.

Oh, right, right! Bulma-san, is Gohan inside the house? I'd like to take him to the Grand Elder's place, too.

He went to go find another Dragon Ball.

Huh? It showed up on the Radar.

Remember, near that village that Vegeta att*cked? Huh? Really? A Ki! It's heading this way! It's right next to us! It's Gohan-kun.

That was fast, huh? N- no, it's not Gohan! V- Vegeta! Oh, crap! I was so ecstatic over becoming stronger that I didn't notice his Ki! This is an unexpected place to run into you, huh, Earthling? I didn't think you guys had the civilization it took to make it all the way to this planet.

Looking at that Dragon Ball that you're so carefully holding onto, it appears our goals are the same.

Listen, before I take that Dragon Ball from you, there's something that I have to do.

But you'd better not get any funny ideas, like running away with that thing.

It won't be just you- that woman will end up dying as well.

He's here.

W- who is that? Judging by his face, I wonder if he isn't a champion of justice T- this is the worst Once again, a battle to the death was about to begin.

What fate will Kuririn and the others meet? And what about Goku?
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